More gods ?

Mythbuster said:
If there is someone controlling him, it implies that there is a being far more supreme than God.
There is only one God. God is eternal, if we had an eternal amount of eternal Gods then, well, I guess you can see the dilemma. God is that supreme God that you thought was the one over Him, but there is no one over Him. One God, one Truth. Why would God need another god? He has the angels, that do tasks for Him. Every human with his purpouse. You too. What would God be if not God, only one.

Jesus looks at God and does what He does.
"All Gods are imaginary, mythological beings."

Monotheists are atheists too, they simply believe in One more God than I do.
(Q) said:





Your argument would work, except your confusing transfinite numbers for the absolutly infinite, Omega.

Have you ever studied Infinity? It really is fasinating. There is an infinite hierarchy of infinites. There is not simply, the finite and the infinite. Rather, there is the finite, the transfinite and the infinite. Not only that, there are countably infinite sets, and uncountably infinite sets. The natural numbers, are countably infinite, whereas the real numbers are uncountably infinite.

The God of the Philosophers, is thought of as being absolutly infinite. Hence, he would embody ALL the transfinite numbers. Thus, you would not be able to take on Infinity + 1, like you can do with the transfinite numbers.
Bob the Unbeliever said:

You are a very smart person. Are you an unbeliever of religion? A real God would love all creation and would be in contact with every soul without imposing one condition to be loved. God would just love everyone with unconditional love and be their teacher and friend. I wish we could become that ideal image of God and love everyone unconditionally. Then we would be able to transform the world into some sort of heaven on earth.
The biggest problem with that reply is that there really isn't any supernatural shield that can protect us from harm. If something bad happens to us then we will suffer. Besides, Christians get sick and die just like everyone else. We are only vunerable humans while we are living inside of physical bodies. It's good to know that we live in a world where the majority of its people are good people who obey the laws and who try to do the right thing.
Mythbuster said:
Jesus = J
God = G
Omniscient = O
Negation = ~
A. 1)
P1- G is O
P2- ~(J is O)
C1- ~(J is G)
If (antecedent), then (consequent) = >
The Christian god exists = E
A. 2)
P1- E>(J is G)
P2 (C1)- ~(J is G)
C2- ~E

Christian god does not exist
Aren't you just trying to say (not very well because you have to show P2, and that is as unknown as P1), that if God exists, and jesus is God, and jesus is also not God then God doesn't exist?
Interesting theory as it definitely relates to theologians and the somewhat incomprehensible statement that jesus is God but is not all of God.

my arm=A
my self=S
P1. A is S
P2. ~(A is S)
C1. S is ~S ????

here's one for you-

these little formulae=F
these threads=T

P1. T-F= :)
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Mr Fide said:
I wish we could become that ideal image of God and love everyone unconditionally. Then we would be able to transform the world into some sort of heaven on earth.
Me too, and I think so too.
Mr Fide said:
You are a very smart person. Are you an unbeliever of religion? A real God would love all creation and would be in contact with every soul without imposing one condition to be loved. God would just love everyone with unconditional love and be their teacher and friend. I wish we could become that ideal image of God and love everyone unconditionally. Then we would be able to transform the world into some sort of heaven on earth.

Or, simply deep-six the whole concept of gods and transform the world ourselves.

Unfortunately, theists would never allow that.
Mythbuster said:
The God of the Philosophers, is thought of as being absolutly infinite. Hence, he would embody ALL the transfinite numbers. Thus, you would not be able to take on Infinity + 1, like you can do with the transfinite numbers.

Good catch there. It should be:

(Q) said:
Or, simply deep-six the whole concept of gods and transform the world ourselves.

Unfortunately, theists would never allow that.

Yes, you are right. Religious believers outnumber unbelievers 9 to 1 worldwide. Christian believers, especially, will never be satisfied until all unbelievers are converted into Christians. But, Christians only appear to be good people. In fact, they are only the biggest threat to the world. Christian fanatics will never worry if the world falls apart and goes to hell. Since they figure that it is all part of god's plan then so what if things get worse and all hell breaks loose. Why should they care? They think that Jesus has already saved them and that he will be returning for them soon. So they will wish us well. Besides, they think that once Jesus returns that there will be a new heaven and a new earth, anyway. Apparently, that makes this old planet disposable to them. We are in for a long scary ride and there is nothing we can do about it.
Mr Fide said:
Yes, you are right. Religious believers outnumber unbelievers 9 to 1 worldwide.

We are in for a long scary ride and there is nothing we can do about it.

I find great relief in knowing that the numbers, not long ago, were ALL in favor of believers, but are now 9 to 1. Soon they'll be 8 to 2, 7 to 3, and so on...

Members of this very forum have stopped believing, simply from hangin out here. I don't ever remember reading a post in which someone started believing as a result of this forum.

I think we are doing something about it.
(Q) said:
I find great relief in knowing that the numbers, not long ago, were ALL in favor of believers, but are now 9 to 1. Soon they'll be 8 to 2, 7 to 3, and so on...

Members of this very forum have stopped believing, simply from hangin out here. I don't ever remember reading a post in which someone started believing as a result of this forum.

I think we are doing something about it.
irony....? you BELIEVE in materialistic positivist science...
(Q) said:
Or, simply deep-six the whole concept of gods and transform the world ourselves.

Unfortunately, theists would never allow that.

M*W: We need to be rid of the theists.
As a theist and a christian, albeit a very liberal one, I would be fine if the social structures of the world basically lost the concept of God and everybody was able to love each other unconditionally, but I am sure that would not happen, because - hello, wake up, religion is not the cause of ALL of our problems - People could have their own personal religion if they wish, and that is how it should be anyway. If you think that spiritual belief would have to be eradicated to achieve this goal, you are irrational.
Answer this question - Can a buddhist or christian not be a peaceful, loving person?

We are obviously a very special (read f*d up) type of animal. I mean, a dog might be greedy about its hambone, but I don't think a dog would ever purposefully try to keep you from having one just to spite you, if he already had one, like some humans (religious or non-religious) do.
It will take something other than erasing religion to accomplish humans loving each other.
(Q) said:
I find great relief in knowing that the numbers, not long ago, were ALL in favor of believers, but are now 9 to 1. Soon they'll be 8 to 2, 7 to 3, and so on...

Members of this very forum have stopped believing, simply from hangin out here. I don't ever remember reading a post in which someone started believing as a result of this forum.

I think we are doing something about it.

As outcasts of religious society we have no power. The majority rules and they are all sitting in the driver's seat and we are riding in the trunk. Hang on tight because it's going to be a bumpy ride.
(Q) said:
I find great relief in knowing that the numbers, not long ago, were ALL in favor of believers, but are now 9 to 1. Soon they'll be 8 to 2, 7 to 3, and so on...
The ironic and sad thing is that the atheists think the theist is the problem when I say 5 to 5 would be a good ratio and YOU say the ratio must be 0 to 10.
cole grey said:
If you think that spiritual belief would have to be eradicated to achieve this goal, you are irrational.
Answer this question - Can a buddhist or christian not be a peaceful, loving person?

Believers and unbelievers have been getting along for thousands of years. The problem is that religious believers are ignorant fools who believe in fictional holy books and use most of their time and energy by focusing on religion instead of on more important matters. Whether or not we are are spiritual beings of love doesn't matter because we are now living inside of physical bodies and we either don't know or else we can't remember anything about it. But, I do know is that I'm living inside of a crazy world right now. Plus, most of the bombings and killings in the Middle East are being done by radical Muslim insurgents not by ordinary unbelievers. I will say this much. Religious holy wars have a better chance of causing a real global armaggedon than any other problem facing the world right now except for maybe severe climate and weather changes.
cole grey: As a theist and a christian, albeit a very liberal one, I would be fine if the social structures of the world basically lost the concept of God and everybody was able to love each other unconditionally, but I am sure that would not happen, because - hello, wake up, religion is not the cause of ALL of our problems - People could have their own personal religion if they wish, and that is how it should be anyway. If you think that spiritual belief would have to be eradicated to achieve this goal, you are irrational.
Answer this question - Can a buddhist or christian not be a peaceful, loving person?

M*W: I didn't say "eradicate spirituality," I said, "We need to be rid of the theists." How many "theists" do you know who are "spiritual?" Religion and spirituality are not synonymous. Religion divides, spirituality unites. Religion plays a major role in human segregation. Spirituality shows us we are a small part of the whole. Uniting One with the Whole is the main spiritual endeavor. Even atheists are empowered by this concept.

Sure, anyone can be a non-peaceful, non-loving person. That has more to do with the lack of spirituality than religion. How much blood has been shed because of religion? How much blood has been shed because of spirituality?

cole grey: We are obviously a very special (read f*d up) type of animal. I mean, a dog might be greedy about its hambone, but I don't think a dog would ever purposefully try to keep you from having one just to spite you, if he already had one, like some humans (religious or non-religious) do.
It will take something other than erasing religion to accomplish humans loving each other.

M*W: I disagree, of course. Just look at the separation found on the (Religion) forum! Nowhere do I read that the theists are trying to unite with the rest of us. They continue to profess their independence and holy righteousness as a people set apart. This is the problem as I see it. This is why I believe we need to rid ourselves of theists. By this, I don't mean to cut their throats and throw them in a ditch. I mean to re-educate and empower them as an integral part of humanity instead of watching them chase after a god that doesn't exist.
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