Morality and atheism....

So if two soldiers are fighting and one kills the other, who is wrong?
This is not a moral question. Once you put two people in the position of kill-or-be-killed (as in battle) it's simply a pragmatic matter of survival.

The morality (or lack) of it exists at the level of those who initiated the conflict.
So if two soldiers are fighting and one kills the other, who is wrong?

All are wrong, the moment you go to war, you know you are going to kill other people. Why would you go and kill others? to prevent them from killing you? that is what I call paranoia and fear of death.
This is not a moral question. Once you put two people in the position of kill-or-be-killed (as in battle) it's simply a pragmatic matter of survival.

The morality (or lack) of it exists at the level of those who initiated the conflict.

All are wrong, the moment you go to war, you know you are going to kill other people. Why would you go and kill others? to prevent them from killing you? that is what I call paranoia and fear of death.

Then do you believe all nations should abolish their armed forces?
So what makes war and genocide so rampant
Tribalism (nationalism/religion) and a lack of a view of the entire human race as fellow travelers on a little rock.

And given the overall population, war and genocide involve a very tiny slice of the people so there's nothing rampant, statistically speaking, about either of those.
Tribalism (nationalism/religion) and a lack of a view of the entire human race as fellow travelers on a little rock.

And given the overall population, war and genocide involve a very tiny slice of the people so there's nothing rampant, statistically speaking, about either of those.

That would depend on how you define rampant, can you find a single society with no violence?
All are wrong, the moment you go to war, you know you are going to kill other people. Why would you go and kill others? to prevent them from killing you? that is what I call paranoia and fear of death.

Or you may go to war to defend your loved ones, to aid a friendly nation, to free someone from oppression.
There are probably as many reasons for war as there are wars.
Irrelevant. I'm defining things in terms of individuals, not societies.

In that case what do you think of this?

The legal and philosophic aspects of obedience are of enormous importance, but they say very little about how most people behave in concrete situations. I set up a simple experiment at Yale University to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority was pitted against the subjects' [participants'] strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects' [participants'] ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not. The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation.

Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority
yes I do, from the bottom of my heart

So what is to be done in the case where another nation is forcefully fighting you , not accepting peace treaties, etc....and only willing to fight you....what do you do? Do you send soldiers to fight, or give up and be consumed by the other nation?
Or you may go to war to defend your loved ones, to aid a friendly nation, to free someone from oppression.
There are probably as many reasons for war as there are wars.

but you can´t fight hatred with hatred. If the USA would have forgiven the 911 incident, then you would have been the bigger nation, and nothing else would have happened to you.

but you keep fighting hatred with hatred, and that is an ignorant proposition.
Hatred+hatred = more hatred.

And this is a vicious cycle, since the beggining of history, people trying to fight hatred with hatred. And the only ones that have succeeded are the ones who forgive and accept, without fear of death.

I believe we can reach this, if not in this generation, in another, but sometime... because mankind will start seeing the reality of this nonsense, and learn from past mistakes.

Maybe a world ruled by women, that will do it. They have more love and less rationality, the opposite of men.
but you can´t fight hatred with hatred. If the USA would have forgiven the 911 incident, then you would have been the bigger nation, and nothing else would have happened to you.

but you keep fighting hatred with hatred, and that is an ignorant proposition.
Hatred+hatred = more hatred.

And this is a vicious cycle, since the beggining of history, people trying to fight hatred with hatred. And the only ones that have succeeded are the ones who forgive and accept, without fear of death.

I believe we can reach this, if not in this generation, in another, but sometime... because mankind will start seeing the reality of this nonsense, and learn from past mistakes.

Maybe a world ruled by women, that will do it. They have more love and less rationality, the opposite of men.

Women can also be more cruel than men.
So what is to be done in the case where another nation is forcefully fighting you , not accepting peace treaties, etc....and only willing to fight you....what do you do? Do you send soldiers to fight, or give up and be consumed by the other nation?

are nations really necessary?
Women can also be more cruel than men.

Yeah, women really can be just as or more cruel than men...its a shame that our own Greco-Roman society paints women as being victims, helpless, etc...when in reality they're basically the same as men in almost every aspect....
are nations really necessary?

What does this mean? I think nations are necessary...what would you do? Would you defend your country or allow it to be attacked and innocent people to die helplessly? The fact is that in many cases, not fighting is worse than fighting....

Do you think someone should've stopped Hitler and Stalin from killing, or should they have stood back and said "not fighting is better"