Morality and atheism....

But yes, most of morality is about what we have being told is good or bad. Not what we really think, but what society have made us think.
Not really, by excecuting people, all you are doing is expanding your hatred towards the world. There is no love involved, only hate, it is an act of hatred.
By doing this you will only generate acts of hatred towards you, thats what I mean with cause an effect.
If what you say is right, Hitler was in the right path. But the hatred of the world turned to Hitler after all didn´t it?
There is no way people are going to respond to you with love after you generated so much hatred, al the hurt families, all the widows, and orphans, and hate, only hate, will only generate hate towards you.

Would anyone like that? The whole world´s hatred directed towards you?

"Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

See again you are assigning values to actions.

What if I feel no hatred but I merely want to kill everyone because it will make resources more available for the remaining?
Yeah, or it wrong to kill MILLIONS in this way? In my opinion it is, because I know the truth of karma...

But why would you have to kill millions if they want to die? they would do suicide, and what they get is another chance to get it right. I don´t understand how you need to kill millions that want to die. If they really want to die they would do it themselves. So for me yeah, "they want to die so I killed them" is a lame excuse.

About euthanasia, well, maybe is not wrong if the person is in extreme pain and wants to die more than anything, I guess is ok. I personally would have a hard time figuring it out, I don´t know, it depends on the situation.

But about karma, I´m in the same page as you are, if a person kills millions like Hitler, death is nothing, he will surely have a hard time paying for that in cyclic existence.
See again you are assigning values to actions.

What if I feel no hatred but I merely want to kill everyone because it will make resources more available for the remaining?

Then you will be a cold hearted bastard, and that is the attitude you would get in response, only people acting like cold hearted bastards around you. I hardly see that as Utopia.
But why would you have to kill millions if they want to die? they would do suicide, and what they get is another chance to get it right. I don´t understand how you need to kill millions that want to die. If they really want to die they would do it themselves. So for me yeah, "they want to die so I killed them" is a lame excuse.

About euthanasia, well, maybe is not wrong if the person is in extreme pain and wants to die more than anything, I guess is ok. I personally would have a hard time figuring it out, I don´t know, it depends on the situation.

But about karma, I´m in the same page as you are, if a person kills millions like Hitler, death is nothing, he will surely have a hard time paying for that in cyclic existence.
Well, what about people who want to die but don't have the balls do it themselves? There are millions like this, what's wrong with killing them out?
Then you will be a cold hearted bastard, and that is the attitude you would get in response, only people acting like cold hearted bastards around you. I hardly see that as Utopia.

Again you are assigning a value. Why would I be cold hearted?
Not really; most morality is about context.

What do you mean?

What's the difference between the act of intentionally killing innocent people and the killing of innocent people? The two are certainly connected...whats the context have to do with it?
Again you are assigning a value. Why would I be cold hearted?

Because you won´t feel other people´s feelings, you wouldn´t have what is called empathy, the most basic of human emotions. You don´t see other people suffering, you wouldn´t care about that, you would show no bit of empathy. without empathy, we would all be phsycotic killers. That is what I call a cold hearted bastard, a person without empathy.

Empathy is the feeling we have in order to understand other people´s expressions, if a person is feeling pain, we notice it, and we act upon that. To person with no empathy, an expression of pain and a smile are exactly the same. There it is, a cold hearted bastard.
Because you won´t feel other people´s feelings, you wouldn´t have what is called empathy, the most basic of human emotions. You don´t see other people suffering, you wouldn´t care about that, you would show no bit of empathy. without empathy, we would all be phsycotic killers. That is what I call a cold hearted bastard, a person without empathy.

Empathy is the feeling we have in order to understand other people´s expressions, if a person is feeling pain, we notice it, and we act upon that. To person with no empathy, an expression of pain and a smile are exactly the same. There it is, a cold hearted bastard.

Why should anyone feel good or bad about it?
What do you mean?

What's the difference between the act of intentionally killing innocent people and the killing of innocent people? The two are certainly connected...whats the context have to do with it?

The context is important; a murderer kills one person and goes to prison for life. A soldier kills hundreds and is lauded and appreciated.

So, is killing people wrong?
Why should anyone feel good or bad about it?

About what? about empathy?

Because that is the way a newborn child communicates with his mother. People without empathy are the people who were mistreated by their mothers or "caregivers". For example, a child whos mother hit him to stop crying because he was hungry learns this. So in school, the kid would see another kid crying and he would go and hit him. Because he can´t relate, he feels no empahy. He would get mad at the other child that is crying and go and hit him.
Is this good for you? mothers that abuse their childs when they are hungry? this is basic nature.
About what? about empathy?

Because that is the way a newborn child communicates with his mother. People without empathy are the people who were mistreated by their mothers or "caregivers". For example, a child whos mother hit him to stop crying because he was hungry learns this. So in school, the kid would see another kid crying and he would go and hit him. Because he can´t relate, he feels no empahy. He would get mad at the other child that is crying and go and hit him.
Is this good for you? mothers that abuse their childs when they are hungry? this is basic nature.

About living or dying, it is a fact of life; everyone will eventually die.:shrug:
The context is important; a murderer kills one person and goes to prison for life. A soldier kills hundreds and is lauded and appreciated.

So, is killing people wrong?
Well yeah, if they're innocent, ofcourse if a soldier kills innocent people they're equally wrong, however if a soldier kills other opposing soldiers (who wouldn't be innocent people), then its completely different......
Well yeah, if they're innocent, ofcourse if a soldier kills innocent people they're equally wrong, however if a soldier kills other opposing soldiers (who wouldn't be innocent people), then its completely different......

So if two soldiers are fighting and one kills the other, who is wrong?
Hi everyone.

Don't have time to wade through six pages of posts but here's my opinion anyway.

Religion imposes an additional, mostly arbitrary (and irrational) set of meta-morals on top of those already inherent in humans (and many other animals). For example, not killing your own kind on a whim is inherent because individuals that practiced that kind of behavior were mostly killed of thus leaving fewer offspring and therefore leaving that behavior to fade from the gene pool. Not eating cheese popcorn on fridays or covering the sin of nakedness are arbitrary imposed morals designed to reenforce the power and the hold of the particular religion.

Therefore, atheists, who posess all of the normal inherent morals that allow social groups to function well simply eschew the baggage of those irrational arbitrary "morals".

Anyone who thinks that you need a god fantasy to make you a responsible, caring, relatively normal adult is ignoring the facts of evolution and demographics (there are millions of nice atheists in the world).
Hi everyone.

Don't have time to wade through six pages of posts but here's my opinion anyway.

Religion imposes an additional, mostly arbitrary (and irrational) set of meta-morals on top of those already inherent in humans (and many other animals). For example, not killing your own kind on a whim is inherent because individuals that practiced that kind of behavior were mostly killed of thus leaving fewer offspring and therefore leaving that behavior to fade from the gene pool. Not eating cheese popcorn on fridays or covering the sin of nakedness are arbitrary imposed morals designed to reenforce the power and the hold of the particular religion.

Therefore, atheists, who posess all of the normal inherent morals that allow social groups to function well simply eschew the baggage of those irrational arbitrary "morals".

Anyone who thinks that you need a god fantasy to make you a responsible, caring, relatively normal adult is ignoring the facts of evolution and demographics (there are millions of nice atheists in the world).

So what makes war and genocide so rampant? Why is murder such a common phenomenon?