Moral Poverty

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spidergoat said:
I think "general welfare" applies to any general area where the shit is going down.

Well, I think ye're wrong. I think the term "general welfare" means just exactly what it says .......general, as in for the entire nation as a whole and NOT just for one shitty little area that might have a little storm!

spidergoat said:
"Insure domestic tranquility" is another phrase which applies here.

Again, I have to disagree. If New Orleans was having some difficulty, but the rest of the entire nation was "domestically tranquil", you think that the feds should leap into action to "insure domestic tranquility" for that one lousy little, tiny place? ...evne while all of the remainder of the nation was tranquil?

No, ye're wrong again. And history of our government shows that clearly ...single areas of the nation often did not have "domestic tranquility" and the feds didn't rush in to fuck it all up even worse!

spidergoat said:
...what about the preamble? Doesn't it imply that the government's mandate is more broad than you always describe?

No, I don't think so. And the history of how our govenment operated for the first fifty or so years is a pretty good example of the general thinking. And at that time, the feds didn't jump into other people's lives like they do now.

Baron Max
Now you're just playing semantics, because you lost the argument. If you are a manager of some department, assigned with keeping general operations going smoothly, do you think you can wait until the whole system breaks down before you do something? Do you think a general in the army doesn't respond to localized problems?

WASHINGTON December 9, 2005 -- Oil and natural gas production in the Gulf Coast area probably will not recover from this year's hurricanes until next summer, Energy Secretary Sam Bodman said Thursday, urging conservation as the cost to heat homes is expected to soar this winter.

"The infrastructure of our country took a real blow with Hurricanes Rita and Katrina," Bodman told reporters outside the White House.

"Even to this day, we have about a third of the natural gas and a third of the oil that is produced in the Gulf of Mexico still shut in due to the damage that was done," he said. "That's not going to be back up and online, my guess is, until summertime."

If that's not a national problem, I don't know what is.
spidergoat said:
Now you're just playing semantics, because you lost the argument.

Spider, I don't do these posts/responses to win or lose arguments, but to learn things! And if I can't ask questions that are on my mind, how can I learn? ...or would you suggest that I simply believe everything that I'm told?

spidergoat said:
If that's not a national problem, I don't know what is.

Oh, I agree that that has and will cause some problems in the entire nation, but that's not the issue, is it? Sure, there are problems, but why is it the responsiblity of the FEDERAL government to supply us with gas and oil?? See? I don't get that idea!? Is the government the owners of the oil and gas industry in the USA? Is the government providing all the oil and gas?

And if that's the case with oil and gas, why isn't it the same case with food, water, wood, hammers, nails, clothing, cloth, shoes, leather, cars, plastics, computers, ...........? If they control/provide all the oil and gas, why do they not control all those other things, too?

I just don't like, and don't think, that the federal govenment is actually and truly responsible for those things in our basic free enterprise system. Yes, I know that we've come to expect the gov to take care of us, but is that all it is ...our expectations? And that drives the government to try to take care of us all?

If I need a good blowjob, should I call my local government officials or the federal government officials??? Where does it end? :)

Baron Max
Well, the government sure as hell started a war for oil. Your so-called free enterprise system has NEVER been free, but rather regulated by government with such devices as tariffs and trade agreements, taxes, corporate regulation and such. The feds sure do have oversight about basic industries like nails and wood.
spidergoat said:
Well, the government sure as hell started a war for oil.

C'mon, Spider, that's nothing but an unfounded, unproven allegation and, worse, a slanderous comment that has little or no place here in this thread.

spidergoat said:
Your so-called free enterprise system has NEVER been free, but rather regulated by government ...

No, not always! And you know that for a fact, yet you posted that accusation and/or unfounded allegation as if it were a fact. Please ...control your emotions a bit better, and this thread might stand a chance of meaning something.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
C'mon, Spider, that's nothing but an unfounded, unproven allegation and, worse, a slanderous comment that has little or no place here in this thread.
Bullshit. I'm so done with both of you disingenuous mental midgets.
spidergoat said:
Asshole, you assume that everyone can just gas up the car and go stay at a hotel or something.

The people of New Orleans were given a FREE ride out of the city with buses.

They all had the chance to get out because the city offered them free transportation out of the city.

The people that didnt get out had the chance too, but they failed to take that decision, which obviously cost them in the end.
spidergoat said:
Bullshit. I'm so done with both of you disingenuous mental midgets.

Does that mean that you don't like us anymore because we don't agree with you point of view? Should we all just agree with you from now on so you'll be happy and content? Would that be better for you?

Baron Max
What you and everyone else here should do is stop grouping some blacks with all blacks?! Same thing for whites. Not all whites are asshole jerks like you and jew boy. And no, it's not because I don't agree with what you and IT's the way you're grouping all blacks in general. There are alot of really mean american blacks as there are also alot of really mean and disgusting american whites (other) people. The only true important thing here-IMO- is LOVE vs HATE, PEACE vs WAR etc..... There are other majorly serious issues in the USA and the world for that matter besides what blacks are supposedly doing..... And who they're supposedly doing it to. I am really ashamed of you, JB and this country right now. And please don't tell me to go back to :bugeye: Africa...that's really getting old! Such as yourself and JB.
ReighnStorm said:
What you and everyone else here should do is stop grouping some blacks with all blacks?!

Why? What if we want to do that? Why should we stop ...because you say so? If some people want to be racist, so what, it ain't against the law, ya' know.

ReighnStorm said:
The only true important thing here-IMO- is LOVE vs HATE, PEACE vs WAR etc.....

Well, okay, ...if you insist. Then I choose HATE and WAR, okay? Those two things have happened throughout history and it's what got us to where we are now. So it sure can't be all bad, can it?

LOVE and PEACE only work if EVERYONE does it. If there's only one person who does not do it, then the HATE and WAR are absolutely necessary. Notice that it only takes one person to fuck it all up? Whereas with HATE and WAR, anyone can do it and enjoy it ...especially against those who aspire to LOVE and PEACE!!

I don't want you to go back to Africa, Reighn. I think you should be with all of your "loving, happy, peaceful" people ...I don't think you should associate with those who don't like you. So everyone who loves you, should be close to you.

But I hold that same "right" for racists and any other segragationists ..they shouldn't be forced to deal with those that they don't like. There should be a ten-foot thick, fifty-foot high, electrified, booby-trapped wall to prevent any form of integration between them.

Would you still like to have that mint julep with me on the veranda, Reighn? :)

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
What you and everyone else here should do is stop grouping some blacks with all blacks?
There sure is no problem grouping all blacks when it come to issues like affirmitive action, discrimination or many of the thousand BLACK ONLY groups in the U.S.

The point is Reighn, I don't think all blacks behaviour is excactly the same, thats why I provide facts and stats.


Fact: Almost 70 percent of black children are born to single mothers.

That means that 30% of black children are born to married women.

Now I would like to know why this is, but if I don't somehow blame the white man for this black problem, well in your eyes I'm a "racist".
QUOTE by Baron Max
Why? What if we want to do that? Why should we stop ...because you say so? If some people want to be racist, so what, it ain't against the law, ya' know.
Why?? Because (obviously) you would be lying, cheating, stealing etc.... I know that's not what you actually want to be known as....a liar, cheat and a thief!? "If people want to be racist"??? I've never known (until you) anyone who wanted to be a racist!

by Baron Max
Then I choose HATE and WAR, okay? Those two things have happened throughout history and it's what got us to where we are now. So it sure can't be all bad, can it?
I can't believe that you grouped HATE/WAR and "So, it sure can't be all bad" :bugeye:
Baron Max
LOVE and PEACE only work if EVERYONE does it.
LOVE/PEACE & HATE/WAR can't exist without each other. The only thing meant was the side that chooses YOU!

By Baron Max
I don't want you to go back to Africa, Reighn.
Would you still like to have that mint julep with me on the veranda, Reighn?
And I don't want you to go to HELL Baron...but I'm sure that's where your headed!? :)
Sure, I"ll have a mint julep with you on the veranda....right before I push you over and off. :rolleyes:

By J. B
There sure is no problem grouping all blacks when it come to issues like affirmitive action, discrimination or many of the thousand BLACK ONLY groups in the U.S.
There is a problem with grouping all blacks when AFF. Action and discrimination is the issue. AFF Action was not meant just for Blacks... and not all blacks believe in AFF Action! Discrimination happens to all kinds of people in all walks of life. All blacks have not lived with discrimination. As I've stated times before this website. I've never been discriminated against! What BLACK ONLY groups??

By J.B
if I don't somehow blame the white man for this black problem, well in your eyes I'm a "racist".
This is an assumption by you towards me. You know what they say about people who make ASS-umptions!
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