Mom, I'm an athiest...

My mother is a christian but I never made a point to "come out of the closet" and tell her that I was an atheist. I never really labelled myself an atheist. I've just been myself and from having discussions with her over the years I can be pretty sure she knows I'm no longer a christian.
I've eased my mother into it, it started with not being interested in church at a young age and screaming at her that I don't want to go, to telling her how I feel about things that happen on the news and so on.
My lack of christian values is fairly obvious when I'm being honest about how I feel about things.
So I wish I could have talked to you years ago.
Easing them into the fact is the best way. My mother would have went nuts if I acted like a christian my whole life and then suddenly "broke the news" that I've been faking it my whole life.
It helped that I've never feared my mother or feared saying whats on my mind. She learned to accept the fact that I'm my own person a very long time ago.
right - wrong - god - sacraligius

I manage to keep the guise that i am a normal productive kid.
i plan on doing this till i move out.
but its a lot to hide. and i'm geting tired of secrets.
i would list all the things i wish i had the guts to tell them.
but i cant. it would be too long
if my family new the reall me it would simply end with tere tears, my blood, and a nice strate jacket.
i dont want those things.
im keeping it 'bottled up' for now.

then again why listen to me. I'm just another sycopath

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Originally posted by Ender
I finialy told my sister that i was an Athiest, it took almost a year, but i did.

I need help i feel soo bad, i have pretty much ripped my fam apart, i don't think they will trust me anymore. I thnk my life is abouit to go to flames....

Please any words of encouragement would be helpful.

I'm in a weird sence of saddness and regreat, regreat for telling them. I feel so alone...

Ok first of all why did you tell them? i understand if it was such a burden to keep it inside but if it wasn't then you should have kept peace with that fact inside of you. Now that you have spilled the beans obviously then i agree with Persol somewhat; just lie to your family by accepting god again....ofcourse it will only be a visage of acceptence but if it makes life easier then it should do for a while before you start to hate yourself for lying to yourself. I guess there is no real good advice in this situation other than to talk it out with your family because the longer they harbor the negative feelings against you the worse it gets.

I am guessing your parents think since you are atheist you have lost all morals, values and good judgement and that you'll probably become a hedonistic bastard.....but show them that atheism isn't a bad thing by any means and that it's just another form of acceptence albeit this acceptence is sans god. I doubt they will stop loving you as their own but it'll be rough from now on.

Good luck;)

BTW if you don't mind me asking what made you decide to not believe in the concept of god?....
BTW if you don't mind me asking what made you decide to not believe in the concept of god?....

There were a lot of reasons, that really hit it home for me. Things like free-will, and evolution were factors as well. But one of the main things was that every culture has a religon. However everyone has a different god. Greeks had the Zues things, but nowadays people regard that as a fairytale.

It wuold take a long time to explain exactly why, but i sdon't have the time now. Maybe somday i will formalise an essay on why i'm an Athiest!
Ender says:

"There were a lot of reasons, that really hit it home for me. Things like free-will, and evolution were factors as well."
--The former sounds pretty metaphysical and philosophical, but the latter? Evolutionary theory makes no implication about the existance or control of the supernatural.

"But one of the main things was that every culture has a religon. However everyone has a different god. Greeks had the Zues things, but nowadays people regard that as a fairytale."
--So.. what about atheism? Why Atheism over say, agnosticism? Personally, I'm a theist, but as to the mechanics and evolutionary development of the earth, life, and the cosmos--I'm a bit of an agnostic there.

--What is it that you have found which is directly and unequivocally indicative for atheism?

-Chris Grose
Geoscience Editor
Organization for Young Scientists Inquiry
well do you want a good solution? start believing. this time seek god as much as you can and you will find him, as jesus said "seek and you shall find, knock and you will be answeared" if you used to believe, your faith wasnt strong enough and thats why you dont believe. (that happend to me once) but, when i was cruising channel's one day and i saw some religious one, they were saying a prayer to those people who have strayed away from their faith, and said that atleast ONE person will come back. i guess they were right. "read mathew 22 whole chapter and mathew 16 1-5
Originally posted by edgar
well do you want a good solution? start believing. this time seek god as much as you can and you will find him, as jesus said "seek and you shall find, knock and you will be answeared" if you used to believe, your faith wasnt strong enough and thats why you dont believe. (that happend to me once) but, when i was cruising channel's one day and i saw some religious one, they were saying a prayer to those people who have strayed away from their faith, and said that atleast ONE person will come back. i guess they were right. "read mathew 22 whole chapter and mathew 16 1-5

I have never in my life seen a person who is so determined to make someone believe in his way or else kindda deal. Edgar, if you are so sure that you are saved, shouldn't you be partying and having fun and who cares about the rest of annoying people...You are saved already, start planning your castle decorations in paradise and shit....why are you trying to pull more strangers to your hell...I mean heaven?
What is it that you have found which is directly and unequivocally indicative for atheism?
Agnosticism and atheism most often overlap each other. Most agnostics are also atheists in that they lack a positive belief in God. Most atheists are also agnostics in that they don't claim to know for certain that God does not exist.

I suppose it is a matter of personal preference regarding whether you wish to define yourself in terms of what you don't know or what you don't believe. Since you can't really know anything for certain, I personally choose to define myself in terms of what I believe (or in this case, what I don't believe). Therefore I describe myself as an atheist.

well do you want a good solution? start believing.
That is one of the stupidest things I've read in my time here in this forum.
Yeah Edgar, I'm sorry to rag on you but you take the cake when it comes to delusion. I hope that you do better on future posts because so far you are sounding like a unintelligent, confused youth.

I kind of understand what your going through. This Easter me and my girlfriend(Christain) were in her living room (she knows im atheist) and we talked about dying for some reason. She started crying on me, saying things like "when you die, I'll never see you ever again!" It broke my heart, and made me want to believe in an afterlife. Its really hard. Afterlife would be wonderful....but unlike movies, everything doesnt have a happy ending. I feel so bad for her. If she beleives, thats fine.....but I put myself in her position: What if there was such a thing, and SHE wouldnt be there? It made me so upset.

But what is Heaven without the person you love? Would she truly be happy in this "paradise" without me? I wouldnt want to live without her...and Im finding it hard to right now.

I wish it were all true, beleive me. But like every culture, there are gods of magic powers.....and what makes this book (one of millions) true?

Re: Atheism

Originally posted by ZeRo X
But what is Heaven without the person you love?
You should make this life your heaven, because it's in all probability the only one you will have.
Re: Re: Re: Atheism

Originally posted by TrueCreation
How do you figure?
Absolutely no evidence to suggest that we can experience anything after death. Since experience is stored in the brain, and all brain activity stops after you die, it is reasonable to presume that you can no longer experience anything after death. Sure, you can't prove that there isn't an afterlife, but why waste your life focusing on something that, for all we know, doesn't even exist?
Originally posted by edgar
well do you want a good solution? start believing. this time seek god as much as you can and you will find him, as jesus said "seek and you shall find, knock and you will be answeared" if you used to believe, your faith wasnt strong enough and thats why you dont believe. (that happend to me once) but, when i was cruising channel's one day and i saw some religious one, they were saying a prayer to those people who have strayed away from their faith, and said that atleast ONE person will come back. i guess they were right. "read mathew 22 whole chapter and mathew 16 1-5
--If this was an attempt at answering my last post to edgar--your reply carries very poor logic.

-Chris Grose
Geoscience Editor
Organization for Young Scientists Inquiry
Re: Re: Re: Re: Atheism

Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
Absolutely no evidence to suggest that we can experience anything after death.
--Thats nice, but that doesn't substantiate any confident assertion that "it's in all probability the only one you will have".

Since experience is stored in the brain, and all brain activity stops after you die, it is reasonable to presume that you can no longer experience anything after death.
--But by definition the afterlife would be supernatural--why would you make such a presumption by noting the capacity of any physical entity (ie, the brain)?

Sure, you can't prove that there isn't an afterlife, but why waste your life focusing on something that, for all we know, doesn't even exist? [/B]
--I dunno, what kind of personal research have you done to come to such a conclusion(that he probably doesn't exist--this assertion is unfoundable by the means of positive evidence but should have been deduced[and be substantiated] by taking into account negative evidence[ie, evidence against the notion]).

-Chris Grose
Geoscience Editor
Organization for Young Scientists Inquiry
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Atheism

Originally posted by TrueCreation
Thats nice, but that doesn't substantiate any confident assertion that "it's in all probability the only one you will have".
It substantiates such an assertion just as much as does the assertion that there are no such things as unicorns. There is no evidence to indicate that there is an afterlife, just as there is an equally low amount of evidence to suggest the existence of unicorns.

But by definition the afterlife would be supernatural--why would you make such a presumption by noting the capacity of any physical entity (ie, the brain)?
No evidence that anything supernatural exists either. You are using an unproven concept to give credibility to another unproven concept.

I dunno, what kind of personal research have you done to come to such a conclusion(that he probably doesn't exist--this assertion is unfoundable by the means of positive evidence but should have been deduced[and be substantiated] by taking into account negative evidence[ie, evidence against the notion]).
No one can say for sure if there is life after death. The only personal research I have in mind is dying, and I don't plan to undertake such an experiment for a long time. Unfortunately, I will also be unable to share the results of my experiment with anyone here. ;)
It substantiates such an assertion just as much as does the assertion that there are no such things as unicorns. There is no evidence to indicate that there is an afterlife, just as there is an equally low amount of evidence to suggest the existence of unicorns.
--Yes and no. It is somewhat true that you have substantiated it juast as much as "does the assertion that there are no such things as unicorns." but then again, you still havent substantiated that they don't exist, God, the afterlife, let alone unicorns.

"No evidence that anything supernatural exists either. You are using an unproven concept to give credibility to another unproven concept."
--No, that isn't what I am saying. What I am saying is that you have made an assertion which falls along the line of "No evidence that anything supernatural exists either" <i>therefore, it doesn't exist</i>. Even inserting the word 'probably' tips the balance, but there can be nothing to tip that balance--at least directly.

"No one can say for sure if there is life after death. The only personal research I have in mind is dying, and I don't plan to undertake such an experiment for a long time. Unfortunately, I will also be unable to share the results of my experiment with anyone here."
--So what is it for you? Agnosticism, or atheism? We have just made considerable substantiation that the latter is insuperior to the former.

-Chris Grose
Geoscience Editor
Organization for Young Scientists Inquiry
just to tell you james, god is merciful BUT he is kind of like a fair judge. he tells you how to get into the kingdom of heaven through the prophets, jesus, and bible. He gives laws, and says if we obey them we will enter the kingdom of heaven. he even tells us what will happend if we DONt believe in him etc, etc. if he was a tyrant, then he would just throw peopel down to hell even though they obeyed his commandments
Originally posted by TrueCreation
Yes and no. It is somewhat true that you have substantiated it juast as much as "does the assertion that there are no such things as unicorns." but then again, you still havent substantiated that they don't exist, God, the afterlife, let alone unicorns.
You're right. I haven't proven that these things don't exist, nor can I. However, I have explained why I don't believe that they do exist.

What I am saying is that you have made an assertion which falls along the line of "No evidence that anything supernatural exists either" <i>therefore, it doesn't exist</i>. Even inserting the word 'probably' tips the balance, but there can be nothing to tip that balance--at least directly.
I never said "therefore it doesn't exist". I cannot state for certain that something does not exist. I am simply justifying my disbelief in such things. My insertion of the word "probably" is indicative of my belief, or disbelief in this case. When one says that unicorns probably don't exist, it doesn't change whether they do exist or not. The 'probably' refers to the asserting person's level of certainty. We are talking about belief, not reality.

So what is it for you? Agnosticism, or atheism? We have just made considerable substantiation that the latter is insuperior to the former.
Both actually. I don't claim to know whether a deity or an afterlife exists; this makes me an agnostic. I don't believe that a deity (or an afterlife) exists; this makes me an atheist. Neither one is superior. They are simply words that deal with different realms of thought: knowledge and belief. As I stated above:

Agnosticism and atheism most often overlap each other. Most agnostics are also atheists in that they lack a positive belief in God. Most atheists are also agnostics in that they don't claim to know for certain that God does not exist.

I suppose it is a matter of personal preference regarding whether you wish to define yourself in terms of what you don't know or what you don't believe. Since you can't really know anything for certain, I personally choose to define myself in terms of what I believe (or in this case, what I don't believe). Therefore I describe myself as an atheist.