Mom Beats Up sex-Offender

I'm more inclined to believe a Mom with no criminal history than a rapist.

The Mom who has already been caught out lying once? She initially claimed that he had molested her child, then she backpeddled and claimed that he had tried to offer her kid fireworks a year ago. Yeah, sure, whatever.

And why does his criminal record matter? You've just demonstrated exactly why criminal registries are a bunch of bullshit. It's impossible for the population to behave in an unprejudiced and fair manner when they learn that someone is an ex-con.

On June 19, Gibson went to the house in the trailer park looking for Baldwin. When he walked outside, Gibson accused him of molesting her children. She hit him repeatedly and allegedly injured his arm. But here's the twist: Gibson later told police he had not molested her daughter, Renee Maria Perez, saying instead that she recognized Baldwin from the flier as the man who had chatted up Renee last summer.
No, she changed her story for them. So at least one of the statements she made was a lie. I guess she could have been in error, but that just works in my favour, as it portrays her as an unreliable hothead who can't get her facts straight.
By the way, it's nice to know that if a female sex offender moves in next door to me, I can belt the shit out of her with a metal bat and have the implicit support of several members on this forum.
I believe her because she has no criminal record and he does.
this only proves she's intelligent.
as far as crime goes i would trust the unintelligent far more than i would the intelligent for the simple reason they are easier to catch.
By the way, it's nice to know that if a female sex offender moves in next door to me, I can belt the shit out of her with a metal bat and have the implicit support of several members on this forum.

I think Orleander might have a paternal instinct. I wonder what Lucifer's Angel would have thought of this.

Look, I can sympathise with the need to protect her children. But she could protect them in other ways.

What she did was despicable, wrong, and totally cold blooded. No matter what a person has done, as long as they haven't done anything harmful to you or anyone else. (and not gotten caught, he served his damn time), You have no right to just show up on their doorstep and beat them to a pulp.
By the way, it's nice to know that if a female sex offender moves in next door to me, I can belt the shit out of her with a metal bat and have the implicit support of several members on this forum.

:mad: hell no you can't. And who on this forum would support that? You beter not be implying I would. Where in any of my posts have I stated that I support what she did? :mad:
I think Orleander might have a paternal instinct. I wonder what Lucifer's Angel would have thought of this.

Look, I can sympathise with the need to protect her children. But she could protect them in other ways.

What she did was despicable, wrong, and totally cold blooded. No matter what a person has done, as long as they haven't done anything harmful to you or anyone else. (and not gotten caught, he served his damn time), You have no right to just show up on their doorstep and beat them to a pulp.

agreed. I would be worried and I would have contacted the authorities. I don't know where she got the idea that she could beat someone with a basbell bat for talking to your kids.
I believe her because she has no criminal record and he does. :shrug: I believe she saw this 7'3" rapist chatting up her kids.
Why is that hard to believe?

Just all kinds of 7'3" kiddy diddlers roaming around. :rolleyes:. too bad it was a baseball bat and not a chain saw :jason:
My more animal side is yelling 'Good for her, serve the motherfucker right!'

my animal side is saying, goddamn fucked up woman, putting a man in a situation like that, she should be fucking put in her place.

How misogynist of me,

Fortunately, unlike this woman, I wouldn't give in. But then again, I've never had children. But, I'm sure I wouldn't give in. For instance, What example would I be setting for my kid ?
Just all kinds of 7'3" kiddy diddlers roaming around. :rolleyes:. too bad it was a baseball bat and not a chain saw :jason:

If the law applied to this man when he was punished, it should also apply when he needs protection. This is such a basic concept, it's absolutely mind boggling that some people refuse to grasp it.
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my animal side is saying, goddamn fucked up woman, putting a man in a situation like that, she should be fucking put in her place.

How misogynist of me,

Fortunately, unlike this woman, I wouldn't give in. But then again, I've never had children. But, I'm sure I wouldn't give in. For instance, What example would I be setting for my kid ?

Misogynist? Nope. If this sex offender was a woman I'd be equally okay with someone cracking her head open with a baseball bat.
A mother in my good ol' home-state of WA has plead no-contest to the accusation that she beat up a sex-offender, who she saw talking to her 10 year old child, with a baseball bat. A little twist on the issue is that not only did she attack him in his own home, but she also beat him up, not for molesting her children, so she says, but because she recognized him as a man she had seen "chatting up" her daughter the year before and offering her fire-works. She says that once the man moved into her neighborhood and fliers were distributed, she recognized his face and height (7"3) and went to confront him and then attacked him

Here is are links to the article:

Link to sex Offender Registry and the man attacked:

What do people think of this?

Some things to think about:

This woman broke the law and admitted it. Vigilantism is illegal.

This man is a Level 3 (High risk offender), though age and sex of his victim(s) is not listed.

RCW 9A.44.083
Child molestation in the first degree.

(1) A person is guilty of child molestation in the first degree when the person has, or knowingly causes another person under the age of eighteen to have, sexual contact with another who is less than twelve years old and not married to the perpetrator and the perpetrator is at least thirty-six months older than the victim.

This man has served his time and has been released.

Should we be allowing level 3 sex offenders back on the streets when they are at such a high risk of re-offending?

In general, what do people think of this woman's actions?

Please discuss respectfully and attempt to not be sexist/racist.

congratulations to her i say, i have a daughter and two sons and if i saw a sex offender chatting to them i would've done the same thing, so i clap to her

no they should not allowed to be back on the streets with the risk they will re offend, i belive they should be put into a seperate prison where they are safe and cared for and away from the human race,
and I think all the drink drivers should be put away in prision where they can never drive again. Does that make it right? After all the two biggest repeat offender crimes are a)speeding b) drink driving.

there for if you commit either of these crimes you should be locked away with out sunlight until you die from vitiman D defficancy

Drink driving and speeding kills and alot of the victoms are young children