Mom Beats Up sex-Offender

what about a register for murders?
how about publicly releacing the register of arsonasts who after all MAY have started the victorian bush fires which killed over 200 people including children

there are lots of crimes you could argue require a specific register and that it should be made public but if you wanted to do that you might as well put a gun to there head as soon as they are suspected because thats what making these registers public will do anyway
but you have to look at this from all angles. if you owned a home with rental apartments (or flats as they may call them in Australia) wouldnt you want to know that the guy is a repeat molester? And especially if you had see from a distance and when it does not effect you personally you can make judgments but in this case unfortunately these people are known to re-offend so maybe people knowledgeable can keep a closer eye on them. maybe it is doing them a favour.
There is a reason we don't keep tabs on everyone. Many people learn from their mistakes and try to move on with their lives. Not all, but some. Obviously with child rapists and molesters we've learned that many of them cannot. This is why we have sex offender registry.

How can I put this.

It is not the people on the registry you need to be concerned about. It is those who are not on the registry who probably pose more risk to you and your family.
How can I put this.

It is not the people on the registry you need to be concerned about. It is those who are not on the registry who probably pose more risk to you and your family.

Yep, the likelihood of a child being molested by someone who is not on the registry is far higher than them being molested by someone who is on the registry. Usually it's a relative, not a stranger.
They dont lead to more crimes because most people are not criminals, the offenders are though and this has extremely high recidivism rate. I checked out the sex offenders where i live but i just looked at their names and some photo's but thats it.

Why did you feel the need to look? And what would you do if you ever came face to face with someone who looked like or had a name that sounded similar to one you saw on that site? What would you do or say if you recognised someone from the registry?

if you owned a home with rental apartments (or flats as they may call them in Australia) wouldnt you want to know that the guy is a repeat molester? And especially if you had children...come on, you see from a distance and when it does not effect you personally you can make judgments but in this case unfortunately these people are known to re-offend so maybe people knowledgeable can keep a closer eye on them. maybe it is doing them a favour.
So you think going their door with a baseball bat and beating them up or killing them is better?

Is that a better judgement call? Those registries lead to violence and extreme forms of discrimination (as you explained yourself in this post). Half the time it is not even against the offender but against their family members or people who may look like them or share the same or similar name. In other words, those registries do more harm to innocent people than to the released offenders.
as bells says you are more likly to be murdered or your children molested by someone related to you than by a stranger. So lets just fear everyone, wrap ourselves up in cotton wool and foil and suck our thumbs for the rest of our lives.

As i said arsonists cant stop either and you tell me in a small country town surounded by bush who is the bigger threat.

Drink drivers tend to be repeat offenders, as do thieves. What about con men who leave people with nothing (including no wife ect) and at very high risk of suicide as a result?

in fact your probably safest with a convicted murder than any of the "lesser" criminals because they have the lowest reoffence rate
I agree that it seems unfair to only keep registery tabs on sex offenders, but that fact is also not entirely true. Other criminals who are released from short to long term prison sentences for different crimes must also check in with parole officers, admit to their convictions when filling out job apps and such and must also stay on probation for quite some time. It is not just about keeping tabs on prisoners for their previous crimes, but making sure that they can stay on track, try and lead better lives, and move on. I have had plenty of friends who have undergone the situation of being released and paroled and many of them have found that the restrictions placed on them may be difficult, but also beneficial, as it gives them structure and allows them to keep moving forward. It keeps them on track to a certain extent. Many criminals who become institutionalized find it hard to function in every day life without the structure they have become accustomed too.

I still maintain that with child rapists and molesters it is more for the child's sake. Children cannot defend themselves as well as full grown adults can against predators.

What would happen if we completely eliminated all types of tracking techniques of criminals?

No parole, no probation, no sex offender registry, no admitting to crimes on job apps and such...nothing. The minute you are released from prison, your slate is wiped clean, so to speak, and you disappear into the ether, no matter how small or great your crime was.

We just let them go and be.

What do people think would happen? Would crime rate drop or not? Would people re-offend more or less? Would it just make it harder to catch re-offenders or would released criminals have a better lease on life? What would happen?

I honestly have no idea since that's not how it works, but I do have to say that the thought does scare me just a little bit.

I am torn. Child rapists scare me because children are so defenseless and innocent.

Still, despite everything, in regards to my OP, what the woman in the article did was WRONG.
no jessie they dont have to admit to convictions unless the proffession has a specific reason to, at least thats the way it is in Australia.

For instance to be in the CFS they need a police clearance to check for arson and sheep russling (dont ask me why the last one). Ambo's need a reasonably clean driving record and no child abuse convictions ect

However NO ONE needs a police clearance to work for the local big W and its illegal of them to ask for one
I thought it was illegal for a sex offender to be around children. Isn't it part of their probation that they must stay away from them?
how do any of you even know that it was him she saw? (assuming she really saw ANYONE AT ALL)

This is the reason these lists in the public domain are so stupid and dangerious
how do any of you even know that it was him she saw? (assuming she really saw ANYONE AT ALL)....

He's 7'3". I doubt there are that many men that size running around her neighborhood and she had him confused with someone else
so being the right height is a positive id now is it? guess everyone involved in US basketball must be him right?

and again i have a hard time beliving her story AT ALL. my guess would be that he never came near her daughter, she just saw him and decided to MURDER HIM!!
you would actually belive someone who could atack someone with a baseball bat, not in self defence, not out of any sence of morals, but because she WANTED to. Very belivable witness right
im not inclined to belive ANYONE who could go postal on someone with a baseball bat.

lets test the theory, what would make YOU atack someone who wasnt threatning you or anyone else with a baseball bat?
im not inclined to belive ANYONE who could go postal on someone with a baseball bat.

lets test the theory, what would make YOU atack someone who wasnt threatning you or anyone else with a baseball bat?

what theory are you testing?
that you would belive a mum with no criminal record. I know your a mum and im assuming you have no criminal record so what would make YOU commit the crime?
that you would belive a mum with no criminal record. ....

I believe her because she has no criminal record and he does. :shrug: I believe she saw this 7'3" rapist chatting up her kids.
Why is that hard to believe?