Modern Day Prophet

The original post confused two concepts.

To be honest, I haven't read all the intervening posts - and judging from the two here from Mr. Denke and jayleew I haven't missed too much relevant information.

A 'prophet' from the Judeo-Christian standpoint is one who speaks the message given to the prophet from God. A prophet is not always - or even commonly - a fortune teller. So any faithful preacher is a prophet in the general sense.

The 'Second Coming' of Jesus the Christ has nothing to do with being a prophet. When Jesus returns, everyone on earth will know about it and it will be undeniable. Sort of like Hurricane Katrina to a then current resident of New Orleans. You don't have to like it, but it's pretty well common knowledge. When Jesus returns, no one will have to ask someone else, "What's all this?"

Until that happens, everyone has the luxury of pretending it won't happen.
LORD jayleew God,

The fact is, I, the Creator
The more I find out about human body construction, the universe, history and religion, the more I am convinced that no divine diety had anything at all to do with creation. Its 100% bloody physics
A 'prophet' from the Judeo-Christian standpoint is one who speaks the message given to the prophet from God. A prophet is not always - or even commonly - a fortune teller. So any faithful preacher is a prophet in the general sense.

how can any faithful preacher be classed as a prophet?????
surley a prophet needs to fullfill or announce prophecy, or speak of something prophetic. a faithful preacher is not someone who God has given a message to, he is someone who reads the words of man about god, and no prophet in any sense??
Many Christians believe in the possibility of a second coming, but I would like to ask realistically what criteria would a modern day prophet or Christ have to meet before you believed in them? I mean lets face it if it does happen who is gonna believe such a claim in this day and age. What are the chances of them getting sectioned in a mental institute! What would be the best way for them to anounce themselves?

I'm still waitning for their first one to appear! :shrug:
The original post confused two concepts.

To be honest, I haven't read all the intervening posts - and judging from the two here from Mr. Denke and jayleew I haven't missed too much relevant information.

A 'prophet' from the Judeo-Christian standpoint is one who speaks the message given to the prophet from God. A prophet is not always - or even commonly - a fortune teller. So any faithful preacher is a prophet in the general sense.

The 'Second Coming' of Jesus the Christ has nothing to do with being a prophet. When Jesus returns, everyone on earth will know about it and it will be undeniable. Sort of like Hurricane Katrina to a then current resident of New Orleans. You don't have to like it, but it's pretty well common knowledge. When Jesus returns, no one will have to ask someone else, "What's all this?"

Until that happens, everyone has the luxury of pretending it won't happen.

you know there are some who still won't pay any attention...who will pretend that it's not really happening...that it's not really so. i see it everyday in the people all around me. people believe what they want, not what is obvious. i know it's the only thing keeping them from a relationship with God now, and it will not change for matter what. they are the tares and the ones who will take the mark of the beast and they will get what they choose.
I'm still waitning for their first one to appear! :shrug:

do you think that proving this is beyond the scope of God's capabilities? that doesn't seem rational to me. i think it's that many people don't want to know because it's too consequential, and might just mess up their groove ya know?