Well, my ex-pastor made a good argument and presented good biblical evidence that the second coming will be anytime from now to 50 years. He got this figure by tracing the lineage and prophecies that supposedly came true, and created a timeline. There was a couple prophecies in play for the conclusion, one was that Isreal would be reestablished as a nation. Then Jesus said the generation that witnesses that event will not pass away before the end comes. The reestablishment of Isreal happened in 1948, so any or all of that generation will still be alive when it all goes down. So, he theorizes that it will be anytime from now until 2048 give or take a few years (that is if we have not discovered the fountain of youth by then)
As far as Jesus's second coming. Revelation details his coming as decending from a cloud and ending the reign of the anti-christ who is at war with all the nations rebelling against him....that would make me believe, but unfortunately, by then it will be too late...only Jews are supposed to be saved on that day because Christian gentiles were supposed to be raptured before that time, as the rest of the population had chosen to be deceived by the anitchrist. Good story, full of intrigue and twists. Would make a great movie....oh, it's been done...like 12 dozen times. lol