Modern Day Prophet

Many Christians believe in the possibility of a second coming, but I would like to ask realistically what criteria would a modern day prophet or Christ have to meet before you believed in them? I mean lets face it if it does happen who is gonna believe such a claim in this day and age. What are the chances of them getting sectioned in a mental institute! What would be the best way for them to anounce themselves?

Rock 'n Roll man.
Didn't Jesus say to someone he would be coming back in their lifetime? Christians have been expecting him to come on a specific date as far back as 1000. They keep pushing the date up. I think he just died like anyone else. The resurrection is a spiritual phenomenon.

did he say in their lifetime, or by the end of their generation?
Many Christians believe in the possibility of a second coming, but I would like to ask realistically what criteria would a modern day prophet or Christ have to meet before you believed in them? I mean lets face it if it does happen who is gonna believe such a claim in this day and age. What are the chances of them getting sectioned in a mental institute! What would be the best way for them to anounce themselves?
Accord to the church in Rome; the second coming was to be 1000AD, shortly after this date, they changed their minds and said it was a misinterpretation of the scriptures and that it would be 2000AD - still waiting!!
Accord to the church in Rome; the second coming was to be 1000AD, shortly after this date, they changed their minds and said it was a misinterpretation of the scriptures and that it would be 2000AD - still waiting!!

I thought the correct date is given in Numerology 2.23. You must remember that it is encoded, otherewise the great unwashed would get to know the correct that. Think of all the looting, pillaging , civil unrest and so on that would ensue.

I can guarantee that it will happen at some time in the future, so just make sure you are ready.

" Gird ye your loins and go forth in righteousness to smite all who reject the Lord's infinite mercy "

Eugenics: 11. 13
I thought the correct date is given in Numerology 2.23. You must remember that it is encoded, otherewise the great unwashed would get to know the correct that. Think of all the looting, pillaging , civil unrest and so on that would ensue.

I can guarantee that it will happen at some time in the future, so just make sure you are ready.

" Gird ye your loins and go forth in righteousness to smite all who reject the Lord's infinite mercy "

Eugenics: 11. 13
You guarantee!!!! not a bloody chance of that. What you should say is that, in your opinion, it will happen. You cannot guarantee anything that is not real.
Well, my ex-pastor made a good argument and presented good biblical evidence that the second coming will be anytime from now to 50 years. He got this figure by tracing the lineage and prophecies that supposedly came true, and created a timeline. There was a couple prophecies in play for the conclusion, one was that Isreal would be reestablished as a nation. Then Jesus said the generation that witnesses that event will not pass away before the end comes. The reestablishment of Isreal happened in 1948, so any or all of that generation will still be alive when it all goes down. So, he theorizes that it will be anytime from now until 2048 give or take a few years (that is if we have not discovered the fountain of youth by then)

As far as Jesus's second coming. Revelation details his coming as decending from a cloud and ending the reign of the anti-christ who is at war with all the nations rebelling against him....that would make me believe, but unfortunately, by then it will be too late...only Jews are supposed to be saved on that day because Christian gentiles were supposed to be raptured before that time, as the rest of the population had chosen to be deceived by the anitchrist. Good story, full of intrigue and twists. Would make a great movie....oh, it's been 12 dozen times. lol
You guarantee!!!! not a bloody chance of that. What you should say is that, in your opinion, it will happen. You cannot guarantee anything that is not real.

Don't believe me. Ask asny astronomer or cosmoligist.

" He that argueth and smiteth not shall not find favour with the Lord"

Eugenics 2.17
Well, my ex-pastor made a good argument and presented good biblical evidence that the second coming will be anytime from now to 50 years. He got this figure by tracing the lineage and prophecies that supposedly came true, and created a timeline. There was a couple prophecies in play for the conclusion, one was that Isreal would be reestablished as a nation. Then Jesus said the generation that witnesses that event will not pass away before the end comes. The reestablishment of Isreal happened in 1948, so any or all of that generation will still be alive when it all goes down. So, he theorizes that it will be anytime from now until 2048 give or take a few years (that is if we have not discovered the fountain of youth by then)

As far as Jesus's second coming. Revelation details his coming as decending from a cloud and ending the reign of the anti-christ who is at war with all the nations rebelling against him....that would make me believe, but unfortunately, by then it will be too late...only Jews are supposed to be saved on that day because Christian gentiles were supposed to be raptured before that time, as the rest of the population had chosen to be deceived by the anitchrist. Good story, full of intrigue and twists. Would make a great movie....oh, it's been 12 dozen times. lol

I put my money on Nostradamus.
All Lords are Gods

Prophets are a dime a dozen. Okay, maybe, like forty bucks an eighth. Point being, give me three and a half grams of good cubensis, and I will tell you what God has to day.

Hey this Psilocybe cubensis is not good, it is fucking awesome. Okay, what in the fuck is this thread about? O yea, "Modern Day Prophet" (copied and pasted). I see (kinda sorta). Well, fuck that Prophet bullshit. It never worked in the past. How could it work in the future? Therefore, since I AM G-D, it is my job to confirm Tiassa's findings. Prophets will NEVER fucking work. They are a dime a dozen (actually a Dime for 5/16ths). So here is what G-D has to day to say.


All Lords are Gods (Not Prophets)

Hey this Psilocybe cubensis is not good, it is fucking awesome. Okay, what in the fuck is this thread about? O yea, "Modern Day Prophet" (copied and pasted). I see (kinda sorta). Well, fuck that Prophet bullshit. It never worked in the past. How could it work in the future? Therefore, since I AM G-D, it is my job to confirm Tiassa's findings. Prophets will NEVER fucking work. They are a dime a dozen (actually a Dime for 5/16ths). So here is what G-D has to day to say.

Please say you are not still ranting about this "everyone has a last name God" crap! I've tried to have patience because I don't know if you are serious.

Nostradamus said Paris would be destroyed by "birds from the east" - in 1999.

So you're picking on Nostradames because he made a small error. Ask any Parisian and he'll tell you 1999 was the year of the pigeon shit. The entire city was covered.
LORD jayleew God,

Yea, all Jews, Christians and Muslims know LORD Moses Aaron God's, LORD Jesus Christ God's and LORD Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah's (God's) last name is God (Allah). Hell, everyone's last name is God (Allah), LORD jayleew God. Yes, quite fucking serious...

First off, if God never existed, no one can be it's child. Second, if God did exist, there is no indication that it procreated. Third, if you believe the Bible, there is no evidence that anyone has the last name "God" Can't recall any last names for that matter. The genealogies recorded in the Bible use only first names.

I thought I saw you try to offer evidence that since Jesus was sometimes referred to in the less-than-perfect English translation, as Lord God. Is that your evidence that we all have "God" as a surname?

Or is your evidence that God was sometimes referred to in the less-than-perfect English translation, as Lord God?

Again, where is your evidence that God procreated among the Earth?

Seriously, "Lord" is used as an adjective to describe God in the phrase "Lord God". Him being both Lord and God. They are capatalized because they are used as titles of recognition, like the President...not like names.

Honestly, you must prove God existed for me to even consider your evidence.

If you have no evidence I have no alternative than to believe you to be trolling.
LORD jayleew God,

The fact is, I, the Creator, do not have to prove a fucking thing to you or to any of the Gods.

You are right, you don't have to prove anything. But, if you don't back your statements with fact, there is little that you can contribute to the conversations. If you choose not to participate, but yet throw explosive words and and nonsense arguments for the sole purpose of irritation, then that is trolling and is not conducive of anything of value and should be moved to the Cesspool thread. People there will be quite happy to entertain you. I ignored your comments at first. I've said my piece, and that is as far as we go. I'll just go back to my non-existent worshipping of my non-existent god that I read about in my mythological books.