Moderator Wanted - Apply Within

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Originally posted by Fafnir665
Well, if he isn't in here enough to even view the thread... would he make a good mod? There has to be some interest in the subject

Tiassa is excellent, but Raith is my first choice and is the best for the role, given that he will accept.

Raith is here a lot, but he doesn't post much.... He doesn't involve himself at the whim of the moment or due to emotions, he studies things carefully before intervening and ALWAYS show up at the right moment. He is very consistent with the site and he is here every day. He have an uncanny ability to make me shut up without insulting, deleting, closing, banning, ect, and I'm sure you all can appreciate that. Raithere would be the moderator that you can trust that he won't abuse the previleges. Tiassa can't make me shut up except with a very big stick. Raithere has mentor and professor qualities which we need around here, and his POV is always respected. Tiassa is excellent and best one at this forum to carry the role, but not as good as Raith.. Sorry Tiassa.

Trust me people, I have a good eye for people, and Raith is made to moderate and mentor, he is a gem and quite an assett for sciforum. I just wish he would accept the role and not let me down....
Originally posted by Flores
You'll never get my vote unless you start being less extremist about evolution and more willing to intelligently discuss religion. You're too much a one winger....Get another wing to balance your views and I might think about it.
You are correct, I'm as one winger as humanly possible, but I'm not the kind to get things mixed up, I could easily distinguish between moderator duties and disagreeing with people.
So your beef is unfounded, and therefore you are banned, get out! ... hmmm that was a little premature:( I'm bad at this campaigning stuff:( Quick someone lie about, i mean "explain" why i would be perfect for this job. BAH hurry!

...seems like the sanest choice
No, my user name is having a subconscious effect on you, see its like "lunatic" so you're all thinking "aha he's a lunatic, who is insane, busted" but it is an illusion my fellow sciformican.

Maybe it should be me AND tiassa, we could be a zany duo, come on! Zany duo! eh? :)
I'll get to writing our theme music...
I'd have no problem voting for either Tiassa or Raithere. If I had to choose...
Originally posted by James R
I'd have no problem voting for either Tiassa or Raithere. If I had to choose...

Here, Here. I also would like to see Sargentlard up there.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I thought long and hard and I decided that I should be the moderator.

Well, looks like the voting is over.
A decision was made. ;)
Thank you for the nomination and the votes of confidence. Unfortunately, I must once again decline, for a couple of reasons. One is that I rarely visit the Ethics forum. One might note that I have only just become aware of the open position and my own bid for nomination! Most of my time is spent in the Religion forum and I feel that a moderator should have a good familiarity with the thread histories and participants. In the Ethics forum I would essentially be a newbie. The other reason is that I really don’t feel that I would be able to contribute the necessary time. I appear to be on much more often than I am as I tend to leave my browser set to sciforums and only actually duck in occasionally to try to catch up on the posts. I typically don’t have the time to keep up on all of them so I only track a few.

Thanks once again, particularly to Flores who has been championing my nomination and who would make a good moderator herself IMO. I do appreciate the kind words and respect.

Yeah, clearly raithere is awesome but its true, he never comes into this forum, he's a religion forum kind of guy. I don't know why his name popped up.

I hate to say it but probably the most suitable person for the job would be mystech seeing as how he actually sleeps in here anyway. Might as well clean up every now and then.

But I still objectively(thats for you hed;)) think I would be the best moderator for this subforum.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic

No, my user name is having a subconscious effect on you, see its like "lunatic" so you're all thinking "aha he's a lunatic, who is insane, busted" but it is an illusion my fellow sciformican.

Maybe it should be me AND tiassa, we could be a zany duo, come on! Zany duo! eh? :)
I'll get to writing our theme music...

Maybe you chose the name because subconsciously you too know that you are in fact insane, and a bit too eager to get the "powerposition" of a moderator to be trusted. :D
That is a good point Yes, so I will ignore it and urge everyone else to do the same:D

Goofyfish how about a poll in freethoughts where everyone will see it? Don't you guys usually sort this out with polls? I remember seeing the thread where xev got voted in i think.
It was posted here as this is the forum affected... the voting (by poll)
will begin tomorrow. Candidates are listed in the opening post here.

:m: Peace.
Why put the poll in free thoughts? It should be here, where the people it matters too will see it
Originally posted by Raithere
Thank you for the nomination and the votes of confidence. Unfortunately, I must once again decline...
Then I declare to move James or Cris butt to Ethics and nominate Raithere to religion.

James, do you have any problems switching positions with Raith?

If that doesn't work....Go Tiassa....we need you Tiassa, please forgive my temporary insanity.:(
Ha.. my name's actually there? But seriously... i say Dr.Lou... he's decisive and forthright in his statements.
Actually, I disagree with the religion forum having two mods who are atheists....

I say if no Raithere(son of a bitch), then the Sarge will do.
Originally posted by thefountainhed
Actually, I disagree with the religion forum having two mods who are atheists....

I agree with your disagreement. Raith is not atheist. He's a closet theist.

I say if no Raithere(son of a bitch), then the Sarge will do.

Sarge is real good moderator quality. Ideally, I would actually love to have Tiassa and Riathere in religion. Sarge and thefountainhed in ethics or freethought, James should stick to physics and Cris should retire.

But that's not going to happen, so the next best thing is to vote for Tiassa for ethics moderator.
Ok. I finally know that Raithere, just like me, doesn't have the time to commit to moderating, so I take back my moderator shuffle idea and stick to Tiassa as our New moderator for Ethics and Morality.
<i>Actually, I disagree with the religion forum having two mods who are atheists.... </i>

Who are you calling an atheist?
I suppose i should make a definite speech for my position. I won't bore you with too many words.

I have stated before that i have ample amount of time to browse through here and look over the general welfare of Ethics, Morality, and Justice forum and i promise to do my best. Thanks to those who nominated me. I am pretty sure this election is promised to Tiassa by the voters but it doesn't hurt to try my hand at this position.

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