Moderator Wanted - Apply Within

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Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
The "real world" is taking up too much of Asguard's time at the moment, and he has requested to step down from his position as moderator of the Ethics, Morality & Justice forum. We are looking for volunteers to fill the position - you are welcome to nominate an individual, but they must officially accept to be included in the vote.

Speeches and such will made between now and Friday, at which point (hopefully) voting will commence and continue until some point on Monday.

Nominations Accepted To Date:
  • Tiassa
  • Sergeantlard
  • airavata
  • Dr. Lou Natic
  • gendanken
I nominate the following people:

*'s about time for Tiassa to moderate....He's doing it already without the title.
* Raithere...I would like to see him moderating religion or ethics.
* Spookz....Don't underestimate the power of spookz, he's available and he'll make an excellent moderator.
* Counselorcoffee....If he's not too busy with scifi
* XEV...She's here a lot, might as well moderate.
Well ....

Thank you for the nomination, Flores. I shall keep this particular response brief:

• Of the folks nominated by Flores--an excellent list, indeed--there are certainly some people of better reputation around here who might carry more credibility.

• Nonetheless, I am perfectly willing to do it.

• My real world leaves me enough time to post here; it ought to leave me enough time to moderate.

• The big plus for many people is that, Xev's example notwithstanding, the authority of moderation brings with it for me a certain sense of obligation; my fury, disgust, revulsion, or otherwise with people's posts will necessarily require a more civilized approach as a moderator than I've taken as a poster. Telling people they lie? Sure, I can do that. Telling them horseshit is more useful than they are? I can probably back off on that.

And thank you for this moment in the sun.
Can one nominate themself? If yes then i'd like to nominate myself.

I am here everyday and have ample amount of time to overlook Ethics, Morality, and Justice for any surfacing problems and general takecare.

If one, however, can not nominate themself then Tiassa gets my vote because I highly doubt anyone will nominate me.
I'll re-nominate Tiassa. Consider that a vote.

You'd be a good mod, too Sargentland, but I have to go with Tiassa.
i rather not see tiassa be constrained by mod status. i want the whole deal. step down dog

step forward and assume your duties!
I vote Tiassa.

It may be his only opportunity to make a difference.
to direct a thread to be productive needs only mere input. a lowly poster can make a difference. editing is reactive. meaningful posts are proactive. mod status is irrelevant to this

To be honest, Sargentlard, I haven't paid much attention to the mod elections in the past except to cast a vote now and then. But I do think you can throw your own hat into the ring, as that must happen eventually. All the nominations and votes in the world won't make a difference if the candidate doesn't want to do it.

(Q), you're quite right. For years now I've gobbled up Dave's bandwidth and, to be honest, never given him a red cent. This is certainly the least I can do. And I do mean the least. ;)

Spookz, all it really means is that I have to raise the show to an art form if it comes down to that kind of bombastic performance. A loose analogy is to compare John Minton and Andre the Giant moving in slow motion once upon a Wrestlemania to the subtlety of that nifty little package that had Gracie and Severn tied up for a half-hour at UFC 3. Sure, the little ball of humanity in the octagon looked boring, but there was a better show taking place there than Savage maiming Steamboat, or even--to move into a more legitimizing analogy--a Tyson fight. Er ... back before he went cannibal. Mix some metaphors? What's the difference between a Linkin Park concert and the most recent Peter Gabriel tour? Scads, my friend. What a show, indeed.

Okay, I'll stop now.
I would also like to renominate tiassa, out of the list given by flores (I can't think of any others, excluding myself ;) but i would never win :p) I would say that tiassa is the most influential member, and out of what I've seen, fair minded, and "stable"
This is certainly the least I can do.

... and you always try to do the very least. ;)
I would like to suggest that Xev and Dr Lou share the duties/honor.

Their viewpoints and personalities many times seem to be about as opposite spectrum as you can get, and they both make valid strong arguments for their points of view.
I find myself stuck between them pretty often (figuratively, of course).

I think it would be a nice balance of power and views for the forum that has the potential to be the most expolsive one on the site (second maybe to WE&P).
Moderators don't need to have conflicting viewpoints, they can do that as a user, a moderator needs to have the time to view the threads and make sure their on topic, and within the forum spectrum. In otherwords they need to enforce the forum rules. For this, view point doesn't matter, but an interest in the forum does. That's why I support tiassa, he seems more "fair" then most others that are highly visible.
I thought long and hard and I decided that I should be the moderator.
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Let it be Tiassa then. I still want to hear from Raithere about how he feels about moderating. I'll PM him.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I thought long and hard and I decided that I should be the moderator.

You'll never get my vote unless you start being less extremist about evolution and more willing to intelligently discuss religion. You're too much a one winger....Get another wing to balance your views and I might think about it.
Originally posted by Flores
Let it be Tiassa then. I still want to hear from Raithere about how he feels about moderating. I'll PM him.

Well, if he isn't in here enough to even view the thread... would he make a good mod? There has to be some interest in the subject
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