Moderator Nominations

Excuse me, Wet1 and Porfiry, but when was CounslerCoffee nominated?

And Counsler-- if we needed a moderator from any of our religion members, it would not be you I chose. But if it had to be a Theist, I'd choose Tiassa, with you selected as well.

You said in a previous post that you would nominate me. So I just went ahead and nominated myself. I would vote for Tiassa to but hes not running, Im the only theist in this election... I think. Go back and reread this thread... Its obvious when you nominate me and I respond...:bugeye:

GB you seem a little hostile as of late. Especially towards me. Whats up with that?


*EDIT* GB click here and read your post, and then read my response.
About the 1 theist 1 atheist idea... which Theist would we choose? I would say CounslerCoffee or Tiassa, they seem to be the only theists who aren't 1. dumb 2. insane or 3. almost never visit. lol.

Hypothetical, that was.

Thanks for nominating me GB. You have no idea how many times I get the "Your not a crazy theist" thing from people.

If you wanted me to moderate then id do it. I love sciforums and I think that I get along with many people here. The 1 atheist and 1 theist is a good idea though. Give the religion forum some balance.

At what point in that post did you nominate yourself?

GB you seem a little hostile as of late. Especially towards me. Whats up with that? says Bush to Gore before the polls close.

Don't worry buddy, it'll all end when the polls close. Of course, I may be a bit bitter if I lose, but... lol.

Anyways, back to the topic at hand-- you're obviously dumber than am I, so you shouldn't be allowed to be a candidate. ;) j/k
If you wanted me to moderate then id do it. I love sciforums and I think that I get along with many people here. The 1 atheist and 1 theist is a good idea though. Give the religion forum some balance.

At what point in that post did you nominate yourself?

The part in Bold italics is where I nominateed myself.... GB you arent smokin crack again are you?

Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
The part in Bold italics is where I nominateed myself.... GB you arent smokin crack again are you?


How is that nominating yourself? Especially considering that I don't want you to unless it has to be a Theist. :p
I suggest that Counsler be disqualified for lack of a nomination, and that his votes be transfered to his "nominator", me, the one who rightfully deserves them. :mad:

you backstabber, coffee. :(
I would definitely like to see Raithere as moderator of Religion. Why? Apart from being rational, he is willing, unlike me, to write long posts to carefully explain things to religious nutters. Cris, too, is rational and willing to write long posts for the benefit of nutters. One of those two people.

I don’t really think you are being serious here, are you? However, just for fun -

Counslers comment – If you wanted me to moderate then id do it.

And your comment “ which Theist would we choose? I would say CounslerCoffee or Tiassa

The IF statement is true since you specifically named Counsler as someone you would want to moderate, which then leaves the statement ”then id do it” which effectively amounts to a self nomination by Counsler.


I would definitely like to see Raithere as moderator of Religion.
I totally agree. IMHO Rait is the brightest member here at present, apart from perhaps tiassa. Unfortunately he has declined for the moment. If he ever changes his mind then we should make an effort to accommodate him.
I dont think that GB is being serious. I mean, you have got to be kidding, right?! Cause if you aren't....

I would of voted for Rait to. But he's not running so...

Raithere would have my vote purely for his Avatar :D

Nah, he is probably the most level headed guy who posts in the Religion area and has a sort of unbiased view...I think. I'll have to check, it is getting kinda late :(