Moderator Nominations

I'd like to nominate. It could be interesting. As Cris says, I'm somewhere in the middle as far as religion is concerned. I'm not an atheist, but I do not follow any established religion. I came up on the beliefnet survey as Unitarian Universalist, but I'm not sure how accurate that is, either...
Oxygen has covered the Philosophy section of sciforums, for as long as I have been here. I do notice that on occasion that Oxygen still comes by. It is a sad day to see this as there are very few left that were here when I came. I understand the real world calls and nothing in life is static forever.

We have all seen the kooks come through, in every section of the board at one time or another. One of the more outspoken members has been mentioned within this thread. I think we all understand that there are times when folks are just too disruptive to the site in general to remain. (Mallory Knox comes to mind with this statement) No, I am not calling for a banning here as I think there is already a thread dealing with that.

If the body is to vote on who is to moderate the forums, we should have some info from those nominees. I would like to see some tooting of horns so to say, from the nominees. The Philosophy section, in particularly the Religion forum itself is one if not the most active of the board. It will require someone that is dedicated to what is best for scifourms and with a good head and fair stance. At times, something not easy to do. This is my take on it...
Uhh... me?

Cris is probably the best idea, but I'm sure I have more free time than anybody else that ever frequents these forums (not that I currently spend it all on Sciforums, but that could be arranged ;))

About the 1 theist 1 atheist idea... which Theist would we choose? I would say CounslerCoffee or Tiassa, they seem to be the only theists who aren't 1. dumb 2. insane or 3. almost never visit. lol.
Thanks for nominating me GB. You have no idea how many times I get the "Your not a crazy theist" thing from people.

If you wanted me to moderate then id do it. I love sciforums and I think that I get along with many people here. The 1 atheist and 1 theist is a good idea though. Give the religion forum some balance.
Woo! An idea of mine is actually good. This calls for a celebration.

After thinking about it last night. I'm leaning towards Asguard but that's only because he's the only one who's put a strong case forward to me.
Others who would be more than qualified for it are Cris, Counsler and Tiassa.
Just a thought, but having someone moderate TWO forums seems unfair. It might be a good idea to let someone else try, and give newbies first consideration.
I think nominating oneself is not a good idea because some individuals, for many reasons, simply will not do it, even though they may be interested. Therefore, I nominate Raithere or Q.

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I think that Porfiry wants people to Nominate themselves because the person that you nominate might not want to be a Mod. They put up with a lot of stuff.

*EDIT* And if they really want to do it then they should step forward, not wait for someone to nominate them.

Counsler Coffee
Coffee, are you interested in the position? You would fulfill the role of moderator in a professional manner, also, IMHO.


Yes I am interested in the Moderator position. I am a theist as you undotubly know, but I am not bias. I will not favor a theist over an atheist in any position and vice versa. My main goal would be to keep the forums clean.

Counsler Coffee
While I am new to this forum I do think that Zero and James R are (pun maybe?) capable of the job. I am not sure about the rest of the users because I have not had time to read many of their posts. However both Zero and James post in areas I enjoy so I know a bit about them. I am new, but I thought my input might be helpful.
I will definetly do it.

Personally, I think sciforums needs something of reform. A few people have told me they aren't going to delete a thread if they become mod. I'll be completely honest - I will.

And other such threads would be done away with. My policy (and I assure you this is my policy right now, I'm willing to bet that discussion with other mods and a better understanding of how the job works would change the policy in some small ways) would be to close these threads and then after one or two days at the most, delete them.

And if it's not myself, please, can we get a long-standing member? I'm all for Xev, Cris or JamesR from the list you gave us Dave. If I had to pick one I'd say Xev, but it really just comes down to who's not going to deal with bullshit.
And if it's not myself, please, can we get a long-standing member? I'm all for Xev, Cris or JamesR from the list you gave us Dave. If I had to pick one I'd say Xev, but it really just comes down to who's not going to deal with bullshit.

Tyler Ive been a long standing member, look at my join date.:p

Oh and vote for me, the theist! (But Im fair)

I still think the 1 atheist and 1 theist idea is good.
Q and inspector:

Thanks for the nomination and the vote of confidence!


I am interested but I am afraid I wouldn’t be able to dedicate the necessary time consistently. Perhaps if oxygen could let us know about how much time he needed to dedicate to the task, if it isn’t too demanding I might reconsider.

I’ll hold my vote for now but as it stands, my vote would be for Cris or James R who have both shown themselves to be considerate, of moderate temper, articulate, and well learned across a range of topics. If Tiassa decides to nominate himself, I would also give him my confidence.

In particular, I think we need to find someone who will be fair, take the time to listen to reason, and not be performing under some ulterior agenda. I also think it should be someone who has demonstrated some dedication to the forum by having been here a while and posting in a somewhat consistent manner.

Having two moderators might cause undue difficulties in the task as they would not only have to dedicate their time but coordinate their schedules so that they could confer properly. It might be best to simply declare one moderator and if someone has a problem with their actions to report it properly.

I also think that each nominee should post a brief statement about themselves, how they plan on carrying out the duties of the job, etc. rather than campaigning in the forum and in private messages. This would keep unnecessary posts and topic out of the forum and place a sort of position statement here where everyone can look at them. Not everyone knows everyone after all.


I think Tyler, Xev and James R, are all good canidates. However, I would rather see Xev as the mod for General Philosophy, and Tyler and James R as duel mods for Religion.
I'd like the mod to be the invisible kind only removing the stuff that inhibits debate and the exchange of ideas. eg. nuisance posts and only the very worst kind of verbal abuse. In my book an over modded forum is the seventh circle of hell.

I don't care whether it is a theist or a freethinker, most of these seem to find the idea of bias repugnant.
Sometimes it is hard to just let the forums go without some kind of guiding hand, Voodoo Child. I think you will find that most of the mods do try to allow for individual expression without the attempt to be overbearing.

Thanks for the nomination!

I don't think I could dedicate the time necessary to moderate a forum. Besides, moderating would force me to reserve disposition and not allow my posts to exhibit a certain "edge."


i would like to nominate myself, but would also like to add that i would never vote for myself...and neither should you

Wow, I was actually put on the voting thing. I hadn't said for sure if I would do it. But meh! Probably won't get it anyway.

Glad everyones liking the joint mod idea though :)