Moderator Nominations


Registered Senior Member
As Oxygen is stepping down as a moderator, the Religion forum is in need of a moderator. I've already received a few offers, but I've decided to try something new. I'll be choosing the new moderator(s) of this forum by a public vote.

This thread is the first step. I'm merely making my intentions clear, and would ask that anyone who would like to have their name included in the vote speak up here. The public vote will follow later, and candidates can make the case for their appointment then.

At the moment, Zero, Tyler, Asguard, Thor (maybe), Xev, Cris, GB-GIL Trans-global,
and James R are interested. Anyone else?

Please nominate youself only.
I'm interested, but I think I may have a biased view towards certain members that I think drag down this particular area.

I'll have to sleep on it
Make our cases? Do you mean we get to campaign?

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
I think it should be moderated jointly. By an athiest and a theist. That way there would be some balance and people can't say "He did that cos he's a Christian!!"
agreed but not a bigoted one or s/he'll abuse moderator powers.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Two open minded people, one athiest, one theist. That way both sides voices are heard and dealt with accordingly
I vote for any person that doesn't have a bias against the people here...which, as is the nature of humans, this kind of a person may be hard to find. Though, i'm willing to listen to peoples 'campaign ads'
Xev would be so good at moderating this area for all the wrong reasons unfortunatly. I would love to see it happen though
Good question. Is there a list of duties, you know, what mods can or can not do?
I'll do it. Hell, it's not like I have a life. :p

I wouldn't be yelling at everyone who said something stupid. I think I would try to keep whatsupmuscles in line, a bit, but I would not censor him or anyone else....even Nelson. I'd just want to enforce the rules so that we could have a semi-intelligent debate.

If not me, I definitely say Tyler.
Moderators essentially have complete control over the content of a forum. They are encouraged to guide, focus, and stimulate discussion. To do this, they are given the power to edit, delete, and move all threads and posts in the forum.
Okay, thanks.

Well, if you're really stuck for someone, I would be willing to co-moderate with someone, but I think there are people more qualified than myself (I'm thinking Tyler, Adam, or Xev).
I've seen only one member able to handle himself like no other in the religion forum:

Me. But I'm not too popular with some theists.

But really the most neutral and one of the brightest people here in whom I have immense respect is James R. Being an agnostic kinda puts him in the middle. And apologies for nominating someone else.

But having co-moderators seems like a good idea as well.