Misunderstander of islam says killing gays A-ok

Lets start from a relgious person.
Rev. Fred Phelps
(The Westboro Baptist Church, Topeka, KS -
Phelps gained national attention protesting at Matt Shepard's funeral)

You quote the Westboro Baptist Church? Aren't those the bastards going around protesting at the funerals of soldiers and blaming their deaths on gays? By no means is anyone affiliated with that group a prominent christian leader. Everything else in your ridiculously long post was simply disapproval of homosexuality, not a call for murdering homosexuals. There is no equivalence. If you are so intent on proving the equivalence of the treatment of homosexuals in Christian v/s Muslim nations, move to a Muslim country and live as an open homosexual. See how you're treated. See how long you live.
I was amused to see your comment about the sharia thread I crushed you in, though. Keep the jokes coming.

lol, its you coming up with the jokes. :D

That thread (Teensie problem with sharia) demonstrated that you have no understanding of Shariah law, that you are a bigot, Islamophobe, scaremonger and a liar. You twist people’s words and misrepresent events and views intentionally. The thread also demonstrated that your Anti-Islam base is essentially made up of loony rightwing, neocon, anti-Islam, anti-Muslim blogs. Oh, and you also have loads of bookmarks on Tariq Ramadhan and you're obsessed with Inayat Bunglawala. (God knows why you kept bringing him into the thread). You keep going off topic (excuse me this time), after my first reply which was a classic, casual refutation of your incoherent mumbo jumbo, you replied with 'stuff' on Tariq Ramadan and more mumbo jumbo.

GeoffP’s mumbo jumbo:

GeoffP said:
They do? Have you read the Quran? Has this scholar you cite read it? It seems quite evident to me that the law is directly derived from the Quran. "Four witnesses" - could the issue actually be plainer?


You also exposed yourself as a Muslim hater, you let your mask slip, you made your prejudice clear to me. You apparently grieve for innocent Muslims that Shariah law ‘subjugates’, at the same time you have no thoughts for innocent people when it involves American or Israeli bombs. One example:

GeoffP said:
I might also add that threatening to bomb Pakistan back to the stone age doesn't seem terribly surprising when Pakistan refused to cooperate in the hunt for Bin Laden.

The US threatening to bomb Pakistan back to the Stone Age 'not terribly surprising'. An outrageous, illegal, immoral act that would have killed thousands upon thousands of innocent men, women and children, you don’t fool me.

GeoffP said:
Recently, I was trying to arrange for a place for my son to sit on a bus. There was a seat beside a muslim woman and when I gestured politely - and smiled - for her to move her hand and coffee cup, she just stared back at me with hostility. I asked again - this time with words - and she just blanked me. Should I assume that she refused to let my child sit beside her because he was - as you put it - kaffir? Apparently so.

I have dealt with people like you before, I wish you were a public figure so you could be held accountable for your extreme views, but hey, this is the World Wide Web and you’re a nobody. I have made my stand against extremism, I speak against extremism and take action, my own brother just missed the 7/7 bombings (as you know), I know the reality of terrorism and I will play my part in defeating it, civilised rational people don’t need people like you. You just carry on posting on the net, post links from your ‘popular’ websites, those that call for the mass deportation of European/Western Muslims, you do your thing GeoffP and I’ll do mine.

GeoffP, you’re a fraud. :)

Okay, lets get down to business!

A gay person would be someone who is gay; that is, a homosexual. I didn't really imagine this would be in dispute, but there we are. I'm not referring to 'gay' in the sense of 'happy'. I don't think even the MCB would be down with killing people merely because they were happy.

lol. Being attracted to members of the same sex doesn’t take one out of Islam, it doesn’t make that person a sinner, even if a ‘gay’ Muslim were to fantasise about having sex with another man but doesn't actually carried it out, there is no sin. Desiring things that are haram will have a negative effect on the person (will hurt his/her faith etc.) but those thoughts are not sinful as they are not carried out. Sins come from actions not intentions.

In Islam, any sexual relationship outside of marriage is forbidden and those involved are liable for punishment (as long as there are witnesses). The reality is, punishment is only handed out if 4 witnesses actually saw the sexual act and testify against it, the chances of that happening are unbelievably low. If a person were to make an accusation against a gay couple and not have the required witnesses, then that person would be punished for making a false claim. There is a proper procedure, now GeoffP, you show me where Shariah allows people to go around killing people that are 'gay'? Go on.

Sexual relations between men is a sin in Islam, however should we all assume that there are no homosexuals having sex in Muslim countries? Of course not. If some gays want to have a relationship, then they would be able to do so easily, they could have as much sex as they wanted, it would be no ones business, and it does happen. As long as such activities are hidden away and done in private then its no ones business, Islam has laws on sexual relations however they are guidelines for society, what an individual does in the privacy of his/her own bedroom is no ones business.
Ghost_007, there is a far difference between the Islam you speak of and the Islam as practiced by the Imams statements, we have their own words, and their quotes from the Q'ran, as often as they misspeak how can you consider them as experts on the subject? or is it that they realize that they have revealed their true thoughts on the subject, and that this will reveal their true purpose, so they have to lie about what they have said to lull the sheep, until they are ready to cut their throats?
lol, its you coming up with the jokes. :D


Back to you.

That thread (Teensie problem with sharia) demonstrated that you have no understanding of Shariah law, that you are a bigot, Islamophobe, scaremonger and a liar. You twist people’s words and misrepresent events and views intentionally. The thread also demonstrated that your Anti-Islam base is essentially made up of loony rightwing, neocon, anti-Islam, anti-Muslim blogs. Oh, and you also have loads of bookmarks on Tariq Ramadhan and you're obsessed with Inayat Bunglawala. (God knows why you kept bringing him into the thread). You keep going off topic (excuse me this time), after my first reply which was a classic, casual refutation of your incoherent mumbo jumbo, you replied with 'stuff' on Tariq Ramadan and more mumbo jumbo.

Well, given your latest rant, I fail to be surprised that you don't understand my replies to you and categorize them as "mumbo jumbo". It is said that wit appears as magic to he who has none.

Anyway, from your comments, I do conclude that you in fact support sharia, which makes you a few points below an eggplant, and a few points above a Nazi, given the ludicrous array of examples of why sharia doesn't work.

However, you have created quite a little task for yourself. You must now:

i) define an islamophobe, islamophobia and illustrate why I represent either,
ii) illustrate where my "base" is made up of right-wing, anti-islam blogs. You must also prove the "anti-muslim" charge.
iii) prove that my bookmarks are full of information on either the slippery Ramadan or his equally thick brother, or that I have heavily bookmarked Bunglawala, who appears from the site you referred me to to be some kind of anti-semitic goon (BTW: you brought up the MCB as a paragon of tolerance; I merely illustrated that it wasn't really so tolerant),
iv) illustrate where I have lied to you,
v) illustrate my "scaremongering",
vi) illustrate where I intentionally misrepresent anything,
vii) illustrate examples of my supposed bigotry,
viii) come up with some actual arguments instead of ad hominem.

You also exposed yourself as a Muslim hater, you let your mask slip, you made your prejudice clear to me. You apparently grieve for innocent Muslims that Shariah law ‘subjugates’, at the same time you have no thoughts for innocent people when it involves American or Israeli bombs.

Well, I'm afraid a charge like that requires proof, Ghost, which you do not give.

The US threatening to bomb Pakistan back to the Stone Age 'not terribly surprising'. An outrageous, illegal, immoral act that would have killed thousands upon thousands of innocent men, women and children, you don’t fool me.

Apparently, I have. I did not specify any support for it. I did not support it. I do not support it. So, more fool you then, I guess. Similarly, the genocide of 6 million Jews was perhaps "not terribly surprising"; I imagine you can understand that I don't support that either.

Or I hope you can.

I have dealt with people like you before, I wish you were a public figure so you could be held accountable for your extreme views

Ah - no debate allowed in Ghost's view, then. Also not surprising.

[For the record, I should probably state that by saying 'not surprising', this does not in any way connotate support for Ghost's apparent position against free debate. Just thought I'd cover my bases here.]

I have made my stand against extremism, I speak against extremism and take action, my own brother just missed the 7/7 bombings (as you know)

Good: or so you say, anyway. Why would I believe you? You don't take my prima facies; why should I take yours as evidence of anything? You invoked the MCB to defend your preposterous attempt at the high ground; I illustrated that your 'high ground' was riddled with crevasses. Not my fault, really.

I know the reality of terrorism and I will play my part in defeating it

You know the reality of it? Well, your implication to me has always been that you can't know anything until you experience it, so how could you possibly know anything about terrorism? Why don't we relegate all criticism to the ether and be done with it, then?

You just carry on posting on the net, post links from your ‘popular’ websites, those that call for the mass deportation of European/Western Muslims, you do your thing GeoffP and I’ll do mine.

They do? Pray tell, where? The newspapers? Surely not. Do you have evidence of this claim?

Ghost, you’re a fraud. :)

lol. Being attracted to members of the same sex doesn’t take one out of Islam

What, precisely, does this argument have to do with punishment for being gay? Being out of islam and being gay are not inherently coincidental, and I have never made this argument.

it doesn’t make that person a sinner, even if a ‘gay’ Muslim were to fantasise about having sex with another man but doesn't actually carried it out, there is no sin. Desiring things that are haram will have a negative effect on the person (will hurt his/her faith etc.) but those thoughts are not sinful as they are not carried out. Sins come from actions not intentions.

Well that certainly is a fine hair to split. Why exactly are we talking about intentions? I was referring to practice. It's kind of like sharia in that way. Lots of people say they have good intentions about sharia (and that, therefore, everyone else practicing it is wrong), but there seems to be no successful humanitarian examples of its practice.

In Islam, any sexual relationship outside of marriage is forbidden and those involved are liable for punishment (as long as there are witnesses). The reality is, punishment is only handed out if 4 witnesses actually saw the sexual act and testify against it, the chances of that happening are unbelievably low. If a person were to make an accusation against a gay couple and not have the required witnesses, then that person would be punished for making a false claim. There is a proper procedure, now GeoffP, you show me where Shariah allows people to go around killing people that are 'gay'? Go on.

Actually, you just did that for me: this was the precise synthesis of my argument. Sharia law condemns sex outside of marriage. Does sharia law allow gay marriage? No. Ergo, all gay relationships are illegal, since they all have sex, much as any other relationship does.

The fact of you trying to argue about this with me is preposterous in its own right, of course, since three of the four islamic schools of jurisprudence call for the death of homosexuals. (I don't lower myself to say "practicing homosexuals", since no system of religious or secular law is currently in the habit of prosecuting people for "thoughtcrime", and so would be wholly impotent, if I may use the word, at persecuting people merely thinking about homosexuality.)

Sexual relations between men is a sin in Islam, however should we all assume that there are no homosexuals having sex in Muslim countries? Of course not. If some gays want to have a relationship, then they would be able to do so easily, they could have as much sex as they wanted, it would be no ones business, and it does happen.

In the same way, I might be able to get away with all kinds of hidden larceny, with neither consequence nor restraint, so long as I was never caught. However, were I caught, I would be subject to whatever punishment the state thought fit to apply. The same is true, then of homosexuals in the ummah: being illegal, their sexual relations are liable to punishment on their person up to and including death. It makes no nevermind that they aren't caught. If they were caught, they could be killed, and that's the problem.

I fail to understand your lack of comprehension on this most basic of points, and I honestly find myself wondering whether it's possible for you to logically debate this issue with me, especially regarding the legal aspects, as you do not appear to understand the difference between the existence of a felony, and its detection. It doesn't appear hopeful.

As long as such activities are hidden away and done in private then its no ones business, Islam has laws on sexual relations however they are guidelines for society, what an individual does in the privacy of his/her own bedroom is no ones business.

Until it becomes their business, in which case it may be time for a very close haircut.

Well, actually, same-sex relations are prohibited in several places in the Quran, dealing with the issue of Lot: Q 7:80-82, Q 26: 165-172, Q 27: 55-58, Q 4: 15-16 (the last being adultery specifically, and mentioning repentance, from wherein I imagine the Hanafi school exacts punishment on second offences). Three of four schools of islamic jurisprudence classify homosexuality as adultery (zina), with the punishment in Hanafi being variably death or not. What, pray tell, is the penalty for adulterers in sharia?

Nowl: illustrate to me where homosexuality is outlawed today in the Western world.
Where in the Western World is homosexuality outlawed? The USA denies them the basic right to marry.
Homosexuality is illegal in The Bahamas, Jamaica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, The Dominican Republic, Haiti, St. Lucia & The Grenadines, Colombia, Poland, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ukraine, Andorra, Surinam and the rural areas of every Western country you risk death.
Hmmm. I think I'd need to see some references for that kind of statement. I'd also point out that denial of the right to marry is a bit less severe than death.

Then again, some have compared marriage itself to a death sentence.


Not that I'm one of those, of course.

Doing these things in private is a good suggestion. Even what we deem 'legal union' is best done in privacy. It will be unwise to act it out in public unless it is a peep show or you're in the porn industry (this movies sells fast). Personaly I'd not use a bathroom with transparent walls. Would you?

Question: What is 'Muslim country'. One that has a majority of its population professing Islam? Why am I asking this? It seems to the Islamophobes, it is not Islam till it sounds yuck. Those that ask "If their religion is so rossy why are they coming to the United States?" Could they with all honesty have put the same question to the Pilgrim Fathers?
Doing these things in private is a good suggestion. Even what we deem 'legal union' is best done in privacy. It will be unwise to act it out in public unless it is a peep show or you're in the porn industry (this movies sells fast). Personaly I'd not use a bathroom with transparent walls. Would you?

Question: What is 'Muslim country'. One that has a majority of its population professing Islam? Why am I asking this? It seems to the Islamophobes, it is not Islam till it sounds yuck. Those that ask "If their religion is so rossy why are they coming to the United States?" Could they with all honesty have put the same question to the Pilgrim Fathers?

But then why are they insisting on the U.S. becoming Sharia compliant?
But then why are they insisting on the U.S. becoming Sharia compliant?

Who are "They". Just keep in mind humans are falliable. The US is a democracy and anybody that is a citizen by birth or naturalization better accept it or go to h*ll. :cool:
Who are "They". Just keep in mind humans are falliable. The US is a democracy and anybody that is a citizen by birth or naturalization better accept it or go to h*ll. :cool:

First off the U.S. is a Republic, second off tell that to the Muslims who come here.

Just look at France and Great Britain No Go Zones and Sharia Courts......and even the in the U.S. creeping Sharia is being introduced into our courts.


Muslims in non-Muslims countries are also expected to observe Sharia. In the U. K. there are already at least 85 Sharia courts operating alongside British courts. In France, Sharia is brutally enforced within the Muslim controlled neighborhoods known as les banlieus or, as the police call them, "no-go-zones." In the U.S., Sharia law defenses are now being mounted in criminal cases. In a 2009 New Jersey case, a judge ruled that an abusive husband could not be found guilty of criminal intent because he had acted according to his Muslim beliefs (the ruling was overturned by an appellate court). Last year the Obama administration co-sponsored a U.N. resolution with Egypt urging member states to pass laws making criticism of Islam a crime. Currently, Molly Norris, the cartoonist who proposed the "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day" is in hiding as a result of death threats. She is guilty of violating Islamic blasphemy laws. Perhaps she didn't realize that many aspects of Sharia law are binding for non-Muslims as well as for Muslims.
First off the U.S. is a Republic, second off tell that to the Muslims who come here.

Just look at France and Great Britain No Go Zones and Sharia Courts......and even the in the U.S. creeping Sharia is being introduced into our courts.


Muslims in non-Muslims countries are also expected to observe Sharia. In the U. K. there are already at least 85 Sharia courts operating alongside British courts. In France, Sharia is brutally enforced within the Muslim controlled neighborhoods known as les banlieus or, as the police call them, "no-go-zones." In the U.S., Sharia law defenses are now being mounted in criminal cases. In a 2009 New Jersey case, a judge ruled that an abusive husband could not be found guilty of criminal intent because he had acted according to his Muslim beliefs (the ruling was overturned by an appellate court). Last year the Obama administration co-sponsored a U.N. resolution with Egypt urging member states to pass laws making criticism of Islam a crime. Currently, Molly Norris, the cartoonist who proposed the "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day" is in hiding as a result of death threats. She is guilty of violating Islamic blasphemy laws. Perhaps she didn't realize that many aspects of Sharia law are binding for non-Muslims as well as for Muslims.
Hmm.. That's interesting.

Legal experts contacted by ABC News said they did not know of one instance of a judge in the U.S. invoking sharia in rendering a decision.

"Cases of first impression are rare," said Jim Cohen, a professor at the Fordham University School of Law in New York City, adding, "I have never heard of a case" involving sharia.


Also, in the UK, there are only around 5 Sharia Courts in operation. Not 85. And it is not mandatory in that both parties have to agree to settle their dispute in the Sharia Court. Otherwise they go to the British legal system. And it also only a few types of disputes that can or will be recognised under British law if it does go through the Sharia system.

You seem to be throwing figures out that not only do not exist, but also seems to be false.

Are you able to cite the case where a Judge cited Sharia Law in the domestic violence case? I would like to read it. Because as of July 2010, law professors in the US were saying that they do not know of a single US court that has cited Sharia Law for their decision and the case you mentioned is supposedly 2009. So could you cite that case please? Name of the case with a link perhaps?
Actually 85 sounds a lot more likely than 5. Where do you find 5 cited?

Moran said:
Could they with all honesty have put the same question to the Pilgrim Fathers?

I think the natives of North America had a pretty damned good case for asking, if they ever had done.
Doing these things in private is a good suggestion. Even what we deem 'legal union' is best done in privacy. It will be unwise to act it out in public unless it is a peep show or you're in the porn industry (this movies sells fast). Personaly I'd not use a bathroom with transparent walls. Would you?

Actually, what's this above about?
Actually 85 sounds a lot more likely than 5. Where do you find 5 cited?
Hmm okay. Well officially there were only 5 reported last I heard. It seems that there appears to have been a surge of unofficial Sharia Courts that have sprung up behind closed doors and the figure is much higher.. 85 in fact..

Commentators on the influence of sharia law often count only the five courts in London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham and Nuneaton that are run by the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, a body whose rulings are enforced through the state courts under the 1996 Arbitration Act.

But the study by academic and Islamic specialist Denis MacEoin estimates there are at least 85 working tribunals.


Decisions from sharia tribunals can be presented to a family court judge for approval with no more detail than is necessary to complete a two page

form. The sharia courts in the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal are recognised as courts under the Arbitration Act. This law, which covers Jewish Beth Din courts, gives legal powers to a tribunal if all parties involved accept its authority.


And the rest of that article is actually quite disturbing in some parts.:mad:

I'm going to have to track down that report and have a look at it. That has surprised me a great deal.

Ergo, I stand corrected Buffalo.


Personally I am against the notion of Sharia or Jewish Beth Din Courts being allowed to operate and have their decisions recognised by a country's courts. It erodes the very notion of separation of Church and State. Secular courts should not be upholding decisions from religious courts.
Hurm QED?

If a truebelieving Islamic male is asked "Does Allah love you?" and if they said "yes", would it not declare their Allah a "Fag"?. Would This then mean it would be A-Ok for Islamics to kill Allah? which would in turn perhaps make them infidels?, so they would have to the honourable thing and kill themselves?
Hurm QED?

If a true believing Islamic male is asked "Does Allah love you?" and if they said "yes", would it not declare their Allah a "Fag"?. Would This then mean it would be A-Ok for Islamics to kill Allah? which would in turn perhaps make them infidels?, so they would have to do the honourable thing and kill themselves?

There is thing like agape love, eros love and fraternal love. Stryder, "Does your mama love you?" If you answer yes, then are you commiting incest? Should you see a psychiatrist? Could it be you're both retarded and need to be in separate padded cells.:eek:
There is thing like agape love, eros love and fraternal love. Stryder, "Does your mama love you?" If you answer yes, then are you commiting incest? Should you see a psychiatrist? Could it be you're both retarded and need to be in separate padded cells.:eek:

You just have to be so damn literal. My initial statement was to prove that there can be many flaws within asserted logic.

I'll however make a plain and simple statement, religion to me is complete bullshit. I don't sit here and call myself an Atheist, I sit here and call myself a "Realist", because that's what it is being real rather than believing some misguided tripe.

(I also have a rather long winded assertion which would undermine all religions anyhow, but I won't bother wasting time shooting the breeze as freely as islamics shoot gays)

While I have homophobic (that means nauseated to an extent) tendencies it doesn't mean I think they should all be taken out and shot... (Just not stand so close in elevators or preferably get the next free one.)