Misunderstander of islam says killing gays A-ok


Caput gerat lupinum
Valued Senior Member
Islam must be a very, very complex religion, apparently - let's have none of that 'more sensible' or 'more logical' or 'more direct than Christianity or Judaism' nonsense - because no one ever seems to understand it. Least of all its leaders.

Take this recent example of an imam - and not just any imam, but the "leading imam in Manchester" - who thinks it's jiggy with Allah to kill gay people for being gay.

Now, the call to murder gay people does come from different religious quarters - though I can't remember ever hearing of such a call from Jewish organizations, or Hindu ones, or Bhuddists, or even of a Christian minister in recent years - but it seems surprisingly prevalent in islam. Oh, there's the usual tangled debate - about whether they should be dropped headfirst off of buildings or merely shot (http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=3962), but basically there seems to be some mortal peril involved.

24 October 2006

The leading imam in Manchester, confirms that he thinks the execution of sexually active gay men is justified, the rights group Outrage reported.

Arshad Misbahi of the Manchester Central Mosque confirmed his views in a conversation to John Casson, a local psychotherapist.

Well, there's no argument from me that this guy needs one.

Casson said: "I asked him if the execution of gay Muslims in Iran and Iraq was an acceptable punishment in Sharia law, or the result of culture, not religion.

"He told me that in a true Islamic state, such punishments were part of Islam: If the person had had a trial, at which four witnesses testified that they had seen the actual homosexual acts."

"I asked him what would be the British Muslim view? He repeated that in an Islamic state these punishments were justified. They might result in the deaths of thousands but if this deterred millions from having sex, and spreading disease, then it was worthwhile to protect the wider community."

Well that wasn't facistic at all. Sensible policies for a happier Britain! Or a more 'submissive' Britain, so to speak. Or Australia. Or anywhere islam sets its foot.

Note: there's that 'four witnesses' thing again. Odd how often that comes up. Now if Ayesha just had had the sense not to go wandering off in the desert alone with some guy, there would never have been that whole ayah. Ah well. Repent at leisure, I suppose. I hear a good stoning helps that.

Let's continue.

"I checked again that this was not a matter of tradition, culture or local prejudice. 'No,' he said, 'It is part of the central tenets of Islam: that sex outside marriage is forbidden; this is stated in the Koran and the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had stated that these punishments were due to such behaviours.'"

So this fellow - the 'leading' imam - believes it's in the Quran. I can't find it specifically, but he calls it 'adultery' which, in the absence of marriage, and noting that marriage is described exclusively as the union of men with women in the Quran, is a very tenable point (from that perspective). From which point in the Quran is it going to be argued that it's ok that "Ahmeds heart be split in twain, from Ahmed also he in name"? I suppose it could be. Will it? And which noted reformer - Salman Rushdie and Ayaan Ali Hirsi being examples of the regard in which reformers are held - will preach it to the rest of dar-al-islam?

"The holy book Qur'an does not mention anywhere about the execution or killing of human beings on the basis of their sexuality. What surprises is this obsession of the Islamic clerics to killing and execution. Why? What about dialogue? Discussion?

I quite agree that discussion is preferable. When is it slotted in? Are all 1.1 billion homies and homettes showing up? Better rent a big convention hall.

"Arshad Misbahi's comparison of same-sex relation to adultery is nothing but ignorant and utterly irresponsible rhetoric, manifesting the wrong teachings of Islam. The media should . . . not take it for granted as the general view of the Muslim community all over."


Well, I for one would like not to. But, at the moment, it seems a little difficult.
As opposed to the Bible of course, which states explicily that homosexuals should be killed.
As opposed to the Bible of course, which states explicily that homosexuals should be killed.

Yeah, but the Bible verse that says that hasn't been followed for 2,000 years! And I know of no Christian preacher, esp. one of great stature in the church, that would come out in favor of killing or even harming homos.

No, I don't think it's quite the same, do you?

Baron Max
As opposed to the Bible of course, which states explicily that homosexuals should be killed.

Is it in opposition to the Bible? Must we then choose one or the other? How odd.

Anyway, if the Bible were being explicitly followed today, of course, I would oppose it utterly. As Max points out, it is not. Further, as I recall the tremulous passage occurs in Leviticus which, being OT, is a bit more removed from the Golden Rule and "love your neighbour" message of the NT. Jesus, I also recall, stopped a stoning - hilariously related in a joke by Dave Allen, where after he admonishes only "those who are without sin to throw the first stone", and all the crowd drops their stones except for one frowning old woman, whereupon Jesus looks at her and says "Mummy - you drop that stone."

It was funnier on TV. Anyway, it suggests rather strongly he - Jesus, though possibly also Dave Allen - was against capital punishment by and large. I think he also stopped Peter drawing down with the Romans shortly after the last supper. Although he is supposed to have kicked the moneylenders' asses in the temple once. He might have been a little 'rock em sock em', but with less emphasis on the 'rock', at least for sin. "Unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and all that (i.e. secular authority for its own good).

GeoffP said:
Is it in opposition to the Bible? Must we then choose one or the other? How odd.
Are you really just misinterpreting what I said? From your post:
The holy book Qur'an does not mention anywhere about the execution or killing of human beings on the basis of their sexuality.
This is in contrast to the statement in Leviticus, which, as you readily concur, states that homosexuals should be killed. And while I guess that you could say the two books are opposed, in that they represent different religions, that doesn't mean we must choose either one or the other.

[quote="Baron Max]Yeah, but the Bible verse that says that hasn't been followed for 2,000 years! And I know of no Christian preacher, esp. one of great stature in the church, that would come out in favor of killing or even harming homos.[/quote]
You do lead a sheltered life, don't you Baron? From a quick search:
The meaning is clear: anyone who wishes to base his or her beliefs on the witness of the Old Testament must be completely consistent and demand the death penalty for everyone who performs homosexual acts. (That may seem extreme, but there actually are some Christians urging this very thing today.)
Source: http://www.soulforce.org/article/homosexuality-bible-walter-wink
Yeah, but the Bible verse that says that hasn't been followed for 2,000 years!

Doesn't that imply that Christians are defying the will of God?

Leviticus 20:13 states:

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
And which prominent Christian leaders are advocating the execution of homosexuals? Please do another "quick search" and enlighten us.

Lets start from a relgious person.

Rev. Fred Phelps
(The Westboro Baptist Church, Topeka, KS -
Phelps gained national attention protesting at Matt Shepard's funeral)

Gays worthy of death

"Not only is homosexuality a sin, but anyone who supports fags is just as guilty as they are. You are both worthy of death (Romans 1:32)," Phelps quoted by State Press (Arizona State University), March 11, 1998.

For you any muslim can become a authority on islam, you think that islam is like a some one's property and any one can claim it. But, thats ofcourse yours and Baron's understanding.

Some quick search links for your kind.


and for stupid people lets get it clear. Mr. Farwell is a relgious leader. He blamed gays for 9/11.

"JERRY FALWELL: And, I know that I'll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."

He was justifying the horrible terrorist attack and was blaming on gays. So in his views if we were to jailed the gays or get rid f them etc, it wouldn't have happened.

Then more for stupid Baron Max.



'Unless we get medically lucky, in three or four years,
one of the options discussed will be the extermination of homosexuals."
Dr. Paul Cameron, a "scientist" often quoted by religious right groups (see below),
speaking at the 1985 Conservative Political Action Conference

ahhh and the list goes on....

Pat Robertson

Gays were behind Hitler

“When lawlessness is abroad in the land, the same thing will happen here that happened in Nazi Germany. Many of those people involved in Adolph Hitler were Satanists. Many of them were homosexuals. The two things seem to go together.” - 700 Club, 1-21-93 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

Gays are appalling

“...What kind of craziness is it in our society which will put a cloak of secrecy around a group of people whose lifestyle is at best abominable. Homosexuality is an abomination. The practices of those people is appalling. It is a pathology. It is a sickness, and instead of thinking of giving these people a preferred status and privacy, we should treat AIDS exactly the same way as any other communicable disease...” - 700 Club, 6-6-88 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

Gays want to disprupt churches, spread AIDS and spit at ministers

"[Homosexuals]want to come into churches and disrupt church services and throw blood all around and try to give people AIDS and spit in the face of ministers." Pat Robertson, 700 Club, 1/18/95 - People for the American Way Web site, http://www.pfaw.org/issues/right/rtvw.antigay.shtml

Homosexuality leads to decline of civilization

"...the acceptance of homosexuality is the last step in the decline of Gentile civilization." --Pat Robertson, of the Christian Broadcasting Network, warned that hurricanes could hit Orlando, Fla., because of gay events there. Time magazine, Oct 26, 1998

Entire world will suffer if homosexuality is accepted

“If the world accepts homosexuality as its norm and if it moves the entire world in that regard, the whole world is then going to be sitting like Sodom and Gomorrah before a Holy God. And when the wrath of God comes on this earth, we will all be guilty and we will all suffer for
it.” - 700 Club, 9-6-95 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

Gays are diseased, depressed, and miserable

“You know, one of the great misnomers in our society is the term `gay.’ That somebody who is involved in something that is leading to suicide, where the V.D. rate is 11 times that of others, which are almost driven and ashamed and fearful and confused and psychotic and all the others that we read about plaguing this part of our society. The term gay is the most serious misuse of the English language. They’re not gay, they’re very, very depressed and miserable.” - 700 Club, 5-6-82 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

Homosexuality is an anti-social sickness

“This conduct [homosexuality] is anti-social, and it is a pathology. It is a sickness, and it needs to be treated. It doesn’t need to be taught in the classroom as a preferred way of life...” - 700 Club, 3-7-90 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

Gays are after children

“It’s one thing to say, `We have rights to jobs...we have rights to be left alone in out little corner of the world to do our thing.’ It’s an entirely different thing to say, well, `We’re not only going to go into the schools and we’re going to take your children and your grandchildren
and turn them into homosexuals.’ Now that’s wrong.” - 700 Club, 9-17-92 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

Homosexuality means God has given up on society

“When you see the rise of blatant open homosexuality and lesbianism, what you also know is God has given a society up...and we’re at the mercy of the elements, the mercy of war, the mercy of economic disaster.” - 700 Club, 4-26-93 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

Lesbians are against motherhood

"The radical left is doing everything they can to destroy the moral fiber of America. They want to do away with the family. I am absolutely persuaded one of the reasons so many lesbians are at the forefront of the pro-choice movement is because being a mother is the unique
characteristic of womanhood, and these lesbians will never be mothers naturally, so they don't want anybody else to have that privilege either." - 700 Club, 5-18-93 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

Discrimination against gays...

“Since our nation was founded, we have discriminated against certain things. We discriminate against kidnappers. We discriminate against murderers. We discriminate against thieves...There are laws that prohibit that kind of conduct. And there have been laws since the founding of our country against what are considered unnatural sex acts, sex between members of the same sex.” - 700 Club, 12-24-93 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

Homosexuality is "sodomy", repugnant

“The concept, the word for homosexual behavior is sodomy. That is what is used in the official documents. It is sodomy. It is repugnant. It has been prohibited and proscribed by sane society throughout countless millennia, centuries. People have understood that it is wrong. Now in America, not only is it happening, it is getting civil rights protection in the law, and these people are invading churches.” - 700 Club, 1-18-94 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

Gays want to destroy Christians

"[Gays seek] to destroy all Christians." - People for the American Way, "Hostile Climate," 1994, p.9.

Jerry Falwell

God hates homosexuality

"god hates homosexuality" - Jerry Falwell on TV (I've seen the actual footage)

Gays are perverts

"[Vice President Gore] recently praised the lesbian actress who plays 'Ellen' on ABC Television...I believe he may even put children, young people, and adults in danger by his public endorsement of deviant homosexual behavior...Our elected leaders are attempting to glorify and legitimize perversion." People for the American Way, "Hostile Climate", 1998, p.9.

Gays will crush all Americans

"Someone must not be afriad to say, 'moral perversion is wrong.' If we do not act now, homosexuals will 'own' America!...If you and I do not speak up now, this homosexual steamroller will leterally crush all decent men, women, and children who get in its way...and our nation will pay a terrible price!" - People for the American Way, "Hostile Climate," 1997, p.15.

Ex-Gay Ministries

Gays are "sexual deviants"

Michael Johnston, head of Kerusso Ministries (an "ex-gay" conversion center): "You know, really, when you think about it -- let me just be blunt here -- when an individual 'comes out' and proclaims their homosexuality, really, what they are doing is standing up and saying, 'I'm a sexual deviant, and I'm proud of it.' " - Oct 16, 96 - Family Research Council Web site, http://www.frc.org/net/st96j3.html

Satan uses homosexuals

"Satan uses homosexuals as pawns. They're in, as you know, key positions in the media, they're in the White House, they're in everything, they're in Hollywood now. Then, unfortunately, after he uses them, he infects them with AIDS and then they die." Anthony Falzarano, PFOX, Janet Parshall's America, 2/27/96 - http://www.pfaw.org/issues/right/rtvw.antigay.shtml

Acceptance of homosexuality leads to "death and despair"

Jane Boyer, Board Member of Exodus Ex-Gay Ministries: "in areas that are most accepting of homosexuality, such as Hollywood and San Francisco and New York, there is the highest percentage of suicide, death from chemical dependency, drug addiction, alcoholism, and HIV amongst the gay community, and I am concerned about that, because I love the homosexual. Obviously, in those areas that they are receiving the greatest acceptance, there is the highest percentage of death and despair amongst the gay community." - Oct 16, 96 - Family Research Council Web site, http://www.frc.org/net/st96j3.html

Homosexuality is a "deathstyle"

Chris Johnson: "I come to you as a witness, one who lived in this lifestyle for over 10 years of my life. Actually, it became a death style. Slowly I was dying spiritually, mentally, and also physically. I was involved in alcohol and drugs so deeply, this was ingrained within me, because that was the lifestyle, to constantly stay high, not be aware or conscious of actually how hurt one really was in this lifestyle."- Oct 16, 96 - Family Research Council Web site, http://www.frc.org/net/st96j3.html

Lesbian love is "a lie"

Jane Boyer, Board Member of Exodus Ex-Gay Ministries: "lesbian love is a counterfeit, it's a lie, and we are far too easily pleased with a counterfeit. And that is what the gay community -- that is the deception, is that when they turn to homosexual behavior, when they turn to these gay relationships, it doesn't fill. It gives the illusion of being satisfying. But it really doesn't. It really doesn't."- Oct 16, 96 - Family Research Council Web site, http://www.frc.org/net/st96j3.html

Lesbians are "broken people" with "a lack of self-worth"

Jane Boyer, Board Member of Exodus Ex-Gay Ministries: "when two women come together in this kind of relationship, you are both broken people in a lot of pain, in need to be loved and accepted, a lack of identity, a lack of self-worth." - Oct 16, 96 - Family Research Council Web site, http://www.frc.org/net/st96j3.html

Gays out to destroy marriage

"Basically, the homosexual, let's say the political gay community, is out to destroy the traditional marriage, heterosexual marriage, that God has designed for us." - Anthony Falzarano http://www.frc.org/net/st96d2.html

Gay rights will bring wrath of God

"MR. FALZARANO: America is against gay marriage.
MS. HAMRICK: Oh, yes.
MR. FALZARANO: And, hopefully, they will never accept it, or the wrath of God will come upon this country." - http://www.frc.org/net/st96d2.html

Gays need a good "whack"

"Basically, homosexuality is a neurosis. It's healable, it's treatable. We are ministering to 6,000 former homosexuals in the Exodus network. Basically, homosexuality is a stunting of psychosexual growth. They are children inside, and any parents out there -- you know, when your kid is spoiled, he'll keep coming at you and keep coming at you and keep coming at you until you give him a whack on the bottom and say, 'Enough!' and then the child will stop." - Anthony Falzarano, http://www.frc.org/net/st96d2.html

Abuse is main cause of homosexuality

"Eighty percent of the people that have come to Transformation in Washington have been sexually abused as children. Ninety-eight percent of them did not bond with their same-sex parent. And, basically, that is the main cause of homosexuality." - Anthony Falzarano, http://www.frc.org/net/st96d2.html

Gay parents are "child abuse"

"There is a case in the Rhode Island court system right now. This poor father called me, and he says, 'I need help.' Basically, his wife left him for a woman, and basically, there is a custody fight over the two girls, two young girls in the family. Basically, the judge said to this young father, 'Look, I'm not concerned if your wife is a lesbian. I want to find out who is the most suitable parent to take custody over these children.' And he describes how unstable his former wife's girlfriend is, and to expose two pure young girls to a lesbian relationship -- it's child abuse, and I can't believe the courts would even consider giving custody to this woman." - Anthony Falzarano, http://www.frc.org/net/st96d2.html

Molestation, rape causes gays

"Well, 80 percent of the people that come to Transformation Ministries in Washington, D.C., have been sexually molested and/or raped as children. We see that. We take an informal poll every six months, and the data is accurate. It keeps coming up constant, somewhere between 70 to 80 percent....We see high levels of divorce, high levels of alcoholism, very, very dysfunctional family situations." - Anthony Falzarano, http://www.frc.org/net/st95l1.html

Gay cabal controls everything

"You know, the gays are in control in Hollywood; they are in control of television; they are in key positions at the Washington Post now; and they watch everything that is coming into the newspaper or television and radio, and they are editing it out." - Anthony Falzarano, http://www.frc.org/net/st95l1.html

Being gay is like drug addiction

"What's your answer to the "it's genetic" statement?
MR. FALZARANO: It's an absolute lie that comes from the pit of hell. Basically, we are seeing many people come through Exodus and walk successfully out of a homosexual disorientation....It's hard. It's the equivalent of coming off of heroin." - http://www.frc.org/net/st95l1.html

Gays haven't found Jesus

"MS. HAMRICK: What does it take [to leave homosexuality]?
MR. FALZARANO: I mean, you are really turning your life totally over to Jesus Christ to realize that you need this higher power -- and I call my higher power Jesus Christ -- to walk successfully out of a lifestyle that basically permeates your entire being." - http://www.frc.org/net/st95l1.html

Gays join devil in attacking family

"MR. FALZARANO: And the devil is attacking the family. He is trying to destroy the family now, and we must keep our families together.
MS. HAMRICK: And that's at the heart of it, isn't it?
MS. HAMRICK: It's an attack on the family." - http://www.frc.org/net/st95l1.html

Ex-gay "researcher" says gays recruit

" 'I would suggest to you,' she said, 'that while the homosexual population may right now be one to two percent, hold your breath, people, because the recruitment is loud; it is clear; it is everywhere. You'll be seeing, I would say, twenty percent or more, probably thirty percent, or even more than that, of the young population will be moving into homosexual activity.' " - Judith Reisman - http://www.ifas.org/fw/9408/gleneyrie.html

In one way or another they are asking the society to get rid of gays which is equal of a genocide and most of them are religius leaders.

Should i stop?/

Christian Coalition of Maine's Paul Volle

Gays ingest urine and fecal matter

"Being frustrated by the biological impossibility of natural sexual relations between members of the same sex, they must resort to bringing their mouth into contact with areas of the body designed for the elimination of human waste, or use body apertures not meant for sexual penetration, either of which causes serious hygienic and health risks. Once these homosexuals bridge the natural reluctance to come into contact with human waste, a significant number of homosexuals go further and further. Many times to the point of ingesting the urine and fecal matter of their partners. This leads to serious health risks to not only them, but the population at large, through the food chain, medical services, and other avenues of society." - - Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, "The Gay Agenda," October 1998 (I have the original of this publication)

Family Research Council Web sites lauds Volle, others who wrote Gay Agenda

"Bauer congratulated Mike Heath of the Christian Civic League of Maine for spearheading the People's Veto, as well as Paul Volle of the Christian Coalition of Maine, and Paul and Susan Madore of Maine Grassroots Coalition"[Paul Madore was a contributing writer to "The Gay Agenda"] - http://www.frc.org/press/021098c.html, Family Research Council Web site, Feb. 10, 1998, "HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS" LAW OVERTURNED IN MAINE

Portland paper calls publication "despicable….vile….hate literature"

"A despicable publication called ‘The Gay Agenda’ "

"The piece of hate literature that Paul Volle, Mark Finks and others have produced in the form of political advertising, however, goes beyond the bounds of taste, fairness and rational dialogue. It seeks to achieve through fear and misinformation what they cannot hope to achieve otherwise. Every slur, stereotype and untruth they could think of concerning gay men and lesbians has been cited as though it were legitimate information."

"offensive, inflammatory, inaccurate and vile" - Portland Press Herald, October 29, 1998

Portland paper calls publication "16 pages of pure, homophobic hatred"

"Product of sick minds. May not be suitable for civilized society….homophobic….unsolicited, unsubstantiated and unadulterated filth….vile and ill-informed….hateful smut….16 pages of pure, homophobic hatred." - PORTLAND PRESS HERALD, October 30, 1998

Gays have deviant sexual behavior

"What do ‘homosexuals’ do? They typically engage in oral or anal sodomy, or mutual masturbation, with members of the same sex. Admittedly, the homosexuals do not have a monopoly on bizarre sexual practices, but their initial attraction to unnatural acts seems to draw them in disproportionate numbers to more widely known practices like masochism and sadism, and less known practices like "fisting" and "rimming." They are also known to practice other forms of deviant sexual behavior that is unacceptable to the preponderance of society." - Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, "The Gay Agenda," October 1998

Gays chose to get AIDS

"In light of recent research on AIDS, it was discovered that the average homosexual who was interviewed had 550 different sexual partners. Those with AIDS, (I refuse to call them AIDS victims, because the vast majority received the disease by deviant sexual behavior and drug usage which they choose), when considered by themselves average 1,100 different sexual partners, and some reported as many as 20,000." - Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, "The Gay Agenda," October 1998

Gays rape children

"They commit over 33% of the sex acts with children. Of the pupil molestations, homosexual teachers commit as many as 80% of those acts. Therefore, it would seem to me that we are increasing the risk of our children being molested by allowing homosexuals to teach our children. There are those in our school systems that say the homosexual has every right to influence our children. Why, let them steal the innocence of our children?" - Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, "The Gay Agenda," October 1998

Gays are diseased

"Although the homosexuals represent 2-4% of the U.S. population they carry over 44% of the nations syphilis, 51% of gonorrhea of the throat, 53% of intestinal infections and 80% of the AIDS disease. Diseased homosexual food handlers in public restaurants in San Francisco and Minneapolis, have been responsible for major outbreaks of amebiasis and hepatitis A infections. The homosexuals have a rate of infectious hepatitis B, 20 to 50 times greater than heterosexual males." - Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, "The Gay Agenda," October 1998

Sodomites rights

"Imagine a call for ‘sodomites’ rights.’ In order for sodomites to get around this distasteful, but accurate image, they have created the terminology ‘gay rights’. "- Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, "The Gay Agenda," October 1998

Diseased gays endanger children

"Often parents of young boys seek non-gay role-models for their children to foster and encourage heterosexuality for their boys through adolescence. The parents concern is understandable, considering adults involved in homosexuality are:

8 times more likely to have hepatitis than non-gays,
14 times more likely to have syphilis,
5000 times more likely to have AIDS


The median age of death for a homosexual NOT having AIDS: 42 yrs.
Percentage of homosexuals living to old age: 9%
The median age of death for lesbians: 45 yrs.
Percent living to old age: 26%"

- "The Gay Agenda", published by Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, October 1998

Discriminating against gays is "OK"

"Practicing homosexuals individually may come up against anti-gay societal sentiment in the form of denied jobs or housing. This is OK." - "The Gay Agenda", published by Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, October 1998

Being gay is akin to pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia

"Morality is the basis for every marriage law. To throw out morality is to bring in every perversion: Adultery; Homosexuality; Exhibitionism, Incest, Prostitution, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Sadism, Masochism, and Necrophilia." -"The Gay Agenda", published by Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, October 1998

Gays against commitment, monogamy

"Homosexuality precludes commitment and monogamy" - - "The Gay Agenda", published by Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, October 1998

Gays recruit children

"Homosexuality is not a private concern. Its participants are public and vocal, desiring to propagate their sexual behavior among the next generation." "The Gay Agenda", published by Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, October 1998

Gays aren’t safe or masculine

"Many single mothers depend on the association of Boy Scouts for safe, masculine role models to assist them in teaching their sons to be men. A mother’s preference for straight men as role models for her children is not bigotry. It is loving concern." - "The Gay Agenda", published by Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, October 1998

Gays are diseased

"It is estimated that fifty percent (50%) of gay males in this country are HIV-positive. Another study has shown that gay men have an average life span of only 41 years." - "The Gay Agenda", published by Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine, October 1998

What some more???

Dr. Paul Cameron
(Cameron's now-discredited "research" still provides the basis for most of the anti-gay facts and figures used by the religious right - his work is cited often by the Family Research Council, among many others)

Gays are crime against humanity

"Homosexuality is a crime against humanity."- Paul Cameron's pamphlet "Criminality, Social Disruption and Homosexuality" quoted by Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.

Gays have sex with animals

Causes of homosexuality include: "sex with animals"- http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron3.html, What Causes Homosexual Desire and Can It Be Changed?, By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.

Exterminate gays

"At the 1985 Conservative Political Action Conference, Cameron announced to the attendees, 'Unless we get medically lucky, in three or four years, one of the options discussed will be the extermination of homosexuals.' According to an interview with former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, Cameron was recommending the extermination option as early as 1983." - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.

Tattoo AIDS patients, castrate gays

"At least twice Cameron has advocated the tattooing of AIDS patients on the face, so that people would know when they were meeting with an infected person. The penalty for trying to hide the tattoo would be banishment to the Hawaiian island of Molokai, a former leper colony. In the event that a vaccine were developed to prevent AIDS, Cameron has proposed that homosexuals be castrated to prevent them from 'cheating' on nature." - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.

AIDS is a Godsend

"I think that actually AIDS is a guardian. That is I think it was sent, if you would, about forty years ago, to destroy Western civilization unless we change our sexual ways. So it's really a Godsend." - Cameron quoted by Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.

Gays eat feces

"33% [of gays surveyed] ingested feces via anal/oral contact"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html

Gays engage in torture and pedophilia

"a large minority of gays engage in torture for sexual fun. Sex with minors 25% of white gays admitted to sex with boys 16 or younger as adults"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html

Put AIDS patients in detention centers

"Cameron also views AIDS as being such a large threat to 'innocents' that he has proposed nationwide testing for HIV and the forcible quarantine of all those testing positive, either by confinement to their homes or in regional detention centers." - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.

Outlaw homosexuality, register gays

"He has also advocated the outlawing of homosexuality and the forcible closing of all Gay bars; homosexuals would be required to register with government authorities and have their movements tracked." - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.

Gays prey on the young

"Older homosexuals often approach the young" - http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron3.html, What Causes Homosexual Desire and Can It Be Changed?, By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.

Homosexuality is caused by older predators

"There is evidence that homosexuality, like drug use is 'handed down' from older individuals. The first homosexual encounter is usually initiated by an older person."- http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron3.html, What Causes Homosexual Desire and Can It Be Changed?, By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.

Gays are pedophiles

"A quarter of homosexuals have admitted to sex with children and underaged teens"- http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron3.html, What Causes Homosexual Desire and Can It Be Changed?, By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.

Gays molest children

"Cameron also presented data that homosexuals are disproportionately child molesters. This research was also based on newspaper stories, which he said prove homosexuals are perpetrators in 40 percent of all molestation cases." - The Minnesota Daily, August 22, 1997

Gays consume blood

"gays who practice oral sex verge on consuming raw human blood"- Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html

Gays are promiscuous

"gays average somewhere between 106 and 1105 different partners/year"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html

Gays have abnormal sex

Gays have sex with "bottles, carrots, even gerbils"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html

Being gay is dangerous

"The typical life-span of homosexuals suggests that their activities are more destructive than smoking and as dangerous as drugs."-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html

Treating AIDS patients is risky

"Those who treat AIDS patients are at great risk"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html

Gays are medical horror story

"The typical sexual practices of homosexuals are a medical horror story --imagine exchanging saliva, feces, semen and/or blood with dozens of different men each year. Imagine drinking urine, ingesting feces and experiencing rectal trauma on a regular basis. Often these encounters occur while the participants are drunk, high, and/or in an orgy setting. Further, many of them occur in extremely unsanitary places"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html

Gays are sexually troubled

"Homosexuals are sexually troubled people engaging in dangerous activities"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html

Gays are unhealthy, violent, and bad parents

"Homosexual coupling undermines its participants' health, has the highest rate of domestic violence, shortens life, and is a poor environment in which to raise children."- Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron1.html

Gays beat their spouses

"homosexual couples have higher rates of domestic violence than do heterosexual couples, especially among lesbians"- Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron1.html

Gay parents molest their children

"The largest study, and the only one based on a random sample, estimated that less than half of a percent of Americans have had a homosexual parent. Those who did were more likely to: report having had sex with a parent….be sexually molested"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron1.html

Gays don't believe in commitment

"Homosexual unions are not built around lifetime commitments"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron1.html

Thomas Jefferson said to castrate gays

"Thomas Jefferson said that homosexuality ‘should be punished, if a man, by castration, if a woman, by cutting through the cartilage of her nose a hole of one-half inch in diameter as least.’ " Paul Cameron - MEDICAL CONSEQUENCES Of WHAT HOMOSEXUALS DO.

Had enough?

Rev. Fred Phelps
(The Westboro Baptist Church, Topeka, KS -
Phelps gained national attention protesting at Matt Shepard's funeral)

Gays worthy of death

"Not only is homosexuality a sin, but anyone who supports fags is just as guilty as they are. You are both worthy of death (Romans 1:32)," Phelps quoted by State Press (Arizona State University), March 11, 1998.

God Hates Fags, Matt in Hell

Phelps and his church members protested at Matt Shepard's funeral, holding signs saying "God Hates Fags" and "Matt in Hell".

Jews are money-grubbing sodomites, gays solicit young to sodomy

"The Jews of Temple Beth Sholom are sinful, greedy, Hell-bound, money-grubbing sodomites; and they have dedicated their synagogue to be a gay and lesbian propaganda mill and recruiting depot, soliciting young people to sodomy." - Sept 7 1998, Westboro Baptist Church press release, re: protesting Jewish groups

Sodomite lifestyle guarantees hell

"It does not look good for Leni. WBC will picket his memorial service, using the occasion to warn the living that the sodomite lifestyle guarantees Hell. That the Kansas City Star Fag Rag writing tributes, and his fellow perverts dancing and singing in his honor, will not buy one drop of water to cool Leni's tongue where he likely now is. And except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Lk. 13:3" - Westboro Baptist Church press release, September 28, 1996, on the death of UMKC dancer Leni Wylliams.

Another fag dancer

"Here comes Leni...another fag dancer...they never learn." - - Westboro Baptist Church press release, September 28, 1996, on the death of UMKC dancer Leni Wylliams.

"Anal-copulating agenda of Topeka's filthy fag community"

"Rabbi Lawrence Karol is an apostate Jew, who denies the faith of his fathers, militantly promotes the anal-copulating agenda of Topeka's filthy fag community, and persecutes the Lord's people just as his vermin ancestors did in killing the Lord Jesus Christ and their own prophets and persecuting the apotles (sic) of Christ…..Hence they live filthy lives of sexual perversion, greed, violence, and oppression of the Lord's people. This is why the vile Jews of Temple Beth Sholom promote sodomy and persecute Baptists."- September 19, 1996 Westboro Baptist Church press release, re: anti-Jewish protest

Gays pose greatest threat to survival of nation

" ‘And Lot...pitched his tent toward Sodom. But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly.’ (Genesis 13:12,13) Conceiving the militant homosexual movement to pose the greatest threat to the survival of this nation, and that the government in all its branches (including the courts) is caving in to this anti-majoritarian law-trained pervert elite with their specious arguments couched in the inapposite language of civil rights law, and that the churches entoto are likewise crumbling to their junk theology and snake oil pitchman rhetoric which is nothing but heretical sophistry -- Westboro Baptist Church has determined to act. The Destroyer of Sodom is not dead. If the same conditions prevail, God's wrath will destroy America just as it did Sodom and Gomorrah in 1898 B.C. ‘Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination,’ Lev. 18:22, is still God's immutable law…..THE REAL CHURCH-BURNERS ARE FAGS!"- - June 30, 1996, Westboro Baptist Church press release.


"….For nearly 4,000 years, since the ancient inhabitants of Sodom fueled the fires of God's wrath, sodomites have been called faggots, contracted to fags. It is an elegant metaphor. Faggots in nature are sticks of wood that burn quick, hot and long, and are hence used to fuel the fires of nature. Etymology, history, and Scripture -- all endorse and sanctify the usage of faggot or fag to refer to sodomites, because the sodomites ignite the fires of divine wrath, promised by God Himself to destroy any society that elevates homosexuality to a position of wide acceptance and respect.’ " - June 30, 1996, Westboro Baptist Church press release.

ev. Lou Sheldon, Traditional Values Coalition

Gays are like Hitler and Gestapo

"The Rev. Lou Sheldon, president of the Traditional Values Coalition, said the 'hate crime' designation is increasingly going to be applied against those who believe homosexuality is wrong. 'What Hitler began to build against the Jews is now being built against people of faith who believe the Scriptures are valid for today and their injunctions against certain sexual behaviors is correct,' he said. Several years ago, homosexual activists disrupted a similar conference of his in Sacramento, he said, 'but I didn't have the finances to get a lawyer. For a long time we were the target of their wrath. Now other people are surfacing against them, thank God. If you don't agree with [homosexual activists], they use Gestapo tactics to stop you.' - Washington Times, Tuesday, October 27, 1998, Page A2

Sheldon for quarantining AIDS patients

"Reverend Louis Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition has come out in favor of quarantining AIDS patients in what he calls 'cities of refuge.' " - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.

Gays are amoral extremists

"If the Ameircan people are shocked by all of the same-sex smooching that is on television, wait until they see an American president kissing up to the wealthiest extremists of the amoral left." Andrea Sheldon, quoted by People for the American Way, "Hostile Climate," 1988, p.9.

Senator Don Nickles

Gays shouldn't represent US

"One might have that lifestyle, but if one promotes it as acceptable behavior… I don’t think they should be a representative of this country." - Sen. Nickles, quoted in Jun 15, 98 Americans for Truth About Homosexuality press release.

Alveda King

Gays want to kill civil rights movement

" 'To equate homosexuality with race is to give a death sentence to civil rights,'' Alveda Celeste King told about 100 people at a rally on the Capitol steps. `'No one is enslaving homosexuals ... or making them sit in the back of the bus.'' '`In California, injustice is being done to family values,' King said. King pointed to openly gay Assemblywomen Carole Migden, D-San Francisco, and Sheila Kuehl, D-Santa Monica, and charged that the Legislature harbors 'forces that want to steal away the civil rights from under our very noses.' "- ASSOCIATED PRESS, August 20, 1997, "MARTIN LUTHER KING'S NIECE DENOUNCES GAY RIGHTS"

Alveda equates gays to prostitutes, pedophiles

"Don't expect us or our chilren to approve of, promote, or elevate sexual preference to civil rights status...What's next, civil rights on the basis of prostitution and pedophilia?"- Quoted by Peole for the American Way, "Hostile Climate," 1998, p.30.

Republican Party of Texas

Gay Republicans are like the KKK

"Robert Black, the [Texas] state [Republican] party spokesman, called them [Log Cabin] a 'hate group' and compared them to the Ku Klux Klan." [This occurred after Log cabin Republicans (a gay republican group) tried to attend the Texas Republican State convention.] - NY Daily News 6/24/98

US Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC)

Gays are "sickening" and "intellectually dishonest"

"These people are intellectually dishonest in just about everything they do or say,".... He added, "They start by pretending that it is just another form of love. It's sickening." - Tuesday June 30 7:49 AM EDT, Variety

Republican Presidential Candidate
Alan Keyes

Gays cause Nazism, communism

" 'Hitler and his supporters were Satanists and homosexuals. That's just a true statement.' He added, 'The notion that is involved in homosexuality, the unbridled sort of satisfaction of human passions' leads to 'totalitarianism,' 'Nazism,' and 'communism.' " - People for the American Way, "Hostile Climate," 1997, p.26.

and never forget the bible.

"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:13)
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LMAO!! This Baron guy needs some fresh air... I bet he never seen any other city but Dallas. In every post I see his extremist views and his dangerous agenda to kill minorites.

Can't or don't read my posts, do you? :)

Baron Max
Lets start from a relgious person. .....

All you've done, Skywalker, is give a long list of INDIVIDUALS' views, biut none of them are have even anything close to the political/religious sway of a mullah in the Muslim world.

A few isolated, radical viewpoints does not make a case for anything.

A mullah, however, is an entirely different thing for the Muslim religion. Perhaps you should do a search and see just how important they are in their religion. It will surprise you.

Baron Max
You're quoting Fred Phelps, Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson?

They do share a common denominator: loonies. However, they should also be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

All you've done, Skywalker, is give a long list of INDIVIDUALS' views, biut none of them are have even anything close to the political/religious sway of a mullah in the Muslim world.

A few isolated, radical viewpoints does not make a case for anything.

A mullah, however, is an entirely different thing for the Muslim religion. Perhaps you should do a search and see just how important they are in their religion. It will surprise you.

Baron Max

Pat and Jerry are very influncial religious figures in usa. Hardcore evangilicals. There are 50 million mullahs in the world but none is more influancial then Mr. Falwell and Pat. So, YES! they are religious figures.
As "influential" as the Ayatollah? I think he has a slightly bigger constituency.

As bufoonish as they are, if those are their opinions they should also be locked up. In fact, I think Phelps has indeed gone to prison off and on.

I would no more accept their views of anything than I would radical islam's.
Yes, Christianity is now associated with a less radical ideology, but it still supports notions very similar to those you can find in Islam. They have similar roots. It's somewhat irrelevent to discussion of Islam.

I tend to agree that if the Koran supports such "misinterpretations", it's very nature is such that it makes variable interpretation spossible. I think that is a function of language itself, which is open to interpretation. That's why we have judges to interpret the law. If it were clear in every circumstance, we wouldn't need them to make judgements.
So GeoffP, after making an arse out of yourself on the Teensie problem with sharia thread you want to have another go? Have you been reading up on Shariah law? Which Shaykh are you studying under?

Mufti Islamophobe at the 'popular' LittleGreenFootball Mosque? Hahaha :D

Some questions for you GeoffP. What makes someone ‘gay’ (Define a gay person), show me just where Islam calls for such people to be killed.

Thanks. :)
Death squads targeting gays in Iraq


Shiite Muslim leader Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani issued a death-to-gays fatwa in Iraq last October, and now squads of the local Badr Corps are systematically targeting gay Iraqis for persecution and execution,



The leading imam in Manchester, confirms that he thinks the execution of sexually active gay men is justified.
So GeoffP, after making an arse out of yourself on the Teensie problem with sharia thread you want to have another go? Have you been reading up on Shariah law? Which Shaykh are you studying under?

Shaykh Roobar Spanyar. You?

In all seriousness, I've been observing it in practice in the islamic world. It's hardly my fault that it hasn't been gotten right there, either.

I was amused to see your comment about the sharia thread I crushed you in, though. Keep the jokes coming.

Some questions for you GeoffP. What makes someone ‘gay’ (Define a gay person), show me just where Islam calls for such people to be killed.

A gay person would be someone who is gay; that is, a homosexual. I didn't really imagine this would be in dispute, but there we are. I'm not referring to 'gay' in the sense of 'happy'. I don't think even the MCB would be down with killing people merely because they were happy.

As for where islam calls for such people to die; I thought the Quran was quite clear about the desired fate of those having sex outside marriage. This sheikh seems in no confusion about it. I have an idea; go to the ME and announce your homosexuality. Publicly. In the mosque. In the village square. And see what happens.

Here's a contrary question, though: what makes a person an islamophobe? What is islamophobia? Is all criticism of islam necessarily islamophobia? If I criticize Christianity, am I a Christianophobe? Can I be a conservativophobe?
Are you really just misinterpreting what I said? From your post:

Well, actually, same-sex relations are prohibited in several places in the Quran, dealing with the issue of Lot: Q 7:80-82, Q 26: 165-172, Q 27: 55-58, Q 4: 15-16 (the last being adultery specifically, and mentioning repentance, from wherein I imagine the Hanafi school exacts punishment on second offences). Three of four schools of islamic jurisprudence classify homosexuality as adultery (zina), with the punishment in Hanafi being variably death or not. What, pray tell, is the penalty for adulterers in sharia?

This is in contrast to the statement in Leviticus, which, as you readily concur, states that homosexuals should be killed.

Nowl: illustrate to me where homosexuality is outlawed today in the Western world.