Miss Sciforums 2002

i think we aughta change this thread from "Miss Sci" to "The girls here never give them selves enough credit!"
Thats right!
& when one tries to buck them up you get should I take that as a complement or should I be offended.

I officially...and gracefully back out of the race due to problems with my winning speech
Thanks for the compliments, but as Strgrl already mentioned, popularity contests as well as beauty contests are not something I would like to support, as in my opinion we are all very beautiful and competing about it will only create negative feelings among the participants that do not win.

But I do enjoy competitions as such though, if they are about achievements.


But I do enjoy competitions as such though, if they are about achievements.

Maybe, but neither you nor I could come close to Star's level, and Bushatrix is frankly scary. :p
My vote goes to Lisa.
Well, I must say I find all the female users of sciforums very nice. Bebelina, Nightfall, Firefly, Xev, Teri, Stargirl, Agent@5, and any I've forgotten to mention are very nice and probably better than any of us guys deserve to be associated with. I think it's fair to say they all win regardless, without competition, simply by being groovy ladies. Yep, I'm drunk. :D
Originally posted by nightfall
you are very qualified for such a contest. in the pic you posted in the pic thread you have a very happy smile, and that makes you beautiful no matter what. :)
I agree, Cara has a big fun smile, and it is great. And I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooo drunk now. :D
Originally posted by Joeman
What does maggot mean?

Maggot; the act of consuming a plentiful amount of alcohol, even to the extent where the language you speak becomes to complicated to facilitate.

AWW man Beb, look babe. Its nto about being beautiful (even though i totally dig your hair!! and man, you have a very unique beauty) Its more about thrusting yourself into the limelight of these forums and allowing everyone to place their own judgement apon u.... See, thats not a bad thing, most people here are compassionate enough to be sensitive. But if not, even better!!! Your gorgeous, i vote u let everyone know that!! Same with everyone else!! hell, who cares, let go... its all charatcter buillding.. or something lol .... muah!
-agrees with above-
i think when it came down to it.. my vote was going to bebelina anyhow. LOL. (even if she didn't enter!!)
...or instead, why don't the guys of Scifourms post a pic, then alter it to look like ladies, and then the ladies judge them!!
ohh!! i like that i idea.. i think you should be in charge of putting that together!! how fun!!!!