Mining Operations


Tic Toc, World in Cobalt Blue
Registered Senior Member
Okay who has been mining Miranda?


Miranda Image
Copper Mine
The text under the second picture on the nasa site says its an impact crater. Why do you think it might mining and not from an impact? That's a pretty big leap to make by comparing an image of a real mine as your only evidence.
No Oscar, the wording with that second image does not say the striated terrain is an impact crater. The wording states the "crater in the lower part of this image is about 25 km (15 mi) across".
0scar said:
That's a pretty big leap to make by comparing an image of a real mine as your only evidence.
One giant leap for mankind. One small step for a certified - I'll be kind - eccentric.
Ok, the "roads" on miranda also dont even reach close enough to the impact crater... Look at your example the roads attach to the crevice.. On miranda they arent even close.
The access road label is on the image of a copper mine in Peru; nothing has been stated about roads on Miranda.

Keeping in mind the complete differences in locale of these images, it is very striking how a mining operation in Peru resembles formations on a moon of Uranus.

The impact crater is only of interests in showing size and as stated on the image web page "numerous craters on the rugged, higher terrain indicate that it is older than the lower terrain".
Interesting image.. I remember seeing this one before, but moved past it because of a lack of other high quality, closer images. Could not find hardley any at all.

However, I can see you're point. It litterally looks like it's been mined, or it tried to fit in between two planets scraping it's side.. lol. :D

I would not expect anyone from NASA or any "debunkers" on here to accept that it's anything other than a natural occurance.
btimsah said:
I would not expect anyone from NASA or any "debunkers" on here to accept that it's anything other than a natural occurance.
How could you believe otherwise from those photos?
As I have no alliance or agenda.. I still think comparing those two photos is a reach..

Yes they both have a crater, or hole.. Then some kindof long line near the hole..

The fact is, in peru the line actually connects to the hole, its a road... On miranda the line doesnt come very close to the mine, and looks more coincidence than stating its a ancient mining facility.
Terpinator, why are you fixated on "road"?
Why ancient? Is the copper mine in Peru ancient? If not, then how can ancient be applied to Miranda's markings?
Ophiolite, in space when something is in motion, it will remain in motion, such as in that article scientists surmise that Miranda blew apart then re-assembled or coalesced back together.
How can pieces outward bound from a moon in the vicinity of a larger planet do a reverse and re-assemble?
FieryIce said:
Ophiolite, in space when something is in motion, it will remain in motion, such as in that article scientists surmise that Miranda blew apart then re-assembled or coalesced back together.
How can pieces outward bound from a moon in the vicinity of a larger planet do a reverse and re-assemble?
Did gravity cause Shoemaker-Levy 9 to re-assemble or coalesced back together? Did gravity cause the Columbia to re-assemble or coalesced back together? When something is forces apart what happens to its gravity, assuming it had any gravity to start with?
When i throw a rock in the air it falls back to Earth. If I blow up a cliff, fragments of the cliff fall back to Earth. If I hurl a comet or asteroid at the Earth the fragments generated in the impact fall back to Earth. Do you see where we are headed?
In respects to Gravity, you have to at first identify what Gravity is. I tend to think that gravity is due to the electromagnetics of matter at a sub-atomic level, this means that some elements will have a greater Gravity (and Mass) while others will have less.

If the theory is correct it means you should be able to work out an inert material to place into space and it will not cause a nearby body to move to it through gravitation for the lack of generating any spacial curvatures.

There is also the application of "Causality" to the nature of a moving body in relationship to gravity, namely an object will move to where it will eventually be placed because thats what it's destined to do.