mind reading experiment

My answers:

5 feet, two, none, cylinder, third, panda, picasso, blue, cereals, $10.

Method used:

Russian Roulette (and I survived:D ). Jokin', just simple guessing.
The amazing thing is that the first week I got this pendulum, it was giving me correct answers one after the other... then it got stroppy!

I mean, quite honestly and truly Crunchy Kat, if I were to just guess your dogs name I would have said either of the other 2 names, I mean, who on earth would call their dog pineapple, for God's sake???? I woulda said Muffy, mute/dalmatian (not sure) and broken leg as probably more likely to be true.

And James R, a 6 foot computer desk? God what are you, a complete office freek?

No... I think the pendulum works, but it likes to take the piss. In fact i did ask it once if it lied and it said yes, but I thought it was probably lying:rolleyes: :confused:

And I thought I was going to win the lottery with it... ts!

Then again... maybe, just maybe it might depend on the mood 'm in, how relaxed I feel, or even what day it is, I mean who knows with all these frigging supernaturals?

But just to get off the whole subject I thought the last scene in Buttman Does English Chicks 2 was knda really cool! Thinking of changing my handle to Wang Kar!

* How long is the desk my computer is on?
4 feet, 5 feet, or 6 feet

4 feet. You are one to optimize your working environment and would therefore choose the smallest possible desk in which to organize your computer equipment.

* How many dogs do I own?
none, one, two

Two dogs. Although you are probably quite busy and would not have time for dogs, you do spend time surfing forums, which would suggest that you go out of your way to make the time. You most likely have one dog but would instead have two dogs so that you may enjoy them interacting with one another.

* How many cats?
none, one, two

None. That is unless you live on a large farm or acreage. Having two dogs is enough for anyone.

* There is a red cushion on my sofa. What shape is it?
star-shaped, heart-shaped, cylinder

Cylinder. It goes with the style of sofa that you own.

* There is a tennis ball on a shelf on my bookcase. Which shelf?
Top shelf, second from top, third from top?

Second from top. You use the tennis ball to play with your dogs, therefore it must be easily accessible.

* I have a decorated chinese fan. What animals are pictured on it?
Dragons, pandas or goldfish

Dragons. You were born in the year of the dragon.

* Above my desk is an art print. Who's the painter?
Dali, Kandinski, Picasso

Dali. You are intrigued by his use of shapes.

* A coat hangs on my door. What colour is it?
Blue, Red, Black

Blue. This color suits your cool temperance.

* What did I have for breakfast this morning (see date of post)?
nothing, cereal, toast

Nothing. You had coffee instead.

* There's a gift voucher stuck on my fridge. How much is it for?
$10, $20, $30

$30. No one would give you a voucher for any less.

Thanks for the responses. First the statistics. For this series of questions, the percentages of people scoring a particular number of correct answers by chance is:

3 correct: 26%
3 or 4 correct: 49%
2, 3 or 4 correct: 68%
2, 3, 4 or 5 correct: 81%
1,2,3,4 or 5 correct: 91%

These are listed in order of decreasing probability. The most likely outcome is 3 correct, followed by 4, then 2, then 5, then 1, then other results. These are the likely results. Unlikely results are:

None correct: 2%
7 or more correct: 2%

Actual performances were:

tablariddim: 1 correct (probability 9%)
macbone: 3 correct (probability 26%)
(Q): 4 correct (probability 23%)

There is nothing particularly remarkable in these results. I would have been surprised to see 7 or more correct with this number of responses, but that didn't happen. Each result had a good chance of occurring by chance. Let's look at the three strategies.

tablariddim: Your pendulum does not seem to be of any use in a test like this. I suggest you make educated guesses in future; they'll probably work better.

macbone: Your method was proably the most random of the three, and produced the most likely result. No great surprise there.

(Q): You tried the educated guess approach. It is worth examining your replies in detail to expose a few traps with the educated guess. I'll also give the correct answers here.

* How long is the desk my computer is on?

4 feet. You are one to optimize your working environment and would therefore choose the smallest possible desk in which to organize your computer equipment.

<b>Correct answer: 6 feet.</b>
I did not choose my desk.

* How many dogs do I own?

Two dogs. Although you are probably quite busy and would not have time for dogs, you do spend time surfing forums, which would suggest that you go out of your way to make the time. You most likely have one dog but would instead have two dogs so that you may enjoy them interacting with one another.

<b>Correct answer: None.</b>
I don't have the room, and wouldn't want more than one even if I did.

* How many cats?

None. That is unless you live on a large farm or acreage. Having two dogs is enough for anyone.

<b>Correct answer: None.</b>
See above.

* There is a red cushion on my sofa. What shape is it?

Cylinder. It goes with the style of sofa that you own.

<b>Correct answer: Heart-shaped.</b>
It was a gift, and in any case my sofa is not at all modern.

* There is a tennis ball on a shelf on my bookcase. Which shelf?

Second from top. You use the tennis ball to play with your dogs, therefore it must be easily accessible.

<b>Correct answer: second from top</b>
This is pure chance. It could easily be on any shelf, or not on the bookcase at all. Also, you don't know how tall my bookcase is!

* I have a decorated chinese fan. What animals are pictured on it?

Dragons. You were born in the year of the dragon.

<b>Correct answer: Pandas</b>
I wasn't born in the year of the dragon.

* Above my desk is an art print. Who's the painter?

Dali. You are intrigued by his use of shapes.

<b>Correct answer: Dali</b>
The reasoning is not really right here either. (The painting is the <a href="http://www.salvadordalimuseum.org/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe/collection/classic/toreador.html?L+dali+gtws5001+1038883475" target="_blank">Hallucinogenic Toreador</a>.)

* A coat hangs on my door. What colour is it?

Blue. This color suits your cool temperance.

<b>Correct answer: Blue</b>
But you assumed (incorrectly) that it's my coat.

* What did I have for breakfast this morning (see date of post)?

Nothing. You had coffee instead.

<b>Correct answer: Nothing.</b>
I got up late.

* There's a gift voucher stuck on my fridge. How much is it for?

$30. No one would give you a voucher for any less.

<b>Correct answer: $10.</b>
It was not from a personal friend or relative.
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(Q): You tried the educated guess approach. It is worth examining your replies in detail to expose a few traps with the educated guess.

Although I had 4 correct answers, none of them were correct based on the circumstances. There were far too many variables to take into consideration, none of which were revealed until now. I'm surprised I got so many correct.

It should be evident that even an educated guess will yield similar results to that of a psychic.

btw - is 23% correct ?

<i>Although I had 4 correct answers, none of them were correct based on the circumstances. There were far too many variables to take into consideration, none of which were revealed until now. I'm surprised I got so many correct.</i>

You had a roughly 1/5 chance of getting that many correct by chance, so it's not too surprising.

<i>It should be evident that even an educated guess will yield similar results to that of a psychic.</i>

In this case, the questions and possible answers were chosen to make the educated guess difficult. :)

<i>btw - is 23% correct ?</i>

Yes. The most likely number to get correct (out of 10) was 3. The next most likely was 4. Together, they account for almost 50% of results.

it your gonna read poeples mind, why do you depend on a pendulim?
and you poeple wanna see if he does read minds, why do you give him multiple choice questions?

i shall ask 2 questions in which ill write down:

1) pick a number between 1-1000, you get 3 guesses (cuase no ones perfect) [I have written down my answer]

2) i have 4 pop cans sitting here with me now, one is coke, one is pepsi and the other 2 are a no-named brand, i will put a dent in one of the nonamed ones. I have used one of these pop cans as a ash tray for my smoke, Is it (a) coke (b) pepsi (c) no-name (d) no name with the dent [i have writen down my answere and are about to throw away the cans]

lets see what you got mr mind reader


I'm NOT a mind reader, I am merely checking the effectiveness of the pendulum in various applications.

For your first question I'd have to ask it 1000 times and life's too short!

The second is easier... pendulum says Pepsi.

BTW it's obvious you drink far too much cola, it'll rot your stomach!

A Wang Kar
twas the dented can
and yes i do drink alot of cola, its diet too, its not my stomach thats wasting away, its my brain cells from the aspertame :)

how many time has you pendulum been correct im wondering?

and im talking about in real life, i think if a pendulum does work, it cannot be accurate for questions in a forum... or am i wrong?

if 3 friends held both their hands out and one of them had a penny in one hand, would you be able to find it?

give it a try
<i>...and you poeple wanna see if he does read minds, why do you give him multiple choice questions?</i>

Because he specified that that's what he wanted.

If you're going to fairly test somebody's claimed psychic abilities, the first step is to find out what they claim those abilities are. Then you can devise a test which you BOTH agree is fair. Otherwise there's not much point.
A Canadian

The first week it was correct on 95% of the occassions I checked it with, I thought it was uncanny!

Now there might be a difference if the person setting the question, or the object to be discovered is in the same room as you or is just some text on a screen, which may or may not be connected to the sender, half way round the world, via a phone line!

I used it to find water on my land at a particular spot and then I asked it how far to bore and how much water I would find. It said 2" of water at 120', which was way wrong. I did find water, but at 350' and one and a half inches, but I'm not complaining.
cant argue there, lemme go find my magic 8-ball, all signs point to yes