I guess there really is no way to avoid the problems of the world. ... All for he benefit of American interests rich people pockets. They claim tha globalization helps these countries tremendously. Yet they refuse to admit that they were the ones that put these countries into chaos in the first place.
Install a dictator friendly to American interests. This is always the case in all these countries. Fund these dictators to take control over their countriy's resources, lands, and labor. Thereby the dictator gets all this richness and power. Meanwhile being submissive to the USA.
This is a tactic in Makiaveli's Prince. Instead of actually invading a country, and setting up a remote governor to oversee that territory under the policies of your homeland. It is better to allow the country to keep its laws and independence. While supporting a local dictator that continues to support your homeland's interest.
Dictators of the past in many countries have accepted enormous amounts of riches and lavish elitist lifestyle at the expense of their people. These elites aren't necessarily aware of what life is about. They don't understand the concept of living a healthy productive life while using your money and power to benefit the poor. All they understand is consume consume consume. Lavish activities and parties material things mansions, jewlries, and 30 cars. And any form of consumption that makes them feel like they are enjoying their life.
That is certainly how it was, but times are changing. See:
where you can read:
"... Almost two centuries after President James Monroe declared Latin America a U.S. sphere of influence, the region is breaking away. From socialist-leaning Venezuela to market-friendly Brazil, governments are expanding military, economic and diplomatic ties with potential U.S. adversaries such as China, Russia and Iran. ..."
Note pre-Monroe, the US was not strong enough to be the main exploiter of South America's masses. The end of this domination (with US supported dictators killing more than 50,000 "left leaning" students etc - often after torture they were drudged, loaded in the helicopters the CIA supplied and simply dropped into the sea a few miles off shore. - See wiki etc about "Operation Condor" for more details.)
It is also interesting to note that it was on another "9/11" the left leaning but fairly elected Allende, President of Chile, was killed with CIA supplied equipment, while taking up his residency in the presidential Place. Everyone in South America knew (and still knows) about that "9/11" and I think that is why the US's 9/11 happen on the day it did. All of the major terrorist stikes have their date set with politic and historical consideration - but usually Joe American has no knowledge of these intended refference.
The escape from US exploitation began with the Vietnam War. Uncle Sam's CIA was stretched too thin - could not keep its local dictators well controlled with recent second hand military toys to play with / suppress their populations. Now, with the recent meeting, which the link above give data on, it is official: The Monroe era is over! -
The US was not even allowed to come to the meeting as "observers."!
But again, this exploitation of the weak by the strong began long before there even was a USA.
To give one example:
In Peru there was an entire mountain of very high grade copper ore. I think it was the Spanish, but really does not matter who, that took it. There were primitive people living near it, mainly hunters and very simple crude farmers. They were both promised and good life and forced at gun point to go to the mountain (and to carve a dirt road thru the jungle to it). That huge mountain (snow capped, I think) was dug up, basket-by-basket and taken to the shore for export. (Not sure but perhaps the bulk was reduced by first level smelting out copper.) It took three Plus generations for the entire mountain to be stolen and by then the grandchildren of the original forced labors did not know how to hunt or farm, so when the ore was gone, the communal kitchens were closed and almost all simple starved to death in a few months.
What did Peru and it people get? - An erosion scare in the jungle and a dirt road, which soon was reclaimed by the jungle. What Monroe and the US did was just more of the same. Finally, the US's economic problems and the rise of Asia, is setting South America free to pursue its own interests, not work as slaves for others.