Microwaving Iraq

Neildo said:
Yeah, but haven't you realized it yet? Nobody is going to do anything about it. People have short attention spans. They will be shocked and amazed when they see or hear of something gruesome, but soon they'll just forget about it. People will even talk about rallying against it, but most are just far too busy just trying to work, live, and take care of themselves, let alone start helping others. While some protesters are morons, at least they're going out and trying to do something about it. The rest of the people would rather just sit back and watch the events on the boob tube.
I was thinking yesterday about all those school children that were killed when some Chechens/rebels/freedom fighters/ . . . sick-os regardless, attacked and rigged their elementary school with explosives.

I wonder how many people can really remember that event?

As to the mind control - I had read something about this before, a simple attempt to make people feel odd and hear things, but as I'm sure it's crude I can only conclude that it would backfire, as I would think that these guys would just interpret the odd sensations as something from God telling them to kill Amercians.
you guys are too funny even for a Saturday night! but my question is to duendy- what proof do you have, what evidence? were have you actually seen or know of "mind control"?
nicholasa101 said:
you guys are too funny even for a Saturday night! but my question is to duendy- what proof do you have, what evidence? were have you actually seen or know of "mind control"?

Hey, glad we can be of a comedic assistance to your staruday nights. nicholasa.........
what EVIDENCE...hmmmmmmmit is a sythaesia of looking between words and actions. i cant say i have been, AM in Iraq and have seen the Microwave transmitters. but it wouldn't SURPRISe me. form what i have researched. by the blatant way this war was propaganderzied on all our screens ifn livin clour and sound-bytes. obviously you WOULD be surprised?

if you want to research 'mind control' begin with Edward Bernays. He is the father of Spin which is for sure a mind control, and obviously is even slicker now--what with computer graphics an all

go find out what the CIA were up to with 'MK ULTRA' where they wanted to use LSD etc for forms of mind control. what? you think that after the 1960s they decided to give up on all that?....get real. these fukers dont give up on power
they will use all technology, and probably shit you aren't aware of to get what they want and KEEP power. don't be naive
Michael said:
I was thinking yesterday about all those school children that were killed when some Chechens/rebels/freedom fighters/ . . . sick-os regardless, attacked and rigged their elementary school with explosives.

I wonder how many people can really remember that event?

d__I was stupid enough to watch another horrendous atrocity on the news which happened years ago in the UK. a man went in anmm infants school and shot them down like rabbits. i was so shoked by it all that i felt uttrly traumatized. so when that m other atrocity you describe above happened, i wouldn't watch ANYthing. though i couldn't help inadvertanlty seeing images in the newspapr. that awful image of the young boy running from the horror

As to the mind control - I had read something about this before, a simple attempt to make people feel odd and hear things, but as I'm sure it's crude I can only conclude that it would backfire, as I would think that these guys would just interpret the odd sensations as something from God telling them to kill Amercians.

No, i think they are fairly sophisticated. BushW got in again didn't he. these power wielders are crafty as hell. they are on the ball. know psychological techniques. they are hip to clinging to power. so We have to be hip to yout hip their hipness. most shit you will not get on THEIR news. sooooo, out come the apologists fro them, callin any alternative views, as being 'conspiracy theorist'. this is an attempt to shame you fem dissent. a peer pressure. though i;'m not suggesting there aren't absurd conspiracy theories, David Ike springs to mind