Microwaving Iraq


Registered Senior Member

From what i have learned, since BushCo began his illegal war in Iraq, Iraq is THe last place i would visit on earth.

I have learnt of the USA and UK's use of Depleted Uranium there, which they have used in tons. That when this explodes it sends out extremely harmful toxic pollution that has a half shelf life of over 3 billion years. causing cancers, nw hybrids of cancers, birth deformities, and the pollution of land, water, and air

If that isn't enough, someone posted this to a forum i am with--ie., the abover link--which informs that they also are MICROWAVING Iraq, as a form of mind-control
So i imagine that the whole of that place must be BUZZING with evil air!

The people that are doing this though are the real evil. They pretend to go there to protect a people against an 'evil dictator'. which he WAS--no question--only to replace him with a MUCH MUCH more greater evil.

i am ashamed they are part of our species
well, hotsexyangelprincess, you haven't really listened to what i said have you? what do you think i am going On about. i am in fukin DESPAIR about what is happening to the Iraqi people. where do you get --from what i wrote--i am not?
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And you just readily believe that america is controlling the minds of iraqis by microwaving them?
Nothing in your head is alarmed by the sheer absurdity of this claim?

duendy, Iraqis are human too, just like you and me
No no, they were just like you and me, not anymore. Now they're radioactive zombies and it's perfectly ok to kill them.
Dr Lou Natic said:
And you just readily believe that america is controlling the minds of iraqis by microwaving them?

d__I suppose YOU don't believe that the war is illegal?
I suppose YOU believe that Weapons of Mass Destruction will ONE day be found...................?
I suppose YOU believe that BushW is a good christian spreadning goodness?
So please dont tell me what to believe. I ALREADy KNOW that the Us and UK military have unleash Depleted Uranium on children women and med, ANd their own soldiers causing unprecendented damage to the environemt for millions of years, unprecedented outbreaks of cancers, deformed births, etc. i spose THAT's a fukin joke to you too, right?

Nothing in your head is alarmed by the sheer absurdity of this claim?

d__nothing in your head is ALARMED?

No no, they were just like you and me, not anymore. Now they're radioactive zombies and it's perfectly ok to kill them.

go to the top of the class for dark humour. of course your arse is sat safe in front of your computer far away from thaT HORROR ISN'T IT?
and hey....the most frazzled microwaved zombie would have this(
) much more heart than you seem to have!
Poppycock. Somebody send this to the cesspool, please.

The link blames RATT rigs and SINGARS, neither of which operates in the microwave spectrum. RATT is "Radio and TeleType" and SINGARS is even mis-identified, it should be SINCGARS, "Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System." The benefit of SINCGARS is that it has the ability to not only use key encryption, but frequency hop as well. All within the normal radio spectrum, not microwave.

The link doesn't even qualify as pseudoscience.... its all garbage.
I see. so what are your thoughts on microwave technology per se then? do you believe it is being employed for any purposes other than cookin food

And depleted uranium/ whats your opinion about the use of DU in Iraq?

sorry you didn't manage getting my effort banished by the god of science to the cesspit btw. oh well, maybe you class here as same?
May I too?

1. Belief is of no importance. However for example microwave technology is used in telecommunications (terrestrial relays, satellite communications).
You don't cook food with your cell phone, do you?
2. Depelted uranium has a better "hit through". It's not used because it's also used in nuclear weapons. And it is used everywhere where there is need, including Iraq.
Avatar said:
May I too?

1. Belief is of no importance.

d__how do you mean?

However for example microwave technology is used in telecommunications (terrestrial relays, satellite communications).
You don't cook food with your cell phone, do you?

d__i wont have one of those bloddy things. its enough everyone talking in em, and geekin on them everywhere you look.
But also, ...are you trying to tell me that the US military have left it with the technology we know about, and haven't even considered using it in their favoutite sport of war?

2. Depelted uranium has a better "hit through".

d__You BET it has!

It's not used because it's also used in nuclear weapons.

d__What do you mean it's not used?

And it is used everywhere where there is need, including Iraq.

Which seems to contradict your last statement
You didn't understand my statement before.
I ment that it is not used because it's a bit "unclean", but exactly because of its' "hit through" properties.
d__how do you mean?
I can believe in big blue aliens stealing my toilet paper.
..are you trying to tell me that the US military have left it with the technology we know about, and haven't even considered using it in their favoutite sport of war?
I answered you question, nothing more.
Avatar said:
You didn't understand my statement before.

d__i know, because you communicate confusingly

I ment that it is not used because it's a bit "unclean", but exactly because of its' "hit through" properties.

d__did i SAY 'unclean'? what has that term and meaning got to do with what's being err discussed?

I can believe in big blue aliens stealing my toilet paper.

d__i guess you are referring to my 'belief' in the possibility of the US military using microwave technology in their war efforts?
well that seems more plausible, to me, than your hypothetical belief. or wouldn't you agree?

I answered you question, nothing more.

and i would choose 'nothing more'
Of course the USA is using microwave technology in their war efforts, no doubts about that. Pigeon mail is erm a bit slow.

and i would choose 'nothing more'
Then nothing more is what you shall get from me.
Please, continue on your microwave zombie rays.
Avatar said:
Of course the USA is using microwave technology in their war efforts, no doubts about that. Pigeon mail is erm a bit slow.

d__no, we've, or i've covered mobile phone technology. I meant something more warlike. for violence against the person. shit dude they DO use nuclear technology apart from so-called ecomomic needs you know.

Then nothing more is what you shall get from me.
Please, continue on your microwave zombie rays.

meant by 'nothing more' you dont seem to be saying anything....?
Avatar said:
You don't cook food with your cell phone, do you?
Microwave tests
The study by scientists at the University of Lund, near Malmo, exposed rats to microwave pulses similar to the emissions from a mobile phone to calculate the effect on the body's blood-brain barrier, the Daily Mail reports.

Within two minutes of exposure, the rats' brain tissue was found to be opened up to proteins and toxins contained in the blood after the defence mechanism was disabled.

Professor Leif Salford, the neurologist who carried out the study, told the paper: "We saw the opening of the blood-brain barrier even after a short exposure to radiation at the same level as mobile phones.

"We are not sure yet whether this is a harmful effect, but it seems that molecules such as proteins and toxins can pass out of the blood while the phone is switched on and cross into the brain."


Maybe ask Hannibal when you're done... :bugeye:
Depleted Uranium is yesterdays news, In fact the Iraq-Kuwait conflict first saw their usage, and Tank gunners complained after the war of cretain ailments that sprang up through the handling of the shells which they weren't told to handle in any specific way.

It ended up headline news in England a couple of years back.

As for "Microwaving Iraq", well the mentioned story "Hypothesises" the use of the arrays for "Mind Control", however there are notibly alot of robotic technologies deployed in Iraq for one like the Drones and even some surveillance robots that roam around looking for potential threats. There is also the possibility that newly created comm's equipment is in use that is encoded to stop insurgances from listening in (also stopping them launching "Fly by wire" rockets at transmittions) and lastly the capacity to triangulate the land forces accurately so the cases of friendly fire are far less.

I'm not saying that mind control is impossible (because I'm sure you are aware I know of it's existance), I just don't believe it would be deployed now. If there would have been any mind control it would of occured before any attacks as Subversion (Since espionage is where these weapons were being developed).
duendy said:

From what i have learned, since BushCo began his illegal war in Iraq, Iraq is THe last place i would visit on earth.

I have learnt of the USA and UK's use of Depleted Uranium there, which they have used in tons. That when this explodes it sends out extremely harmful toxic pollution that has a half shelf life of over 3 billion years. causing cancers, nw hybrids of cancers, birth deformities, and the pollution of land, water, and air

If that isn't enough, someone posted this to a forum i am with--ie., the abover link--which informs that they also are MICROWAVING Iraq, as a form of mind-control
So i imagine that the whole of that place must be BUZZING with evil air!

The people that are doing this though are the real evil. They pretend to go there to protect a people against an 'evil dictator'. which he WAS--no question--only to replace him with a MUCH MUCH more greater evil.

i am ashamed they are part of our species

Oh yeah, and I like vanillia.
duendy said:

From what i have learned, since BushCo began his illegal war in Iraq, Iraq is THe last place i would visit on earth.

I have learnt of the USA and UK's use of Depleted Uranium there, which they have used in tons. That when this explodes it sends out extremely harmful toxic pollution that has a half shelf life of over 3 billion years. causing cancers, nw hybrids of cancers, birth deformities, and the pollution of land, water, and air

If that isn't enough, someone posted this to a forum i am with--ie., the abover link--which informs that they also are MICROWAVING Iraq, as a form of mind-control
So i imagine that the whole of that place must be BUZZING with evil air!

The people that are doing this though are the real evil. They pretend to go there to protect a people against an 'evil dictator'. which he WAS--no question--only to replace him with a MUCH MUCH more greater evil.

i am ashamed they are part of our species

What exactly is the point of this post? lol, Man. I mean if you hate president Bush and you think he's "STUPID" or "EVIL" then stop making up some stupid reasons to get other's to hate him.
btimsah said:
What exactly is the point of this post? lol, Man.

d__are you out of short trousers yet? i mean what is an immature person doing even being CONCERNEd with this serious subject of actual people being killed by miltary forces? i aSK this, cause as i understand it, anyone WITh maturity wouldn't be so frivilus as your being about this. anyone who KNEW of suffering!

I mean if you hate president Bush and you think he's "STUPID" or "EVIL" then stop making up some stupid reasons to get other's to hate him.
like i said. whay are you even HERE then?