Michael's core problem with religions: self righteousness..

that is a VAST new subject to delve in..while it seems norsefire somewhat agrees with you in concept:

no it does not, you've just confused me..

the core problem, straight and simple, is what? not benefiting modern societies is a general outcome easily debatable, but still from what i gathered you feel religions in general carry superstitions, for polytheism those superstitions are tolerable and harmless, somewhere seen from the personal freedom scope..but monotheism, especially widespread ones, are distructive, a waste of resources and a hindrance to human progress..the more widespread the worst(Mormonism is not as bad as islam, cuz for every Mormonism nut there are a thousand muslim and/or christian ones, not to mentions Mormons don't run countries and are incapable of starting wars)..

now this, among other things, are leaves of the tree representing the uselessnes or damaging nature of religions..

where's the trunk(s)?
religious intolerance? self righteousness? the inability to consider multiple viewpoints?

what is the point(s) which the dooms of religion sprouted from?

what makes religions, monotheisms exactly, different from other aspects of human belief and grouping? in concept, not nature?
Suppose you're a polytheist. You live in a village next to a mountain. You venerate the God of this mountain. The mountain has a little shrine at its base. You go there once in awhile to pray. This town's culture is tied to this mountain. Holidays and festivals to the Mountain God.

One day you move to a new town.

In this town there is no mountain - but there is a river. People in your new town pray to the River God. There is a little shrine next to the river. You go there once in awhile to pray to the River God. You partake in the towns River festivals and Holidays.

Being a polytheist it's pretty easy for you accept this new God into your life. To become part of this new town. You are pretty tolerant of this new town's river God aren't you? And you know why? Because your belief system has been constructed in such a way to make it possible for you to move to a new town and accommodate their river god, their river festivals, their "culture" fits well within your belief system.

Could you do this if you were a Fundamental Xian/Muslim? No. Because your entire religion is predicated on an intolerant meme.

This is the problem Scifes - Abrahamic religions are Fundamentally Intolerant.
Could you do this if you were a Fundamental Xian/Muslim? No. Because your entire religion is predicated on an intolerant meme.

This is the problem Scifes - Abrahamic religions are Fundamentally Intolerant.
on the contrary, you simply have an intolerant meme towards monotheisms.

imagine if the story went like this:

You move to the new town. There is no mountain here but instead there is a river. People in your new town pray to a River God! They have a little shrine next to the river. You go there and blow that f*cker to smithereens!! How dear these infidels pray to a River God! A RIVER God?!?! You're not about to pray to the River God or partake in the towns River festivals and Holidays.

The Mountain God is Great!
The Mountain God is Great!
The Mountain God is Great!

See the problem here? There's an inherent intolerance IF the person thinks ONLY the Mountain God is Great.... and the sad thing is the poor little monkey doesn't realize it's all made up. So, we on the down-low should help this fella out. Reprogram him so to speak. In the end he just needs to function in society like all the other little monkeys. As this is a multicultural modern society - let his new program reflect this :)
I'm also intolerant of the white supremacy meme :)
You probably are also intolerant of the "getting the shit kicked out of me on the street meme" too .... but this in no way suggests that all three memes are underpinned by an equal sense of morality and justness (if it were in any way valid to tag such things to a meme in the first place)
imagine if the story went like this:

You move to the new town. There is no mountain here but instead there is a river. People in your new town pray to a River God! They have a little shrine next to the river. You go there and blow that f*cker to smithereens!! How dear these infidels pray to a River God! A RIVER God?!?! You're not about to pray to the River God or partake in the towns River festivals and Holidays.

The Mountain God is Great!
The Mountain God is Great!
The Mountain God is Great!

See the problem here? There's an inherent intolerance IF the person thinks ONLY the Mountain God is Great.... and the sad thing is the poor little monkey doesn't realize it's all made up. So, we on the down-low should help this fella out. Reprogram him so to speak. In the end he just needs to function in society like all the other little monkeys. As this is a multicultural modern society - let his new program reflect this
Cool it dude.

Its just your meme on the soapbox again

This is the problem Scifes - Abrahamic religions are Fundamentally Intolerant.
thanks for the easy answer.

now, why are they not allowed to be intolerant? i mean why do you think they shouldn't be intolerant?
It serves no positive purpose in a modern multicultural society and often leads to hateful ideology. Therefor there is no reason to keep it. If it doesn't do anything positive and useful and often causes problems and is a negative - then remove it.
It serves no positive purpose in a modern multicultural society and often leads to hateful ideology. Therefor there is no reason to keep it. If it doesn't do anything positive and useful and often causes problems and is a negative - then remove it.
to which we can turn your tentative opinion around by saying intolerance of theistic culture often leads to a hateful ideology, doesn't do anything positive and useful and often causes problems and is a negative.

(IOW as long as you refrain from properly identifying "true value" as it applies to society etc, its simply a trade off of one session of hot air versus another)
to which we can turn your tentative opinion around by saying intolerance of theistic culture often leads to a hateful ideology, doesn't do anything positive and useful and often causes problems and is a negative.

(IOW as long as you refrain from properly identifying "true value" as it applies to society etc, its simply a trade off of one session of hot air versus another)
Yes, intolerance of White supremacy can lead Black people to feel hate towards WASP white supremacists. The only answer, IMO, is education. Try to show the WASP racist where his/her ideology is incorrect in a multi "racial" world. Then once they get that far maybe even teach them why the idea of a "race" itself is incorrect.

I am not hateful of theistic culture. As a matter of fact I think many theistic cultures can be useful. I don't think monotheism is correct for the world of today.
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one religion say we're right the others are wrong.
one other religion say we're right the others are wrong.
and humanity get's screwed, right?

add to it that most probably they're all wrong, and if one of the IS right there's not much of a way to know which, as they claim the same claims and spout the same violence about each other..

did i quite put my finger on the wound or am i missing something(whether big or small)?

REPLY: In my opinion all religions are non-sense. The worst one out there at this time is the muslims because they promote the murder of all non-believers as actively as they do which is quite active at this time.
One need only watch the news to confirm this. The news is full of their plots and schemes to MURDER NON-BELIEVERS.
This is a science forum and I see NOTHING AT ALL SCIENTIFIC to support any of them. Quite the opposite. COMPLETE AND UTTER NONSENSE, ALL OF THEM. Add to that the vicious and cruel advocates of the destruction of non-believers in many cases. I am an ATHEIST and make no apologies about it . Why should I ? I do not go around advocating harming others because they believe in this non-sense called religion. And yet many seem to hate me for being an atheist when it comes up at times with people I meet. I am tired of lying about who I am and am done with it, THE LYING TO GET ALONG. ...TRAVELER
I'm also intolerant of the white supremacy meme :)

REPLY: I frankly do not see much evidence of WHITE SUPREMACY anymore. We American`s did elect a mixed race President and this WHITE GUY thinks highly of him. I think he is the best President we have had in my lifetime.
And are the WHITE PEOPLE of other nations any less prejudgedice than the other races ? Let`s at least be honest here in this forum.
Just as an interesting sidenote, I met a mixed race woman who drove me wild. I have no idea what her ethnic background is, but she sure turned me on. I think we here in America and I expect in many other places are putting such issues behind us. ...traveler NO ONE ASKED BUT I WILL SAY what turned me on so very much. She was beautiful and well formed. Many others are also. It was her unusual coloration, the dark to relatively light coloration of her nipples and other aspects of her body that was so very beautiful and unusual to me. A real delicate beauty I hope finds a man worthy of her to take care of her. A gentle being who needs looking after in the world we live in.
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Yes, intolerance of White supremacy can lead Black people to feel hate towards WASP white supremacists. The only answer, IMO, is education. Try to show the WASP racist where his/her ideology is incorrect in a multi "racial" world. Then once they get that far maybe even teach them why the idea of a "race" itself is incorrect.

I am not hateful of theistic culture. As a matter of fact I think many theistic cultures can be useful. I don't think monotheism is correct for the world of today.

and the tentativeness continues

Yes, intolerance of a political agenda tagged to atheism can lead theists to feel hate towards neo-atheist supremacists. The only answer, IMO, is education. Try to show the neo-atheist where his/her ideology is incorrect in a multi "ideology" world. Then once they get that far maybe even teach them why the idea of a meta-narrative based on mental speculation itself is incorrect.

I am not hateful of atheistic culture. As a matter of fact I think many atheistic disciplines can be useful. I don't think neoatheism is correct for the world of today.

IOW for as long as you avoid establishing what is the "true" nature of benefit and gain in this world, your arguments will remain so flexible that they can easily be mirrored back at you at the same callibre.
one religion say we're right the others are wrong.
one other religion say we're right the others are wrong.
and humanity get's screwed, right?

add to it that most probably they're all wrong, and if one of the IS right there's not much of a way to know which, as they claim the same claims and spout the same violence about each other..

did i quite put my finger on the wound or am i missing something(whether big or small)?

False. Bible condemns, Jews, Muslims and Atheists. Quran condemns atheists only. I don't know about other ones.
False. Bible condemns, Jews, Muslims and Atheists. Quran condemns atheists only. I don't know about other ones.
5.51] O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.
one religion say we're right the others are wrong.
one other religion say we're right the others are wrong.

You have one big problem here: not all religions say they're the only one that's right.
Really, the only ones that do that are the Abrahamic religions and the more conservative branches of Buddhism.