Michael's core problem with religions: self righteousness..


In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
one religion say we're right the others are wrong.
one other religion say we're right the others are wrong.
and humanity get's screwed, right?

add to it that most probably they're all wrong, and if one of the IS right there's not much of a way to know which, as they claim the same claims and spout the same violence about each other..

did i quite put my finger on the wound or am i missing something(whether big or small)?
one religion say we're right the others are wrong.
one other religion say we're right the others are wrong.
And then there are religious people who say that there are many paths to God (or Nirvana or......) and respect other traditions.
And then there are religious people who say that there are many paths to God (or Nirvana or......) and respect other traditions.

There may be many paths but respect for the religious traditions of others is in short supply.

Count me in as disrespectful of all religious tradition. I don't want anyone to feel left out which is about as respectful as I can get for a religious matter.
one religion say we're right the others are wrong.
one other religion say we're right the others are wrong.
and humanity get's screwed, right?

add to it that most probably they're all wrong, and if one of the IS right there's not much of a way to know which, as they claim the same claims and spout the same violence about each other..

did i quite put my finger on the wound or am i missing something(whether big or small)?
Who is this Michael character? Sounds like an arsehole!

I'm not sure if I know what you mean by self-righteous? Religions served a purpose in their time and place. That time was over 1000 years ago and the places varied. Now people move from place to place. We live in a different world. It's no longer helpful to teach certain memes.
Huh....!. 1000 years ago ?.
Some religions have thousands of years .
If you take only the good of each religion you will lose nothing .
Religion keeps people accepting the status quo as it is .
There may be many paths but respect for the religious traditions of others is in short supply.

Count me in as disrespectful of all religious tradition. I don't want anyone to feel left out which is about as respectful as I can get for a religious matter.

You probably have more in common with St Augustine than you think

Huh....!. 1000 years ago ?.
Some religions have thousands of years .
If you take only the good of each religion you will lose nothing .
Religion keeps people accepting the status quo as it is .
Are you a sockpuppet? Fess up - who are you really!?!?!

If you take the good of monotheism you won't be left with monotheism. That said, I do like the idea of asking for forgiveness. While you think you're asking "Jesus" for forgiveness, you're really forgiving from yourself. Something many people have a hard time doing. That's probably the strongest aspect of Xianty - and probably why it's been a successful meme. I wonder how many other religions incorporate a similar meme? Anyway, this is one aspect of Xianity I do think is worthy of making its way into future modern superstitions.
one religion say we're right the others are wrong.
one other religion say we're right the others are wrong.
and humanity get's screwed, right?

add to it that most probably they're all wrong, and if one of the IS right there's not much of a way to know which, as they claim the same claims and spout the same violence about each other..

did i quite put my finger on the wound or am i missing something(whether big or small)?

and that is why I am trying to convert to wicca
Religions are used by the people who want to control others so that they can become wealthy and lead a life of comfort while having those who follow their beliefs do all the work for them. In return those followers get to go wherever that religion they follow to where death takes them. Yes, religions and politics are about the same in many ways, always someone trying to manipulate others for their own personal gains.

I do not believe in anything but myself therefor I will not go to any afterlife that religions talk about and for that I'm happy for I won't be around those "types" of people if there is such a place. I am resolved to die knowing I will just become part of the universe once again, where I started from. To bad others can't see the same way, but then again that's their "belief" and they must live the way that gets them through life the way that makes them happy.
And then there are religious people who say that there are many paths to God (or Nirvana or......) and respect other traditions.

and that is why I am trying to convert to wicca
so this nirvana and wicca are multitheisms..?
Religions are used by the people who want to control others so that they can become wealthy and lead a life of comfort while having those who follow their beliefs do all the work for them. In return those followers get to go wherever that religion they follow to where death takes them. Yes, religions and politics are about the same in many ways, always someone trying to manipulate others for their own personal gains.
in the case of prophets, isn't it the total opposite to what i uderlined?

I do not believe in anything but myself therefor I will not go to any afterlife that religions talk about
from my POV, your therefor is most illogical..
i do ot believe in anything but myself, but i don't see that concludes i disbelieve in everybody else, i don't take their naked word for it, i don't take their evidence and logical process without heavy criticism..IOW, i don't take it till it's my word as much or more than it being theirs.

Who is this Michael character? Sounds like an arsehole!

so you're saying i misunderstood you?:(
It's no longer helpful to teach certain memes.
how so? how mostly so?
There may be many paths but respect for the religious traditions of others is in short supply.
Not in my experience. I think there is a significant % who don't care too much what someone's religion is and are more focused on themselves. They don't make the news much. I think the reason why should be obvious.
how so? how mostly so?
Maybe what we should ask is: What are religions here to do? I mean, what purpose do they serve today?

IMO the time of worshiping Gods has past. People have other needs and if there are going to be religions around, and there will be, then we should see that these religions serves these modern needs. There's some overlap but there's also some baggage.

Many societies are at a stage where they can drop some of the baggage. Take the Japanese for example. For over 2000 years they have worshiped their Emperors as Gods on Earth. This had a tremendous positive effect on unifying their nation at many many crucial points in history. However, it's not important now to worship the Japanese Emperor as a God anymore. That time has pasted.

Does that answer your question?
Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
There may be many paths but respect for the religious traditions of others is in short supply.

Not in my experience. I think there is a significant % who don't care too much what someone's religion is and are more focused on themselves. They don't make the news much. I think the reason why should be obvious.

Then you agree? Sorry I don't know what to make of your comment.
Are you a sockpuppet? Fess up - who are you really!?!?!

If you take the good of monotheism you won't be left with monotheism. That said, I do like the idea of asking for forgiveness. While you think you're asking "Jesus" for forgiveness, you're really forgiving from yourself. Something many people have a hard time doing. That's probably the strongest aspect of Xianty - and probably why it's been a successful meme. I wonder how many other religions incorporate a similar meme? Anyway, this is one aspect of Xianity I do think is worthy of making its way into future modern superstitions.
Why a sock puppet ?. Fess up ?. Huh......!.
It is very clear to me that if you take good things from religions you are losing nothing . The same goes for different philosophies from different parts of the globe . What is good is good regardless where it comes from .
Superstitions ?. absolutely not Michael . I am referring to goodness regardless to its roots .
:D:D .
Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
There may be many paths but respect for the religious traditions of others is in short supply.

Originally Posted by Doreen
Not in my experience. I think there is a significant % who don't care too much what someone's religion is and are more focused on themselves. They don't make the news much. I think the reason why should be obvious.
Then you agree? Sorry I don't know what to make of your comment.

I think it is pretty clear.

You say respect is in short supply.
I say that most people don't care about what other people's religions are - meaning they don't spend time judging them for it. These people tend not to be in the news. IOW I think your image is skewed and does not fit my experience.
Do you mean polytheisms?
yeah "poly" escaped my mind..
Maybe what we should ask is: What are religions here to do? I mean, what purpose do they serve today?
that is a VAST new subject to delve in..while it seems norsefire somewhat agrees with you in concept:
Religion is useful because of its value as a cultural tool

Does that answer your question?
no it does not, you've just confused me..

the core problem, straight and simple, is what? not benefiting modern societies is a general outcome easily debatable, but still from what i gathered you feel religions in general carry superstitions, for polytheism those superstitions are tolerable and harmless, somewhere seen from the personal freedom scope..but monotheism, especially widespread ones, are distructive, a waste of resources and a hindrance to human progress..the more widespread the worst(Mormonism is not as bad as islam, cuz for every Mormonism nut there are a thousand muslim and/or christian ones, not to mentions Mormons don't run countries and are incapable of starting wars)..

now this, among other things, are leaves of the tree representing the uselessnes or damaging nature of religions..

where's the trunk(s)?
religious intolerance? self righteousness? the inability to consider multiple viewpoints?

what is the point(s) which the dooms of religion sprouted from?

what makes religions, monotheisms exactly, different from other aspects of human belief and grouping? in concept, not nature?
He's a closet atheist. It feeds his paranoia.

Sam...nice to know you still care about me.

How's the famous Muslim suffragette activist been? Haven't seen you marching down Main Street Islamabad lately with your fellow 'stop the oppression and give us equality' seekers.