Mercury - Venus - Earth space drag?

Essentially, the thread is focussed on trying to find numerical coincidences in reams of astronomical data. In that sense, it reminds me of things like the bible code (which tries to extract messages from a numerical analysis of the bible).
The OP pointed out the fact that the surfaces of Venus and Earth, facing each other rotate in the same direction. The point where that would happen, gear-like turns out to be not near the Earth, but Mars using the numbers from the " Jupiters orbital and rotational velocities cancel" thread in This Pseudo forum: . Here, lifting (hopefully allowed), are more numerical coincidences in the Jupiter and Saturn systems, where gear-like zero contact at noon, transit would occur.
Jupiter's moon Europa Vo 13.74 km/s Jupiter Vo. 13.1 km/s Jupiter's Rotation velocity 12.6 kms. slippage 4%
Saturn moons Rhea with 8.49 km/s and Dionne 10.3 km/sec ; Saturn's orbital orbital velocity of 9.7 km/sec rotation speed of < 9.87 km/s. within 4% too. so
minimizing "space drag"situations by keeping velocities close to zero difference. and

re : bible code: yeah, why would anybody really try to come up with results from the talking snake story, stopping the sun (rotation of the Earth really). and then chapter and verse divisions?
Here, by contrast, looking at reams of astro data is based on reality, not disproven ancient myths.
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Finding numerical coincidences in the rotation of planets. The OP associated Mercury, Venus and Earth, with Venus retrograde matching rotation direction as the equators face each other.
The difference between the speed of Mercury's surface rotation and that on the facing side of Venus is only 4.4 kilometres per hour, the pace of a leisurely walk. so,
Venus rotates very slowly, must it rotate at all? well, the matter in the galaxy rotates, hard to avoid that, with possible space drag.
On Bode's law, by the way:
The Bode pattern, , unique to the Solar System as far as we have discovered, is a geometric sequence, halving of orbit sizes from Pluto down to Mercury. The exception An extra planet, Neptune, equidistant at ~9.6 AU at the outer end,; No planets between Venus and Mercury because the apparent minimum planet distance is .3 AU or 300 light seconds. But
Here is an interesting fact about
Mercury, the starting point of Bode's "law".
Mercury is the closest planet to all others, on average, most of the time., even to us, No. 1. or
just imagining in tracing all the orbits having Mercury, the base of Bode , showing as the closest. read that Mercury is the closest planet to us right now.
Bode is impressive, but the planets are never lined up like that, doubling spacings as we go out.
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Mercury is the closest planet to all others, on average, most of the time., even to us, No. 1.

When using the Bode numbers it appears that Mercury is not the closest but has equal minimum distances to all planets, confirming it as the pivotal zero position in the Bode chain.
While the numerical relationships pointed out here might seem remarkable or interesting at first glance, nebel has not yet pointed to any important consequences of the observed relationships
Here is another of these interesting velocity, orbit radius relationships:
Venus's sunny side moves forward in rotation with the orbital velocity at the additional clip of .00181 km/s. (because of the retrograde Venus rotation) . Using the modified formula from the "Jupiter's Vo & Vr cancel " thread, and the ~ 6000 km radius of Venus, if one considers Venus the hub in the above wheel photo, if the rim would be 8312 times bigger, ( venus to mercury orbit difference divided by venus radius), the
rim would travel ~ 15 km/ sec faster forward than the axle,
adding Vo Venus ~ 35 km/sec and that, gives 50 km/s, well centered between the 39 to 59 k/s orbital speeds of Mercury. (within 6 % of mean orbital velocity). so:
Venus radius, negative daytime rotational velocity added to it's orbital velocity result is matching Mercury's orbital velocity at that precise distance.
The contact point on the cycloid above would meet Mercury at its Ov 0f ~ 50 km/sec. in other words,
a pointer on Venus following Mercury during a near transit would track Mercury. and
These are real data , real ratios, --perhaps a low tech, signs of the in-build stability* of the Solar system that is one perquisite for life to flourish, have time to evolve.
it is alternate, not pseudo science, because it raises more questions. imho
Venus reaching down to Mercury to match that speed, up to Mars to equal orbital and rotation velocities.
*contrasting the here shown interlocking ratios with recent news of the extreme orbits of slingshot Exo - Jupiters acting more like long term comets
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"the rotation of 445 galaxies located within 400 million light years of Earth and found that the rotation of each galaxy was linked to the motion of tens of thousands of neighbouring galaxies."
From New Scientist. Galaxies moving in sync.

hows this "space drag" effect is seen even over cosmic distances, not just in our back yard.
You seem to be unaware of many things. Too bad, because the world is wide and wonderful when your eyes are open.


I thought of the "space drag" kind of a situation with this bicycle, and the planets Uranus and Neptune who as neighbours have the same rotational velocity of ~ 2.6, - 2.68 km/sec/
that is like wheels of a bicycle rotating in unison! Only with Uranus, the "front wheel" (axis of rotation) is steered 90 degrees. and
Mr Toad, here is
This "open your eyes" discovery:
Uranus' rotation velocity of ~ 2.6 km/sec squared gives you its orbital velocity of ~ 6.8 km/ sec .
Vr^2 = Vo
Here is another of these interesting velocity, orbit radius relationships:
Venus's sunny side moves forward in rotation with the orbital velocity at the additional clip of .00181 km/s. (because of the retrograde Venus rotation) . Using the modified formula from the "Jupiter's Vo & Vr cancel " thread, and the ~ 6000 km radius of Venus, if one considers Venus the hub in the above wheel photo, if the rim would be 8312 times bigger, ( venus to mercury orbit difference divided by venus radius), the
rim would travel ~ 15 km/ sec faster forward than the axle,
adding Vo Venus ~ 35 km/sec and that, gives 50 km/s, well centered between the 39 to 59 k/s orbital speeds of Mercury. (within 6 % of mean orbital velocity). so:
Venus radius, negative daytime rotational velocity added to it's orbital velocity result is matching Mercury's orbital velocity at that precise distance.
The contact point on the cycloid above would meet Mercury at its Ov 0f ~ 50 km/sec. in other words,
a pointer on Venus following Mercury during a near transit would track Mercury. and
These are real data , real ratios, --perhaps a low tech, signs of the in-build stability* of the Solar system that is one perquisite for life to flourish, have time to evolve.
it is alternate, not pseudo science, because it raises more questions. imho
Venus reaching down to Mercury to match that speed, up to Mars to equal orbital and rotation velocities.
*contrasting the here shown interlocking ratios with recent news of the extreme orbits of slingshot Exo - Jupiters acting more like long term comets

nebel ;

Do you think that there is a of kind current , fluidly ; at the equatorial plane ?
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Do you think that there is a of kind current , fluidly ; at the equatorial plane ?
well, everything is pulling on everything else, at the start of the proto planetary, solar cloud, disk, all particles were on average more distant, moving independently, and all that is still present, now contacted the movement of bodies. for example Jupiter and Saturn have zero cycloid orbital velocities near their equators, Uranus and Neptune share the same rotational velocity, as seen in the graph below.
If neighbouring bodies share such movement it can point to a common origin, and action of tidal forces over time. so, here we are in these common ratios, stable, -- hopefully for us.