Mercury - Venus - Earth space drag?

Earth orbits in the Zero Velocity Zone of the Sun, because of her galactic velocity, not just a one -sided affair like a planet to planet coupling such as Venus/Mars, or Planet/Moon links, ---like Earth/The Moon, Pluto/ Charon. Check it out in Pseudo Science, the "Jupiter velocities cancel?" thread.
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So... not only are you ignoring what James R said to you, you are advertising your own thread in pseudo here in the science sections? What a pathetic cry for attention.
Earth orbits in the Zero Velocity Zone of the Sun, because of her galactic velocity, not just a one -sided affair like a planet to planet coupling such as Venus/Mars, or Planet/Moon links, ---like Earth/The Moon, Pluto/ Charon. Check it out in Pseudo Science, the "Jupiter velocities cancel?" thread.
Thanks for reminding us you still have a pseudoscience thread in the science section! I will ask the mods to move it for you.
So... not only are you ignoring what James R said to you, you are advertising your own thread in pseudo here in the science sections? What a pathetic cry for attention.
Thanks for reminding us you still have a pseudoscience thread in the science section! I will ask the mods to move it for you.

And I thought this little filler would prompt you to tackle these new numbers, their possible implication, and you two do some original, N.Einstein [pseudo] science stuff.
And the winning numbers are:
Sun's orbital velocity in galaxy:~ 220 km/s dived by Orbital velocity of the Sun:~ 2km/s = ratio of 110:1; multiplied by diameter of the Sun~ 1 391016 km = ~ 150 000 000 km, 1 AU, the semi major axis of the Earth, the No 1 planet we know for sure to have life.
It might not be all space drag, but the velocities in the Milky Way, and in the Sun are thus related to the Goldilocks orbit of the Earth, No,1.
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Moderator notice: Thread has been moved to Pseudoscience.

The numerical relationships relating orbital velocities of planets to various rotational speeds are, like Bode's law, most likely coincidental. Some of the other relationships and resonances mentioned in this thread have explanations that are already well understood by scientists.

While the numerical relationships pointed out here might seem remarkable or interesting at first glance, nebel has not yet pointed to any important consequences of the observed relationships. In other words, there doesn't seem to be anything in any of this that warrants much further investigation. Moreover, no reason why this should be investigated further has been suggested.

Essentially, the thread is focussed on trying to find numerical coincidences in reams of astronomical data. In that sense, it reminds me of things like the bible code (which tries to extract messages from a numerical analysis of the bible).

Because the thread is trying to read significance into coincidence, on balance it is currently better suited to Pseudoscience than our science forums.
Bode's law, most likely coincidental

There are at least 5 doublings of orbit distances in the Bode sequence! calling that coincidental is shutting down the need for further research. Even the 3 body problem teaches otherwise. imho

nebel has not yet pointed to any important consequences of the observed relationships

The very fact of putting these data out here invites further investigation, replication, elaboration by others. It was also suggested, that the propensity of matter to find these Zero Velocity Zones, and remain there for a long time, seems to make them in a way akin to the results of the Lagrangian mechanism. Even the challenge to show these finds mentioned in prior art would be subject of acceptable research, a student assignment.
The second consequence of the matching velocities is of course internal, the differences in orbital speeds between the mass in general and the retro moving region noon equator region, in the the no drag, zero velocity zone.

reminds me of things like the bible code (which tries to extract messages from a numerical analysis of the bible
It might remind you of that but it is not, nothing secret about this, it is merely putting order and ratios into already existing data, It is much more like Johan Kepler extracting his laws from the massive data that Tycho Brahe left him . Organizing data is not Pseudo science imho.

Because the thread is trying to read significance into coincidence

You took it upon yourself to pronounce the Bode sequence, with 5 doublings of orbit spacings, (with research going on) and the 8 Zero Velocity Zones identified so far in the galactic/solar system, (with research barely started) all as co-incidental.
With odds like that, we will never have a winner.
I believe, like the theories delving into the Bode " law ", This thread, but more to the point that one that followed, the more general holistic " --Velocity cancel--" postings belong, by definition in the Alternative Theories because
Coincidences have the persistent habit to ultimately turn out not be coincidences at all. time will tell.

Thank you!
Surely you can do better than that ?
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Surely you can do better than that
I was going to say that it is too bad you won't listen to James R. or anyone else. Really though it doesn't matter, if it makes you happy to pursue your numerology stuff, go for it, but don't expect anyone with an education to engage in the discussion after they see there is no getting through to you.
I was going to say that it is too bad you won't listen to James R. or anyone else. Really though it doesn't matter, if it makes you happy to pursue your numerology stuff, go for it, but don't expect anyone with an education to engage in the discussion after they see there is no getting through to you.

fair enough, Behind the numbers of course is reality, and not all of them have been analyzed. Even numbers that have no embodiments in nature are serious stuff. so, just ignore me.
On Bode's law, by the way: the discovery of many exoplanet systems has pretty much done away with any significance to Bode's law, since those other systems tend not to obey the "law".
On Bode's law, by the way: the discovery of many exoplanet systems has pretty much done away with any significance to Bode's law, since those other systems tend not to obey the "law".

I am not aware of any exoplanet system that comes close to our simple: "double the distance to the next one out " Bode situation. Trappist 1 has resonances, as Bode of course (5 octaves), but a link would be appreciated.
If we find more situations like that, it must have a common cause, not be a co-incident. If we are unique, then what?
P.S. I offer an alternate theory for the cause: the thread: " Planets orbit like their stars vibrate" originally published ~ 1980.
On the elusive "space drag" of the OP. The unintended followup thread "canceled Jupiter velocities" showed that the backward space movement of Venus' nightside --(that is the theme of this thread), --had to reach to Mars, not Earth, to make it ! --now, the latest:
The Star SiriusA, brightest in the night sky, has the "space drag", cancelled velocities, internally, it rotates faster than it orbits by a little, like Saturn.
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You seem to be unaware of many things. Too bad, because the world is wide and wonderful when your eyes are open.
It's up to you to prove your point. Not up to any of your fascinated readers to disprove it...
It's up to you to prove your point. Not up to any of your fascinated readers to disprove it...

If you cared, you would read the proofs presented more carefully, and that way learn something new. There actually is a space drag. Please Google Rotational frame dragging, Einstein. and
It just so happen that these two threads, Space drag and Cancelled velocities turned out to be related, and overlap in the Venus to Mars situation. Where the projected rotational velocities touch in the same direction, retrograde, just below Mars.
Re: my conversations with James R:--- see exchange above ( and some are private) I value the input of all and deal with them. Often if they end, it is because my point has been proven, beyond further refutation efforts.
Nothing stops a dispute faster than the presence of somebody that knows what she is talking about. and
Yes it is up to you to disprove it, if you think the point is wrong, or badly made.
You owe me a new Irony Meter, that comment just caused mine explode.

Iron and meter are the only terms that could be remotely construed to have any alternative pseudo science meaning, not being off topic.
glad I helped you get rid of that thing, it had a permanent biased flaw.
There is no Bode - type sequence in any of the exo planets so far, and rotations really result in retrograde OV regions.
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The planet Venus has a retrograde rotation which means that the sides of the 3 inner planets that face each other over the ~.3 AU average distance always move in the same direction, like the teeth of gears, or at least surfaces of a slipping clutch.
This is quote from the OP. 2 years later, after an unrelated discovery, Eureka moment, I queried about the cancellation of orbital and rotational velocities. Turns out, the two themes are related. so:
could the retrograde movement of the Venus night time surface have an effects all the way to Mars, and not the nearer Earth? -- a very unlikely cases of "space drag." . but the numbers in (Vo: Vr) xR of Venus show the effect reaching all the way, matching Mars to have zero velocity contact. This pictures the situation:
upload_2018-12-21_11-29-13.pngfrom, (credit UNSW) as

an analogy: the small chain***sprocket on the bicycle rear wheel would be the surface of Venus, and the larger tire diameter the zero velocity area, touching the road, the orbit of Mars. (not to scale ha ha). The low velocity of the gear in the wheel hub, translating into a large velocity at the tire radius. In the case of the slow turning retrograde Venus, the "spokes" reaching all the way to Mars; honestly, Pseudo indeed.
*** The chain's action would be the solar energy action on the sunny side via the Yarkovsky effect; honestly, near pseudo too.