Mental Instability Diagnosis of Mohammed

Re: How interesting ....

Originally posted by tiassa
But in the end, it would be most interesting to leave that issue to Cris, as it is apparent that he sees nothing wrong in taking one leap of faith in order to criticize another.

Lighten up tiassa, the comment wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

That one cannot see something does not automatically mean that it does not exist. It could simply mean they're going about looking at it wrongly. This is the problem with operating according to an anti-identity: one constantly allows others to define reality in order to undertake an insurgent role and protest the definition.

I'm not sure what you mean. :confused:


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by (Q)
Cris' posts are completely devoid of emotion - yours on the the other hand are little more then emotion.

Okay Q, point out my emotional content.


Jan Ardena.

Hi and please forgive me for not responding to your earlier post. I started several times on a response and discarded each one and now I thought it might be too late. Now you have contributed again I feel I should now respond, even if only briefly.

But in the end, it would be most interesting to leave that issue to Cris, as it is apparent that he sees nothing wrong in taking one leap of faith in order to criticize another.
Yet I don’t believe I am doing that, and I think you are making incorrect assumptions about my motives and approach.

That one cannot see something does not automatically mean that it does not exist.
If it were that simple then I would agree. But I am not making that assumption either.

It could simply mean they're going about looking at it wrongly.
And by this I assume you mean to look for the answer that probably isn’t 42.

This is the problem with operating according to an anti-identity: one constantly allows others to define reality in order to undertake an insurgent role and protest the definition.
Yet that does not reflect my thinking either.

But I believe I can be safely dismissive of the major religions such as Christianity and Islam. As Einstein stated these ideas are childlike. We have surely seen enough to see how religion and politics have been so intertwined over the millennia that complex dogma is invented to meet those very material ends. And we can see how superstitions are created and how rampant myth making adds to the fire, combined of course with no independent observational evidence. That some 3 billion plus people believe these things is of no real consequence since the world was flat for many thousands of years, right?

Isn’t the real issue whether there is anything non-material and that we can experience it and which would perhaps justify some type of spiritual paradigm? I don’t know if there is such a thing or that such a thing could be possible. Neither do I see anything or anyone who can show otherwise. I’ll keep an open and skeptical mind. And I’ll suitably adjust my life outlook if anything comes up.

I’ll mention neurotheology here since I believe you missed an important point on this. I believe the findings show that a spiritual experience is a result of a brain reaction in the same way that pain is a brain reaction. We can easily generate pain by say stubbing our toe on a rock. What we don’t say is that the pain gives us a special understanding or knowledge of the rock, other than it should be avoided. The spiritual experience appears to operate in a similar manner, i.e. it can be triggered via various external events (i.e. external to that specific part of the brain). If a God triggers the event then he would be of little more significance than the inanimate rock. The sensations would not be a direct experience of God presence but a predefined sensation that the brain generates by itself. The important point is that many theists claim proof of God because of their direct experience of him. But these claims are false if the new science is correct, and that seems very probable. What these people are experiencing is brain generated sensations that are independent of any trigger, i.e. they are entirely material, and would be the same whether a god triggers them or a drug or whatever. Given this revelation and combine that with all the other non-observed claims then there is nothing left to indicate a ‘god being’ is present or could be present. A spiritual sensation has no connection with anything non-material.

Moving on -

Fictional: something invented by the imagination or feigned.
Fantasy: the free play of creative imagination.

While these can be seen as perhaps emotive and offensive terms when directed at a religionist, and the resultant irritation is of course not lost on me, I believe they are also factually objective observations. The terms do not say that the non-material does not exist only that the claimant does not have anything unless they can demonstrate otherwise. But I now usually refrain from requesting they prove their claim, i.e. asking them to define reality as you put it, but more that these fantasies are reality, so deal with it.

My path is not anti-identity but the reality and hope that we see in the newly budding transhumanist developments.

I don’t think I have responded to all your issues. Please come back at me. I do have immense respect for your opinions, at least most of them that I can understand.
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Then you are a tricky rascal. :D
Uh a smiley. So I gotcha huh? ;)

To all the muslims who have read this thread, I apologise on behalf of Cris for his malicous intent.
So having established that I made no personal remarks, offensive, malicious or otherwise, there can be nothing that merits an apology.

All I did was effectively present an article for everyone to examine. If you have issues with the content then shouldn’t you address them to the author or Dr Somers?

Until this thread I do not believe I have posted any negative posts or opinions regarding Islam in the past 4 years. Had other posters not been so eager to vilify me then they might have seen my action as a good civic deed in bringing this article to the attention of all Muslims. I would of course hope that they would not blow themselves up in an attempt to murder the author.

Why do you so easily accept their claim?
Why accept the claim of any religionist? None appear to be based on reason.

How can one be a muslim if one doesn't despise offensive violence, based on the tenants of Islam?
But that is my point. The tenets for Islam are not clear on this issue leaving them open to multiple interpretations and where violent actions are one interpretation.
Originally posted by Cris
Uh a smiley. So I gotcha huh?

I expected you to play by the rules, so yes you got me. But it goes to show things aren't always what they seem. I think Q could learn from this.

So having established that I made no personal remarks, offensive, malicious or otherwise, there can be nothing that merits an apology.

I don't expect an apology, those are your views and you are entitled to them. I just think you should make your debates more open and invite theists to join in then try and show your points within that framework.

All I did was effectively present an article for everyone to examine. If you have issues with the content then shouldn’t you address them to the author or Dr Somers?

The article wasn't the issue, your attitude was.

I would of course hope that they would not blow themselves up in an attempt to murder the author.



Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Cris

Why accept the claim of any religionist? None appear to be based on reason.

But that is my point. The tenets for Islam are not clear on this issue leaving them open to multiple interpretations and where violent actions are one interpretation.

Fair enough.


Jan Ardena.

Then why don't you as moderator set an example.
That wouldn’t help. Most religionists tend to immediately say the opposite of anything I say, whether it makes sense or not. And even attack me when I don’t say anything, i.e. this thread.

.....and most begin with pre-conceptions and significant opinions of their own, which they want to put forward.

This thread being a prime example.
Yes exactly. Your comments and other religionists were so eager to attack me because of your/their subjective pre-conceived ideas that you/they completely missed the real issues.

If truth is to be the winner then the debating approach will need to be far more objective than most of us have demonstrated so far.

That's a fair point which you should also adhere to.
What did you not understand about ‘us’?

Your style is not intimidating it is bleak. It does not offer any potential for debate.
I agree. Since I present the truth so clearly and concisely I can understand your frustration and depression at not being able to mount any meaningful counter arguments.

I just think you should make your debates more open and invite theists to join in then try and show your points within that framework.
On a serious note. I accidentally discovered the article while looking for something else. I posted it quickly expecting it would fizzle out pretty quickly since it is from an obscure foreign publication. I hadn’t planned anything more substantial other than ‘here is an interesting article’. But I respect your point here.

The article wasn't the issue, your attitude was.
But I didn’t express any attitude until I felt the need to respond to various personal attacks later in the thread. Read my early posts again – I can’t see anything controversial there.

I would of course hope that they would not blow themselves up in an attempt to murder the author.

Oh come on, I give you something meaty to attack me with and you can only serve up a measly *sigh*.

But really when I stated this I couldn’t think of anyone else recently who commit suicide to murder people other than Muslims. This seems to be a sad reality, whether we like it or not. That they are being taught that they will be rewarded in Heaven for killing the opponents of Islam is again an indication that Islam has a hole in its teaching. That the teaching may have been corrupted does not alter the fact that these murderers, who appear to be very devout Muslims, are just as much victims as their victims.
Originally posted by Cris
But really when I stated this I couldn’t think of anyone else recently who commit suicide to murder people other than Muslims.


O ye who believe eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities; But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade By mutual good will;
Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves; for verily Allah has been to you
most merciful.

Mohammad (pbuh) said,

He who throws himself from a (high) rock and commits suicide will be throwing himself into hell; he who drinks poison and kills himself will have the poison in his hand drinking it forever in the fire of hell; and he who kills himself with a weapon will have that weapon in his hand stabbing himself forever in the fire of hell.

Al-Bukhari muslim.

As i said before to be a muslim in Islam, one has to adhere to the message of the Prophet (pbuh) as told to him by Allah.


Of the people there are some who say: "We believe in Allah and the last day;" But they do not really believe.
Fain would they decieve Allah and those who believe. But they only decieve themselves and realise it not.

If they do not believe in Allah, then there can be no question of surrender. How can they be muslim?
As you can see for yourself, there is no need of interpretation it is straight-foreward.

That the teaching may have been corrupted does not alter the fact that these murderers, who appear to be very devout Muslims, are just as much victims as their victims.

The operative words here being "who appear to be."
The teaching is not corrupt, it is very clear. These people who claim to be muslims but do not surrender to Allah are rascals. We see this kind of deception time and time again in all walks of life, you should know this.
To understand the Prophet (pbuh) and his revelations, you must try and understand the message.
The author of the article you posted made no attempt as far as i could see to do this.


Jan Ardena.

Here is an article that supports your comments quite well.

And another good one.

Yet Jihad persists in being violent –

An entire website on the Holy War of Islam – I have only scanned some of this.

A somewhat negative Christian article about Islam and Holy War.

I’ve also scanned another 100+ articles.

It seems there are a large number of fairly recent articles firmly declaring Islam to be peaceful and that it does not condone suicide bombers. This looks very much like essential political expediency, but tends to have the better support from the Quran.

Other articles show a violent offensive Islamic past with a stated intent of conquering the world for Islam.

The issue of Jihad is definitely not clear cut, there are just too many Islamic adherents who do believe that offensive violence is justified and expected.

No real conclusion on anything, I’m just absorbing information at the moment.
