Mental Instability Diagnosis of Mohammed

Originally posted by Cris

OK. Scratch yet another violent religion. It is difficult to find a peaceful religion.

Any objection to Buddhism?

I can't object Buddhism however I wonder why there are less followers of a such a peaceful religion? Maybe it is missing something? Something which is present in all the *Violent* religions? Thanks for directing me to this direction. I will dig up some more and would like to read more about Buddhism. If there are any Budhist in this forum, Please feel free to send me a private message.


you drag up a website which you know will offend muslims.
It is an issue that surrounds the founder of a major religion. This is entirely relevant to such a forum as this. The issue is whether the claims in the article are true or false.

You seem to be confusing the question of whether the article is offensive or whether I am offensive for bringing the article to everyone’s attention. Are you also inclined to attack your postman if he brings you bad news?

What kind of violence are you referring to, malicious or self-defense?
The question is not relevant. The interpretation can be seen as an encouragement of violence as opposed to say diplomacy or pacifism. The justification of self-defense is another issue.

You then went on to say; Religious violence, especially theistic inspired, is the result of adherents believing that their god will be pleased if they take certain violent actions.

This has no bearing on religious violence or any instruction by Allah to muslims;
But many Muslims do not seem to understand this and see their religion as telling them to use violence to defend their faith – e.g. Holy War or Jihad. That they may have misinterpreted their scriptures seems to be fairly common and is an issue that Islam should attempt to resolve.

Your argument is one of ignorance.
Are you sure? Can you honestly tell me you have not seen on TV or read in news reports of the Mullahs, for example, who are clearly inciting their Muslim followers to fight a holy war against the western infidels, or the many variations on this theme?

What exactly do you mean by oppose?
As defined in the dictionary.

Your understanding of jihad, for whatever reason, is wrong, but you seem to believe it to be true. Flores is explaing what jihad means, but still you cling to your meaning, and then attribute any wrongfull acts (911) as jihad. You probably cannot see it, but you are being purely confrontational.
I know what Jihad means and I am agreeing with her. My point was about those Muslims who have deliberately interpreted the term differently and are using it to justify violence. My point is also that the various explanations of Jihad can be fairly easily misinterpreted, and even some fundamentalist Islamic leaders adopt the more unfortunate interpretation.

In fact the whole thread is DELIBERATELY confrontational.
To some extent of course it is but then debates where everyone agrees are quite boring. But I offered no personal opinions until I was personally attacked.

I suggest you read what is written and take on board other peoples POV, understand what they are saying, and then make your reply.
As I always do. But you should take your own advice as well, since you have clearly and apparently deliberately decided to misunderstand my comments.

You seem to easily misinterpret fairly simple and basic language constructs and you are having trouble with obvious comprehension.

LOL!!! When all else fails....... Ad Hominem!
Cheap and simple way out, eh Cris?
No, just objective observation.

Its my ball and i'm not playing anymore.
No, just simply that there is no value in talking to someone who does not know how to hear.

You don't debate (as far as religion is concerned), you try your best to debase adherants.
You sound more like the sore loser who does not know how to compete against stronger arguments.

It is not your intention to see any religion in a favorable light,
Or that there is no good reason to see a religion in a favorable light.

but to entice the adherant to become angry
Or to attempt to make the adherent see how they are making a serious error in their conclusions.

by telling them they are delusional fools,
I have never called anyone here a fool, and there has only been one member who I remember calling delusional and I think I was being clinically objective at the time.

I don’t believe it follows that one is a fool if they are the victim of a delusion.

My argument concerning delusion is that claims made by those who claim to have experienced a deity is indistinguishable from delusion. The delusion is simply the more probable explanation. No theist has yet been able to demonstrate a difference.

believing in fantasies and are incapable of real intelligence.
I have never claimed that a religionist is incapable of real intelligence.

Please don’t accuse me of things that I have never said. You are being disingenuous here.

And the suggestion that the objects of theist claims are fictional fantasies is also an objective observation all the time no one can demonstrate that such objects have a factual basis. Please examine the dictionary definitions for fictional and fantasy.

That you choose to see these objective observations from an emotional perspective is perhaps due to your probable missing education in critical thinking. That, I think, is your problem and not mine.

And by posting websites that will hopefully acheive this.
Or using published articles by various experts in their specialist fields that give some basis to my arguments. This is called evidence.

If you succeed you say i told you so.
I may express some pleasure when others agree with me, but that seems quite natural.

You are indeed, a very opressive person.
Or perhaps I am quite normal but you simply feel very repressed because you cannot overturn my stronger arguments.

I wonder why there are less followers of a such a peaceful religion?

Maybe it is missing something?

Something which is present in all the *Violent* religions?
I suspect it has something to do with power politics and the apparent very competitive nature of man. But it is a good question to which I do not really have a satisfactory answer.

If there are any Budhist in this forum,
Try the Eastern Philosophy forum here.

Didn't mean to offend your religion
OK but I don’t follow any religion.

It is hard for a news to get out of that part of the world but it doesn't mean that there is all peace in India/Sub-Continent.( older term for Pakistan/India/Bangladesh)
Probably about half of my colleagues here are from India and I have a great respect for the underlying peaceful nature of Hinduism that they demonstrate. Tomorrow we celebrate Diwali - the Festival of Light.

Those who have undergone Islamic indoctrination here at sciforums, perhaps many years or a lifetime do not take kindly to having their religion discussed in ways that question its authority – they become hostile and elude from the subject. Perhaps it is not so much the belief or the personality, but a combination of both in that the belief has altered the personality.
This thread is I think the first where I have tried to explore Islam a little further than usual. The instant and unfounded tirade of abuse I received here tends to support your observation. The feeling is certainly quite different than debating with Christians. There does seem to be a significant underlying aggression that is difficult to comprehend. I suspect there is a deep sensation of inadequacy that causes massive overcompensation when any type of criticism is raised. And the blind rage of Flores seems to very much prevent her from rational reasoning and from seeing me as anything other than a hated enemy.

The opposing ideas appear to be viewed as somewhat of an attack or degradation towards the religion, and trigger a defense mechanism, which inherently blocks out the acceptance to entertain those ideas.
Yes indeed as we have witnessed in this thread.

I cannot imagine how a free world and an Islamic world can survive together.

In fact, I don’t see how an Islamic world could survive.
Yes I agree. I started this thread with a neutral perspective regarding Islam and I gave no personal opinions in the opening post. But I have certainly formed a significant negative opinion based on the way the thread developed.
Originally posted by Cris

This thread is I think the first where I have tried to explore Islam a little further than usual. The instant and unfounded tirade of abuse I received here tends to support your observation. The feeling is certainly quite different than debating with Christians. There does seem to be a significant underlying aggression that is difficult to comprehend. I suspect there is a deep sensation of inadequacy that causes massive overcompensation when any type of criticism is raised. And the blind rage of Flores seems to very much prevent her from rational reasoning and from seeing me as anything other than a hated enemy.

On behalf of all the Muslims, I would like to see Cris endorse christianity instead of Atheism. Afterall, he admited that he enjoys debating with christians over Muslims. And perhaps, it's culturally, since most christians are westerners. I understand and respect christianity and perhaps I could start understanding Cris better if he becomes a christian. As a muslim, I believe in Jesus Christ as bringing the Injil or the bible with the truth from god, and anyone who follows in Jesus Christ way is my brother/sister in faith.

So Cris, can you tell us something good about the christian faith like I did, or do you just wish to divert the blame from yourself by placing a non existant wedge between me and my fellow christians.
On behalf of all the Muslims, I would like to see Cris endorse christianity instead of Atheism. Afterall, he admited that he enjoys debating with christians over Muslims. And perhaps, it's culturally, since most christians are westerners.

Perhaps you missed the point – Cris enjoys debating Christians over Muslims simply because the majority of Christians do not become hostile and spew abusive remarks when their religion is questioned, in fact, they answer his questions as best they can.

Muslims on the other hand are unable to answer those questions regarding their faith, as you and others here have adequately shown.

To extend that line of logic, it actually makes no sense at all as to why you and the others are here. What is the point of entering a forum for debate when you don’t debate? You are much better off joining a forum of Muslims who will not question the religion and will agree with everything you say.
sorry for long post but i felt it necessary.

Originally posted by Cris
It is an issue that surrounds the founder of a major religion. This is entirely relevant to such a forum as this.

And it should be discussed properly and unbiasly.

The issue is whether the claims in the article are true or false.

Apparently not for you as you summised;
"Sad to say, this world religion espoused by more than a billion contemporary human beings, is based on a delusion."
You are saying it is a fact and as such, you have indirectly set the tone for uneseccary conflict. If you were seriously intent on debate, you would have omitted that part and left it open, or stated it was your opinion.

You seem to be confusing the question of whether the article is offensive or whether I am offensive for bringing the article to everyone’s attention.

There is no confusion, you are offensive for this and many other things.

Are you also inclined to attack your postman if he brings you bad news

I didn't attack you, i merely stated exactly what you did.

The question is not relevant. The interpretation can be seen as an encouragement of violence as opposed to say diplomacy or pacifism.

That is most probably your understanding of it because that is how you see it.
A mujahid is devoted to his or her cause; uses all physical, intellectual, and spiritual capacities to serve it; employs whatever force he or she can when confronting that which blocks his or her way; and, when necessary, dies for it.
You can clearly see that the capacities which are to be used are intellectual and spiritual as well as physical. The physical capacities are not only meant for violence, there are all kinds of physical activities that can benifit ones life without the use of force, but if it is necessaryand physical force is required, then so be it.

The justification of self-defense is another issue.

This is a nonsence statement. If you read the verse from the Qur'an, i posted to you, you will see that violence is only acceptable in self-defense.

That they may have misinterpreted their scriptures seems to be fairly common and is an issue that Islam should attempt to resolve.

If that is the case then you are correct, but where you go wrong is that you attribute this course of action to Islam such as 9/11 which quite rightly gets up the nose of those who are adhering to its principles. In the article it is insinuated that Mohammad (pbuh) sufferered from delusions of grandeur, of which a symptom is, vengance on those who oppose his position or something to that effect. But it is clear from that verse i posted that that is not the case.

Are you sure? Can you honestly tell me you have not seen on TV or read in news reports of the Mullahs, for example, who are clearly inciting their Muslim followers to fight a holy war against the western infidels, or the many variations on this theme?

You have to be more specific because although that may be the case, some can argue that this type of jihad is relevant. For example, the Israel/Palestine conflict. It would be almost impossible for you or I to state whether their reasons are just or offensive, as we are here not there.
If their reasons are purely offensive, then that cannot be attributed to Allah or Mohammad (pbut), as the rules are clearly laid out for all to decide if Islam/Religion is the cause.

As defined in the dictionary.

It may then be religiously inspired in the way one can be inspired by the love of a woman, or an heroic act, but the results cannot be attributed to the source of inspiration, only the inspired person.
If a man kills those who oppose Mohammad (pbuh) and Islam, who have not sought to opress physically, then he cannot be a muslim no matter how much he thinks he is because a muslim is someone who surrenders to Allah, adhering strictly to principles set by the message, and the message clearly outlines when violence is justified.

My point was about those Muslims who have deliberately interpreted the term differently and are using it to justify violence.

But that is something else, not Islam.

My point is also that the various explanations of Jihad can be fairly easily misinterpreted, and even some fundamentalist Islamic leaders adopt the more unfortunate interpretation.

Then blame them, not the religion.

To some extent of course it is but then debates where everyone agrees are quite boring.

We can still disagree without confrontation.

But I offered no personal opinions until I was personally attacked.

you said,

"Sad to say, this world religion espoused by more than a billion contemporary human beings, is based on a delusion."

I'm sorry, but that is a personal opinion. You have in the past stated many times that theists are delusional. Unless you can prove your assertion is correct the fact that you assert it without question means it is a personal opinion.

LOL!!! When all else fails....... Ad Hominem!
Cheap and simple way out, eh

No, just objective observation.

By her own admission;
"Thanks Jan, I strive for this acceptance despite my uneducated imperfect views on issues..."
She humbly assumes the position of un-educated in certain areas. (which i dis-agree with), she has in the past, commented on your intellectual and logical ability, placing herself below you.
I think if you sincerely read the conversation between you, you will realise that she is attempting to debate with you, as opposed to sticking to a strict dogmatic doctrine, even though she is a muslim and must have the utmost respect for Mohammad (pbuh), the only muslim to take (serious) part in this (so-called) debate in fact.

No, just simply that there is no value in talking to someone who does not know how to hear.

That is so condescending.

You sound more like the sore loser who does not know how to compete against stronger arguments.

You are deluding yourself, there is no argument. With you there can never be, you kill everything before it has a chance to flourish. You are basically here to spread you views period.

Or that there is no good reason to see a religion in a favorable light.

What is wrong with the Qur'an, in your opinion?

Or to attempt to make the adherent see how they are making a serious error in their conclusions.

How are you going to achieve that by getting peoples backs up?

I have never called anyone here a fool.......

.............I have never claimed that a religionist is incapable of real intelligence

From your (well known) perspective; god is imaginary/fantasy, people who believe in such things are deluded, it follows. The conclusion can only be tht they are fools for believing in something that doesn't exist. This is your thinking.

don’t accuse me of things that I have never said. You are being disingenuous here.

Maybe you have not said it directly, but your whole cyber personality suggests it. It appears it's something you've yet to realise. ;)

That you choose to see these objective observations from an emotional perspective is perhaps due to your probable missing education in critical thinking. That, I think, is your problem and not mine.

My perspective in this case is based purely on observation, not emotion. And i don't think your education in critical thinking serves you on these forums, although you may think it does. If you seriously believe you are being honest and rational in your aproach to religion, period, then i have to say you are deluding yourself.

This is called evidence.

From one perspective.
Does the author know how God would make his presence known through someone if it were to happen?
If he does not believe in God, then what good is his evidence?

Or perhaps I am quite normal but you simply feel very repressed because you cannot overturn my stronger arguments.

This is a very serious subject and the point is not to win but to establish truth. It is very difficult to do if you are opressing or opressed. All that does is create a bad feeling. Nobody wins.


Jan Ardena.
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How are you going to achieve that by getting peoples backs up?

This is a forum for debate – check your emotions at the cyber-door.

If he does not believe in God, then what good is his evidence?

A belief cannot be considered evidence nor a requirement of validity.
Originally posted by (Q)
This is a forum for debate – check your emotions at the cyber-door.

Is that the same door that you have checked your common sense at? Just wanted to let you know that I saw your education level at the loss and found box three weeks back, noone is willing to claim it, they say that the cost of storing it is above it's actual value and will be discarding it any time now.

Our condolonce though is that we are yet to see Q debate at the minimum required IQ level. He must be keeping his potential for future debates in sciforums

Originally posted by (Q)
A belief cannot be considered evidence nor a requirement of validity.

Rest assured, when we are interested in gathering information from the lower IQ level groups, you'll be contacted at your current address.

Moderator comment.

Your post here is pure ad hominem. Please don't do that.
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you said,

"Sad to say, this world religion espoused by more than a billion contemporary human beings, is based on a delusion."

I'm sorry, but that is a personal opinion.
No, it is an extract from the article.

See the last line on Part V.

Only the opening sentence was mine and that was a very brief overview of the article.

And then I said the rest was a few random highlights. Including the statement you want to claim is mine.

What seems to have occurred here is that everyone was expecting me to blast Islam, never checked properly, and then lambasted me anyway, and you are still firing at me.

Please feel free to apologize at any time.

My point was about those Muslims who have deliberately interpreted the term differently and are using it to justify violence.

But that is something else, not Islam.
They claim to be Muslim and base their actions on their scriptures. Much like several thousand different Christian sects and cults base their beliefs on different interpretations of the bible.

That some Muslims despise violence while others do not doesn’t make any of them less Islamic.

This is a very serious subject and the point is not to win but to establish truth.
This is an admirable and noble statement but very few come here with open minds expecting such a thing. The techniques we are using here depend on facts, knowledge, intellect, and language skills, and most begin with pre-conceptions and significant opinions of their own, which they want to put forward.

If truth is to be the winner then the debating approach will need to be far more objective than most of us have demonstrated so far.

It is very difficult to do if you are opressing or opressed. All that does is create a bad feeling. Nobody wins.
I believe that is just your personal perception. My intended approach is to strive for accuracy and meaningful perspective, and I will do this very persistently. I doubt there is much I can do to help you if you feel intimidated by my style.
Originally posted by Cris

OK but I don’t follow any religion.

Probably about half of my colleagues here are from India and I have a great respect for the underlying peaceful nature of Hinduism that they demonstrate. Tomorrow we celebrate Diwali - the Festival of Light.

It was meant for Mr.Everno but thanks for reply. I think that all the religions have their peacful aspects and they all can be very violent. It has nothing to do with the paricular religion but the mind which follows that religion, and the mind which fails to understand the basis of that religion. Hinduism is no different then Islam or Christianity in that aspect. People would like to paint every one with the same brush, it is easy, a simple way to understand the complex issues. However I have a problem with muslims, christians and hidus when they try to defend the fanatics. Every one should condemn them but I still see a great number of Hindus/Muslims/Christians supporting their Ideas.

Is it because their religion thaught them? No! I think not. I think it is what they want to believe is right and it is their individual thinking, there is a direct relation ship between their literacy and education and their extemism and fanatic and violent ideas.
Originally posted by Cris
Only the opening sentence was mine and that was a very brief overview of the article.

And then I said the rest was a few random highlights. Including the statement you want to claim is mine.

What seems to have occurred here is that everyone was expecting me to blast Islam, never checked properly, and then lambasted me anyway, and you are still firing at me.

Then you are a tricky rascal. :D

Please feel free to apologize at any time.


To all the muslims who have read this thread, I apologise on behalf of Cris for his malicous intent.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Cris
They claim to be Muslim and base their actions on their scriptures. Much like several thousand different Christian sects and cults base their beliefs on different interpretations of the bible.

Why do you so easily accept their claim?

That some Muslims despise violence while others do not doesn’t make any of them less Islamic.

How can one be a muslim if one doesn't despise offensive violence, based on the tenants of Islam?


Jan Ardena.
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Originally posted by Cris
This is an admirable and noble statement but very few come here with open minds expecting such a thing.

Then why don't you as moderator set an example.

.....and most begin with pre-conceptions and significant opinions of their own, which they want to put forward.

This thread being a prime example.

If truth is to be the winner then the debating approach will need to be far more objective than most of us have demonstrated so far.

That's a fair point which you should also adhere to.

I doubt there is much I can do to help you if you feel intimidated by my style.

Your style is not intimidating it is bleak. It does not offer any potential for debate.


Jan Ardena.

Cris' posts are completely devoid of emotion - yours on the the other hand are little more then emotion.

However, i'm not surprised you can't tell the difference.
How interesting ....

To all the muslims who have read this thread, I apologise on behalf of Cris for his malicous intent.
I'm pressed to find the common link 'twixt you whereby that would have any proper effect. There's the human, but beyond that ....

But in the end, it would be most interesting to leave that issue to Cris, as it is apparent that he sees nothing wrong in taking one leap of faith in order to criticize another.

That one cannot see something does not automatically mean that it does not exist. It could simply mean they're going about looking at it wrongly. This is the problem with operating according to an anti-identity: one constantly allows others to define reality in order to undertake an insurgent role and protest the definition.