Mediocre Chicks In Hollywood That Pass For Hot


I really couldn't give a Rat's ass what you think or what offends you.
There are so many teen sights, you should be able to find find, where you can debate or if you prefer justify your own opinions. I was out of town for a mere month & come back to crap, I thought was above sciforums. Apparantly it isn't. Kids getting their feelings hurt, asking who do you think is a hottie. I remember that shit from freakin High School.
If you wanna dumb yourself down, with crap that really does not matter, I implore you. Don't waste sciforums space.

What is your deal? A member post an opinion in the "Free Thoughts" section just to get a conversation going and you have a problem with it? Waste of space...what the hell are you talking about? The only things wasteful is your responses. You are the only one that seems to have a problem. You may need another month off :D :rolleyes:
You have problems

Originally posted by ratbat

I really couldn't give a Rat's ass what you think or what offends you.

Quite acting like a frickin despot of

You don't own this board, so you shoulnd't be saying what can be or cannot be posted on

There are so many teen sights, you should be able to find find, where you can debate or if you prefer justify your own opinions. I was out of town for a mere month & come back to crap, I thought was above sciforums. Apparantly it isn't. Kids getting their feelings hurt, asking who do you think is a hottie. I remember that shit from freakin High School.

You're getting attached to cyberspace, it's just a forum. So what if teens discuss their views, the things we discuss - that's what makes us teens.

If you wanna dumb yourself down, with crap that really does not matter, I implore you. Don't waste sciforums space.

Negativity gets you nowhere. I agree that should be a more "essential" forum, but free thoughts is an exception to this rule.
I was out of town for a mere month & come back to crap, I thought was above sciforums.
you know.. you've only been registered for about 2 months.. and if you were gone a month.. that means. you've spent about 30 days here.. perhaps you got the wrong impressoin of sciforums. everyone here is allowed to post, and have an opinion. including you. but thankfully some of us have a little more respect, and a little more humor. The light hearted posts in free thoughts let us open up to each other, and get to know each other better... We don't all come here solely to debate politics, or make a decent interpretation of revlations in the religion section. Some of us come here for interaction (because we are bored to tears and trapped in our house 24hrs/day) or like most of us, who ended up here by mistake, and have grown quite fond of the other frequent users here. and perhaps if you want the intellect to change here.. you shoudl try adding some of your own... unless these WEREN'T your posts:
"My knob is just about big enough for me to wrap my hand around it!:eek:"
Listen for his distinctive courtship call, "mmmm...bootilicious...puff, puff, giiiiiiiiivvvve...." "
"Does it really matter if you can spell masturbate, or not, as long as you can..."
""This doesn't really fit me. Everyone says I'm an Asshole, and I have'nt eaten an ass, in a looong time. "
and to end with my favorite line from all of your posts....
"Some folks don't know how to take a joke. "
and i think those say enough.
Ratbat, that kind of behavior can prompt someone to really rip your ass apart, so watch it. I've seen it happen. I don't want to find you dead in the middle of a street somewhere.

Don't give a rat's ass what someone thinks? Then there is no point in your coming to sciforums.
she must have forgotten about that while auditioning for her role in the royal tenenbaums, which i vote worst movie of the year.



Sorry, that's all I'm capable of saying. That movie kicked.
its about a screwed of family where the adopted daughter and the biological son fall in love.. but she's married to this other guy, so the son tryies to kill himslef... and... its one big incest mess. id tell you the end. but i didn't watch it. i shut it off and went back to blockbuster to rent something different.
It's only for people who can truly enjoy a movie for the script and acting alone. People who require action and such for a movie shouldn't watch it. Ask yourself this before watching a movie like Royal; Have you ever watched and completely enjoyed a movie like Casablanca or The Jackel?