Mediocre Chicks In Hollywood That Pass For Hot

They both seem very plain to me. I always considered them to be average. To each is his own.

YOU know who I do like is Jessica Biel!!!!! :D
could you imagine if there was a make-up line called air-brushing that actually left its costomers with decent results aswell? there'd be some money there..

who is the pic of anyhow?
Saith - I think you've got it about right.

As for these women being "average" looking -- either the women where you live are a lot better looking than where I live -- or more likely -- you are automatically screening out all the fat, ugly, or unshapely women that you pass everyday. You've got an subconscious filtering mechanism in place!
Why are people debating, what is essentially, opinion.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Sciforums is becoming a place to post the worst kind of inane crap. What's next? I think maybe I'll post a new thread that is in line with the new intelligence I've seen, since I got back. Look for it.
^Calm down buttercup, it's not that serious^

Why are people debating, what is essentially, opinion.
No one's debating anything. I wanted to see if anyone else agrees with me. I know beauty is in the eye of the blah blah so that's besides the point. This is my thread and I don't want to hear that crap.

Sciforums is becoming a place to post the worst kind of inane crap.
Damn stop crying. You sound like you're about to make a "I'm leaving sci-forums becuase of inane crap" post. Get a hold of yourself.

What's next? I think maybe I'll post a new thread that is in line with the new intelligence I've seen, since I got back.

OK this is where as the topic starter I got offended. First off....I don't understand who you think you are. This is the "Free Thoughts" section and I had a free thought, mainly because of other posts I saw. One thing I've noticed at SciForums is that some are too critical in forums that they shouldn't. The other one being Psuedoscience. People.......relax. There's plenty of super-scientifical stuff going on. Go there instaed of coming to a more casual forum and trying to belittle people. Nobody wants to hear that shit. If it's out of bounds let a moderator handle it. I don't want some holier then thou, stiff-neck, jerk posting about the quality of the topic. I mean god damn, do you think they're hot or mediocre?! Is that so hard? Get it together.

Look for it.
coool guuuuuy
im sure there is alot of natural beauty to the above pic of the girl who still remains nameless.. but i have to agree with deena.. thats very edited... look at the start of her eyebrow.. not very well blended.. looks more like smudge, actually. lol.
Gwyneth Paltrow had a go at English males cos no-one asked her out. It may of helped if she was attractive
What about Rose McGowan? I cannot for the life of me find anything attractive about that woman?!!?!?!?
ive seen a couple of very pretty pics of her.. but in real life.. i've not noticed anything all to out of the ordinary.. except her lack of clothing...
Rose McGowan is cool with me, don't care for her much either way but if you want to put her on the list, then go right ahead kiddo!
Well she is not a dog, but she sure isnt Hollywood material. And Ive never seen anything remarkable about Gwenyth except her grace and class. But that goes with Jackie Kennedy also. But I think she was georgous, just by her actions and grace. Make sense? Probably not.

Take care
Gwenyth except her grace and class
she must have forgotten about that while auditioning for her role in the royal tenenbaums, which i vote worst movie of the year.

oh! i have one. well.. its not really a movie star.. but a celebrety.. Anna Kornikova... ????? not even good looking to begin with..
Anna Kornikova...

Isnt that the chick that everyone is making such a fuss over? Never seen her, but Ive heard she is gorgous.

Okay, what about the chick on the new XXX movie? Her name is Asia (?) something, she is so not cute! I just love talking about rich skinny broads!!!:D Oh, and Sara Michelle Gellar. God I hate her:D
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Yep, she's isn't hot anymore. Age is the #1 problem to beauty.

Check this babe out!


That babe is Adriana Lima! :D