Mediocre Chicks In Hollywood That Pass For Hot


Registered Senior Member
I noticed a trend that regular looking girl and women celebrities are being dubbed hotties. I also noticed a few "beautiful women threads" so i'm reversing it with a twist becuase I'm confused, maybe I'm not seeing something? I don't know but here it goes...

TARGET #1: Gwyneth Paltrow


She is the essence of mediocracy, not a whole lot going on here. Never thought so and my beliefs were confirmed when I saw her on SNL.

TARGET #2: Kirsten Dunst


Maybe she's a little better then Gwyneth but still overall lame and unexciting.

Now I'm not trying to act like an authority on looks, I just want to see if anyone else agrees or if I'm the only one. I'm sure more people will disagree and that's cool. I'm not trying to be negative and say they're ugly or anything like that, just not mega-hot. Also, I know people have feelings and I'm not trying to be mean but they're Hollywood celebrities who are totally void of any feelings and emotions and their sole purpose in life is for us to critique and judge them constantly:D
I wouldn't especially want to date with Gwyneth Paltrow,
but I would sure like to find my Guiwenneth...

(those who have read Mythago Wood will understand)
Cory -- they're both well-above-average looking young women. Are they outrageously good-looking? No, but then have actresses ever been? (Answer: no.) It's not easy to be a big time film star -- looks are only a part of the equation.

Anyway, I certainly wouldn't turn down a date with either one of them.
I think many people tend to see celebrities as being more attractive than they really are. Take Britney Spears for example. I have heard so many many times, that she is the hottest girl in the world...... And that puffy curly blonde hair kid on Nsync I think it is. Tons of girls think that his looks are godlike.

And I bet if you are an attractive person and if you became a celebrity, people would think you are more attractive than they would have before. Especially if you always have a good make over, nice clothes, professionally done hair style, etc... you know that kind of stuff. You may even have seen just how much more attractive a good make over and nice clothes can make a person on a TV show. Even just doing something different with there hair can make a big difference.
The thing is...

Sometimes social proof is more important than looks.

But you *must* have at least some good looks first.

Gwyneth Paltrow looks better than Dunst any day
Cory -- they're both well-above-average looking young women.
No, they're both very average women. That's the thing. If I saw them walking in a mall I wouldn't look twice at them. Any porn star would blow them away into oblivian.

No, but then have actresses ever been? (Answer: no.)

Are you crazy ?


Honestly I think Dunst is hotter then Paltrow. To be honest Dunst was't even really Target 2. I just can't remember who was. Then I remeber Kirsten from Spiderman and the fellas drool'in over her.
Oh yeah, #2 was really supposed to be Sarah Jessica Parker.
People, the lies must stop.

And that puffy curly blonde hair kid on Nsync I think it is.

OK, If you wanna be fair and go the male route, that kid from N Sync looks like Screech from 'Saved By The Bell'.
wild things was a great movie.....

as for sarah jessica parker.. i couldn't agree more... she has un 'unpleasent' face and a rather annoying voice...
That's Denise Richards!

And she has a great everything in that movie. Breasts, ass, face, body. Hottest girl, and what does she do for us? Give us the best lesbian sex scene an a non-porn movie.

Damn, people already forgot
This is one of the most depressing things I have ever read.

For one thing, isn't it a little sad that you have nothing better to do than ogle? Couldn't you at least leer?

Second, I think you're confusing beauty with fuckability. Since when did T&A take precident over a pretty face and a charming personality?

Personally, I think the Pamela Andersons of the world with their pumped up breasts and lip injections aren't a far cry from the Tammy Fae Bakers, with their electric-shock hair and ridiculous, makeup-plastered faces. We could do with more Gweneth Paltrows, I think.
ohh.. pamela anderson... my goodness.. i saw a pic of her with no makeup on.. or just a really bad make up job is USmag and... wow.. she looked.. 40.. atleast. it was horrible..... and id always thought she'd been one of those lucky naturally pretty people.... (in the face).. god was i ever wrong!!... and i had just watched VIP that morning... i think i was temporarily traumatized for the rest of the week...
Second, I think you're confusing beauty with fuckability.
I certainly am not.
They just all seem like plain janes.
no. i understood your point..

but you also have to think... you usually wont find gweneth or the other plain jane prettie on the top 20 of hollywood list... which can be pretty depressing when its your career... and while the make up and the enhancements may seem unnatural.. its also what takes them to the top and makes them more appealing and.. unfortuately.. leaves the "gweneths" behind..
did that make any sense....??? guh.. i hope so.. its bed time... i keep mixing up my sentances in my head.... LOL
I think both of you make perfect sense. I agree it takes more then looks and a lot of hard work and talent to become a star (as Gwyneth and Dunst prove), but I also agree with Nightfall in the fact that they will get overlooked by a more glamorous star with, let's say, equal talent.
But at least I see I'm not the only one who thinks this way.
There are others who think like me ~winks at nightfall~ ;)
Originally posted by nightfall
ohh.. pamela anderson... my goodness.. i saw a pic of her with no makeup on.. or just a really bad make up job is USmag and... wow.. she looked.. 40.. atleast. it was horrible..... and id always thought she'd been one of those lucky naturally pretty people.... (in the face).. god was i ever wrong!!... and i had just watched VIP that morning... i think i was temporarily traumatized for the rest of the week...

Yep, she's isn't hot anymore. Age is the #1 problem to beauty.

Check this babe out!


;) Compare her to Dunst or anyone on this thread...they get BLOWN AWAY!! :cool: