Mathematical Proof that God Exists?


Thank you Ghassan

You're welcome

Dumb is one that have a certain ability yet they go out of their way to corrupt and abuse such a gift.

Can you believe that, I could have asked anything I wanted, but I couldn't another word but Salam.

What else would there be to say ?




I think Q perfectly stated my case.

Yes Qu tends to have that habit of being able to talk for others about whatever there is that is a disagreement with my view . I wouldnt be very proud on this fact if I were you .

Ghassan, apparently you dont' belong to any religious organization as of yet, but you seem to be searching for one in the Qua'ran. This is why I assumed you were Muslim.

No I dont belong to any religious organization , but yes I am Muslim . You dont have to belong to any religious organization to be a Muslim .

You are, however, under the impression that there is a god of some sort, or a higher purpose for being here. This, my friend, is not true. There is no high purpose. There is no reason. We are here due to the evolutionary process, and that's that.

You know Im really getting tired you trying to convince me of you Nihilism , its like convincing a farmer that rain is good . Its getting very very ridiculous .

You are under the impression that any theological possibility within Qu'ran deals with "a God of some sort" .

It doesn't have to be the same god. The fact that these people worship A god at all makes in untrue. Your god, thier god, my's all fantasy.

Damn its getting really boring now . I dont believe in ANY fantasy God ok ? Tell me what God means according to you and Ill tell you I dont believe in that . How many times do I have to say this untill it gets through your head ?

I'm sorry, but it does reflect her intelligence. She obviously didn't pay much attention in english class, and most likely many others, hence her intelligence is fairly low. The fact that you cannot make the connection makes you fairly unintelligent as well.

I have made YOUR connection and declared it NOT LOGICAL .
Im getting tired you calling me unintelligent when we both know you inferior position . Let me explain it to you in a way you might get something for a change .

There is no such relation as you propose between knowledge English (or any other for that matter) grammar & spelling & intelligence . Can you write German ? Or French ? What an idiot you must be then . Can you write Chineze ? Or Arabic ? What a doofus . Not even Japaneze ?

Your example of "not paying enough attention in English-class" is a total joke , maybe she didnt even have English class where the hell is your brain man ? . And then you equate English class to most other , and then you conclude those who didnt pay attention in English class dont pay attention in other classes thus they are of a fairly low intelligence ?

Seems like you never payed attention in logics class , or even attended at such at all , or ever heard of it . Go crawl back into your cave man there's nothing for you out here .

Says who? You? What makes you the expert?

I can proof that they didnt . Yes when I am aware of what has been done wrong and have studied it then indeed I am the expert . However it doesnt take an expert to know the size and forms the errors come in and how there is possibility for relevance considering the entire scriptures .

Just like Q stated, the scriptures in the Qua'ran state that they are the words of God. God does not exist. Hence, the scriptures are not true. And there is no scientific evidence that anything in those scriptures actually took place.

Oh My God I predicted this even in my answer to Q your logic its just amazing . And then you come up with events that have never "really took place" . Back to your cave you !!!

We're getting into semantics here.

We're in semantics ALL THE DAMN TIME

If you mean the "Qua'ran is truth" in the sense that the text itself exists, then yeah, duh, of course. But I think you're saying that the scriptures of the Qua'ran are true, in which they are not.

You finally get that its semantics and then you come up with something as stupid as this ? OMG where is this world going .

OMG there are so many different levels on what you're wrong , oh what the heck Ill try to give it to you one more time :

1)You dont know what the symbols (who are not part of modern Arabic) mean in the Qu'ran (You're not even aware they exist how about that) .

2)You're not aware what the random letters in front of the Surrahs mean (Same here , no awareness of existence even)

3)You dont know weither modern Arabic (as you dont know it even) is translated correct into English

4)You dont know if the interperted semantics of modern Arabic reflect the Qu'ran .

You're lost out there completely , but you still have an opinion about it ?

Becuase that is what it says in the Qua'ran


But I suppose here you will say that they were mistranslated, an argument which you cannot back up with evidence.

Not just mistranslated but mis-understood and not at all understood as well . See my 4 points . Yes I DO have evidence for this , I can show you exactly how something is not translated correctly very easily and I have done so before on this forum .

I can also prove that there is reason for concern on the ARABIC semantical understanding and its correctness , and I cal also prove that there is PLENTY stiff that simply nobody knows what the hell it means . So they put it off as pronounciation marks and caligraphy (LOL) , now everybody knows how to pronounce nobody knows what the hell he' pronouncing in the first place ...... oh yea caligraphy .

This statement implies that you believe in a god.

No I do not believe in A God .

And consider this: If we are perfect, why do men have nipples?


I cannot believe that this is your actual point for imperfection .
Let me tell what is not perfect . YOU
Now you start considering that .

Anglo-centrism? Dude, people would call your sentance structure and grammar awful no matter what part of the world you were in.

Your anglo-centrism is colonizing this world .

Also , nobody speaks native-tongue English accept for the English and their former colonies . Thats not the world , no someone would not try to perfect that as his own understanding is not likely to be perfect either .

I dont think that 1 B Chineze are gonna call my English grammar awfull , and frankly I dont think that MOST peoples on this planet would .

Wrong. I've seen plenty of the Qua'ran in my lifetime. Way to go just assuming that I haven't.

No you havent stop lying to yourself . And if you would have it would have as much as a result on your knowlegde than the original I-Ching or the 8-foldpath in Sanskrit . You just stare at it like a doofus and not know what it means .

And yes, Islam is a lie, just like Christianity and Judaism are lies.

You're the lie letters dont talk . You still not getting it are you ?

Another red flag for your stupidity. The words on the screen that you use to experience me are not created by themselves.

They are not created by you either , prove me different please .

Even if the words you read were just a program that automatically spat this argument out, you would still be experiencing me, simply because I would have had to write the program.

The whole damn point is that how I experience YOU does not have to be the same as how YOU have intended me to experience you .
Get it ? No ? Oh well

If you're saying I only have second-hand information of Islam, you're wrong again. I have studied Islam plenty.


I know of it through the Qua'ran AND the experiences of others.

So you can read Qu'ran ? Which one Pickthal ? LOL

You're also implying that learning of Islam through others cannot give one the correct meaning behind it, which would imply that no one has ever learned the correct meaning of Islam, which would include you, Ghassan. Your circular logic traps you yet again.

1)No I am not implying that : I am implying that it doenst HAVE to be the correct meaning , not that it cant be . I say the probability that its wrong is huge .

2)Circular logics you make up for me as I havent sayd that . As for logic ? Well I think Ive said enough on that part .

I have and I do. My worlds are already open, friend.

Dont lie to yourself .

Wrong. This is the Merriam-Webster definition of "God:"

WTF so now Merriam-Webster owns THEOLOGY ?

The semantics promblem here lies in the fact that you've attributed a false definition to the word.

Not really ...... but just to confuse you even more , Allah doesnt have to be the same as Illah .

But indeed I dont believe in the Merriam-Webster God , and neither does the Qu'ran imply . You're the damn theology-hijacker in here .

here let me pretend Im you : I wonder , what would philosophy be ? What does the dictio have to say about it ?

Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline.
Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.
A system of thought based on or involving such inquiry: the philosophy of Hume.

There we have it . Well that saved me 4 years of university .....

Anthropology? Name me a case.

Blumenbach who "proved" the origin of mankind to be Euro-Asia .

But that is a nonpoint, because you cannot manipulate science
All one can do is input lies into the equation, as in the case of history, and hope that the outcome is one that better suited them. This is still not manipulation of science. It is lying.

Im sorry but how is this not manipulating science ?

And what's wrong with that? Good and evil are in the eye of the beholder


Murder is evil, correct?


Well, what if it is in order to protect your mother from a gun-toting assasin? Would it be evil then? Adolph Hitler thought it was "Good" to attempt genocide. He considered it a good thing to kill millions of Jews. To me it was evil, but to him it was not. See what I mean?

Thanks for the ethics-class , lol .

If you can't handle a world where we are animals and survival is based on your abilities, then I'm sorry for you. But that's life

So then when you cant handle that your social contract is going down the drain as lunatics start blasting your neighbourhood apart because they feel it really doesnt matter anyway and its alot of fun , then please blame your own logic for the failing of YOUR society .

And what is an "Almost" definition?

Its very probable , but its not a rule without exception .

Lets say 9999999 out of 10000000

Think about it...religion still controlls people today, and we're not primitive.

Yes you are

Your opinion, not based on anything factual.

Same can be said for what u say right here .

Yes, it does go against the scriptures. Read the scriptures, then study the sciences. The scriptures say God created Heaven and Earth. Science says the Big Bang did.

LOL , so now you're telling me to read scriptures ? All these opinions and still no understanding of the theological concept ? No you rather base it on Merriam-Webber , who cares what Qu'ran has to say about it ........ whats this crap man ?

Basically, you knocked the different fields of science, saying that if we were to learn about the overall picture rather than learning everything about every "Stupid little thing," we would be better off. I said that you were wrong, because if you learn everything about everything, you are getting a much deeper understanding of the overall picture. Your idea is that there is no need to learn so much about everything. If you didn't mean that, you sure as hell made it sound like you did.

Who's understanding the overal picture ? Mankind ? Im not mankind , Im just me . And yes I consider overal intelligence alot better than the same ammount of intelligence specialized .

You still have yet to tell me what your opinon is based on

The 4 points I made

Your opinion is that Islam cannot be understood today, because all the people know is the Qua'ran, which has been mistranslated and cannot be read correctly.

No those are not my points . It is a good point however that indeed peoples know nothing other than Qu'ran . You need reflection to understand .

I base MY opinion on science.

I base mine on logic , for the very least .

Where is the proof that the Qua'ran was mistranslated? Where is the proof that the people are missing a "Higher Meaning" in it's words?

Do I need to show you passages that are mistranslated ?
As for the "higher" meaning , Im affraid they hardly got ANY meaning out of it other than some obvious moral rules (who arent applied correct either but thats another thing) .

You know what so fascinates me ? How you peoples call those peoples who believe X such idiots etc . But at the same time you DO allow for them to tell you what X exactly is ?
Q/DJ/alanh/Mr G :

All that is pointless is your existence Q

Back to the cave mr , lets see if you can make some nice scratchings for your grandchildren to be proud of .

Ghassan, you must be the most rude, ignorant asshole I've ever seen disgrace these boards. I am sick and tired of debating with you, because you lack the intelligence to understand my points, and simply brush them off with a "Hmph. You're a caveman, and I have the superior intellect." without even giving so much as ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE as to why your argument is correct.

Yes Qu tends to have that habit of being able to talk for others about whatever there is that is a disagreement with my view . I wouldnt be very proud on this fact if I were you .

You wouldn't? Gee, it seems to me that when one argues a reasonable, intelligent point, that point should be able to be conveyed by another person who is intelligent and reasonable. This is why I AM proud Q could state my case. The only reason no one can corroborate YOUR argument is because you are just making it up as you go along, and half of it is unintelligable.

No I dont belong to any religious organization , but yes I am Muslim . You dont have to belong to any religious organization to be a Muslim .

Islam is an organized religion, with Mosques. Hence, a religious organization. And I didn't need Merriam-Webster for that definition.

You are under the impression that any theological possibility within Qu'ran deals with "a God of some sort" .

Gee, I wonder why...oh yeah! Here's why:

IN the name of the merciful and compassionate God.

Praise belongs to God, the Lord of the worlds, the merciful, the

compassionate, the ruler of the day of judgment! Thee we serve and

Thee we ask for aid. Guide us in the right path, the path of those

Thou art gracious to; not of those Thou art wroth with; nor of those

who err.

-Mecca, from the Qua'ran


Damn its getting really boring now . I dont believe in ANY fantasy God ok ? Tell me what God means according to you and Ill tell you I dont believe in that . How many times do I have to say this untill it gets through your head ?

You can tell me until you're blue in the face, it doesn't make the definition you place on God any more correct. Your definition doesn't even fit the definition within the Qua'ran itself.

I have made YOUR connection and declared it NOT LOGICAL .
Im getting tired you calling me unintelligent when we both know you inferior position . Let me explain it to you in a way you might get something for a change .

We both know I'm inferior? Well, according to your grammar and spelling, and lack of intelligent argument, and constant use of insults to get your point acrossed, it appears to me that you have the inferior position.

There is no such relation as you propose between knowledge English (or any other for that matter) grammar & spelling & intelligence . Can you write German ? Or French ? What an idiot you must be then . Can you write Chineze ? Or Arabic ? What a doofus . Not even Japaneze ?

I cannot speak any of those languages, save English, and I speak it far better than either of you. And yes, there is a huge connection between language skills and intelligence. It's the first one that's obvious to other people when they meet someone.

Go crawl back into your cave man there's nothing for you out here .


I can proof that they didnt . Yes when I am aware of what has been done wrong and have studied it then indeed I am the expert . However it doesnt take an expert to know the size and forms the errors come in and how there is possibility for relevance considering the entire scriptures .

So prove it. Show me what's been done wrong in the translation.

Oh My God I predicted this even in my answer to Q your logic its just amazing . And then you come up with events that have never "really took place" . Back to your cave you !!!

Back to my cave? How did that refute my argument? Oh, that's right...IT DIDN'T. Maybe in your wing of the mentally handicapped hospital that would be enough to stop ol' Corky from bitching about his pudding, but it won't fly in this forum. You need to back your arguments up here, Ghassan.


Not just mistranslated but mis-understood and not at all understood as well . See my 4 points . Yes I DO have evidence for this , I can show you exactly how something is not translated correctly very easily and I have done so before on this forum .

I don't need to see how something doesn't translate easily...I need to see how the words in the Qua'ran didn't translate correctly.

I cannot believe that this is your actual point for imperfection .
Let me tell what is not perfect . YOU
Now you start considering that .

Again, you didn't refute my argument, you just tried to insult me.

Also , nobody speaks native-tongue English accept for the English and their former colonies . Thats not the world , no someone would not try to perfect that as his own understanding is not likely to be perfect either .

I take it that English isn't your first language?

No you havent stop lying to yourself .

Uh, yes, I have. Stop twisting facts to suit your argument. I HAVE read up on the Qua'ran, and studied the Qua'ran. Sorry to burst your bubble.

You're the lie letters dont talk .

The letters don't have to talk. The people who wrote the letters were liars. Nice try, though. I mean, if we were five, I might actually buy into that statement.

1)No I am not implying that : I am implying that it doenst HAVE to be the correct meaning , not that it cant be . I say the probability that its wrong is huge .

Based on what evidence? Again, I need to see it.

2)Circular logics you make up for me as I havent sayd that . As for logic ? Well I think Ive said enough on that part .

You don't know what circular logic means, do you? To enlighten you and the other patients in the D-Wing, circular logic is like saying "What is perfection? God. What is god? Perfection." Your argument wraps around itself and never answers anything, becuase it's answers are the questions.

here let me pretend Im you : I wonder , what would philosophy be ? What does the dictio have to say about it ?

...Where else am I going to find the definition of the word?

Do I need to show you passages that are mistranslated ?


JDawg...and get the spelling right on that.
I am sick and tired of debating with you, because you lack the intelligence to understand my points, and simply brush them off with a "Hmph. You're a caveman, and I have the superior intellect." without even giving so much as ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE as to why your argument is correct.

Oh cut the damn crap will ya !!!

If you dont want to debate with me then dont debate me . You are the one who is attempting to insult my damn intellect all the time , while you cannot even hold some logical arguments together your whole shit is shaking man .

I have given you whole essays of valid points and you say I brush it off like that ? Do I need to bring back those wonderfull moments ?

So please if you wish to debate read on , if you dont then stop bothering me with your bullshit .

The only reason no one can corroborate YOUR argument is because you are just making it up as you go along, and half of it is unintelligable.

Actually some of the most intelligent peoples on this board know very well what I am talking about when I speak about Islam and those are not even Muslims themselves .

As for you and Q . There are entire hordes of those .

BTW its unintelligible . That you dont coprehend is rather your problem Id say , I believe you simply lack capability . Its ok , we have to have those peoples as well

Islam is an organized religion, with Mosques. Hence, a religious organization. And I didn't need Merriam-Webster for that definition.

Actually its not organized in the Christian sense (its not like church) and in its completely its far more than only such a small element of things .

Islam is what we call in Arabic Deen which doesnt translate the same as religion does . Hebrew knows the same , there is no word for "religion" . Deen Allah contains an entire system of life dealing with all aspects not just religion . Thats why a secular state like Syria can be called Islamic , when just politics slips away there is alot more left what is Islam outside of the mosques and prayers .

Thats an example right there on mistranslations , ans a semantical error often made by several socalled modern (and often Western) Muslims .

Should I provide you links Im sure you'll find some reason not to believe me ? Why not Im in a good mood :
What Is Islam

Definition of the Word Deen

Now thats 1 nice example of how I shit on your dictio-world .


Wher's the Qu'ran ? Im not seeing any Qu'ran all I say is some ugly Pickthal with Thou this and Thou that . Whats that crap ?

No that makes no sense whatsoever JDAWG .

If you would seriously have a point with that quote BTW (which Im sure you dont as the definition of God still isnt given there) then you wouldnt mind telling me the Surrah and Ayaah and I could show you what it says to my capability .

But only if you have a point to it , I see little relevance myself at the moment .

You can tell me until you're blue in the face, it doesn't make the definition you place on God any more correct. Your definition doesn't even fit the definition within the Qua'ran itself.

Actually it does and I will show you later on .

We both know I'm inferior? Well, according to your grammar and spelling, and lack of intelligent argument, and constant use of insults to get your point acrossed, it appears to me that you have the inferior position.

1)Insults have little to do with intelligence
2)grammar and spelling have little to do with intelligence

Now for lack of intelligent argument , lets take a moment to look at your funniest moments ok ?

*Judging by your grammar and spelling and such, you aren't very intelligent
*What makes you think science can be manipulated, or is manipulated by scientist?
*This is crap. Science has ALWAYS had these seperate "Disciplines" as you call them, or seperate fields. Always. It was only after time that people started realizing the connection between some of them, not the other way around. I mean, where the hell do you get this information from?
*I can't even decipher that paragraph of run-on sentances.
* did Darwin shred moral values?
*I think Q perfectly stated my case.
*Your god, thier god, my's all fantasy
*She obviously didn't pay much attention in english class, and most likely many others, hence her intelligence is fairly low
*We're getting into semantics here
*If you mean the "Qua'ran is truth" in the sense that the text itself exists, then yeah, duh, of course
*Anglo-centrism? Dude, people would call your sentance structure and grammar awful no matter what part of the world you were in
*Think about it...religion still controlls people today, and we're not primitive

and then the best one Ive heard all week :

And consider this: If we are perfect, why do men have nipples?

That one my friend , was priceless .

Now those moments gave me a good laugh

As they did entertain enormously , they didnt really do you much good , I mean lets face it here :

My arguments have been perfectly intelligent , and we both know it mister . You're just to confused to coprehend it . You're inferior not me , come'on just admit it dude . Its ok , God still loves ya , lol .

I cannot speak any of those languages, save English, and I speak it far better than either of you. And yes, there is a huge connection between language skills and intelligence. It's the first one that's obvious to other people when they meet someone.

Whats then whats obvious ? The fact one can talk a certain language at a specific level and perhaps in a specific manner ?
Its incredible that you after showing you the existence of other languages on this planet , you still do not understand that it migjt not be somebody's NATIVE TONGUE this damned English . It isnt mine for damn sure .

The thing is however that I do speak both French & German & a tny bit of Arabic (handy for the Qu'ran yes) and one or 2 other languages as well . And Im about the only Arab alive that can make way in Yiddish , thus my linguistic capabilities are FAR superior then yours .

Does this show my intelligence ? Not at all . However what I just stated about you (the native-thingie) showed your intelligence pretty well . I sya we can add this one to our little list .


Well obviously there really isnt

So prove it. Show me what's been done wrong in the translation.

First of all its not just translation , I mentioned 4 fields of error and lack of comprehension .

So then we had Deen wrongly translated , lets add another nice one : Have you ever heard of the Shadahah . Im sure you havent , but this would be the essential part :

La Illaha Ill Allah : Has been translated as :
There Is No God But Allah .

However this is what it is :

Illaha=God is

This would mean : There is no God Only Allah

Now can you figure out the theological implications ? I bet you cant do that even :rolleyes:

What a thing to mistranslate huh ?

Dont worry Arabs have a semantical misunderstanding of the whole thing as well , its not just the translation . It does make things only worse though .

How did that refute my argument? Oh, that's right...IT DIDN'T

You know calling me Corky is just wonderfull , really it is .

But lets see that again shall we : This is what I said to your lunatic baboon friend Q :

But you're stuck on an invisible entity that nobody is arguiing you about , leading you nowehere but to complain on how its not the true word of God as the God you imagine does not exist . You argue over 0 .

And then you came along :

Just like Q stated, the scriptures in the Qua'ran state that they are the words of God. God does not exist. Hence, the scriptures are not true. And there is no scientific evidence that anything in those scriptures actually took place.

Look here we have scriptures=X ok ? Then God=Y , ok ?
So you think X=letters and Y=invisible entity , ok ?

Your idea is that the letters describe this entity , yes ? But then you consider this entity non-existent , yes ? So then you think the scriptures are false as they describe this entity , correct ?

But guess what ? THEY DONT !! So your entire argument falls apart there . reading it...?

But you dont know ANY Arabic , and more importantly , Qu'ranic .

Again, you didn't refute my argument

The refutation is simple : You are not perfect enough to determine perfection .

I take it that English isn't your first language?

No it isnt and it isnt my second either .

I HAVE read up on the Qua'ran, and studied the Qua'ran. Sorry to burst your bubble.

You must be superman . Dude Qu'ran is classic (or Qu'ranic as its the first serious classic work) Arabic and you dont even coprehend normal Arabic . Beyond that you dont know the Tazjuuf or the Surrah letters . You have no clue what you're talking about you just read damn Pickthal . Well good morning to you then .

The letters don't have to talk. The people who wrote the letters were liars. Nice try, though. I mean, if we were five, I might actually buy into that statement.

Again you absolutely dont get what Im talking about so your "nice try" idea is really very strange . I was talking about the letters on my screen not Qu'ran . Oh just nevermind man .

You don't know what circular logic means, do you? To enlighten you and the other patients in the D-Wing, circular logic is like saying "What is perfection? God. What is god? Perfection." Your argument wraps around itself and never answers anything, becuase it's answers are the questions.

It has little to do with circular logic but with definition itself . Oh just nevermind .

Where else am I going to find the definition of the word?

Nevermind this one as well this is just incredible .

JDawg...and get the spelling right on that.

Yes well the spelling has some relevance (when you translate) for a change does it not ?

Anyways I gave you a lil' something allready I wanted to show you some more but I say you've had enough for now .

Lets see if you progressed a bit in your understanding ......

From the link you posted:

When two Muslims meet, they greet each other with the words "Asalaam O Alaikum", (May Peace be upon you). The concluding words of the Islamic prayers are "Asalaam O Alaikum Warah Matullah", (May Peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon you). The welcoming words in the life hereafter for every believer as well as the name for paradise as stated in the Holy Quran are the words of peace. The words that Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessing be upon him) recommended to recite after every prayer are: "O Lord You are The Peace, and peace originates from You, and peace returns to You, O our Lord we want a life of Peace." These are just few of the many examples to substantiate the nature of Islam.

Note the words, “Almighty God, Lord, Holy, prayers, life hereafter, believer.” These words have no secular meaning; they are completely concerned with religion and a belief in gods.

Religion deals with the spiritual, moral, ethical, ritualistic and theological aspects, along with the acts of faith and with the reckoning of the Day of Judgement. Its primary concern between a man and his Creator.
However, Deen is quite different. It is concerned with the whole entire conduct of life. Whether spiritual or temporal, religious or secular, domestic or societal, moral or material, social or cultural, economic or political, individual or collective, rather national or international. Hence, Deen is totality whereas religion is a part-and-parcel of Deen.

Deen may contain other attributes however, one of its main ideals is a belief in a god, which cannot be denied. Take away the belief and what is left of Islam? According to the quote below, not much.

This is why Islam is not only a charter of divine spiritual guidance for individuals, it is a well coordinated system of beliefs and practices

So, please stop trying to feed us a line that Islam is not a religion and you do not believe in gods, a god, the god, whatever.

My arguments have been perfectly intelligent , and we both know it mister . You're just to confused to coprehend it . You're inferior not me

A “perfectly intelligent” person would never state others were inferior.

Look here we have scriptures=X ok ? Then God=Y , ok ?
So you think X=letters and Y=invisible entity , ok ?

Your idea is that the letters describe this entity , yes ? But then you consider this entity non-existent , yes ? So then you think the scriptures are false as they describe this entity , correct ?

X does not equal Y.

“Scriptures=X” were written by men. “God=Y” is an invisible entity conjured up in the imaginations of men. And as you state, the scriptures ‘describe’ this entity. But if the entity cannot be seen, how are they supposed to have described the entity if not from their imaginations?

But guess what ? THEY DONT !! So your entire argument falls apart there .

Where is your argument? What reasons do you have aside from claiming, “THEY DON’T?” You must have an argument to back up your claims. You must explain the connection between the scriptures and the existence of a god. And you must explain why my statements above are not valid. Can you do that?

The refutation is simple : You are not perfect enough to determine perfection .

This is a kindergarten argument. “My dad can beat up your dad.” Grow up and act like an adult.

Oh just nevermind man … Oh just nevermind … Nevermind this one as well this is just incredible …

Anyways I gave you a lil' something already

You’ve given nothing but baseless claims with no backing arguments. You simply state that’s the way it is because you say so. Adults who are debating topics come up with arguments for their claims or refutations in the form of arguments to others claims, as we are doing with you. So far, you have not come up with a valid argument and are unable to respond to our refutations with valid arguments.

If you don’t think we haven’t figured out that you’re here to preach your ideals while ignoring and insulting everyone else who disagrees with your ideals, you’re even dumber than your posts… or, as dumb as a post. :D

Q Im done arguing you on your gods since and all

you're getting to lame to respond to

Or, more precisely, you are unable to formulate intelligent responses to our refutations of your ideals. You may certainly continue to ignore and insult as you’ve been doing since your arrival here, but that won’t change the fact that you are intellectually unable to debate a topic and that your predictable response, “You’re wrong and I’m right” will never be considered a valid argument.

I’ll continue to point out the flaws and fallacies (and general nonsense) of your posts, if not for your benefit then for the benefit of others who might be interested. And of course, others here will most likely continue to do the same regardless of your ignorance and insults towards them.

damn lunatic baboon


Happy posting! :)
Oh what the hell , lol .

EvilPoet : "Nickname" doesnt exist in Arabic . But man dont you have a text of what that guy's saying ?

Also did you have a point with this link ?

Q my favorite handicapped baboon who isnt able to think abstractly :

A “perfectly intelligent” person would never state others were inferior.

No relation between the 2 as you put it . You seem to confuse intelligence with all kinds of things (Im suspecting morals) .

X does not equal Y.

Are you trying to defend my point Q ? Thanks , good job .

Scriptures=X” were written by men.


“God=Y” is an invisible entity conjured up in the imaginations of men

He can be , he also can be something else . Its all in the semantics my dear friend Q . Thats what theology is all about , defining what is God .

as you state, the scriptures ‘describe’ this entity

No they do not , they describe something still called Go , and you define God by this entity . However you have no idea weither the writer has intended to mean this entity , you can find out by studying Qu'ran , which you clearly havent done and wont do . So your point would be ?

But if the entity cannot be seen, how are they supposed to have described the entity if not from their imaginations?

They're not describing that entity , thats your interpertation of the words that they use . I do think its very funny how you can interpertate those words but you cant read them . I say thats our typical superbaboon Q .

Where is your argument? What reasons do you have aside from claiming, “THEY DON’T?” You must have an argument to back up your claims. You must explain the connection between the scriptures and the existence of a god. And you must explain why my statements above are not valid. Can you do that?

Yes I can and I have before . Its very simple Q , the theological understanding peoples have does not reflect the scriptures . I can show you , but guess what you dont understand any Arabic you have no interest in understanding Qu'ran so why would I bother ? You go on believe whatever you wish , God is a shoe .

This is a kindergarten argument. “My dad can beat up your dad.” Grow up and act like an adult.

It has little to do with that . How exactly is it not a point that a man is fit to define perfection while he has no knowledge of it .

YouÂ’ve given nothing but baseless claims with no backing arguments

Reread my posts I have given plenty arguments u simply ignore everything I post , fine but then why bother answering at all ? Just to annoy me ? Well have fun then .

So far, you have not come up with a valid argument and are unable to respond to our refutations with valid arguments.

Quite alot of arguments , you have not responded to one , you just go on blablablabla as usual .

If you donÂ’t think we havenÂ’t figured out that youÂ’re here to preach your ideals while ignoring and insulting everyone else who disagrees with your ideals

What Ideals would I be preaching at this moment ?

youÂ’re even dumber than your postsÂ… or, as dumb as a post.

I can never be dumb enough to be outsmarted by you Q , and you know it . Have you made those scratchings already ? No ?

Â’ll continue to point out the flaws and fallacies (and general nonsense) of your posts

Continue ? You havent pointed out 1 yet .

As for the links . You point out things totally irellevant those links describe Deen and you are getting theological definitions out of it . Shows your intentions perfectly , shows your intelligence even better . You hardly get any point Q , its ok Ill just prepare to repeat myself as Im sure your alarm-clock goes off in a minute for your daily -say-no-to-Allahs/Jihad/Ghassan/Bhudmaash (LOL) routine .

Im everybody Q , Im even you .


I thought you said you were done with me – just couldn’t resist hearing the sound of your own voice, or in this case, the words on the screen?

He can be , he also can be something else . Its all in the semantics my dear friend Q . Thats what theology is all about , defining what is God .

But, God isn’t “something else” – he is in the imaginations of men and therefore does not exist. I can imagine a flying purple dragon and describe it with words in a book; will you worship my flying purple dragon? Why would you worship what those men imagined?

No they do not , they describe something still called Go , and you define God by this entity . However you have no idea weither the writer has intended to mean this entity , you can find out by studying Qu'ran , which you clearly havent done and wont do . So your point would be ?

Now you’re playing word games. I could care less what they are describing as their god, it is still nothing more than what they have conjured up in their imaginations, that is exactly the point. You worship that of other men’s imaginations, how gullible can you get?

(Worship my dragon)

I can show you , but guess what you dont understand any Arabic you have no interest in understanding Qu'ran so why would I bother

No you can’t – not without asserting gods exist based purely on blind faith. And since I don’t follow blind faith, as you do, you could never convince me otherwise. That’s what makes your argument unsupported.

How exactly is it not a point that a man is fit to define perfection while he has no knowledge of it .

You and your religion assert perfection – but I’m beginning to think that one could simply substitute the word ‘perfection’ with ‘ignorance’ and then everything would make sense.

Reread my posts I have given plenty arguments u simply ignore everything I post , fine but then why bother answering at all ? Just to annoy me ?

You might call them arguments, but they are little more than rambling rants and childish insults mixed up with a high level of gibberish. I among others here are trying to make sense of your gibberish.

Quite alot of arguments , you have not responded to one , you just go on blablablabla as usual .

Try removing the blinders from your eyes – you’ll see it makes sense.

As for the links . You point out things totally irellevant those links describe Deen and you are getting theological definitions out of it .

That’s because Deen IS theology.
You obviously missed it - better luck next time.

No I got it , it was rather that I felt that its implication was not at its place .

Q :

I thought you said you were done with me – just couldn’t resist hearing the sound of your own voice, or in this case, the words on the screen?

You do know that I dont have to respond to your posts in order to see my words on the screen , yes ?

But, God isn’t “something else” – he is in the imaginations of men and therefore does not exist. I can imagine a flying purple dragon and describe it with words in a book; will you worship my flying purple dragon? Why would you worship what those men imagined?

The question is did those men imagine a god you describe or was it comparable to rather a philosophy and a way and understanding of life .

You would say no they didnt , my point would be : how do you know ? You would only know through others who you wouldnt give credibility in much other things . I have plenty points why i think they are very wrong , and that it has nothing to do with the worship of a god . Muhammad was a Sufi and Issa was not a Christian .

Now youÂ’re playing word games. I could care less what they are describing as their god, it is still nothing more than what they have conjured up in their imaginations, that is exactly the point. You worship that of other menÂ’s imaginations, how gullible can you get?

First of all I dont "worship" as I do not give anything more value as I give myself . Rather Islam is about serving not worshipping , and serving in Qu'ranic understanding deals with an actualization of a potential , perhaps you are familliar with the Greek version of that philosophy ? But hey that requires an open mind neither traditional Muslims nor you seem to have .

Secondly its always something in anothers imagination as you have not created it , but in final its always MY (the person interperting) imagination as I am the last one to decide its form and essence within my mind , no ?

(Worship my dragon)

No thanks

No you can’t – not without asserting gods exist based purely on blind faith. And since I don’t follow blind faith, as you do, you could never convince me otherwise. That’s what makes your argument unsupported.

But it has nothing to do with gods dont you understand anything of what Ive been saying ? It is not blind faith in Gods what the Qu'ran is about , that is how they have presented it . However if you would truly studied it with an open mind you will find that it has little to do with that . Have you ever heard of Sufi ? Im sure you've seen the threads around here , so why are you acting like you have no clue ?

You and your religion assert perfection – but I’m beginning to think that one could simply substitute the word ‘perfection’ with ‘ignorance’ and then everything would make sense.

Why do you wanna judge what you have no idea of man . Who wdoes this make ignorent , me ? I admit I know not and want to learn while you have an opinion and rejection without even laying an eye on what it is . Why dont you go hate on Buddhism because they made a religion out of it in Tibet ?

You might call them arguments, but they are little more than rambling rants and childish insults mixed up with a high level of gibberish. I among others here are trying to make sense of your gibberish.

Call them what you wish you have not even taken a look , this again shows more about you than me .

Try removing the blinders from your eyes – you’ll see it makes sense.

You're the blind one with no clue about this topic not me . Im fine with you thinking you do know , hey its not me missing out on knowledge but you , I hope you are happy with it .

ThatÂ’s because Deen IS theology.

No its not and that was the point of that link . Theology is a part of Deen , Deen has more aspects than that .

Why didnt you care to learn something from that link instead of simply finding something to disagree with me over ? Is that what you are all about , disagreement ?

Deen is quite different. It is concerned with the whole entire conduct of life. Whether spiritual or temporal, religious or secular, domestic or societal, moral or material, social or cultural, economic or political, individual or collective, rather national or international. Hence, Deen is totality whereas religion is a part-and-parcel of Deen.

You however tried to deduct some sort of theological points that somehow would proof Islam is about deity-worship , through this link . However this link only showed a structure of Deen and didnt go deep on a theological philosophy . No if you wish to know the theological definition than you should ask who Allah is . And this is what a Muslim , ANY Muslim will tell you :

Allahu Ahad
Alahu Samad
Lamyakun Wa Laumyulad
Lahu Qufuwun Ahad

This is would be a theological defenition of Allah within ontological context . Do you know what it means ?

Thansk for your time Q , Im sure Im gonna have it coming once more .

The question is did those men imagine a god you describe or was it comparable to rather a philosophy and a way and understanding of life .

It doesn’t really matter – the point is that along with whatever else they described, imaginary gods were included. Remove the notion of gods and you might have a more plausible understanding of philosophy/life. However, if the philosophy/life is based on someone’s notion of an imaginary god, the validity of the description becomes null.

You would only know through others who you wouldnt give credibility in much other things . I have plenty points why i think they are very wrong , and that it has nothing to do with the worship of a god

Then present them, so far everything you bleat about eventually comes back to your faith/beliefs.

First of all I dont "worship" as I do not give anything more value as I give myself .

That’s a lie – you worship your god.

Rather Islam is about serving not worshipping

Muslims worship their gods and serve themselves.

Secondly its always something in anothers imagination as you have not created it , but in final its always MY (the person interperting) imagination as I am the last one to decide its form and essence within my mind , no ?

Exactly, it’s all in your imagination and not based in reality.

It is not blind faith in Gods what the Qu'ran is about … Have you ever heard of Sufi ? Im sure you've seen the threads around here , so why are you acting like you have no clue ?

After nearly 30 years of the study of Sufism, I would say that in spite of its many variations and voluminous expressions, the essence of Sufi practice is quite simple. It is that the Sufi surrenders to God, in love, over and over; which involves embracing with love at each moment the content of one's consciousness (one's perceptions, thoughts, and feelings, as well as one's sense of self) as gifts of God or, more precisely, as manifestations of God.

Now, what were you saying?

Why do you wanna judge what you have no idea of man . Who wdoes this make ignorent , me ?

Quite simple really, you aren’t interested in hearing any other alternatives aside from your religion. You are entrenched in a belief system that does not allow alternatives. That is why you are ignorant.

Theology is a part of Deen , Deen has more aspects than that .

That’s what I said.

Why didnt you care to learn something from that link instead of simply finding something to disagree with me over ? Is that what you are all about , disagreement ?

I agree with the content of the link – I don’t agree with your interpretations.

No if you wish to know the theological definition than you should ask who Allah is .

Allah is the personal name of the one true God according to Islam. To a Muslim, Allah is the almighty, creator and sustainer of the universe. This is what is conjured up in the imaginations of men and has no basis in reality. Allah did not create nor does he sustain the universe, that is theological nonsense.
Originally posted by 4DHyperCubix
If God created the world, then the world would be perfect.
The world is not perfect.
Originally posted by VitalOne
But if god is perfect, then he could not create a unperfect world, unless he wanted to...intriguing.
Originally posted by 4DHyperCubix
Why would a perfect god (lowercase) want to create an imperfect world? Maybe because he figures a perfect world would be boring. However, it might not be possible for a perfect system to make imprefect system. Good thoughts.

You fools, the world is perfect. It's perfectly what He wants it to be, a miserable pit of disenfranchisement and violent ejaculations of mad human spirit. Everything He makes is perfect, perfectly the way they should be in His Divine Eye.

Since nothing exists without Him, everything is perfect, in that all things are as should be by His Divine Injunction. There is no such thing as Worldly Imperfection. It's simply the dellusion we paltry beast favor.

Only a being which approached the Power of God could cause this imperfection, and by the very portent of His Omnipotence, there can be only ONE GOD.
For would not two equally and infinitely powerful Gods agree on all matters, and be One?

Originally posted by Cris
Perhaps the world is perfect from God’s perspective. The fact that it has evil, death, destruction, terrible suffering etc., may well be exactly what God wanted, and is perfect in his eyes.
Exactly, Comade. Furthermore, is not God's view the only one of any relevance or import?
Originally posted by Jeremy

What you say makes a lot of sense. Therefore, why bother worshipping God?
Why worship God? What a silly question. If you don't, He'll send you spinning like Ixion on the fiery wheel, straight to the bowels the sulphurous and loathsome pit of Tartarus.

Like it or not, God is an arbitrary Jerk. There is that other option though, comrade. You can join Lucifer and me in Hell and hope that He's not actually Omnipotent. Well, that's if any of it's true.

If it is, I'll cya on the other side, dude.

Originally posted by JDawg
How do you know until you try? Judging by your grammar and spelling and such, you aren't very intelligent, so it's not like you've given learning a chance yet! Why not try it?
I think the most appropriate, though perhaps not the most tactful riposte to this derision is

JDawg, if you were any more intelligent, your name wouldn't have "dawg" in it. You're a moronic, presumtuous cur. Shut up.

Originally posted by JDawg
Ok, what do you base this on? What level of education in any form of science do you have? What makes you think science can be manipulated, or is manipulated by scientist? Only the story put alongside the facts can be manipulated, and that is only done by theist wack-jobs trying to prove God (And failing)

More nonsense. I can't even decipher that paragraph of run-on sentances.

Come on my Dawg, my G, my homie, THINK ABOUT IT, JACK ASS! MONEY CONTROLS SCIENCE. MONEY CONTROLS GOD! MONEY CONTROLS EVERYTHING! Withought the dough, science don't go nowhere, my dawg, my nigger. Without the "G's," nothin' goes nowhere.

Consequently, science is manipulated by the often inconvenient monetary exigencies of a given project

Oh, by the by, my brazen friend, "sentences" doesn't have an "a" in it.

Otherwise, you're OK with me, Jdawg. Everything you say is clear and true. Religion is probably a fallacy, but it's foolish to attempt to disprove it logically.

After trying to read all of this thread from the start, I think I'm going to hurl.
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It doesn’t really matter – the point is that along with whatever else they described, imaginary gods were included. Remove the notion of gods and you might have a more plausible understanding of philosophy/life. However, if the philosophy/life is based on someone’s notion of an imaginary god, the validity of the description becomes null.

Dont you get it ? The assertion is that they didnt believe in any imaginary Gods but were what you in your unlogical and incorrect understanding of things would call ATHEIST . Get it now ?

Then present them, so far everything you bleat about eventually comes back to your faith/beliefs.

I have reread my posts I have presented points do i need to quote myself ? Please check the thread .

That’s a lie – you worship your god.

You're really showing immense lack of intellect , Im not worshipping any Gods I dont believe in deity and even if they would exist I wouldnt worship them .

Muslims worship their gods and serve themselves.

I dont care for what Muslims do but what Islam is about .

Exactly, itÂ’s all in your imagination and not based in reality.

No Gods in my imagination :rolleyes:
Im more skeptic then you are you can be sure of that .
You're the one with "faith" that religious leaders are full of truths about what scriptures say while themselves they are full of shit , no ? Makes sense .............

\Now, what were you saying?

That instead of reading Alan Godlas' opinion you should rather read what a SUFI has to say . Fortunatly quite a few are mentioned I would suggest Al Hallaj & Ibn Arabi .

Or for instance :
Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Said al-Jamal ar-Rifa'i ash-Shadhuli

What is Sufi ?
It is the walking on the Path which leads to the knowing of who you are and Who Allah is, which is one and the same thing.

Understand ? No , still dont have a clue ? That was to be expected .

Quite simple really, you arenÂ’t interested in hearing any other alternatives aside from your religion. You are entrenched in a belief system that does not allow alternatives. That is why you are ignorant.

*I know quite alot of alternatives and Im not surprised if I am aware of more than you are . So please hold your stupidity for yourself .
*There's no "belief" in the system I study
*Both your premisses on my ignorance are incorrect .

ThatÂ’s what I said.

No its not dont lie do I have to repeat you ? You said
Deen IS theology and its Deen>Theology not Deen=Theology

I agree with the content of the link – I don’t agree with your interpretations.

My interpertations have no relation with that link , the 2 have nothing to do with eachother so then why do you scrumble from there all you can to disagree on something that should be gotten from ELSEWHERE ?

You also didt thoroughly read the link as you didnt even get its essence I doubt you are capable in determining weither you have reason to agree or not .

Also , you're lying because you dont agree with it as you sayd :

So, please stop trying to feed us a line that Islam is not a religion

The link : Islam is not a Religion!

So keep 'em coming Q , hey're fun

Allah is the personal name of the one true God according to Islam. To a Muslim, Allah is the almighty, creator and sustainer of the universe. This is what is conjured up in the imaginations of men and has no basis in reality. Allah did not create nor does he sustain the universe, that is theological nonsense.

And thats your own imagination ? Its not what Qu'ran says . Qu'ran however states :

Allahu Ahad
Alahu Samad
Lamyakun Wa Laumyulad
Lahu Qufuwun Ahad

What does it say Q ? You tell me expert

Ontology is pretty relevant I would say when it comes to a theological definition .


Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the word "Allah". For various reasons, many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews. This is totally false, since "Allah" is simply the Arabic word for "God" - and there is only One God. Let there be no doubt - Muslims worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus - peace be upon them all.


Sufism is a school for the actualization of divine ethics. It involves an enlightened inner being, not intellectual proof; revelation and witnessing, not logic. By divine ethics, we are referring to ethics which transcend mere social convention; a way of being which is the actualization of the attributes of God.

In order to follow the way to Perfection, one must first rectify these incorrect thought processes and transmute one's desires and fears. This is accomplished by coming into harmony with the Divine Nature. This way of harmony (the Spiritual Path) consists of spiritual poverty, devotion, and the continuous, selfless remembrance of God.


Islam is the true religion of "Allah" and as such, its name represents the central principle of Allah's "God's" religion; the total submission to the will of Allah "God". The Arabic word "Islam" means the submission or surrender of one's will to the only true god worthy of worship "Allah" and anyone who does so is termed a "Muslim"

Islam is the religion which was given to Adam, the first man and the first prophet of Allah, and it was the religion of all the prophets sent by Allah to mankind. The name of God's religion lslam was not decided upon by later generations of man. It was chosen by Allah Himself and clearly mentioned in His final revelation to man.

If any of the above links has information that is incorrect, please point it out. I can also provide many more links that agree with the above information. You would have to provide good reasoning as to why all the links agree with one another and you don’t agree with them.

Everything above mentions a “God.” The god mentioned is the same god who was fabricated in the minds of men many years ago and is the same god you speak. This god has never been shown to exist and is the basis for blind faith in religion. How can you continue to deny this?
If any of the above links has information that is incorrect, please point it out. I can also provide many more links that agree with the above information. You would have to provide good reasoning as to why all the links agree with one another and you donÂ’t agree with them.

Im sorry but what is this a link-contest ? You can show me a million tradition links and I can show you non-traditional ones , dont you understand that there can be more points of view toward one religion/series of scriptures ?

Do I need to point you out all groups within Islam and all their differences in interpertation and ask you why they are not all the same ?

Now you rather tell me why those Sunni would be the ones who have the most correct knowledge on Qu'ran , while all those errors are being made that I have pointed out in respect to the 4 points I mentioned .

As for the Sufi link there are various of orders the one you mentioned is not really the only one . Yes they differ from one another in various points of views .

Also your last link shows again simplicity in traslating ISLAM into submission , I believe that issue has been dealt with already as well . Regard the other link on Deen for this .

Everything above mentions a “God.” The god mentioned is the same god who was fabricated in the minds of men many years ago and is the same god you speak.
This god has never been shown to exist and is the basis for blind faith in religion. How can you continue to deny this?

Dont you get it it is not the same god I speak I DONT BELIEVE in such a God you are so blind in trying to have something to disagree with me that you cannot even understand I dont even disagree with you . There is no such a God . God is merely a name given to a theological concept . Sufism deals with this concept regarding it as perfection within man and his surroundings not a deity that is to be worshipped .

Yes Muslims mostly DO believe in such a God , so do most Jews , so do most Christians , does that say that they are following scriptures ? Or is it just that they follow their superiors and their own ignorance ? I say the latter .

There are very good reasons like I pointed out not to trust the traditionals with such texts , and you have still refused to asnwer me that .

Why do you believe person X when he says that he KNOWS exactly what the Qu'ran says (and you dont) but you DONT believe the Qu'ran to be worth a dime because you consider those beliefes ridiculous ? Where's the logic in this ?

Seems like you're the "believer" who has all kinds of unreasoned "faiths" , not me .

In any ways , Qu'ran is what Islam is all about , if you wish to whine about it do so through Qu'ran , unfortunatly you are not capable in doing so as you are totally lost on its language or even awareness of the implications of the language .

Again that shows exactly where you stand and what it is you are
talking about .

I have given you EXACT definition of the ontological status of God within Islam through referring to Qu'ran . Nothing you can giv me for it , just same'old story based on lack of information .

And why do you keep calling me Buhdmaash ? Do you think its good for your general ad-hominem points about me ? Its not , really .....
98 percent of this thread is worthless. But on the subject of mathematical proofs of god, you might take a look at Godel's.
JDawg, if you were any more intelligent, your name wouldn't have "dawg" in it. You're a moronic, presumtuous cur. Shut up.

For the record, I had shut up, and was done with this pointless thread. BUT, since you've decided to throw insults at me, I'll respond to your sentEnces. (My bad on the spelling last time)

If I am a moronic, presumtuous cur, like you say I am, that does not take away from the fact that I am quite observant, as I was quick to point out just how ignorant Flores is. Her sentance structure and spelling are that of a 4 year old with down syndrome; that is something you cannot refute.

And if you knew a damn thing about American slang, you'd know "dawg" is just the spelling of the urban over-pronunciation of the word "dog."


Since when does that refute science? Without funding, the practice of science cannot continue on a large level. But there is no evidence that money has--or ever will--alter the findings.

Withought the dough, science don't go nowhere, my dawg, my nigger. Without the "G's," nothin' goes nowhere.

You call me a presumtuous cur, yet you call me a nigger. First of all, racism is based on ignorance. Secondly, I am not black.

Otherwise, you're OK with me, Jdawg. Everything you say is clear and true.

I wish I could say the same for you. First I'm a presumtuous cur, then you assume that I'm black. First, I'm a jackass, then I'm OK with you. First, you tell me to shut up, then you praise my argument. Nothing you have said has been clear, with the exception of:

Religion is probably a fallacy, but it's foolish to attempt to disprove it logically.

It is foolish to attempt to disprove it logically to the BELIEVERS. Anyone with an open mind, or half a brain would see that religion is a farce.

But to the believer, there is no swaying them. If you talk to a Christian, they will pull this trick where if they find something that seems wrong or morally questionable, they will say "Well, you're not supposed to read that LITERALLY. That part is meant to be taken FIGURATIVELY." Yet, when it comes to the laws and stories of Christ, you are supposed to take those literally. It's almost comical how they dance around the truth, so yeah, I agree, it is stupid to try to sway them.
