Mathematical Proof that God Exists?

Pure bull shit and random matching of random events......More fuel for the Atheist fire........It beats me why people are so damn obsessed with the idea of proofing the existance of god and in the process subjecting a perfect concept to our imperfect knowledge and understanding......It's a crime.
It beats me why people are so damn obsessed with the idea of proofing the existance of god

No one is interested in the existence of gods but instead, we are more interested in our universe and how it’s existence came about. If you are satisfied that, “God did it,” then why be worried about the rest of us who are looking for answers and are not satisfied with that answer?
Great links VitalOne :)

Obviously i didnt read that ebook (I might though) but the second link made me curious , so what exactly is the position of these peoples ?

First I assumed it was simply stating wonderfull scientific facts and linking them with their theologic concept of an allpowerfull creating external entity , but then I read :

God which resides in ALL LIFE everyone is part of GOD and therefore GOD...

This seriously surprised me , as this is what Sufi Islam tends toward as well , although there is a difference : Everything that isnt alive is God as well , at least that is the approach I have studied sofar . However as I am pretty convinced the perceptor and percepted are just as one and the same as the creator with the created , I think there is some middle path .

Funnt breakdown of words :
Circumference Ratio Earth And The Orbit Rotations , this type of reasoning is more familliar in Black Muslim movements in USA (for instance ISLAM= I Self Lord And Master) but there it has a Mathemitical code to it , do these guys have a similar thing (I doubt it) .

Anyways Im quite curious I thought creationists were just like any other Christians who worship deity's but try to prove it through science (as this link seemed to do untill that last part) .

Great mentioning of the Cube , indeed it is a magnificent given and I do believe there is relevance for it linked with the various "religions" . IMO it proves only that scriptures are misunderstood by unqualified peoples .

Flores : Seems you have problems with peoples trying to attain knowledge and try to better themselves intellectually as Islam clearly prescribes (or does Islam favor ignorance ?) , Its quite amazing for me to see that our local lunatic Q has more of an open mind about trying to understand the universe from our human positions . We create everything (weither or not it is based on emptyness or based on perception) , but we dont understand anything about it ? Kinda silly ...

But I have to admit , simply out of prejudice Id say Sollog seems to be just like Zoltan or Volson or any other space-planet-alien-race geek .......

This isnt creationism or is it ? Im :confused:
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
Flores : Seems you have problems with peoples trying to attain knowledge and try to better themselves intellectually as Islam clearly prescribes (or does Islam favor ignorance ?) , Its quite amazing for me to see that our local lunatic Q has more of an open mind about trying to understand the universe from our human positions . We create everything (weither or not it is based on emptyness or based on perception) , but we dont understand anything about it ? Kinda silly ...

Nobody told you to be ignorant. Go study all you want and get a PhD, I for one have concentrated on the areas of hydrology, sediment transport, oceanology, and while my knowledge have strengthened my faith, I don't dare write a book connecting my knowledge with god, because there is a big chance that I will blaphsem and god have prescribed fire for those that blaphsem and rewrite religion with their own hands and obtain monetary gain. So don't blaphsem againest god and attribute unproofed nonesense to god. There is a difference between pure studies for knowledge and manipulating science to describe the undescribable.
You know Flores , I would actually agree with you . There is only one problem , you somehow draw the line for you "describing the undescribable" as you describe it yourself just as well , or is your answer to what is God "I dont know ? "

I dont think anyone could blame a man for answering : "Im trying to find out" .

Im also not seeing how science is being manipulated ? Are they twisting facts ? I havent seen any twist , the only manipulation you might come up is the link they draw to their theologic defintion (as I quoted) and the facts . As they dont do much trouble for that either , I havent seen the damage being done .

You seem to have , Im not sure why . Do not in the end my true intentions (or anothers true intentions) matter most in the eyes of Allah ? Surely I wouldnt be able to fool him with what would or wouldnt be blasphemy , dont you think he would be able to decipher my true intentions ?
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
You know Flores , I would actually agree with you . There is only one problem , you somehow draw the line for you "describing the undescribable" as you describe it yourself just as well , or is your answer to what is God "I dont know ? "

I actually have to leave right now, so I'll answer tomorrow god's willing. I'm actually interested in responding to your concerns.
If God created the world, then the world would be perfect.
The world is not perfect.
Therefore, God did not create the world.

If the statement "If God created the world, then the world would be perfect" can be shown to be true, we are part of the way to proving God does not exists. However, do not bother. It is an impossible task.

James Sibley

If God created the world, then the world would be perfect. The world is not perfect. Therefore, God did not create the world.

This depends on what religion. But if god is perfect, then he could not create a unperfect world, unless he wanted to...intriguing. Nice Quote 4D.
However, think about it. Why would a perfect god (lowercase) want to create an imperfect world? Maybe because he figures a perfect world would be boring. However, it might not be possible for a perfect system to make imprefect system. Good thoughts.
Hmm... I looked up a couple of definitions for perfect and I got complete, pure, whole, and excellent and delightful in all respects. I'm not sure which definition is applied, but perfection is an opinion, everyone's idea of a perfect life is different. If a perfect system does not make mistakes, and it intended on creating an imperfect world, it wouldn't be a mistake.
You are looking at the world from our perspective.

Perhaps the world is perfect from God’s perspective. The fact that it has evil, death, destruction, terrible suffering etc., may well be exactly what God wanted, and is perfect in his eyes.

Isn’t it the 1st commandant that says you shall worship/love God above everything? Clearly this has no benefit for man but it would play nicely to the ego of a God who defines perfection to his liking.
Originally posted by Flores
Pure bull shit and random matching of random events......More fuel for the Atheist fire........It beats me why people are so damn obsessed with the idea of proofing the existance of god and in the process subjecting a perfect concept to our imperfect knowledge and understanding......It's a crime.

Hey, I'm starting to like this lady.
Originally posted by Cris
You are looking at the world from our perspective.

Perhaps the world is perfect from God’s perspective. The fact that it has evil, death, destruction, terrible suffering etc., may well be exactly what God wanted, and is perfect in his eyes.

Isn’t it the 1st commandant that says you shall worship/love God above everything? Clearly this has no benefit for man but it would play nicely to the ego of a God who defines perfection to his liking.

Or, perhaps, the world is nothing but God/dess 's consciousness.
Hey BAITA YARICHIN are you sure she's Arab & Muslim thats a double no no isnt it ? Didnt you wanna kill us all or did your 13-year old mind switch your opinion so fast already ?

Originally posted by Cris
You are looking at the world from our perspective.

Perhaps the world is perfect from God’s perspective. The fact that it has evil, death, destruction, terrible suffering etc., may well be exactly what God wanted, and is perfect in his eyes.
If you really look at it the world is perfect. It seems silly to say its not perfect because we don't like pain. The only reason we fear pain, suffering, etc is because if we didn't we wouldn't survive. Thats a perfect system really.
If there was a god, who says his biggest goal is comfort for his living organisms? Thats not logical.
Of course, the bible portrays god as a caring loving entity and reality gravely contradicts that. So yeah, that god can be dismissed as fiction. But you can't say that just because you don't like the way things are there mustn't be a god. There are much more convincing reasons to come to that conclusion.

Great point.

What you say makes a lot of sense. Therefore, why bother worshipping God? Even if he does exist.
That link is the most lacking attempt yet. For instance what does Puto's orbit 1% of Earth's circumference have to do with anything?!?!