Masturbation and religion.

Do you masturbate?

  • Yes, and I don't feel guilty.

    Votes: 33 86.8%
  • Yes, but I feel guilty.

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • No, I just don't like it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I feel that it is wrong.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I spent about 30 minutes checking Happeh's site out. It's rather amusing, unless this guy is for real.

If you do not views God as "human-like" why do you refer to God as "Him"?

Tradition. A male figure usually commands more respect. Or I could say it, but it sounds kind of degrading.

If you are using others for that purpose? What are you talking about here? Mutually agreed sex acts? Thats' not wrong and its not 'using'.

So mutually agreed sex acts to use each other for sex is not using? Irony just loves ignorance. No offense but that's how I see it. And to clarify, I am a guy, have enjoyed it, and have had kids by enjoying it. But I see no benefits to it other than procreation, mostly risks, so like I said, why play with fire? If I was still with my ex, perhaps I would still be enjoying it but I feel more pure without it than I did with it and quite happy. Want taints your judgement. How many good looking people get out of trouble easier because they look good and was due to someone of the oppositing sex letting them off easier? To be a friend to everyone, you mustn't be tainted with want for another. And that's why I believe a man of God shouldn't marry or have sex. He shouldn't be bound by the restraints of want which can lead to corruption. I believe not having more want for one person or one type of person leads to the better of all in which you are a more fair person in your judgement. Meaning to be no more friendly or scutinizing to someone just because of their sex, how good they look, how much money they have, etc. Want taints your judgement. Need I say more?

Stretched: Like I've argued many times, just because it's natural doesn't mean it's right. Killing is natural. A temper is natural. Does it mean if I'm upset enough I can let my temper go and hurt someone, mentally or physically? Defending your territory is natural. Does it mean I should harm someone if they steal something I have? We may feel like it sometimes and it is natural, does it make it right? Let the animals use their emotion to guide them. We are above that. We have reasoning which births free will. We see what our emotions want us to do and we can see what is right or what is best for all. And sometimes we needn't think much to know our emotions are telling us right in cases such as trying to save someone who is in trouble but reasoning should come before all emotion in any decision. In an animal, emotion is king of all judgement. In a human being, reasoning is the king of all judgement. Or should be anyhow to be a Godly man/woman. As I say about excess, same goes with emotion. Emotion in itself isn't wrong, but just excess since it births hasty decision-making.
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screw religion. I have my own beliefs of universe and noone can tell me what wrong or right, or who is the GOD and what he wants. They dont know anything, just as shameless people as I am.
Religion isn't much different than non-religious morals. Except it's much more specific, in general. The non-religious morals are like the skills of a so-called handyman, while most religious morals can be attained to that of a carpenter. It is a dedication to doing something better, closer to perfection. To strive for better. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. If you're going to have morals and judge others on morals, why not strive to do it right or better so you can be a leader and guide others? Most athiests aren't that specific or care to be that specific on what is right or not and that is one thing that can seperate the religious from non-religious. An eye for detail on this matter. But by judging, I don't mean just blatantly criticizing. But in the case if someone asks you if they think they wronged, to give their opinion. You can live life as a person unskilled in the purpose of life, or you can be a pro, or strive to be one and have an eye for detail on right and wrong. God is our boss and you can equate it to a job. You can say, 'ahhh, whatever, maybe it's not the best way to go about it but who cares', who would want that kind of employee? You would want an employee who is dedicated to his skill and cares to make sure he is doing the job right and cares what you think. Also while being a friendly co-worker and getting along with others. I would say to each his own but one bad worker can sour the bunch. We got to face it, what each one of us does has an effect on society in general, maybe minutely but if everyone has the same attitude, society can go downhill quickly.
usp8riot said:
Religion isn't much different than non-religious morals. Except it's much more specific, in general. The non-religious morals are like the skills of a so-called handyman, while most religious morals can be attained to that of a carpenter. It is a dedication to doing something better, closer to perfection. To strive for better. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. If you're going to have morals and judge others on morals, why not strive to do it right or better so you can be a leader and guide others? Most athiests aren't that specific or care to be that specific on what is right or not and that is one thing that can seperate the religious from non-religious. An eye for detail on this matter. But by judging, I don't mean just blatantly criticizing. But in the case if someone asks you if they think they wronged, to give their opinion. You can live life as a person unskilled in the purpose of life, or you can be a pro, or strive to be one and have an eye for detail on right and wrong. God is our boss and you can equate it to a job. You can say, 'ahhh, whatever, maybe it's not the best way to go about it but who cares', who would want that kind of employee? You would want an employee who is dedicated to his skill and cares to make sure he is doing the job right and cares what you think. Also while being a friendly co-worker and getting along with others. I would say to each his own but one bad worker can sour the bunch. We got to face it, what each one of us does has an effect on society in general, maybe minutely but if everyone has the same attitude, society can go downhill quickly.

im just saying I will not follow something that has no proof and reasonable logic. But yes you are correct.