Masturbation and religion.

Do you masturbate?

  • Yes, and I don't feel guilty.

    Votes: 33 86.8%
  • Yes, but I feel guilty.

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • No, I just don't like it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I feel that it is wrong.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Just to add some facts into this debate. There is no reference whatever to masturbation itself being sinful in either the Old or New Testament.

Clearly religious dogma over the years (mainly from the Roman Catholic Church) has ascribed the category of 'sin' to it but scripture itself does not condemn it, condone it or indeed say anything about it at all!

If anyone believes it does, please quote me the appropriate section.

Kind regards to all,

No where I know of does it say it in new or old testament or the quran specifying the act other than when the bible or quran speaks of sexual perversion. But I believe it is sin and I am quoting myself.
Tis all good patriot, but in my opinion we are natural beings, and religion destroys and perverts that which nature created in its own good wisdom, including sexuality. Religious dogma, interpreted by the clergy, and then hurled down from the pulpit has done great damage in that it has created issues around something as innocent as having a wank. (you brought up temptation, fuck it. If you want to have a wank, HAVE A WANK. Have 10. You create issues with all the talk about temptation) Not to even mention the whole "born in sin" issue, which just has to be one of the greatest crimes perpetrated by the church upon the psyche of mankind.
This subject was very much debated here on Sci. Anyone remember Happeh's theory?

Yes, and if you want to have a 'wank', no one's stopping you. But like I was warning, everything is innocent at first isnt it? You buy a cute little pet alligator and keep feeding it and next thing you know, it's a huge alligator with a big appetite. Almost all sins start out innocently enough, we should all know better, but it is your discretion to know when you have took things too far. When I was smoking cigarettes, it was the way it started and wasn't easy quitting.

But the less you do it, the less you will want it. Do an expirement for yourself if you don't believe me. But also remember to stay away from anything that brings on the feelings. And I think you will feel much cleaner, or wholesome, if you do. And your mind more at peace. And smoking was the same for me also, the more I smoked, the more I wanted, my habit grew. But the right way isn't the natural way, stretched. If you naturally feel like hurting someone, does it mean it's right? The natural way is just the way to protect the lawless and selfish. It tells you to procreate at will, defend at will, eat at will, all this, etc. But reasoning protects the lawful, those that do care of others and self also. That someone else is just as good as you and that even something as innocent as masturbation can lead to a habit which not only winds up hurting you but could hurt others also if you crave it too much and use no reasoning. Sometimes it's the small things like this I wonder morally about which I don't see in holy texts so I find out for myself using what God gave me to find God. And it seems to never let me down. The only time it does is if my mind is tainted with too much emotion so I try to keep my feelings level.
Masturbation is no different to scratching your nose when you have an itch, it is your own body and causes you no physical or emotional harm. I would like Riot to explain just how 'masturbating' harms others? He says in above post:

"even something as innocent as masturbation can lead to a habit which not only winds up hurting you but could hurt others also if you crave it too much and use no reasoning."

If you keep your masturbnating private or for the eyes of your sexual partner only, it is pleasure not pain.
Well, the debate is arguable but sooner or later you build a habit for it and you think you got to have it. It can later on lead to others using others just for that purpose and not how God intended it. No one likes to be used. Why take a chance playing with fire?
You buy a cute little pet alligator and keep feeding it and next thing you know, it's a huge alligator with a big appetite.

Hmmm...that sounds about right, your little pecker grows up to be a big pecker with an overwelming big appetite! :D LOL
Possumking said:
It's odd how in society these days...

You must be hanging out with the wrong society, then.

Actually, it seems to be only ok to talk about men masturbating. I very, very rarely hear women talk about masturbating, unless their talking about a guy doing it. Hmmm....
usp8riot said:
Well, the debate is arguable but sooner or later you build a habit for it and you think you got to have it. It can later on lead to others using others just for that purpose and not how God intended it. No one likes to be used. Why take a chance playing with fire?
Slippery slope argument.

That's all I have to say.
“But like I was warning, everything is innocent at first isnt it? You buy a cute little pet alligator and keep feeding it and next thing you know, it's a huge alligator with a big appetite.”

* Silly analogy. You assume everyone is out of control.

“Almost all sins start out innocently enough, we should all know better, but it is your discretion to know when you have took things too far. When I was smoking cigarettes, it was the way it started and wasn't easy quitting.”

* Sin exists only in the mind of those indoctrinated with religious dogma. Smoking is bad for your health. (Scientifically proven) Wanking ain`t. (scientifically proven)

“But the less you do it, the less you will want it. Do an expirement for yourself if you don't believe me. But also remember to stay away from anything that brings on the feelings. And I think you will feel much cleaner, or wholesome, if you do.”

* You will only feel cleaner if you are indoctrinated into feeling the act of masturbation is “unclean”. Otherwise its scratching an itch.

“But the right way isn't the natural way, stretched. If you naturally feel like hurting someone, does it mean it's right? The natural way is just the way to protect the lawless and selfish.”

* Well, if the natural way is the wrong way, why did nature (and by implication-God) endow us with the wonderful ability to orgasm without intercourse? Perhaps to limit or control population? The natural way is AS NATURE INTENDED. Once again religious doctrine perverts what is natural to control mankind into making statements like yours above.

“The natural way is just the way to protect the lawless and selfish. It tells you to procreate at will, defend at will, eat at will, all this, etc. But reasoning protects the lawful, those that do care of others and self also.”

* Well now, it seems reasoning is a natural ability also. Just like when the old Neanderthals started chipping flints of stones to sharpen them. Before religious dogma reared its ugly head.

“That someone else is just as good as you and that even something as innocent as masturbation can lead to a habit which not only winds up hurting you but could hurt others also if you crave it too much and use no reasoning.”

* How can craving it hurt yourself or others?

“Sometimes it's the small things like this I wonder morally about which I don't see in holy texts so I find out for myself using what God gave me to find God. And it seems to never let me down. The only time it does is if my mind is tainted with too much emotion so I try to keep my feelings level.”

* Do as thy wilt and ye harm none, shall be the whole of the law. I get your drift though, you are open to intuition.
usp8riot said:
Well, the debate is arguable but sooner or later you build a habit for it and you think you got to have it. It can later on lead to others using others just for that purpose and not how God intended it. No one likes to be used. Why take a chance playing with fire?

If you are using others for that purpose? What are you talking about here? Mutually agreed sex acts? Thats' not wrong and its not 'using'.

If your girlfirend or boyfriend doesn't like 'relieving' you then don't ask them to. The fact is most are quite happy to, it's a mutually rewarding experience. Usp, you will never enjoy sex in or out or marriage unless you lose these hang-ups, which were afterall created by man and not God!

The only good sex is uninhibitted sex, and trust me, when you do marry (if not already) you will be wishing for an uninhibited partner!
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Roman said:
You must be hanging out with the wrong society, then.

Actually, it seems to be only ok to talk about men masturbating. I very, very rarely hear women talk about masturbating, unless their talking about a guy doing it. Hmmm....

Roman, I am not naive to the fact you are eliciting this response from me.

Women masturbate Roman, there is a whole industry out there that caters to women for this exact purpose, ie sex toys/porn etc. Not all women masturbate though in same way as not all women enjoy sex. I guess the same applies to men, it all depends on your sex drive.
"And I don't see Him as a human-like figure that has human-like wants. He is God after all."

If you do not views God as "human-like" why do you refer to God as "Him"?
Ok! one more time, with the masturbation topic, At least patriot is not claiming like Happeh's theory that one goes blind and looses the use of one's leg, and such silly things this idiot said for quite awhile here on Sci. Anyone remember Happeh's theory?


A quick reminder of this idiot is above, this guy is a looney-toon with a blog.

Everyone masturbates, and if they say they don't, we all know that he/she is lying. :p

benefits of masturbation

Masturbating may protect against prostate cancer

Happy wanking everyone ;)
