Masturbation and religion.

Do you masturbate?

  • Yes, and I don't feel guilty.

    Votes: 33 86.8%
  • Yes, but I feel guilty.

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • No, I just don't like it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I feel that it is wrong.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
To me, that is the way for the body to cleanse itself for feeling dirty, in a sense. But the best thing to do is not get the body dirty in the first place, stay away from the naughty stuff and for others not to provoke any dirty feelings, aka, tease someone unless they are married as one under God. Still then it is not good for recreation, only procreation. It is best that no intense, powerful emotions are brought out in anyone. Strong emotions create strong impulse. Impulse=thoughtless actions. Thoughtless actions=more chance of doing wrong. Impulse=chaos and the devil loves chaos. God loves reason, logic, and patience. Think before you do. Do not love anything too much on this earth nor dislike anything too much. Love is good until it crosses a boundary and dislike is good also until it crosses a boundary. You can see the love part but the dislike part tells us also what isn't good for the body or to stay away from. For one to be peaceful, one mustn't be excited happily, or depressive and angry, but the fine line in between. At peace meaning no emotions to taint your thoughts so you can be reasonable and judge reasonable. The impulses of sex can destroy that.
usp8riot said:
To me, that is the way for the body to cleanse itself for feeling dirty, in a sense. But the best thing to do is not get the body dirty in the first place, stay away from the naughty stuff and for others not to provoke any dirty feelings, aka, tease someone unless they are married as one under God. Still then it is not good for recreation, only procreation. It is best that no intense, powerful emotions are brought out in anyone. Strong emotions create strong impulse. Impulse=thoughtless actions. Thoughtless actions=more chance of doing wrong. Impulse=chaos and the devil loves chaos. God loves reason, logic, and patience. Think before you do. Do not love anything too much on this earth nor dislike anything too much. Love is good until it crosses a boundary and dislike is good also until it crosses a boundary. You can see the love part but the dislike part tells us also what isn't good for the body or to stay away from. For one to be peaceful, one mustn't be excited happily, or depressive and angry, but the fine line in between. At peace meaning no emotions to taint your thoughts so you can be reasonable and judge reasonable. The impulses of sex can destroy that.

What!??? Talk about avoiding the question!!! Do you masturbate or not p8triot!???

Come on, admit it before Sciforums and God above - you bloody well do!!!

Guess how I voted
It is not for you to know my sins, because I haven't sinned against you by doing it.
Yes, He knows everything we do. We all don't do what is right all the time. Who do ya think the 1 oddball vote is?
want to see something truly disturbing? (no there is no nudity or sex acts)
its a video by "americans against masturbation"

and it features parents telling their (innocently curious) toddlers,
"oh you make me so ashamed of you"
with the message "Jesus cries when you touch yourself."

Toddlers scolded when they aren't even old enough to know what it means?

Seriously, this is child abuse.
Oh. I don't know. Maybe I should start a thread and ask :confused:

Relax, p8triot. Only teasing. I like you, you know, your posts are always fair and open-minded. Keep setting a good example :)
Toddlers scolded when they aren't even old enough to know what it means?

Yes, sad. Disgusting in a way. The truth is still the truth if it is not known or not. But if you know the truth, the key to telling the truth without doing any harm is to the right individual at the right time. And for a youngster that age, they need not know these things. It would bring more harm than peace, more than likely.
Oh. My. God.

Huwy, you're right. That is some fucked up shit.

I laughed when I read the line "Jesus cries when you touch yourself". Then I clicked the link and watched in growing horror. Those people should be prosecuted.
“Still then it is not good for recreation, only procreation. It is best that no intense, powerful emotions are brought out in anyone. Strong emotions create strong impulse. Impulse=thoughtless actions. Thoughtless actions=more chance of doing wrong. Impulse=chaos and the devil loves chaos.”

* You poor indoctrinated soul. But that is your choice. If genitals were all about procreation you should have been making kids at 14. Why did your god give you working equipment, and then forbid its use?

“God loves reason, logic, and patience.”

* You cannot possibly be referring to the Christian god here?

“For one to be peaceful, one mustn't be excited happily, or depressive and angry, but the fine line in between.”

* You are a budding Buddhist!

“At peace meaning no emotions to taint your thoughts so you can be reasonable and judge reasonable. The impulses of sex can destroy that.”

* Yep, you just have to keep denying what nature intends and follow your absurd mythology. That’s much more sensible than having a wank. “Remember, god can see you when you wank.” Heh he. Is he some kind of perv?
* You poor indoctrinated soul. But that is your choice. If genitals were all about procreation you should have been making kids at 14. Why did your god give you working equipment, and then forbid its use?

To use when I need, not exactly want. And I am not indoctrined. I've never read the bible in full. I rarely read it. Or any other holy text in full. I rarely read any kind of holy text, so no, I am not indoctrined or care to be. My views come from God, not some book.

* You cannot possibly be referring to the Christian god here?

Yes, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, I feel that the message of these prophets all came from the same God.

* You are a budding Buddhist!

No, just something I feel God tells me.

Yep, you just have to keep denying what nature intends and follow your absurd mythology. That’s much more sensible than having a wank. “Remember, god can see you when you wank.” Heh he. Is he some kind of perv?

Of course, I don't try to use logic for everything I do. Just like anyone else. I'm just analytical. No, God isn't a perv. That's silly. He hasn't the same wants as we do. And I don't see Him as a human-like figure that has human-like wants. He is God after all.
"My views come from God, not some book."

* Please expand on this. In what form does this god communicate with you?

"Yes, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, I feel that the message of these prophets all came from the same God."

* This god is a bloodthirsty tyrant.

"No, just something I feel God tells me."

* How does he tell you?

"And I don't see Him as a human-like figure that has human-like wants. He is God after all."

* How do you see him?
Possumking said:
It's odd how in society these days, masturbation is quite a taboo topic.
I don't think it's very taboo anymore.

Possumking said:
The origin of this is most definitely religion. Religion has tainted such an awesome thing and made it 'disgusting' to talk about-- even among atheists. Bastards ;) .
It's not a disgusting thing for me to talk about. I will and often do talk freely about masturbation. Then again, I tend to associate only with others who are the same way. :p

And just as I thought – so far, everyone who's done the poll is a wanker. And only a couple of them are guilty about it.
I will admit to the occasional bout of wankery. And, yes, I feel guilty. But not for the reasons many will have. In my eyes, masturbation is a waste of time. It nets you personal pleasure but wastes immense amounts of time. I suppose it would be a sin of excess such as sloth or gluttony. Or watching too much TV.

And, really, thats all I have to say on the subject.
"My views come from God, not some book."

Logic, as explained before. I need no holy book.

"Yes, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, I feel that the message of these prophets all came from the same God."

Hence the reason they should be replaced. They are all very misunderstandable this day and age.

* How do you see him?

That would be something I don't have time for right now but explained it before. I see Him as all. That is the simplest I can put it.
No problem, glad to assist. But also while on the topic, just because I meant it as a cleansing action doesn't mean it should be done a lot. Too much can nurture the demons of torture and temptation instead of drive them away. Just as a kid asking for candy. You keep giving him candy and he will later on find you as his source for all candy when he wants it. Same with any other temptation. Therefore it is not good to give in to temptation unless you are using reasoning. Temptations upsets the emotional balance and leads to impatient thought because it doesn't want you to think about what it is wanting you to do, this can be equated to the devil if you wish just to simplify things which is, as mention before, why I believe God just used the term devil/satan/lucipher, etc, to simplify. When a child is brung into the world, you try to tell him in the simplest form, why something is wrong so he will remember. You've got to remember, man in most of his existance has lived simply, not as we do, and ignorantly of science or the laws behind it, for the most part. Not as we do today so lessons were taught more simply then also. Life is not simple black and white as we discover growing up and so it is time for man to discover that. And btw, yes, my nick is in essence, US patriot, which is something I've had before I found God, and yes, too much pride in anything is bad, so I don't want anyone saying I'm a hypocrite.