Master Theory (edition 3)

I'm not the one trying to disprove Einstein here pal. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence so this is sort of thing that it requires. Are you saying you are incapable? Try doing it with your own theory and see how far off you are, go on I'll wait.
SRT exists and is being published (as a scientific theory) a hundred years already, but there is no evidence for it so far.
MT exists (as a possible alternative theory) about ten years, and had many bans a publication of this theory.
To obtain evidence of MT, sufficient to publish the materials of experiments in which the energy of relativistic particles would be measured in the calorimeter.
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The religious fanatic is never wrong, because it has "truth" today, and so he is not seeking the truth.
The religious fanatic go up his "truth" contrary to the facts, contrary to the arguments of reason, contrary to common sense.
The religious fanatic defending his "truth" of all available upon him means.
False - one of many means of protection, which applies a religious fanatic for the protection of their religious doctrines.
Religious fanatic, not only lies for others, but a religious fanatic lies itself.
Religious fanatic knows that he is lying, but he can not stop.
Courage requires in order to opt out of religious doctrine.
Not everyone has it.

The path of the scientist in search of a new path to truth.
The scientist is often mistaken as looking for new ways to the truth.
(The religious fanatic is never wrong, because walking the beaten paths only.)

Than a larger number questions answers a scientist , the more new questions are being raised for him. And there is no end to it.
The scientist is doomed to a permanent, ongoing search for truth.
The fate of the scientist to seek truth all your life, and not to be achieved it never.
The scientist was not destined to have the truth.
The scientist is doomed to be wrong.

A scientist is someone who is looking for answers and trying to figure out the answers predecessors.

Religious fanatics perceive scientists (those who are trying to understand) as heretics as the enemies of science, to be exact - see us as enemies of the religious doctrines that they preach.
Religious fanatics taking advantage of their big number, and of their authoritative resource, to bring to one's grave everybody who trying to understand the "truth" that preach fanatics.
"Truth" can not be human-transparent.
In "truth" can be believe only.

Everybody must decide for himself: Who are you?: A scientist or a religious fanatic.
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And sometimes people spend a great amount of time coming up with a bogus 'theory' and can't bring themselves to accept that the 'theory' is wrong after wasting so much time on it.

I realize that it must be very hard for you to face the truth, but at some point you should cut your losses and stop wasting your time.
SRT exists and is being published (as a scientific theory) a hundred years already, but there is no evidence for it so far.
MT exists (as a possible alternative theory) about ten years, and had many bans a publication of this theory.
To obtain evidence of MT, sufficient to publish the materials of experiments in which the energy of relativistic particles would be measured in the calorimeter.

There is only no evidence for it in your mind because you are unwilling to look, or maybe you just can't see good so I'll write it big for you. GPS SATELLITES NEED TO ACCOUNT FOR RELITIVISTIC EFFECTS!!!!! TO PROPERLY CALCULUTE THE ORBIT OF MERCURY (I.E. the calculation that you refuse to perform) YOU ALSO NEED TO ACCOUNT FOR THIS. E=MC^2 IS VERIFIED BY THE ATOMIC BOMB AND NUCLEAR REACTORS EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARTICLES IN PARTICLE ACCELERATORS OBEY THIS AS WELL. GRAVITATIONAL LENSING AND BLACK HOLES EXIST!!!!!!!! HOW MUCH MORE EVIDENCE DO YOU NEED???????????????????????????????

Your refusal to listen doesn't make you right, and your math error certainly does not make you right.

Here's some other ones for you:–Stilwell_experiment–Thorndike_experiment–Drever_experiment
BTW, where is that calculation I asked you to do? Could you not do it or did it just not turn out like you hoped? I'm guessing the former and if you can't even do that you are in no way qualified to comment on SR.
Thermal measurements in order to estimate the relativistic kinetic energy were already carried out by Bertozzi as mentioned above. Additional measurements at SLAC followed, in which the heat produced by 20-GeV electrons was measured in 1982. A beam dump of water-cooled aluminium was employed as calorimeter. The results were in agreement with special relativity, even though the accuracy was only 30%.[22] However, the experimentalists alluded to the fact, that calorimetric tests with 10-GeV electrons were executed already in 1969. There, copper was used as beam dump, and an accuracy of 1% was achieved.[23]
1. Bertozzi not performed an scientific experiments.
Bertozzi has created a laboratory model for demonstration to students of relativistic effects.
Bertozzi made their work more than forty years ago (during the heyday of radio valve).
Report Bertozzi was not a scientific report.
Bertozzi's report was intended to dean.
In his report, Bertozzi justify the cost of creating the installation, but did not report for scientific experiments.
Bertozzi could little fib (not great sin).

Does not it seem strange that a huge branch of science is based on so precarious foundation and on so the old stuff?
Ask yourself: why is the formula $$E=m_oc^2/\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$ (that lies at the heart of modern physics) has no reliable experimental evidence?

2. The word "calorimeter" is absent in all references (except the first).


4. The chain reaction of an atomic bomb is not a consequence of SRT.

5. Master Throry CALCULUTE THE ORBIT OF MERCURY equally well.

Experiments in which the energy of relativistic particles is measured in the calorimeter does not support the formula:

Gravity is not considered within SRT.
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1. Bertozzi not performed an scientific experiments.
Bertozzi has created a laboratory model for demonstration to students of relativistic effects.
Bertozzi made their work more than forty years ago (during the heyday of radio valve).
Report Bertozzi was not a scientific report.
Bertozzi's report was intended to dean.
In his report, Bertozzi justify the cost of creating the installation, but did not report for scientific experiments.
Bertozzi could little fib (not great sin).

Does not it seem strange that a huge branch of science is based on so precarious foundation and on so the old stuff?
Ask yourself: why is the formula $$E=m_oc^2/\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$ (that lies at the heart of modern physics) has no reliable experimental evidence?

2. The word "calorimeter" is absent in all references (except the first).


4. The chain reaction of an atomic bomb is not a consequence of SRT.

5. Master Throry CALCULUTE THE ORBIT OF MERCURY equally well.

6. Experiments in which the energy of relativistic particles is measured in the calorimeter does not support the formula:

7. Gravity is not considered within SRT.

You are right about gravity and the A-bomb, those are part of relativity and not SRT and that is my bad, but that is actually the first thing you have been correct about in this thread.

What's really funny is that you cant even misquote something correctly:

"Thermal measurements in order to estimate the relativistic kinetic energy were already carried out by Bertozzi as mentioned above. Additional measurements at SLAC followed, in which the heat produced by 20-GeV electrons was measured in 1982. A beam dump of water-cooled aluminium was employed as calorimeter. The results were in agreement with special relativity, even though the accuracy was only 30%.[22] However, the experimentalists alluded to the fact, that calorimetric tests with 10-GeV electrons were executed already in 1969. There, copper was used as beam dump, and an accuracy of 1% was achieved.[23]"

Notice the last sentence there, where it says that an accuracy of 1% was achieved. You disproved your own point with your own quote LOL.

Also, if GPS satellites do not experiance relativistic effects, then why does a simple google search literally bring up hundreds of links and papers that say it does?? Heres a couple for you:,cf.osb&fp=465ea372558c726c&biw=2560&bih=1268 28_16.pdf

Also, if master theory correctly calculates the orbit of mercury then why are you unwilling to post your calculation here? AS I SAID YOU HAVE TO SHOW YOUR WORK OR IT'S WORTHLESS.

You have also managed to completely ignore the other 8 tests of SR that I posted. Face it, you're wrong. There is nothing wrong with being wrong, but the more you continue on the dumber you look. You think you're fighting the good fight but really you're not.

Finally, and again, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish by posting your theory to random internet forum? It's not like we can do anything about it. Everyone on here who possible could has already completely dismissed your theory. Give up or at least move on. might be more your speed.
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the experimentalists alluded to the fact, that calorimetric tests with 10-GeV electrons were executed already in 1969. There, copper was used as beam dump, and an accuracy of 1% was achieved.[23]
1969? Bertozzi?
But I have spoken about the Bertozzi in my previous post already.

How old were you at this time?
I was ten years old at that time.

Transistors came later.
The calculator does not exist at that time.
Computers did not exist at that time.
Internet, cellular communications and GPS did not exist at that time.

In these (more than) forty years no one even tried to check (in the calorimeter) the formula?: $$E=m_oc^2/\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$

I do not believe it sposobet.

I have to admit that the physics of the last 50 years based on a lie.
Also, if GPS satellites do not experiance relativistic effects, then why does a simple google search literally bring up hundreds of links and papers that say it does?? Heres a couple for you:
My answer to this question: SRT has a powerful lobby in science.
These people have solidary and have a lot of money to advance this theory.
These people pass over in silence the fact that the relativistic corrections have been withdrawn from GPS calculations.
These people suppress freedom of thought and freedom of words of science.
These people are representatives of the Inquisition in modern science.
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Also, if master theory correctly calculates the orbit of mercury then why are you unwilling to post your calculation here?
1. Gravity is beyond the scope of the topic.

2. The fact that the calculations will be the same as you might guess, after reading the first lines of the first post of this topic.
It says that MT is solution of Einstein's problem ("Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies").
That is, SRT and MT are the solution from one problem.
Therefore, most of calculations of SRT and MT (if time dilation is not included explicit) will be concur.
You are trying to get new-born baby to lift weight of weight-lifter.

He can not do it today.
Have to wait.
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You have also managed to completely ignore the other 8 tests of SR that I posted. Face it, you're wrong. There is nothing wrong with being wrong, but the more you continue on the dumber you look. You think you're fighting the good fight but really you're not.
Yes. I ignore all of the experiments in which the energy of relativistic particles are not measured in the calorimeter.
I have said many times that: the calculation of the energy of relativistic particles from SRT's formulas and the formulas of classical electrodynamics is not valid.
Finally, and again, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish by posting your theory to random internet forum? It's not like we can do anything about it. Everyone on here who possible could has already completely dismissed your theory. Give up or at least move on. might be more your speed.
I don't understand it.

Why - ?
To do - WHAT?
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1969? Bertozzi?
But I have spoken about the Bertozzi in my previous post already.

How old were you at this time?
I was ten years old at that time.

Transistors came later.
The calculator does not exist at that time.
Computers did not exist at that time.
Internet, cellular communications and GPS did not exist at that time.

In these (more than) forty years no one even tried to check (in the calorimeter) the formula?: $$E=m_oc^2/\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$

I do not believe it sposobet.

I have to admit that the physics of the last 50 years based on a lie. My answer to this question: SRT has a powerful lobby in science.
These people have solidary and have a lot of money to advance this theory.
These people pass over in silence the fact that the relativistic corrections have been withdrawn from GPS calculations.
These people suppress freedom of thought and freedom of words of science.
These people are representatives of the Inquisition in modern science.

Show me your source, where do you get this information from? By information I mean that no relativistic corrections are used in GPS satellites.
I have not any english-language source. I have not any english-language source.
All Russian-language sources have not specifying the source.
Argued that the publication of materials is prohibited (if are contrary to SRT) not only in Russia.
This is confirmed by the fact that the Master Theory removed without explanation in many English-speaking forums.
I have not any english-language source. I have not any english-language source.
All Russian-language sources have not specifying the source.
Argued that the publication of materials is prohibited (if are contrary to SRT) not only in Russia.
This is confirmed by the fact that the Master Theory removed without explanation in many English-speaking forums.

So what you're saying is that you're making shit up to try to prove your own theory. Nice. There are literally THOUSANDS of sources that prove that you are completely full of shit. If you continue on with this conversation I will have to ask the mods to remove this thread (which they honestly should have done already) because you going from ignorant to willfully deceitful.

I say go to because it's full of many stupid people who may actually believe you. You may be able to get some traction over there.
I - lied?

In the USSR, the decision to ban criticism of the theory of relativity were reached three times:
in 1934 - the CC of the CPSU (b) for discussion of relativism,
in 1942 - the decision of the Presidium of the USSR on the theory of relativity, adopted at the session on the 25th anniversary of the revolution,
in 1964 - closed decree of the Presidium of the USSR, prohibiting all scientific advice, journals, departments receive, consider, discuss and publish works critical of the theory of relativity.

The lack of publishing experiments in which the energy of relativistic particles in the calorimeter is measured (to confirm the equation $$E=m_oc^2/\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$) suggests that such bans exist not only in Russia.
The refusal of publishers to publish Master Theory without explanation suggests that such bans exist not only in Russia.
On some forums of relativism Master Theory remove without explanation suggests that such bans exist not only in Russia.
I have the right to assume that the lack relativistic corrections (in the calculation of GPS satellites) is result of concealment of the same reasons.
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I - lied?

In the USSR, the decision to ban criticism of the theory of relativity were reached three times:
in 1934 - the CC of the CPSU (b) for discussion of relativism,
in 1942 - the decision of the Presidium of the USSR on the theory of relativity, adopted at the session on the 25th anniversary of the revolution,
in 1964 - closed decree of the Presidium of the USSR, prohibiting all scientific advice, journals, departments receive, consider, discuss and publish works critical of the theory of relativity.

The lack of publishing experiments in which the energy of relativistic particles in the calorimeter is measured (to confirm the equation $$E=m_oc^2/\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$) suggests that such bans exist not only in Russia.
The refusal of publishers to publish Master Theory without explanation suggests that such bans exist not only in Russia.
On some forums of relativism Master Theory remove without explanation suggests that such bans exist not only in Russia.
I have the right to assume that the lack relativistic corrections (in the calculation of GPS satellites) is result of concealment of the same reasons.

How can you not conceive that you are simply just wrong? You try to call out one single experiment where the AUTHORS THEMSELVES SAY IT AGREES WITH SRT, but you don't agree with that even though there are many, many other experiments say that STR is correct. You claim GPS satellites do not require relitivistic corrects, but you cannot produce a single shred of evidence to support that claim when a simple internet search gives LITERALLY THOUSANDS of sources that say it does. People on this forum that are far smarter then you or I have examined your work and told you that your full of shit. Give it up, you don't have leg to stand on. There is no global conspiricy to hold up SRT because the is no reason to. Do you honestly believe that out there someone is making money on this theory? How would they go about that exactly? What would the purpose for this? You could claim it would be to not tarnish Einsteins memory but would be a stupid claim. People still speak fondly for Plato and Socraties even though they were wrong about just about everything.
In the USSR, the decision to ban criticism of the theory of relativity were reached three times:
in 1934 - the CC of the CPSU (b) for discussion of relativism,
in 1942 - the decision of the Presidium of the USSR on the theory of relativity, adopted at the session on the 25th anniversary of the revolution,
in 1964 - closed decree of the Presidium of the USSR, prohibiting all scientific advice, journals, departments receive, consider, discuss and publish works critical of the theory of relativity.
Provide evidence for your claims. Presently you appear to be a paranoid conspiracy nut who is looking for an excuse to give himself about why he's a failure at physics.

The lack of publishing experiments in which the energy of relativistic particles in the calorimeter is measured (to confirm the equation $$E=m_oc^2/\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$) suggests that such bans exist not only in Russia.
Speaking as someone who did theoretical physics and worked along side particle physicists who were doing accelerator physics pertaining to the LHC I can categorically state you're wrong. You're claiming a conspiracy of MASSIVE proportions, which is frankly delusional.

The refusal of publishers to publish Master Theory without explanation suggests that such bans exist not only in Russia.
No, you've failed to be your work published because it is terrible. It's poorly written, it's lacking detail and derivation, it lacks experimental evidence, it's author is a paranoid conspiracy theorist and has no problem lying and misrepresenting people.

On some forums of relativism Master Theory remove without explanation suggests that such bans exist not only in Russia.
Your posts were removed probably because you waste everyone's time. This thread is only allowed to stay because it's in the hack forum. Speaking as a moderator for the main maths and physics forum here I can tell you that your work fails to meet any of the standards needed to be allowed in that forum. You aren't even a terrible physicist, you're just a nut.

I have the right to assume that the lack relativistic corrections (in the calculation of GPS satellites) is result of concealment of the same reasons.
No, the GPS network does require corrections. The clocks at set to run slower than clocks on Earth so the relativistic effects in orbit are automatically corrected, in the most part. Occasional re-syncing is required.
1. I'm not talked about conspiracy.
2. You can not argue with math.
3. Your English is poor.


"The lack of publishing experiments in which the energy of relativistic particles in the calorimeter is measured (to confirm the equation ) suggests that such bans exist not only in Russia.
The refusal of publishers to publish Master Theory without explanation suggests that such bans exist not only in Russia."

Where I'm from this is called a conspiricy.

2. You're math is bull shit and people have already ripped it apart.

3. My english is impeccable when it needs to be, which it does not on some random internet forum. Don't even get me started on your shitty english.

3.1 Way to try to detract from the topic at hand. Such tatics only show that you are out of ammo.

4.(my own stuff now) Where is your source for GPS sattellites not requiring relativistic calculations? I have produced mine saying they do, one of which is an engineering paper for building the damm things.

5. You have also not provided an explination what so ever to the other experimental justifications that I have provided you for SRT. If you're equation is correct IT WOULD FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE SRT AND NO EXPERIMENTS COULD HAVE EVER NOR SHOULD HAVE AGREED WITH SRT IN ANY WAY. Yet the exact opposite of this is observed. Why is that?

6. I'll go right ahead and answer #5 for you, IT's BECAUSE YOUR WRONG.
I think you may have a fundamental misunderstanding of western culture that is fueling your assumption that we are dismissing you out of hand. WE WANT EINSTEIN TO BE WRONG. Why? Because if he is right then superluminal travel is impossible and the stars are unreachable in a human lifetime. :bawl:
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