Master Theory (edition 3)

All the experiments whose results confirm SRT, confirmed MT also.

Thousands of experiments with relativistic particles have been implemented in many countries over the past half century.
In hundreds of these experiments measured the energy in the calorimeters.
But none of these experiments did not get into print.
If these experiments confirmed the SRT, the results of these experiments have been published without fail.
Inference: the results of experiments in which the energy of relativistic particles was measured in the calorimeters not confirm SRT.
MT explains this discrepancy between the theory with experiment.

I KNEW IT!!! It's conspiracy of glactic proportions that is designed to prevent you from gaining your rightful place as a living legend. They are preventing the rest creation from reaping the benefits of your ultimate understanding of reality.

Or you're full of crap.
If the experiments in which the energy of relativistic particles was measured in the calorimeter, get into print finally, then breaks out a huge scandal.
The publication of the results of these experiments will be inform of public opinion to the effect that majestic reports of scientists that they (allegedly) were able to disperse the particles to enormous energies - is big lie.
Tens of billions of euros have been spent on the construction of the Large Hadron Collider.
This money had been thrown in the trash.
The search for initiator of prohibition of scientific matter will follow later.
Who is to blame for the fact that science been applied the methods of the medieval Inquisition?
Who and why been suppressed of scientific publications?

Who and why?
Who and why?

Who and why, indeed!

I wager the WHO will lead the the evil Dr. Chaos. My understanding is that he is the lead researcher for the Luminaries. That shadowy group of the rich and powerful who control the world with the use of barcodes, secret messages on the back of highway signs, black helicopters and crop circles.

The WHY is obvious. It is well known that your MT is correct and the Luminaries have been able to construct star ships that exceed the speed of light using your equations. That is what the so called UFOs really are! The truth of your theory is being with held from the public. If the truth was out then everyone could travel to the stars and that would interfer with the Luminaries ultimate plan; TO TAKE OVER THE GALAXY!!!:eek:

Thank the heavens that you have posted your ideas here so that we can form a rag tag band of rebels to fight them. Using your MT we will build ships that can exceed the speed of light and together we will restore order to the galaxy.
When the opponent's arguments has end, but to recognize his defeat your opponent does not want - your opponent pretends to be he is a buffoon.
When the opponent's arguments has end, but to recognize his defeat your opponent does not want - your opponent pretends to be he is a buffoon.

Right back atcha.;)

We should really take your conspiracy of hiding results that disagree with SR seriously? Come on!:rolleyes:
The energy of relativistic particles in an accelerator can get Four-bedded ways:

1. By velocity: $$E=m_oc^2/\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$

2. By summ: $$E=\Sigma e\Delta U_i$$

3. By radius of the trajectory of a charged particle in a magnetic field:

4. By measuring the energy in the calorimeter.

The first three methods are computed by formulas SRT or - according to the formulas of classical electrostatics.
They all give the same result, but this result is not correct:

1. Prove the validity of SRT, by SRT's formula is not valid.

2. The use of formulas of classical electrostatics in the relativistic electrodynamics is not valid also.

Measurements of the energy in the calorimeter are valid only.
The results of these measurements do not coincide with the results of the first three methods.
This is the reason absent any publications of these experiments.
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You said:
In hundreds of these experiments measured the energy in the calorimeters.
But none of these experiments did not get into print.
If these experiments confirmed the SRT, the results of these experiments have been published without fail.

Sounds to me like you think there is a conspiracy to prevent the publishing of information.

You said:
Who is to blame for the fact that science been applied the methods of the medieval Inquisition?
Who and why been suppressed of scientific publications?

Who and why?

Again this sounds like you think there is a conspiracy to suppress information.

I happen to believe there is no conspiracy, because there is no suppression of information in the first place!
Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences been taken authoritative decree prohibiting criticism of SRT, three times.
This ruling equate criticism SRT attempts to create a perpetual motion machine.
Such methods of protection of scientific theories are not allowed.
These methods been applied by the Inquisition for protect religious doctrine in the Middle Ages.
According to it resolutions, no materials (theoretical or experimental) could not get into print, if these materials are contrary to SRT.
In Russian scientific publications have no experimental material in which the energy of relativistic particles was measured in the calorimeters for this reason.

Why no publication experimental materials outside Russia , the energy of relativistic particles of which measured in the calorimeter?
Is SRT a scientific theory or it is a religious doctrine?

My opinion:
1. SRT is not a scientific theory because it contradicts to the experiment and to common sense.
2. To protection SRT applied methods of the medieval Inquisition, therefore SRT is a religious doctrine.
For the protection of scientific theories to apply such methods unacceptable.
SRT is not a scientific theory because it contradicts to the experiment and to common sense.

The only ones who deny over a hundred years of experiment confirming SRT are the crackpots and cranks.
Can time becoming slower?

Did tau-lepton's experiment is no argument that a time can becoming slower?

Indeed, having been born in the accelerator target, tau-lepton flies the distance that he could not overcome a lifetime ($$2,9 10^{-13}c$$), even if it was moving at light speed.
CONCLUSION: in the coordinate system of the tau lepton has been a slowing of time.

Is this CONCLUSION valid?

A: No! CONCLUSION is not valid.

The fact that the matter can not travel faster than light is not a fact which was proved by experiment.
Speed or time of flight of the tau lepton no been measured.
Evidence theory (SRT), based on the unproven consequences of this theory is not correct.
Tau lepton could move faster than the speed of light.​
The only ones who deny over a hundred years of experiment confirming SRT are the crackpots and cranks.
SRT is contrary to common sense and experimentation.
SRT can not be understood.
In SRT can believe only.
SRT professed religious fanatics of science only.
SRT is contrary to common sense and experimentation.

You are quite simply wrong. Here is experimentation confirming SRT.

SRT can not be understood.

You mean YOU can't understand it. I am sorry you do not understand it but you inability to understand something does not falsify it.

SRT professed religious fanatics of science only.

No it is professed by people who are smart enough to understand it and honest enough not to pretend that experimentation doesn't support it.

I'm reading it:

Calorimetric Test of Special Relativity
D.R. Walz, H.P. Noyes and R.L. Carezani, Physical Review A29 (1984), pg 2110.

The beam power at SLAC is measured using temperature rise in a calorimeter, for electrons of ~17 and 20 GeV and beam currents up to ~15 microamperes. Their results confirm SR with a resolution of about 30%, and are “many orders of magnitude larger than predicted by the theory of autodynamics”, of which Carezani is the author (and also member of this experimental group).

Is it all? Where is a description and results of experiments?
30% ? - Why so roughly?
The formula, which lies at the foundation of modern physics is confirmed with an accuracy of 30%.
Similar lame-argument suits you?
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SRT professed religious fanatics of science only.
No it is professed by people who are smart enough to understand it and honest enough not to pretend that experimentation doesn't support it.
Only by an experiment in which the energy of relativistic particles was measured in the calorimeter, can definitely confirm or refute the SRT.
All other experiments are indirect and validate MT and SRT in equal measure.
Where is a description and results of experiments?

Why don't you try looking it up for yourself?

Only by an experiment in which the energy of relativistic particles was measured in the calorimeter, can definitely confirm or refute the SRT.

Oh, that's why. You pretend it didn't happen, and ignore the evidence you're given.

Just another crank.
Seriously, if your theory is so good go get it published and stop posting about it on a web forum where no one can do anything about it.