Masculinity and men

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Sixteen back to back posts by Bhudda1, in three of which he replies to himself.

Give up Bhudda1. Nobody is reading your nonsense. You are a laughing stock.
Buddha1 said:
I think it will come out gradually from a discussion.

For one thing, being straight forward, fair and to an extent even honesty --- these are qualities associated with positive natural masculinity.

Shit, I am a man! What went wrong with my body parts? Are you seriously saying women are not straightforward, fair, honest? These are personal qualities and have zero to do masculine/femenine issues.

There are two ways of looking at natural masculinity and femeninity, from a biological point of view as dictated by hormones and from a cultural stero type point of view. Where does your above analysis fit?

Natural masculinity is that which is dictated by testosterone, you can look that up! There is also the cultural stero type footie loving, beer drinking blah blah blah

Natural femeninity is dictated by oestrogen and progesterone, both physically and characteristically. Again there is a cultural stero type - petite, long hair, dresses- gentle, caring, compassionate, mothering qualities, a carer blah blah

Not all men or women possess these traits, or they possess these traits in higher or lower quantities.

We are more than the sum of our parts.
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Buddha1 said:

And with the answer for this I'd like to present my theory or principle that most activities and things are gender neutral. It is the gender within us that makes those things masculine or feminine.


I agree with this, re the lipstick pink dress thing

In days gone by, men wore the lipstick, the dresses and purple was very important, so its all about stero typing.

re the blue v pink thing, blue was a colour of importance and so to distinguish the less important female babies from males, they gave the female babies the less important colour of pink to wear, so when we continue this trend in modern culture we are unwittingly continuing what began as a sexist trend.
Buddha1 said:
How can you justify that?

Sex with women has been considered the basis of masculinity, the essence of being a man for ages now. Even science supports it.

And the heterosexual society as well as the science clearly tells us that homosexuals have the brains of women. And that they are weaklings, effeminate and unmanly.

Do you know any homosexuals? I do and they are no different in appearance to any other men I know, you could not guess their sexuality. I also know a few VERY effeminate looking men and they are ALL straight. I know now after reading your posts you are just being inflamatory, devils advocate if you like.
Makes some of your posts read like you are stupid though? Why do this to yourself?
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