Marry Me!

What right does the government have to regulate someone's sexual activities, between consenting adults, at least?
The same right it has to regulate pretty much everything else. Social consensus.
It creates the notion of monogamy [or in polygamous marriages, of a contract of exclusive intercourse between the contract bound people]. Outside marriage, there is no valid social pressure to be exclusive.

I disagree.. :shrug:
Marriage in no way makes people monogamous.
I disagree.. :shrug:
Marriage in no way makes people monogamous.

Marriage is the only reason people have that notion at all. There are monogamous animals, but in humans it is socially enforced.
Marriage is the only reason people have that notion at all. There are monogamous animals, but in humans it is socially enforced.

Seemingly. Marriage just doesn't work at all on any level but financially.
Have you seen the divorce rates lately ? Have you seen the figures on how many people cheat while married ?
There are legal rights to be had from legal unions, such as making someone your next of kin, or as your spouse for insurance.
Why are there restrictions on marriage? In the US there is a big debate about homosexual marriage. Why? Why isn't polygamy allowed? If a man wants to marry a goat, why can't he? If a woman wants to marry the Denver Broncos, why can't she?

because marrage is between a man and a woman, and mormons have more than one wife, (well some branches of the mormon church do anyway)
Allowing polygamy would probably eliminate adultery altogether. There's nothing quite like the feel of something new.
So, if you want your Fido to be covered by your health insurance, marry him? Husband has ED? Get a second!
So, if you want your Fido to be covered by your health insurance, marry him? Husband has ED? Get a second!

marry my dog!! no thanks, but i still think we frown to much upon open relationships, why cant people have more than one partner? i mean whats the matter with that
Nothing, that's why I say you should be allowed to have multiple legal partners. Just think about the advantages of having an intermarried group-union covered by all working members' insurances.
Seemingly. Marriage just doesn't work at all on any level but financially.
Have you seen the divorce rates lately ? Have you seen the figures on how many people cheat while married ?

Yeah, have you seen the meaning of marriage change altogether? Does anyone even mean the vows anymore? :cool:

What do you think? Should people be monogamous? Is fidelity merely a brainwashed idea of the past?
because marrage is between a man and a woman, and mormons have more than one wife, (well some branches of the mormon church do anyway)

That's not true. There is nothing anywhere in Federal law that defines marriage as being between a man and a woman. And as you might be aware, there are at least three states (is it four now?) that have made same-sex marriages legal within their borders, while more still have made the decision to legally recognize same-sex marriages (which helps bridge the annoying gap between federally- and state-recognized unions).

And no, marriage is not the only social force towards monogamy. People in long relationships are often frowned upon for being unfaithful. Society is funny like that, as it never limited to religious mores.
Yeah, have you seen the meaning of marriage change altogether? Does anyone even mean the vows anymore? :cool:

What do you think? Should people be monogamous? Is fidelity merely a brainwashed idea of the past?

Only the deeply religious ones I guess.
What I find truly inane is that even some atheists want to get married in the church.
Outside of instinctive ideas and making sure kids have legallly enforcable parents- I don't see too much use for it.
Yeah, have you seen the meaning of marriage change altogether? Does anyone even mean the vows anymore? :cool:

What do you think? Should people be monogamous? Is fidelity merely a brainwashed idea of the past?

Fidelity, as we've seen, is a male invention that was supposed to prevent the female from straying. All of such notions are very beneficial to the male, you'll notice.