Marriage: Christians and Atheists

Would you marry the opposite religion?

  • I'm an Atheist and I'm not sure.

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I could, but I couldn't marry a minister

hehe..i have been told that the higher up one is in the religious pecking order, the wilder that person is in bed..
so would you consider a minister with this in mind?
Could? Why certainly. One has the choice to do what one will. Would? I didn't, but I think it was more of a bonus than a deal breaker. He had me at "I love you more than Spiderman..."

I did date Atheists, and it was at the least always a conversation starter...and the make up sex...ah, but we're not going into that...

According to doctrine, you shouldn't unequally yoke yourself, but I don't believe it was about religion. It was more along the lines of don't tie yourself to someone you're likely to strangle in ten to fifteen years. I believe if you respect each other, and have other topics handy or a mutual agreement to not try and convert each other, it would work out. I doubt religion would be the end all topic of day to day living anyhow. I mean...there's also sports, politics, and in-laws :D
Well that's just silly. He's either lying or deluded.
How could any sane person love someone more than they love Spiderman?

I prefer Batman. He's got more muscle. And the full body spandex/lycra suit that Spiderman wears isn't appealing on him. And the white crap he shoots out is way too sticky............ Um....... nevermind.

Yeah, but you're weird.


This is weird...

(I'm sure at any point this thread will be closed..... surely......waiting...........................still waiting............... hmmmmmmmm.........or not..........)