
this in no way logically proves marijuana should be legalized across the board.
not even close to it.

ill lay it out for you in simple terms.. all the bullshit you hear of the negatives. brain damage cancerous are bullshit studies are now showing this. and this is an un refutable fact marijuana has WAYY WAYY more benifits and wayy wayy less downsides to any other known substance in the medical field. and you cannot compare it to alcohol or tobbaco. because they are far worse in ever way shape and form yet they are not " according to our great government" a class 1 drug
3. The vast majority of the [b said:
thousands[/b] of chemicals in tobacco are also present in pot - they are very similar in chemical makeup (both are plants afterall). Hundreds of them are known to be harmful and dozens are known carcinogens:


While cannabis smoke has been implicated in respiratory dysfunction, including the conversion of respiratory cells to what appears to be a pre-cancerous state [5], it has not been causally linked with tobacco related cancers [6] such as lung, colon or rectal cancers. Recently, Hashibe et al [7] carried out an epidemiological analysis of marijuana smoking and cancer. A connection between marijuana smoking and lung or colorectal cancer was not observed. These conclusions are reinforced by the recent work of Tashkin and coworkers [8] who were unable to demonstrate a cannabis smoke and lung cancer link, despite clearly demonstrating cannabis smoke-induced cellular damage.

Furthermore, compounds found in cannabis have been shown to kill numerous cancer types including: lung cancer [9], breast and prostate [10], leukemia and lymphoma [11], glioma [12], skin cancer [13], and pheochromocytoma [14]

None of that is directly related to your OP. Do you acknowledge now that you are aware that there are harmful effects of marijuana use?

how is it not? topic is marijuana and why is it legal?

government standpoint along with what atleast seems to be yours
brain damage. - found later to be false
lung cancer - also found to be false
gateway drug moot point there are much much larger legal gateway drugs

my standpoint with some others
there are legal substances that are far worse with absolutely no medical use what so ever.
give me a downside and ill give you a legal version that is 10 times worse.
remember according to federal law were talking about a class one drug

and the fact that it is in governments eyes illegal right now on a foundation of one study that is a complete joke and plain false information
yes but cancer is not one. actually opposite is true it kills lung cancer. brain damage is a farce also. so the negative effect is. your under the influance

there are harmful effects of eating a hamburger. not sure what your going for here. there are harmful effects for every single thing we put into our bodies.
Nonsense, every bit of that (again!) . You guys are amazing.
I'd like to add that it's my opinion that anything you take into the lungs that has no benefit to lung function can ultimately have an adverse affect not just on the lungs but health in general, I don't think the pot itself is necessarily harmful if done in moderation (moderation as in not every day). My mom smoked cigarettes since she was 15 and never suffered from lung cancer so there is some predisposition to cancer that plays a factor as well, I'm sure it didn't help all the other medical problems she had but here again, it may not have necessarily been the carcinogenic nature of tobacco as much as the disruption of lung function that probably had more to do with some of her problems. This is of course assumption on my part since I have no background to prove it, I can only surmise.
Nonsense, every bit of that (again!) . You guys are amazing.

Did you even read the links? Its from the same source you yourself had cited but beyond that how about you present proof thawhat you say is right?

Have you conducted tests? Because the sources have and weather you like it or not those ARE the results they got
One of the fundamental arguments for making drug illegal is the idea that it would make people unproductive and as a result destroy society, take the opium wars for example, millions of Chinese people completely and desperately addicted to British opium. Of course marijuana is not opium. Balance needs to be made legal between the social harm of a drug and the criminality it creates when made illegal, as we learned for alcohol prohibition the criminality of a drug can out-scale its social harm. Marijuana prohibition does not seem to warrant all the crime it has caused, the millions imprisoned, etc, etc.
One of the fundamental arguments for making drug illegal is the idea that it would make people unproductive and as a result destroy society, take the opium wars for example, millions of Chinese people completely and desperately addicted to British opium. Of course marijuana is not opium. Balance needs to be made legal between the social harm of a drug and the criminality it creates when made illegal, as we learned for alcohol prohibition the criminality of a drug can out-scale its social harm. Marijuana prohibition does not seem to warrant all the crime it has caused, the millions imprisoned, etc, etc.

Agreed if you look at it from when the drug war started till now is that if any movement it has been backwards.. and marijuana use to be a cash crop here just like corn or beans
there is one thing to remember about the "legality of alcohol" argument.
it isn't across the board legal.
you have to be so old to purchase it and you can only consume it in certain places.
alcohol is also regulated by the feds.

i'll agree that casual use of easily obtainable "street pot" should be decriminalized but marijuana should remain illegal.
there is one thing to remember about the "legality of alcohol" argument.
it isn't across the board legal.
you have to be so old to purchase it and you can only consume it in certain places.
alcohol is also regulated by the feds.

i'll agree that casual use of easily obtainable "street pot" should be decriminalized but marijuana should remain illegal.

I don't want the flood gates opened and it be a free for all it would follow same restrictions as drinking