
The problem is that it impairs your judgment which can lead to many problems as alcohol does. Being impaired while operating on someone, a dentist drilling your teeth or a pilot flying a plane are some examples which come to mind as very serious problems could occur. How about driving a car or a police officer, that could be dangerous. While it isn't as bad as alcohol it has similar reactions when you smoke it, you get stoned. What ages should be allowed to smoke it?

It does imp are you but not In the same way. It makes you paranoid so most people that drive when high say they drive slower because of the paranoia.. don't misread me I do not condone it. Just what they have told me. And from what I have read there are very very few deaths directly contributed to it. And there is millions that smoke it. And some do drive. If it impares the person ad alcohol does why sent there more instances?
It does imp are you but not In the same way. It makes you paranoid so most people that drive when high say they drive slower because of the paranoia.. don't misread me I do not condone it. Just what they have told me. And from what I have read there are very very few deaths directly contributed to it. And there is millions that smoke it. And some do drive. If it impares the person ad alcohol does why sent there more instances?

Never made me paranoid nor any of my friends who also smoked it. We never drove because we were to stoned to do so. If it becomes legal there will be more accidents because there will be millions of new smokers that will be on the roads. The accident rate will go up since more people will use it. Why should we put more impaired drivers, pilots, police, doctors, teachers, and on and on and that's going to create more problems IMPO.
Never made me paranoid nor any of my friends who also smoked it. We never drove because we were to stoned to do so. If it becomes legal there will be more accidents because there will be millions of new smokers that will be on the roads. The accident rate will go up since more people will use it. Why should we put more impaired drivers, pilots, police, doctors, teachers, and on and on and that's going to create more problems IMPO.

Possibly. But that is all speculation. Millions use it now and there are very very few incidents if u multiply the users up to levels of alcohol 5here will still be way less incidents yes that is also speculation but based in facts we have now
I don't see where I made a claim. I agreed with fraggle
Sorry, got your posts confused with Fraggle's.

In any case, you can't possibly be unaware of the negative effects of pot and if you think all anti-pot research is just propaganda, then there really isn't anything to discuss. It's all just conspiracy theory.
Possibly. But that is all speculation. Millions use it now and there are very very few incidents if u multiply the users up to levels of alcohol 5here will still be way less incidents yes that is also speculation but based in facts we have now

I guess that you don't know what driving under the influence, DUI, means. It is different than driving while intoxicated , DWI , intoxicated is drunk, influence is drugs of some type. Many are arrested and cause accidents that are stoned and are arrested for DUI. So saying that this won't create more accidents isn't very wise.
I guess that you don't know what driving under the influence, DUI, means. It is different than driving while intoxicated , DWI , intoxicated is drunk, influence is drugs of some type. Many are arrested and cause accidents that are stoned and are arrested for DUI. So saying that this won't create more accidents isn't very wise.

I would beg to differ I have many friends that have been pulled over and got a DUI and DWI. All were alcohol related no other substance involved. So they are both one in the same up to the officer how he words it

1. driving under the influence (of alcohol or drugs): often used as an official police abbreviation

An abbreviation for driving while intoxicated, which is an offense committed by an individual who operates a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or Drugs and Narcotics. An abbreviation for died without issue, which commonly appears in genealogical tables.

But usually the police use DUI for drugs when a field sobriety test can't determine what, if anything, a person is using. I'm not saying they do not use both terms for both things but only say that one is used for dugs and the other alcohol.
I guess that you don't know what driving under the influence, DUI, means. It is different than driving while intoxicated , DWI , intoxicated is drunk, influence is drugs of some type. Many are arrested and cause accidents that are stoned and are arrested for DUI. So saying that this won't create more accidents isn't very wise.

Again the War on marijuana is idiotic look at what we have accomplished on it. Neutral experts will tell you no where!

Our idiotic government classes marijuana as a class 1 or schedule 1 drug

Schedule I

Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are:

heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote

this BOLD section shows how idiotic it is. that has been proven false and the government isn't budging on it when scientific studies directly contradict it. which is why states are legalizing it. YET even in those states its still a FEDERAL offence. beyond that look at what other drugs are in the catagory.

if you read further alcohol, and tobacco fit the definition of schedule one to a T yet where are they?.

cocaine, methamphetamine, methadone, hydromorphone (Dilaudid), meperidine (Demerol), oxycodone (OxyContin), fentanyl, Dexedrine, Adderall, and Ritalin

all of these drugs in the governments eyes are less dangerous than marijuana. do you not see how laughable that is?

the Heath tulane study is the one the government sites to make marijuana illegal in that study
-n a laboratory in New Orleans, rhesus monkeys were forced to smoke the equivalent of two cannabis cigarettes a day for nearly a year. that is what the government says but in reality this is what happened

In the report, Heath concluded that Rhesus monkeys, smoking the equivalent of only 30 joints a day, began to atrophy and die after 90 days [that's 2700 joints, or an average of 1.25 doobies per hour 24 hours a day, for 90 days!]
The Heath "Voodoo" Research methodology, as reported in Playboy: Rhesus monkeys were strapped into a chair and then strapped into gas masks and given the equivalent of 63 Colombian strength joints in "five minutes, thru the gas masks" losing no smoke.

so the government takes the initial study of 5 a day and says it causes brain damage. YET the findings of the study the government uses as its foundation actually gave the animals well over 30 a day. and it was given in the from of smoke ALL IN 5 min. and this was over only 3 months not 1 year as you have heard. this caused lack of oxygen which in return caused the brain damage.

here is clip from the documentary. remember i have cited the governments OWN foundation study even tho this is a pro weed documentary

In October 2003, the federal government awarded the Department of Health and Human Services a patent titled “Cannabinoids as Antioxidants and Neuroprotectants,” which states: “Cannabinoids…are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia.”

the own federal government gave out the award for marijuana. yet keep it as a schedule I drug how can they classify it as one thing yet give out awards showing its medical benifits

1. THC and other plant cannabinoids are not only effective for the management of cancer symptoms (pain, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc.); they also confer a direct anti-tumoral effect, according to peer-reviewed studies by scientists at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco and Complutense University in Madrid, Spain.

2. Investigators at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, found that THC inhibits an enzyme involved in the accumulation of beta amyloid plaque that disrupts communication between brain cells, the hallmark of Alzheimer’s-related dementia.

3. According to researchers at Kings College in London, cannabinoid receptor signaling choreographs neurogenesis (the creation of new brain cells) in adult mammals and also regulates the migration and differentiation of stem cells.

4. Chinese scientists have shown that the painkilling effects of acupuncture are mediated by the same cannabinoid receptors that are activated by THC.

5. Pharmaceutical companies are exploring ways to induce therapeutic outcomes by manipulating levels of the body’s own cannabinoids. Animal studies indicate that it’s possible to attenuate a wide range of pathological conditions (including hypertension, colitis, neuropathic pain and opiate withdrawal) by preventing or delaying the enzymatic breakdown of endogenous cannabinoids.

So all in all the government used a study done in 1974 as there foundation twisted and turned the results lying to the public about it. YET today all the research being done is saying almost the exact opposite. the government puts it at a CLASS 1 drug with no medical use. and very dangerous, to giving out rewards showing for new medical treatment when its administered.

None of that is directly related to your OP. Do you acknowledge now that you are aware that there are harmful effects of marijuana use?
Then again we were kids then, this was the 70's, and it was probably due to us being young and healthy.
Children shouldn't take psychoactive drugs at all. Their personality is still evolving: their sense of morality, responsibility, ability to tolerate failure, rise to a challenge, deal with controversy, evaluate risks, etc. They need to evolve naturally, not with chemical interference. Even caffeine has a detrimental effect on development, by upsetting their sleep cycle and decreasing their ability to concentrate in school. As for alcohol, teenagers already believe (if only unconsciously) that they are immortal, and since alcohol makes even adults feel that way, a drunk teenager is a fatal accident waiting to happen. As for teens and pot, if there's one thing American teenagers don't need, it's an excuse to kick back. The people I've met who started getting stoned in high school have a much lower success rate than the rest of us. Sure, some of them managed to get college degrees and become lawyers or software engineers, but in my observation a disproportionate number of them are just getting by, and an astounding number still live with their parents, doing odd jobs, busing tables, or picking up $50 a week playing in bar bands--even in their 30s and 40s!

Since I think people should be able to do what they want to their body though I think most drugs should be legal, this has the added effect of destroying some if not all of the black market, control is much easier and has the advantage of revenue generation. you can't ever totally get rid of the criminal element but you can at least minimize it to a point.
You hit the nail on the head. A very persuasive case can be made for the argument that 90% of the evils attributed to drugs are in fact the second-order effects of drug prohibition.

My parents lived in Chicago during (alcohol) Prohibition. These are the observations of their generation:
  • When the shit-for brains government moves an extremely popular commodity to the black market, criminals will take over such a lucrative industry, automatically making it more dangerous.
  • Since it entails a lot of risk, they will charge higher prices than legitimate businesses did.
  • They can't take their disputes to the courts, so rival dealers and disgruntled customers will take it to the streets. My parents watched the streets of Chicago become a war zone. Today our government has cleverly off-shored this battle to Mexico, where our own "war on drugs" kills thousands of Mexicans every year. Apparently Americans don't give a damn about dead Mexicans.
  • Since there is no regulation, the production of the commodity will be fraught with impurities and imprecise concentration. Wood alcohol blinded a lot of people then, sloppy dosage of heroin kills a lot of people today.
  • The criminals bribe the police and other authorities, tempting honest civil servants to become complicit, even protecting them from prosecution or competition.
  • Since it's difficult and unpopular to prosecute children, they are recruited as runners and helpers, introducing them to the criminal life at an early age.
  • Furthermore, children see gangsters driving expensive cars and living lives of luxury, while their hard-working parents struggle to make a living. This will obviously influence their choice of career.
  • Americans are not an authority-loving people like the British, Japanese and Germans, so making something illegal just makes it more popular. My mother said that the worst thing about Prohibition was that women starting going to bars. We see the same thing today, as children emulate the habits of their role models in sports and entertainment.
What ages should be allowed to smoke it?
This question is asked so often that my friends and I (the "elders" of the community, in our 70s) have given it some thought.
  • Caffeine: 18. As I noted above, all drugs are bad for young children. Furthermore, if in the 7th grade children are so exhausted that they need a boost, what the hell are they going to do when they get older and life is really tough? OK, college can be tough, so let them discover caffeine then. Advertising cola to young kids should be a felony.
  • Alcohol: 21. At this age people have some semblance of responsibility. However, I only make this recommendation if the technology exists to prevent them from driving while intoxicated. (Many) older people actually manage to drive slower, pay more attention, and not pretend they're on a racetrack, to at least partially compensate for the impairment. But in the early 20s this won't happen very often.
  • Marijuana: 25. At this age one's personality and habits are well-established. Although not completely--most of our adult judgment, such as deferred gratification, isn't fully in place until the early 30s. Nonetheless, the deleterious effects of marijuana are much milder than most other drugs, and it has significant positive effects for many people, especially those who are dominated by their left hemisphere.
  • Cocaine: 30. People tend to use coke as a stimulant. Wait till you're old enough to need a stimulant that badly. If you start ten years earlier, whatcha gonna do when you're 30 and life gets tougher?
  • Opiates: I'll cautiously say 35. But frankly these seem like drugs that wouldn't be in such high demand if the drugs people really want, like pot and cocaine, were more available. The drug-testing fad has had a tremendous impact on potheads, since it still shows up in their urine 60 days later. They're all looking for something to take its place.
  • Tobacco: 45. This is almost inarguably the most addictive of all popular drugs, so let's not get people addicted in their teens. Besides, it functions as a mood leveler, bringing you up if you're down and down if you're up, without requiring you to be enough in touch with your own body to figure out which way you need to go! Let's give these people some time to get a grip on themselves and figure out why they need to go up or down so often. Then let them try other ways of fixing it first. After all, this is without question the most dangerous drug on the list, so it's the one that should be most difficult to obtain.
in regard to "smoking" it ......... the method of delivery is not healthy period.
As I noted, people are switching to vaporizers. No smoke, no cancer. As I also noted, it doesn't work that way with tobacco, since it's apparently the nicotine itself that causes cancer, not the smoke.
i can put this very simply:
immortality isn't harmful to the user either but it would mean the end of society as we know it.
Any drug policy should be a "Least Harm" strategy, locking up potheads does more harm to society than the pothead is doing, even to himself. The same cannot be said for Alcohol or Tobacco.
As I noted, people are switching to vaporizers. No smoke, no cancer. As I also noted, it doesn't work that way with tobacco, since it's apparently the nicotine itself that causes cancer, not the smoke.
That's nonsense, every bit of it.
1. Nicotine has not been found to be a carcinogen:
2. THC is not the only thing inhaled using a vaporizer.
3. The vast majority of the thousands of chemicals in tobacco are also present in pot - they are very similar in chemical makeup (both are plants afterall). Hundreds of them are known to be harmful and dozens are known carcinogens:
4. If using vaporizers was a viable replacement for cigarettes for health reasons, tobacco users would use them as well. Indeed, you almost certainly have the issue backwards: vaporizers are much more cumbersome to use, but since pot is illegal in most places, most smoking is done at home where it isn't as much of a problem to use them. If legalized completely and people want to use everywhere, they will switch to pot cigarettes (joints) because of their inherently better portability.

The main issue with research on the detrimental health impacts of marijuana is that because it is illegal it is difficult to study. Once it is legalized and use explodes, we'll get even better data.
None of that is directly related to your OP. Do you acknowledge now that you are aware that there are harmful effects of marijuana use?

yes but cancer is not one. actually opposite is true it kills lung cancer. brain damage is a farce also. so the negative effect is. your under the influance

there are harmful effects of eating a hamburger. not sure what your going for here. there are harmful effects for every single thing we put into our bodies.