

Valued Senior Member
Is there any any reason logically it should be illegal?
There are literally hundreds of uses benefits to the human body.
Is there any any reason logically it should be illegal?
There are literally hundreds of uses benefits to the human body.

Great stuff. Then let it be supplied for medicinal purposes only.

We have enough legalised drugs in society with alcohol and tobacco.
Great stuff. Then let it be supplied for medicinal purposes only.

We have enough legalised drugs in society with alcohol and tobacco.

Issue is there are no known negative side effects to the human body.

Let it be know I do not smoke it nor have i . I just see absolutely no reason for it to be illegal
Issue is there are no known negative side effects to the human body.

Let it be know I do not smoke it nor have i . I just see absolutely no reason for it to be illegal

It causes harm to brain cells and memory.
Great stuff. Then let it be supplied for medicinal purposes only. We have enough legalised drugs in society with alcohol and tobacco.
In Montana, when the campaign to legalize medical marijuana was presented, many people reacted as you did. However, after the law was passed they discovered their folly.

Since Montana is one of our smallest states in population (#45 with barely 1M people) yet one of the largest in area (#4 after Alaska, Texas and California), it's not easy for the state government to enforce laws. Therefore when medical marijuana became legal, people who didn't have a medical need found it nonetheless easy to obtain.

The outcome was that many people cut back on their alcohol intake and switched to marijuana. As a result, the death rate from road accidents was reduced. Stoned drivers are safer drivers than drunk drivers.

Folks like you lump all drugs into a single category because you don't look up the facts before you start writing such dumb things. Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine are the most dangerous common drugs on earth.
  • Alcohol increases courage, confidence and risk-taking while at the same time reducing physical skill and attention; as a result roughly 20,000 Americans are killed in auto crashes caused by drunk driving every year. Marijuana, on the other hand, instills a sense of paranoia that discourages many people from driving, and if they do, they usually go slower and pay more attention. The number of fatal road wrecks involving marijuana is tiny. In the same vein, drunk people often start fights; people high on marijuana just want to hug each other and listen to music. Also, most drunks can't accomplish anything worthwhile. But since marijuana apparently puts a damper on left-brain processing and lets the right hemisphere dominate, people who during the daytime are lawyers, engineers and computer programmers find themselves painting, composing music and writing poetry.
  • Tobacco kills five million people (worldwide) every year. Even smokeless alternatives have proven almost useless, since the damage is apparently caused by the tobacco itself, not the smoke. Even second-hand smoke is a major risk, killing more than half a million people (worldwide) annually. The health dangers of marijuana appear to be minor and difficult to even measure. The smoke appears to be considerably less lethal than tobacco smoke, and in any case over the past couple of decades users have been switching to smokeless alternatives, if only because it's a much more economical use of the product.
  • Caffeine is obviously not quite in the same class with alcohol and tobacco, yet like them it is a very dangerous drug, but unlike them there are no restrictions on it, no warnings, and in fact we shamelessly pander it to our children! While many people can drink a gallon of coffee every day and show no ill effects, there are also millions of people like me for whom it is a dangerous drug. One can of cola turns me into a raving madman and keeps me from sleeping soundly. Caffeine addiction has ruined my life three times, and only now, in my 70s, do I find the effect milder and easier to cope with. Marijuana, on the other hand, is more likely to relax people, even make them fall asleep.
So next time, please do a little homework before you start spouting more nonsense.

Perhaps this would be a better world if nobody took drugs, but if you want to start taking people's drugs away, please start with the most dangerous ones.
This "study" is false in that since what the doctor did was put a gas mask on the animals face and pumped massive amounts of marijuana smoke into the the Braun issues you speak of were caused by the oxygen deprivation not the smoke itself it took years to get the study per a meters released when they finally were it was determined that oxygen deprivation over extended periods of time was the cause not the smoke
In Montana, when the campaign to legalize medical marijuana was presented, many people reacted as you did. However, after the law was passed they discovered their folly.

Since Montana is one of our smallest states in population (#45 with barely 1M people) yet one of the largest in area (#4 after Alaska, Texas and California), it's not easy for the state government to enforce laws. Therefore when medical marijuana became legal, people who didn't have a medical need found it nonetheless easy to obtain.

The outcome was that many people cut back on their alcohol intake and switched to marijuana. As a result, the death rate from road accidents was reduced. Stoned drivers are safer drivers than drunk drivers.

Folks like you lump all drugs into a single category because you don't look up the facts before you start writing such dumb things. Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine are the most dangerous common drugs on earth.
  • Alcohol increases courage, confidence and risk-taking while at the same time reducing physical skill and attention; as a result roughly 20,000 Americans are killed in auto crashes caused by drunk driving every year. Marijuana, on the other hand, instills a sense of paranoia that discourages many people from driving, and if they do, they usually go slower and pay more attention. The number of fatal road wrecks involving marijuana is tiny. In the same vein, drunk people often start fights; people high on marijuana just want to hug each other and listen to music. Also, most drunks can't accomplish anything worthwhile. But since marijuana apparently puts a damper on left-brain processing and lets the right hemisphere dominate, people who during the daytime are lawyers, engineers and computer programmers find themselves painting, composing music and writing poetry.
  • Tobacco kills five million people (worldwide) every year. Even smokeless alternatives have proven almost useless, since the damage is apparently caused by the tobacco itself, not the smoke. Even second-hand smoke is a major risk, killing more than half a million people (worldwide) annually. The health dangers of marijuana appear to be minor and difficult to even measure. The smoke appears to be considerably less lethal than tobacco smoke, and in any case over the past couple of decades users have been switching to smokeless alternatives, if only because it's a much more economical use of the product.
  • Caffeine is obviously not quite in the same class with alcohol and tobacco, yet like them it is a very dangerous drug, but unlike them there are no restrictions on it, no warnings, and in fact we shamelessly pander it to our children! While many people can drink a gallon of coffee every day and show no ill effects, there are also millions of people like me for whom it is a dangerous drug. One can of cola turns me into a raving madman and keeps me from sleeping soundly. Caffeine addiction has ruined my life three times, and only now, in my 70s, do I find the effect milder and easier to cope with. Marijuana, on the other hand, is more likely to relax people, even make them fall asleep.
So next time, please do a little homework before you start spouting more nonsense.

Perhaps this would be a better world if nobody took drugs, but if you want to start taking people's drugs away, please start with the most dangerous ones.

Couldn't have said it better myself. And beyond all what fraggle stated there us no plant in the known world that has more benifical uses medically and non.
Couldn't have said it better myself. And beyond all what fraggle stated there us no plant in the known world that has more benifical uses medically and non.
Most of what you are saying is just pothead propaganda. Do you have any reputable sources for your claims?

Fraggle: while it may be true that pot use is LESS dangerous than alcohol abuse, it is tough morally to swap one harmful drug for another rather than just cracking down on the one.

But I'd still like to see sources for your claims as well.
do your own research.
Yes, it is tough to take a thread like this seriously. The OP clearly has a strong opinion that has clearly been shaped by sources, yet gives us the dumb act. It is not possible that he doesn't already know the answers to his questions.
Most of what you are saying is just pothead propaganda. Do you have any reputable sources for your claims?

Fraggle: while it may be true that pot use is LESS dangerous than alcohol abuse, it is tough morally to swap one harmful drug for another rather than just cracking down on the one.

But I'd still like to see sources for your claims as well.

I can go on to you and leopold you to clearly havent dine your research and listen to all the crap the government puts out as fact and do littly to question it
Perhaps this would be a better world if nobody took drugs, but if you want to start taking people's drugs away, please start with the most dangerous ones.

When I agreed with it being available for medicinal purposes, I also meant with a doctors prescription.
I also don't really need to be lectured about the dangers of the other drugs like tobacco and alocohol.
In my country at least, Tobacco use at least passively, is being made more restrictive for people to use....No tobacco products are allowed to be obviously displayed.[they must be hiden and locked away....No tobacco advertising allowed.....All tobacco products will soon be only allowed in plain white packages, with the only advertising being that it is toxic and kills.
By the way, I have never had a cigarette of any kind ever to my mouth, not even as a young bloke...NEVER!

I certainly do like a beer and a nice red wine on occasion, and agree with the dangers you list concerning alcohol.
But I do find any prohibition on its sales would not be accepted by the general populace.
You people did go through an era you called Prohibition in the twenties.
Alcohol, could be said to be a social necessity.
In saying all that, and admitting western society made mistakes in glorifying tobacco and promoting alcohol use over many centuries, I still find no reason to burden society with another drug of choice. Especially one that may lead to drugs of real danger and addiction...NOTE: I did say maybe.
If you disagree with that outlook, that's OK.....
I'm sure in the long run, if marijuana is deemed harmless, you may get what you wish for...If not, it will and should remain as is.
I also have never touched the stuff, in fact I have never even seen it, and don't want to.

I can go on to you and leopold you to clearly havent dine your research and listen to all the crap the government puts out as fact and do littly to question it
Ah yes, pantheons of science news those last two are.

What I'm actually most interested in though is your claims about Montana.
I have never smoked in my life, and would never.

But i would suggest its right to be illegal, but it should not be a prison offence harming yourself. Brain is a lens, and alot of people can go through very bad things opening up things they were not ready for.
I lived in Alaska during a time when although it was still illegal, due to some laws that saw the right to privacy more important than enforcement for Marijuana offenses and as long as you only had an amount for personal use only you weren't hassled, I can't remember if it was actually legal to have a small amount but I do know a lot of people smoked it, teen and adults. I never knew anyone to have any medical issues from it, the only notable effect of heavy use was being really vague. Then again we were kids then, this was the 70's, and it was probably due to us being young and healthy. smoking weed actually doesn't necessarily make you docile though, we did a lot of things we shouldn't have when we were high, but nothing towards another person, all of it was directed at destroying stuff because it was funny then. I tried alcohol, cigarettes and some marijuana as a teen, as an adult I don't do any of that and if I had to choose a vice people could do, I would rather it be pot instead of alcohol or cigarettes. Since I think people should be able to do what they want to their body though I think most drugs should be legal, this has the added effect of destroying some if not all of the black market, control is much easier and has the advantage of revenue generation. you can't ever totally get rid of the criminal element but you can at least minimize it to a point. Of course this is just my experience and opinion on it.
The problem is that it impairs your judgment which can lead to many problems as alcohol does. Being impaired while operating on someone, a dentist drilling your teeth or a pilot flying a plane are some examples which come to mind as very serious problems could occur. How about driving a car or a police officer, that could be dangerous. While it isn't as bad as alcohol it has similar reactions when you smoke it, you get stoned. What ages should be allowed to smoke it?