Marian Catholicism: The Last Living Religion

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Marianism: The Last Living Religion

If one thinks of a Living ‘Religion as one with ongoing Divine Revelations, then Marian Catholicism is the last Religion standing.

Islam died practically on the day of its birth. Mohamed -- what was he thinking, when he issued the declaration that he would be the last voice ever from God. Was his pride so enormous that his ambition could not be assuaged unless he had the World and all futurity chanting prayerfully that he was the last and the greatest of all Prophets. But certainly we see the tracks of Human Fallibility in this, and not the Dictates of a Divine Plan. What Providential God could simply abandon Humanity to last words so unpersuasive in themselves that they would need the recommendation of The Sword before anybody would bother to accept them. And what kind of “Greatest” Prophet would be a loser of a War and cravenly settle for peace with God’s enemies, selling his faithful followers into idolatry – to this day the Faithful of Mohamed are still contracted by the terms of an ancient peace treaty to routinely bow idolatrously to a Big Black Rock in Mecca. Mohamed saved what was left of a short ignoble life with a deal that sold the posterity of his People into a perpetual Sin. Mohamed praised martyrs to the Sky, but it was a virtue he himself carefully shunned. Surely there must be prophets greater then THAT. And there NEEDS to be a Prophet greater then that – to lead his People out of the blasphemous behavior he lead them into. But it will never happen with the existing constraints of that Dead Religion which refuses to hear any future and further Voice of God.

Christianity, as distinct from Catholicism – a distinction which the ‘Christians’ insist upon, is also a Suicidal Religion – a Religion that is Dead by its own intent. Paul, who dismissed the Teachings of Christ in order to formulate his own Religion, albeit co-opting the Name of Christ because his own name meant nothing, … he indoctrinated his congregations to believe only himself – that ‘Righteous Apostles were evil tempters, and even Angels of Light were demons’. Obeying the injunctions of Paul, no ‘Christian’ could ever believe anything ever again. I know that even Christ warned of False Prophets – thus we know about Paul – but Christ gave certain criteria for knowing the True from the False. Paul simply stated that the better a person’s spiritual credentials, or the more Divine an Apparition appeared, then the more likely it was that it was actually Evil. Paul was effectively trying to preclude any attention being given to genuine Divine Revelation, in order to protect his own invented Gospel. The Council of Nicea would second his intent by declaring a final limit to what would be considered the Depository of Faith.

Thank God that there were elements in the Church that had the instinct for Life. A loophole was found for new Divine Revelation. The Church would call New Prophecy by the name of Private Revelation. It would be investigated and approved or rejected. Where approved instances of Private Revelation would influence Church Teachings and Doctrines. The ‘Lid’ on the Depository of Faith, placed by the dead and haunting hand of Paul, would not be allowed to hold. The New Revelation would be from the Christ-like Saints who proved their words with Miracles, and from the Miraculous Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. While every other World Religion is dead, any and every Catholic may reasonably expect a new Divine Revelation on any day of the week, and twice on every Feast Day.
an ignorant person does not change his view's, to suit the fact's.
but change's the fact's, to suit his view's.

I did warn you that you would be ridiculed, and on all your post's, you have.
and now everybody else is bad, but you are good, for pity sake leo, sort yourself out.

oh and let's clarify something, while we are here.
you said to someone, that you were old and learned.
well can you prove that, I could be 2 or 102 you would not know, I could be quoting from book's as you are. making myself look older and wiser. but how you fall down is the angel on my shoulder thing. it make's you appear childish and immature.
What is marian catholicism ?

If it has anything to do with Mary, mother of Jesus is deified ?
mustafhakofi said:
an ignorant person does not change his view's, to suit the fact's.
but change's the fact's, to suit his view's.

I did warn you that you would be ridiculed, and on all your post's, you have.
and now everybody else is bad, but you are good, for pity sake leo, sort yourself out.

oh and let's clarify something, while we are here.
you said to someone, that you were old and learned.
well can you prove that, I could be 2 or 102 you would not know, I could be quoting from book's as you are. making myself look older and wiser. but how you fall down is the angel on my shoulder thing. it make's you appear childish and immature.

You can cry and complain, but you can't seem to make an argument.
b0urgeoisie said:
there is more than one religion that claims to have a living prophet.

Marian Catholicism and Hinduism have had recent Saints. However, at this moment I am rather at a loss. I myself was told by Angels in my Dreams that the Three Religions were now in the midst of a Spiritual Drought. I was shown that plans are now being implemented to relieve this Drought. I was invited to do whatever I could to help, but we can all see how little good I can do.
everneo said:
What is marian catholicism ?

If it has anything to do with Mary, mother of Jesus is deified ?

Christ had foretold that His Church -- His 'Field of Wheat' -- would be infiltrated with Weeds. The Weeds are the Bishops who support Teachings traceable to Paul who was the Antichrist of prophecy.

But from the very beginning of the Church Mary has exercised Her influence to offset and defeat the Evil that would be implemented by the Bishops.... well not all Bishops, as a few have been Marian. The present Pope is a Marian. But, by and large, the Church is split between the Marians and the Paulists.

Marians understand that Mary was Crowned Queen of Heaven by God Himself and that She has been authorized and delegated to be Dispensor of All Grace.
b0urgeoisie said:
Leo when was the last book of scripture written and by whom?

"My Life" by Willian J. Clinton.

I was thinking the other day that we could use a New Bible for this New Age approaching, but then it occured to me... not a Book, but a complete Library. Every Saint deserves his own set of volumes. What intellect could not benefit by the detailed study of any Saint, and there have been hundreds of Saints. Catholic Saints. A smattering of Sufis who managed to get past their drug and sexual addictions. A slew of Sanskrit Saints (I refuse to differentiate between Hindu and Buddhist -- every Philosophy that came out of India is just a different mix from the rich cornucopia [horn of plenty] of Sanskrit Religious Tradition).

The fantacy that one small book can do it all has a great appeal to the constitutionally lazy, but a large effectively endless Spiritual Library would have more fascination for the more ambitious intellectuals. Take it from an Old Man -- you can get tired reading the same old Book... though I need to recommend to Protestants who swear that the Bible is All and Sufficient, that they really do need to read it at least once, and carefully. Within the Bible is the key that will set them Free... from the Bible.
leo volont said:
“ Originally Posted by mustafhakofi
an ignorant person does not change his view's, to suit the fact's.
but change's the fact's, to suit his view's.

I did warn you that you would be ridiculed, and on all your post's, you have.
and now everybody else is bad, but you are good, for pity sake leo, sort yourself out.

oh and let's clarify something, while we are here.
you said to someone, that you were old and learned.
well can you prove that, I could be 2 or 102 you would not know, I could be quoting from book's as you are. making myself look older and wiser. but how you fall down is the angel on my shoulder thing. it make's you appear childish and immature. ”

You can cry and complain, but you can't seem to make an argument.

I dont see any tears or any argument, just statement's of fact leo.
as she said, do make an effort to sort yourself out, that answer is very immature.
pavlosmarcos said:
I dont see any tears or any argument, just statement's of fact leo.
as she said, do make an effort to sort yourself out, that answer is very immature.

What facts? Whining and Crying are now facts.

Where are your arguments.

I wrote an essay and all I get in response is whining and crying.
Leo Volont said:
What facts? Whining and Crying are now facts.

Where are your arguments.

I wrote an essay and all I get in response is whining and crying.
She stated a fact. Would you rather her reaction be screaming and running in terror as she tears her eyes out? Or were you expecting adulation as a response?
Marian Catholics do not believe in different doctrines that other catholics(although most see certain passages such as Revelation 12 as refering to Mary.

If they believe in different doctrines, they would no longer be Catholic. Thus it's a matter of practice and prayer and that differentiates them from other catholics, although non-marian Catholics also say rosaries.
Bells said:
She stated a fact. Would you rather her reaction be screaming and running in terror as she tears her eyes out? Or were you expecting adulation as a response?

Revelation does not require logical demonstrations. Logical Demonstrations is what Paul offered in his silly blasphemous letters, and for that reason we know that they are worthless as instances of a pure Divine Revelation.

Yes, 'adulation' would be more respectful then the non-aplicable comments I have been getting. Or even an essay in exchange for an essay would be nicer.
okinrus said:
Marian Catholics do not believe in different doctrines that other catholics...If they believe in different doctrines, they would no longer be Catholic.

This is the Bishops argument for conformity. Yes, in times past occasionally the Bishops would attempt to enforce such orthodoxy with threats of excommunication and whatnot. But now the Marians have the Bishops backed into a corner. With the Catholic Church losing ground in every other way, even the most foolish Bishop would not toss out half-again what remains of the Membership of the Church. You see, the Bishops are not blind. They must know that they are out numbered or at least overwhelmed by the Marians.

Also, the Bishops are at a Spiritual disadvantage when it comes to acting upon their beliefs, when it comes to expelling the Marians for Theological Heterodoxy. The Bishops have become secular minded, masonic, material and political. I suppose that is better then being a staunch believer in Paul, who, yes, was and is the Antichrist. But being effective atheists you can see that to them it hardly matters anymore what 'Catholics' believe in as long as they continue to pay their dues -- which is what Peter said of Paul when it was first bought out that he was teaching a new and dangerous set of doctrines -- "let him say what he wants while he still gives us his Charity". Nowadays it is the Marians who can say what we want.

My Priest knows all about me. I go to Confession. I am absolved. I take Holy Communion. I cross myself whenever I go 'up to bat'. Oh, I am a Catholic alright... you can believe it.
would be more respectful then the non-aplicable comments I have been getting.

if all that you give is non-applicable then what do you expect.
I E: you cant quote from, your dream's as fact.
I E: you cant quote from, the angel's that you say are talking to you.
I E: you cant quote that, inanimate objects have spoken to you or other's.
you might get people to take more notice, if you omited the above remark's
I E: and you certainly cant condemn everybody else, and not allow other's to condemn you, can you.
If you dont like the heat Leo, get out of the kitchen.
pavlosmarcos said:
if all that you give is non-applicable then what do you expect.
I E: you cant quote from, your dream's as fact.
I E: you cant quote from, the angel's that you say are talking to you.
I E: you cant quote that, inanimate objects have spoken to you or other's.
you might get people to take more notice, if you omited the above remark's
I E: and you certainly cant condemn everybody else, and not allow other's to condemn you, can you.
If you dont like the heat Leo, get out of the kitchen.

Again, just a bunch of moaning and groaning. At least I present ideas. How much better then just bellyaching.

Oh, yes, I can sympathize with you. You went through all the trouble to read four or five books and now I come along and seem to imply that they are stupid and meaningless. So ofcourse your natural response would be to cry and claim I'm not following the procedures laid down by you and everyone else who thinks they know everything becaus they all read the same five books.

But honestly, get real. The whole idea of True Spirituality is to develope a Faculty of True Discernment which ecllipses your silly books.

In the Upanisads it is said that for a True Sage who finds the Truth, everywhere there is a Flood while the Vedas were only a drop. The 'Vedas' are what we can call Scripture and Established Formal Learning.

So you will have to forgive me if I smile at your straining to thumb your way through whatever Vedas you use as your crutch. I have The Truth!
Leo Volont said:
Marianism: The Last Living Religion

If one thinks of a Living ‘Religion as one with ongoing Divine Revelations, then Marian Catholicism is the last Religion standing.
M*W: Leo, your devotion to the BVM is impressive. I am on the same wavelink, but I believe the one true Mary is Mary Magdalene. Scholars today believe MM wrote the Gospel of John and Revelations. They say MM is the woman who is referred to in the Bible where credit has been given to the BVM.

In the great art works of history, they tell the truth about MM and the BVM. Where one sees who they think of as the BVM is really MM! Next time you go to a gallery, think about this. After all, MM was more intimate with Jesus than his mother, the BVM. MM was the greatest apostle of Jesus. His mother was not. In fact, Jesus didn't have a very good relationship with the BVM or Joseph. It's more likely that all the Bible stories of the BVM, especially in Revelations, prove to be MM. MM was the woman who gives birth that the dragon eats (or however the story goes). Seven heads refers to the South of France or Septimania where there are seven regions.

If you would like to learn more about this, check out

There is a wealth of information on the one and only true Mary, and by god, it makes a whole lot of sense!

Christianity, as distinct from Catholicism – a distinction which the ‘Christians’ insist upon, is also a Suicidal Religion – a Religion that is Dead by its own intent. Paul, who dismissed the Teachings of Christ in order to formulate his own Religion, albeit co-opting the Name of Christ because his own name meant nothing, … he indoctrinated his congregations to believe only himself – that ‘Righteous Apostles were evil tempters, and even Angels of Light were demons’. Obeying the injunctions of Paul, no ‘Christian’ could ever believe anything ever again. I know that even Christ warned of False Prophets – thus we know about Paul – but Christ gave certain criteria for knowing the True from the False. Paul simply stated that the better a person’s spiritual credentials, or the more Divine an Apparition appeared, then the more likely it was that it was actually Evil. Paul was effectively trying to preclude any attention being given to genuine Divine Revelation, in order to protect his own invented Gospel. The Council of Nicea would second his intent by declaring a final limit to what would be considered the Depository of Faith.
M*W: I agree with everything you say about the Antichrist Paul.

Thank God that there were elements in the Church that had the instinct for Life. A loophole was found for new Divine Revelation. The Church would call New Prophecy by the name of Private Revelation. It would be investigated and approved or rejected. Where approved instances of Private Revelation would influence Church Teachings and Doctrines. The ‘Lid’ on the Depository of Faith, placed by the dead and haunting hand of Paul, would not be allowed to hold. The New Revelation would be from the Christ-like Saints who proved their words with Miracles, and from the Miraculous Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. While every other World Religion is dead, any and every Catholic may reasonably expect a new Divine Revelation on any day of the week, and twice on every Feast Day.
M*W: If Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was "blessed," then MM, the wife of Jesus, was "blessed," too! There is so much we dont' know about MM, but the lost texts (gospels) of MM, Thomas, Thecla, and Philip, et al., have been found and translated. Peter didn't like MM. He did everything he could to "destroy" her importance with Jesus. To Jesus, MM was the greatest apostle!

From everything I've read and researched, I'm beginning to think that it was MM, herself, who was the Messiah! A woman creates -- a man destroys. MM was mother to all. Jesus was father to some. The blessed virgin Mary is none other than Mary Magdalene! By the way, "virgin" means "young woman." It had nothing to do with purity or chastity 2000 years ago!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: If Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was "blessed," then MM, the wife of Jesus, was "blessed," too! There is so much we dont' know about MM, but the lost texts (gospels) of MM, Thomas, Thecla, and Philip, et al., have been found and translated. Peter didn't like MM. He did everything he could to "destroy" her importance with Jesus. To Jesus, MM was the greatest apostle!

From everything I've read and researched, I'm beginning to think that it was MM, herself, who was the Messiah! A woman creates -- a man destroys. MM was mother to all. Jesus was father to some. The blessed virgin Mary is none other than Mary Magdalene! By the way, "virgin" means "young woman." It had nothing to do with purity or chastity 2000 years ago!

No. Most of what you here about Mary Magdalan and all this talk that Jesus Christ was carnal and throbbing for Mary Magdalan because she was slutty and hot -- it is all a lie to discredit Catholicism. It is an invention of Mason and Jews.

You say you are a Woman. Are you also a mother. If you were a parent you would never make the mistake of supposing that anybody can every love your child more than you love it. Look at our own Times -- the majority of marriages which have their beginnings in the most intense Romantic Love mostly tend to end in hatred and divorce. But how many Mothers hate their children?

Christ's last concerns were for His Mother. We find no solicitude from the Cross for Mary Magdalan the Party Girl.

Have you ever read "The Life of Christ" by Anne Catherine Emmerich in four volumes published by Tan Books (but get it through Barnes and Nobles to save delays). No other work give a more complete look at the dynamics of the Relationship between Christ and Mary Magdalan.

Actually the more fascinating relationship was with the Sister who was not mentioned by any of the Gospels. Lazarus, Martha and Mary Magdalan had a crazy sister. Her mind never came down to touch the things of the World. The only coherent conversations she ever had were with Jesus, who seemed to be able to coincide with her subjective delusions. As she picked up on the extreme hatred of the Jews for Christ, and that they would murder him, the pain and anguish of it stiffled her ability to hold down food and she wasted away and died.

Oh, by the way, Mary Magdalan, Martha, and the Crazy Sister, who was called Mary the Silent were not entirely Jewish. Their Father was one of the Alexandrian Greek Generals who garrisoned the Holy Land before Rome took over the Administration of Judah. So his children, Lazarus, Martha, and Mary Magdalan were very very wealthy, but not ethnically Jewish. Being of Northern Balkan Penisula it was entirely possible that Mary Magdalan was blond with blue eyes.... just as Cleopatra may have been.

Yes, although Mary Magalan became the personification of sincere penance, it was largely because she had much to be penitant for. Her devotion oscillated back and forth as she found it difficult to give up partying. It is hardly appropriate to even suggest a comparison between her and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Afterall, The Blessed Virgin Mary is the Queen of Heaven. Can you tell me the last time Mary Magdalan had the interest or the wherewithall to intercede on anyone's behalf? Greatness is as Greatness does. Now her Fame is mostly being used to discredit The Church and turn Christ into an ordinary Playboy with a hardon. If Mary Magdalan indeed had any Spiritual Authority, she would have prevented this, no?
Leo Volont said:
Again, just a bunch of moaning and groaning. At least I present ideas. How much better then just moaning and groaning or bellyaching from this side, but plenty from you.

Oh, yes, I can sympathize with you. You went through all the trouble to read four or five books and now I come along and seem to imply that they are stupid and meaningless. So of course your natural response would be to cry and claim I'm not following the procedures laid down by you and everyone else who thinks they know everything becaus they all read the same five books. your not implying any book's of mine are stupid or meaningless, I am an atheist there are no religious book's I believe in

But honestly, get real. The whole idea of True Spirituality is to develope a Faculty of True Discernment which ecllipses your silly the whole idea of true discernment is atheism, which I agree eclipses all religious books.

In the Upanisads it is said that for a True Sage who finds the Truth, everywhere there is a Flood while the Vedas were only a drop. The 'Vedas' are what we can call Scripture and Established Formal Learning. sorry you cant find the truth in any kind of scripture,therefore you learning is flawed
So you will have to forgive me if I smile at your straining to thumb your way through whatever Vedas you use as your crutch. I have The Truth!if it's written in scripture then it is just hearsay and not fact, just like your dream's and visions and your conversations with devil's/angels/demons.

now I hope this clarify's my possition Leo, you might get some clarity of thought now