Mansfield helicopter ufo incident

Right...just don't mind the 60 ft cigar-shaped craft hovering right above and shooting a green beam of light at the helicopter.
Wait wait..

60 feet?

Who was piloting it? Midgets?
Windows OVER the pilot's seats. Not the windshield..
Let me see if I have this..

The helicopter pilots saw a green light flash into the cabin from above, from an object that was apparently flying ahead and above them

"It looked like we were going to collide with it and we braced for impact, and then I heard the crewmen in the back say, 'Look up!' and I observed this craft stopped directly in front of us -- stopped -- it was hovering, right over the helicopter!"

And the windows that sit directly over the pilot's seat is green..

Also this from the ground witnesses:

"After the red-lighted object stopped, the green light flared up. "When we got out, everything was green. I saw that thing and the helicopter." The witnesses agreed that the helicopter was green "because of the light from the thing up above... It was so bright that you couldn't see too far. Everything was green. The trees, the car, everything."
I take it they did not witness the same thing at the same time as the helicopter pilots?

Because everything you have posted from those on the ground have advised that it happened during the day time, what with the object reflecting the sunlight and another who advised that he saw it in the light of a setting sun. The helicopter incident was at what? 11:00pm at night?

Are you conflating the two when they are clearly not related? Or are these completely different ground eyewitnesses? Because what they are telling does not match up to your 'ground witnesses' that you posted earlier.

Also, do you have a link for where that quote came from?
For anyone interested in a balanced view on the incident I suggest chapter 16 of Philip Klass's book UFOs: The Public Deceived (Prometheus Press, 1983).
From the skeptic website regarding this ufo encounter:

You keep posting quotes from people and websites without posting any links. Provide a link to that quote and other ones in this thread that you have failed to link to. Something something about plagiarism applies here, MR.
Because everything you have posted from those on the ground have advised that it happened during the day time, what with the object reflecting the sunlight and another who advised that he saw it in the light of a setting sun. The helicopter incident was at what? 11:00pm at night?

Not the mother and her 4 kids that saw it and got out of the car to watch. Here's their whole account:

"At about 11:00 p.m., Mrs. Erma C. and four children were returning from Mansfield to their rural home southeast of town. As they drove south on Laver Road, they noticed a bright red light flying south. She turned the car eastward and continued on across the Charles Mill Reservoir, a distance of 3.6 miles, covered in about 5 minutes.

..Drawing of the ground observation by investigators
At this point they saw to the east a red and green light, moving together, coming down rapidly toward them. At first they assumed it was a low-flying light plane, but changed their minds almost immediately. The red was too bright, especially compared to the green. They could not see any shape or, at first, hear any sound. When they stopped the car and got out to look, they heard the typical sounds of a helicopter. As they watched, the red light and the helicopter converged.


Drawing by Curt, aged 10, who saw the object from the ground
After the red-lighted object stopped, the green light flared up. "When we got out, everything was green. I saw that thing and the helicopter." The witnesses agreed that the helicopter was green "because of the light from the thing up above... It was so bright that you couldn't see too far. Everything was green. The trees, the car, everything."


Drawing by Camille, aged 11, who saw the object from the ground
The helicopter with the other object above and slightly ahead of it moved in tandem from southwest to northeast. Suddenly the green light went out and the object was gone. "When the light went out you couldn't see the object. And then the helicopter went northeast. Then we got back in the car and went on, and saw it [the helicopter] fly out over the lake."


Jeanne Elias, 44, was watching the news at her home southeast of Mansfield just after 11:00 p.m. She recognized the sound of an Army helicopter approaching so loud and near that she feared it was going to crash into the house. The sound persisted for "a long time," and when it was over her son John, 14, called out from his room. He had been awakened by the sound, and then had observed a bright green light that lit up the bedroom. The light persisted long enough for him to realize that "there must be some kind of object right above the house, because it was coming in so heavy in my room."

Investigator Jennie Zeidman conducted a time-line analysis, second-by-second, showing that the object was continuously in view of the helicopter crew for at least five minutes. This duration and the witness descriptions both from the helicopter and the ground rules out the object being a meteor,"
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You keep posting quotes from people and websites without posting any links. Provide a link to that quote and other ones in this thread that you have failed to link to. Something something about plagiarism applies here, MR.

The link was posted already. Here it is again for those who can't keep up with the thread:

Curiously, both Dywywddr and Kittamaru quote from that website without posting links. Why aren't they being accused of plagiarism as well?
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That would be a complete lie on your part. Unless, of course, you have evidence.

See your post #24.

I take that back. I see we have to mouse over the quote to find the link. I guess hidden links are fine then. Kittamaru's quotes hide no links though. I guess mods can do it but members can't.
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And yet, somehow, you managed to discover that I'd used exactly the same method of linking in posts ##33 and #36 but decided that #24 was an exception?

I didn't know those were links either. Well except for the Swords quote. As a matter of habit, I don't mouse over posts. I guess I'll have to start doin that, at least with your posts.
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I didn't know those were links either. Well except for the Swords quote. As a matter of habit, I don't mouse over posts. I guess I'll have to start doin that, at least with your posts.
So, one (of three) of my quotes you knew (discovered) was linked directly but you (for some reason) decided not to check on the others before making the accusation BUT also decided to only call attention to one of the other two?
Tell me, what passes for rationality in your mind?
(Don't bother answering that - I've seen examples in your posts).
So, one (of three) of my quotes you knew (discovered) was linked directly but you (for some reason) decided not to check on the others before making the accusation BUT also decided to only call attention to one of the other two?
Tell me, what passes for rationality in your mind?
(Don't bother answering that - I've seen examples in your posts).

Flaming me now for not mousing over all your posts? Why don't you run along now? Methinks this ufo thread is taxing you abit too much.
Flaming me now for not mousing over all your posts?
Nope. I'm simply noting that - as you've managed to do with the entire subject of this thread - you made your mind up first, then made a claim/ accusation[1] and didn't bother checking that you were in fact correct.

1 An accusation which you haven't even had the decency to apologise for. C'est la vie....
Nope. I'm simply noting that - as you've managed to do with the entire subject of this thread - you made your mind up first, then made a claim/ accusation[1] and didn't bother checking that you were in fact correct.

1 An accusation which you haven't even had the decency to apologise for. C'est la vie....

Oh fuck'n well...Geeze, it must be hell for anyone who lives with you.