Mansfield helicopter ufo incident

He guessed it was traveling at least 500 knots, twice the speed of his Huey.
The official world record (achieved in 2013) is 255 kn.
If they can overestimate the speed of their own helicopter by a factor of more than two (a UH-1's VNE[1] is 120 kn) I wonder how reliable the rest of the given speeds/ distances (not to mention other details) are...

1 Should be written V with the subscript NE - the Never Exceed speed (above that speed there's excessive buffet from the rotors).
He said the ufo was traveling about 600 knots, not his own helicopter.

Whoever is documenting this wrote:

In the section labeled October 18, 2003
Jezzi isn't sure what he saw. It was like no aircraft he'd ever seen. He guessed it was traveling at least 500 knots, twice the speed of his Huey.

and again, in the section labeled News Journal, Ohio, USA, on Saturday, October 18, 2003
Jezzi isn't sure what he saw. It was like no aircraft he'd ever seen. He guessed it was traveling at least 500 knots, twice the speed of his Huey.

So either Jezzi claimed that "at least 500 knots" was "twice the speed of his Huey (which, as Dywyddyr points out, has a top speed of 120 knots), which makes him suspect in not knowing the maximum safe speed of his own aircraft
the person recording this is adding content that wasn't said, which makes him suspect in not reporting truthfully (embellishment).

EDIT, since apparently Magical Realist isn't capable of figuring out when I am citing his own reference without it being pointed out, as per his comment here:
Curiously, both Dywywddr and Kittamaru quote from that website without posting links. Why aren't they being accused of plagiarism as well?

The above referenced quotes are from this link:

Which MR provided in post #23 here:
There's pics of a 1973 Army helicopter on this site. I don't see any green tint on the windshield.
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Whoever is documenting this wrote:

In the section labeled October 18, 2003
Jezzi isn't sure what he saw. It was like no aircraft he'd ever seen. He guessed it was traveling at least 500 knots, twice the speed of his Huey.

and again, in the section labeled News Journal, Ohio, USA, on Saturday, October 18, 2003
Jezzi isn't sure what he saw. It was like no aircraft he'd ever seen. He guessed it was traveling at least 500 knots, twice the speed of his Huey.

So either Jezzi claimed that "at least 500 knots" was "twice the speed of his Huey (which, as Dywyddyr points out, has a top speed of 120 knots), which makes him suspect in not knowing the maximum safe speed of his own aircraft
the person recording this is adding content that wasn't said, which makes him suspect in not reporting truthfully (embellishment).

Sounds like a trifling nitpick to me. After reading this amazing experience, THAT's what stands out?
Sounds like a trifling nitpick to me. After reading this amazing experience, THAT's what stands out?
Agree nitpicking. Disagree trifling

It's a pretty good enormous nit to pick at

I note you did not rebut the trifling nit. You only pointed out the trifliness of the nit and tried to divert attention back to the rest of the amazing experience

What else have you got? Say in the current year 2017. Give it your 2017 best shot with some unambiguous facts figures and evidence - of the objective flavour

Sounds like a trifling nitpick to me. After reading this amazing experience, THAT's what stands out?

Trifling? Really? A supposed pilot not knowing the maximum safe velocity of his own aircraft is "trifling"? You... do understand what can happen to a helicopter that exceeds its maximum safe speed (much less exceeds it by almost double), right?

I recall you have had some... disagreements... with it in the past... but Physics is important.

So, after watching the video, you should be able to note - roughly 250MPH is the maximum safe speed for, essentially, any helicopter. That equates to about 217 knots. As Dywyddr pointed out, the Huey has a never exceed speed of about 120 (140MPH) knots, with a normal cruising speed of around 80 knots (about 92MPH).

So... 500 mph isn't "twice the speed of his Huey"... it's more than five times its speed during normal operations.

I'm sorry, but being off by more than double is not exactly a "trifle"...
Let me get this straight. The object was traveling at "500 knots", which is more than twice the best speed for a Huey. Is that correct?
Trifling? Really? A supposed pilot not knowing the maximum safe velocity of his own aircraft is "trifling"? You... do understand what can happen to a helicopter that exceeds its maximum safe speed (much less exceeds it by almost double), right?

I recall you have had some... disagreements... with it in the past... but Physics is important.

So, after watching the video, you should be able to note - roughly 250MPH is the maximum safe speed for, essentially, any helicopter. That equates to about 217 knots. As Dywyddr pointed out, the Huey has a never exceed speed of about 120 (140MPH) knots, with a normal cruising speed of around 80 knots (about 92MPH).

So... 500 mph isn't "twice the speed of his Huey"... it's more than five times its speed during normal operations.

I'm sorry, but being off by more than double is not exactly a "trifle"...
''s a trifle, and it shows me how desperate you skeptics are to distract from the compelling nature of this account. It's like this is all you've got to complain about. That tells me this is one of the best evidences for ufos I've posted yet. How does it feel to know that ufos are real now? Will life go on? goes on. But it just became a helluva alot more mysterious.
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Windows OVER the pilot's seats. Not the windshield..Also this from the ground witnesses:

"After the red-lighted object stopped, the green light flared up. "When we got out, everything was green. I saw that thing and the helicopter." The witnesses agreed that the helicopter was green "because of the light from the thing up above... It was so bright that you couldn't see too far. Everything was green. The trees, the car, everything."

And here's a description by the pilot:

"The object appeared solid, blotting out the stars behind it. It had a red light at the nose, a white light at the tail, and a distinctive green beam emanating from the lower part of the otherwise featureless "fuselage." The green beam swung up over the helicopter nose, through the windshield, and into the upper tinted window panels. The cockpit was bathed in intense green light. No noise or turbulence was noted."

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Investigation into these eyewitness claims showed that their tale was spurious. The helicopter was several miles away from where they claimed they had seen it, and their account sharply conflicted with that of the crew. (Link given in my post #33).
nvestigation into these eyewitness claims showed that their tale was spurious. The helicopter was several miles away from where they claimed they had seen it, and their account sharply conflicted with that of the crew. (Link given in my post #33).

LOL! If only..