Man Kills Child Molester

Could you kill someone who molested your child?

  • Yes, I think I could

    Votes: 29 78.4%
  • No, I don't think I could

    Votes: 8 21.6%

  • Total voters
no, i have insurance. I would make an ethica desion to CHOSE to hit the tree. Oh BTW that senario isnt as simple as you make out, for instance if you hit a pedestrian its ALWAYS your fault UNLESS they admit liability themselves. Trust me, its what PB does for a living

So your daughter is less important than your own revenge?

I have no sympathy for the father, its all for HER and all he is doing is making her a victom twice. Hes a coward

I think you missing my point a little.

The reason I used the dog analogy is because it may not be that the father was being selfish at all, it may have been a reaction that is not so easy to control.

Example being, no matter how much you are told to hit the dog, to avoid the at fault accident. You still swerve to miss the dog, I know I would because it would be my reaction to the event.

So, and this why crimes of passion are treated differently, you walk in on you 3 year old being molested. What is you immediate reaction ?

Now again, as things aren't always so simple, I agree that if he had found out about it later and had time to put things into perspective then the outcome could be different and that may be the case here.
its not a crime of passion. He had time to a) get a gun (how long did he leave her being abused while he did this i wonder?) b)put it to the back of the guys head c)match him out into a field and THEN pull the trigger.

A "crime of passion" (and the natural responce) would be to jump on him and start beating the crap out of him, that i could understand and accept and WOULD be "defense"

this senario though? it sounds more like an "honor killing" and do they have ANYTHING to do with the child or are they all about YOUR pride?

"he raped my daughter (you can actually substite wife in here as well), how dare he do that to ME" Has nothing to do with the girl, this attitude still has her as his PROPERTY.
there is a lovely senario similar to this in a book i was reading. (David eddings, polgara the sorceress, note this is a simplifide version, if your interested in the story read the book). Polgara gets tricked into leaving this family they are surposed to be protecting and belgrath gets a premintion which makes him run to them. He finds the guy they are surposed to be protecting them from has set there house on fire killing the mother and father but before they died they cut a hole in the house and pushed the baby out and the guy has snatched up the child. Begrath wants to kill this guy but he throws the baby at him. Insted of chasing him he catches the baby and takes polgara and the child to somewhere safe.

The point is that the CHILD comes first (as any parent should be able to tell you), what is she doing while hes matching the guy off to a field to kill him? Is she being protected? comferted? getting medical assistance?
its not a crime of passion. He had time to a) get a gun (how long did he leave her being abused while he did this i wonder?) b)put it to the back of the guys head c)match him out into a field and THEN pull the trigger.

And I was not referring to this case specifically, sorry if I wasn't clearer. I was referring to the "caught them in the act" scenario and how the reaction might not be logical but it would/could happen nonetheless.
In this case, the molester admitted to his mother what he had done. She called the 3 yr old's father and told him. The man beat him up and shot him.
...this senario though? it sounds more like an "honor killing" and do they have ANYTHING to do with the child or are they all about YOUR pride?

"he raped my daughter (you can actually substite wife in here as well), how dare he do that to ME" Has nothing to do with the girl, this attitude still has her as his PROPERTY.

Lord love a duck. :rolleyes:
A person rapes a child and you think a parent is gonna treat it as property???
so even longer time frame?

How has the father helped that child now hes in prison? because the LEAST sentance he will get is manslaughter and he could well be charged and convicted of premeditated murder. Hows they made the girls recovery easier?

as i said, the mans a coward
so even longer time frame?

How has the father helped that child now hes in prison? because the LEAST sentance he will get is manslaughter and he could well be charged and convicted of premeditated murder. Hows they made the girls recovery easier?

as i said, the mans a coward

a coward? Why, what is he afraid of?
the hard road, you think its easy actually helping someone whos been sexually assulted wether they are an adult OR a child? Its really easy to go out and kill someone but to provide that level of emotional surport?
In this case, the molester admitted to his mother what he had done. She called the 3 yr old's father and told him. The man beat him up and shot him.

If the father had been Asguard, he'd probably have thanked the molester for his honesty and let him go. Then he'd have gone inside to play games with his little girl ...and everyone would have lived happily everafter. :D

Baron Max
How do you know?
What makes you think its easier to kill someone and go to prison than it is to offer a 3 yr old child emotional support?
the hard road, you think its easy actually helping someone whos been sexually assulted wether they are an adult OR a child? Its really easy to go out and kill someone but to provide that level of emotional surport?

Yes, that molester needed lots of emothional support. I'm so glad that you thought of him so lovingly and compassionately. Asguard, you're a real trooper.

Baron Max
...The point is that the CHILD comes first (as any parent should be able to tell you), what is she doing while hes matching the guy off to a field to kill him? Is she being protected? comferted? getting medical assistance?

The child was with family. The father went off and killed the guy. Maybe the father was thinking long term and didn't want it to happen again. :shrug:
The child was with family. The father went off and killed the guy. Maybe the father was thinking long term and didn't want it to happen again. :shrug:

which just proves my point that he wasnt thinking about her needs in the slightest, only about himself
thats ok:) you make it so easy to dismiss yanks as gun toting rednecks:)

unfortunatly that means i have to keep reminding myself that your not ALL cletus from the simpsons, there are some of you who can count past 4 (tiassa for one)
A man found out his 3 yr old daughter had been molested. He took the molester out into a field and shot him in the head. He is now facing murder charges here in Michigan.

Would you ever be able to kill someone who molested your child?

There are interesting circumstances in this case, but I don't want to tell them quite yet.

OK, the interesting circumstances are.....
the molester was the man's own 15 yr old son, the 3 yr old little girl's brother.