Man Kills Child Molester

Could you kill someone who molested your child?

  • Yes, I think I could

    Votes: 29 78.4%
  • No, I don't think I could

    Votes: 8 21.6%

  • Total voters


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
A man found out his 3 yr old daughter had been molested. He took the molester out into a field and shot him in the head. He is now facing murder charges here in Michigan.

Would you ever be able to kill someone who molested your child?

There are interesting circumstances in this case, but I don't want to tell them quite yet.
No I would not . I leave the courts do their works . Also there is a huge difference between molestation and full intercourse .
so if he just sticks his fingers in her or puts his penis in her mouth, its better than him sticking his penis in her vagina? That kind of difference?
A man found out his 3 yr old daughter had been molested. He took the molester out into a field and shot him in the head. He is now facing murder charges here in Michigan.

Would you ever be able to kill someone who molested your child?

There are interesting circumstances in this case, but I don't want to tell them quite yet.

The evidence would have to be such that there would be no doubt, but in that case then yes I would. Problem being what would that evidence be.

For example, if I walked in on the molester in the act. In which case I would do it right then and there.

I do not get people who think it is ok to forgive them. I just don't get that and the problem with jail is they will get out and will do it again.

So this guy may have prevented him from ever doing to someone elses 3 year old and who knows how many he molested before this one.
The courts are there to judge people's criminal activities and not Joe and Jane by vigilante actions .
I will not kill anyone unless it was absolutely necessary to protect someone very close to me (my child, my wife, my parents)
The courts are there to judge people's criminal activities and not Joe and Jane by vigilante actions .

I agree, but they also look and consider crimes of passion.

They also haven't been doing a good enough job of keeping the criminals off the streets and that is a discussion we need to have sooner than later, the money it will take and the change in drug laws etc to make sure the nuts stay in prison.
A man found out his 3 yr old daughter had been molested. He took the molester out into a field and shot him in the head. He is now facing murder charges here in Michigan.

Would you ever be able to kill someone who molested your child?
Unless you've been their you would be guessing in the wind to answer such a question. A cold blooded killing seems unlikely, unless I saw that the person was going to get away with it and keep getting away with it. A hot blooded killing of the person seems possible. But hell, I'd rather let the courts deal with it, than have the kid lose a parent too.
No I would not . I leave the courts do their works . Also there is a huge difference between molestation and full intercourse .
Abuse doesn't work mathematically. Non intercourse abuse could be far worse than intercourse abuse. There are many factors. Sometimes the sexual activity is manipulated and done 'gently', sometimes force and terror and threats are used. Physical pain can vary wildly. Etc.
If there was no doubt that the guy had done it, sure.

Otherwise, no. What if the guy was actually innocent??
no, how have you helped the girl if your in jail for the rest of your life? you catch him in the act then it will be really easy to convict him. better he goes to jail and you help her than satisfy your OWN needs
Don't know. I don't have a child so I'm not sure how'd I'd react. I know my dad would have if someone did it to me though. That's why I don't mention all the stupid crap men have done to me cause I already know he'd do something crazy like that. When I was 2 he pushed some guy who picked me up over a fence into a ditch.
put it this way, you have a gun on the guys head. hes not going ANYWHERE, the cops come, they do a rape kit on the kid, you tell the police what happened, that guy is GOING to jail. So how have you "protected her" by killing him? you havent, all you have done is vent your own feelings and now she not only has been sexually assulted and has to deal with that, she now has to deal with the fact that her father is a murderer and because of her age she is probably going to belive its her OWN fault. How is that being a good parent?
no, how have you helped the girl if your in jail for the rest of your life? you catch him in the act then it will be really easy to convict him. better he goes to jail and you help her than satisfy your OWN needs

Logically yes.

But it's like saying hit the dog in the road don't swerve and hit the tree.

The dog walks off and then it's an accident for you. If you hit the dog, no at fault accident.

But how many people would actually just hit the dog ?

So in that moment when you walk in a catch him, what is your state of mind ?
if you cant think past your own testostrone you shouldnt be having kids and that goes for men AND women
no, how have you helped the girl if your in jail for the rest of your life? you catch him in the act then it will be really easy to convict him. better he goes to jail and you help her than satisfy your OWN needs

Agreed and nicely said too .......:) .
put it this way, you have a gun on the guys head. hes not going ANYWHERE, the cops come, they do a rape kit on the kid, you tell the police what happened, that guy is GOING to jail. So how have you "protected her" by killing him? you havent, all you have done is vent your own feelings and now she not only has been sexually assulted and has to deal with that, she now has to deal with the fact that her father is a murderer and because of her age she is probably going to belive its her OWN fault. How is that being a good parent?

Like all things, they never are as simple as first thought.

Just to play devils advocate.

What about all of the kids that won't get molested once this guy gets out ?

It's likely that he wouldn't get the amount of time due to the crime being of passion.

Not sure about the last part, depends on the rest of her support system, mom, sisters, extended family, do they present it in such a way that she would understand it is not her fault at all. That should be manageable.
no, i have insurance. I would make an ethica desion to CHOSE to hit the tree. Oh BTW that senario isnt as simple as you make out, for instance if you hit a pedestrian its ALWAYS your fault UNLESS they admit liability themselves. Trust me, its what PB does for a living

Like all things, they never are as simple as first thought.

Just to play devils advocate.

What about all of the kids that won't get molested once this guy gets out ?

It's likely that he wouldn't get the amount of time due to the crime being of passion.

Not sure about the last part, depends on the rest of her support system, mom, sisters, extended family, do they present it in such a way that she would understand it is not her fault at all. That should be manageable.

So your daughter is less important than your own revenge?

I have no sympathy for the father, its all for HER and all he is doing is making her a victom twice. Hes a coward
I've been wrestling this question in my head for quite some time.

I'd certainly beat the hell out of him. But would I kill him is another scenario.

If i'd caught him red handed and he was trialed and not convicted then the idea of murdering him would certainly be in my head.