Man is de-evolving

It is an empirical truth, and maxim of evolution, that higher order life forms can only evolve from lower order life forms, and a higher order life forms never evolve into lower order life forms. Agreed?

Not agreed. To begin with the idea that one life form is higher is unfounded. A life form evolves to fit its niche. If conditions remain stable then something like a shark ( that has not much changed for 60 million years) is perfectly fine. The shark fits. If conditions changed the the shark would evolve. Variations in DNA might give the shark (as a species) an advantage. Natural selection determines that advantage is more offspring. But there is certainly no "direction", and there is no reason why an earlier, more primitive gene pool might not be to the species advantage.
The common man discredits the source of Truth with insult and innuendo. The truly wise topple armies with the pen.


And the certifiable think they are truely wise. Many of these posters can get you to the station for the clue train, will you be ready to get on board?